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Everything posted by Lostelle

  1. Hardest: Samson Shade (pre-field) Easiest: Corey (bug gym leader) Julia Aya *does anyone think Shade is easier with the new field? I used it more to my advantage than he did, I beat him first time as before I needed MULTIPLE attempts..
  2. I did as well, but didn't get Drought, so I didn't bother resetting and beating the thing again. I lead with a Glameow, used Fake Out, had to rely on it missing a move, or using automotize, which it did. Then, I hit with hyponosis. Then I switched to (previous evo of greninja) and water pulse confused it, then switched to haryama and proceeded to vital throw. It did require like 3 times of it hitting itself, but still.
  3. I'm really trying to use underused things. I did want to use Vulpix but I was not aware the mechanics of getting one has changed, (fkn klinklang) so I decided to use something else for a bit.
  4. I know for a fact I want to use Haryama, I've never used one before. Thanks, I did catch a Thick Fat one, Sassy nature. Not the best, but definitely decent.
  5. I was thinking about using a Makuhita in my next playthrough, and I'm not sure what's the best ability. I know Thick Fat would come helpful a LOT later on, but Sheer Force and Guts are definitely good to have. Thoughts? *currently @ Noel, can't beat him, but every other playthrough I beat him first time every time.. fml
  6. I was VERY lucky, I found it my first rock I mined into, just SR in front of a mining rock, yeeah.
  7. Lostelle


    Does anyone know how to get the Espurr in the house that Gothia/Ralts used to be in? When I speak to it, it just says "it's too traumatized to realize your presence."
  8. I used a Rain Dance strategy, (original, right?) with a thick-fat Walrein, Speed Boost Sharpedo, and an Earthquake Golurk.
  9. I've got it, thanks all who helped.
  10. I didn't do the puzzle at north, is my problem ..
  11. So, I continue through Ametrine mountain? I'm really bad at understanding things.. :/
  12. Yeah that's what I'm trying to do, but I can't figure out the puzzle..
  13. So there's a 3rd exit in the mountain? Thanks, gotta find it.
  14. If I didn't do the upper puzzle on Route 2, am I screwed?
  15. No, I'm not stuck, I can easily get out of here, I just not know if I'm not going back to the right way.. anyone? :c
  16. Well, I've successfully defeated Charlotte, and I don't really have much left to do in the area. I'm confused and I'm not sure whatsoever on how to get back to the city, as I said. Some help or tips would be GREATLY appreciated. Not sure if I'm supposed to go back this way, but I did: Thanks in advance.
  17. 27:44 after the third gym. Trained a lot after the 1st gym..
  18. I had a problem as well, though I only needed a Scrafty and Crobat, I used Crunch throughout the battle, when Chandelure came up as stated above it easily is 2 Hit KO'd by an Acrobatics.
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