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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by luis15

  1. luis15

    New stuff in 10.5

    sorry to ask i know its listed but how do you get the rose incense do you have to buy it there because when i click to talk with the sellor nothing happens
  2. luis15

    New stuff in 10.5

    i can confirm that pixie plate is in i just got one by mining
  3. yeah me too ive gotten like 3 pokesnax from pickup
  4. luis15


    yeah thanks i found it i guess the vendor is only here when its clear weather because when it was raining or when thers Wind hes not there
  5. luis15


    but where exactly is the vendor is located .
  6. i think it must be night time bu im not certain cuz i found mine at night
  7. luis15

    Joltik and beldum

    GOT IT thanks man (sorry if i thank you alot in the last posts )
  8. luis15

    Joltik and beldum

    but is there a diffrence between 10 and 10.1 because i redownloaded the game but there is no diffrence between them
  9. luis15

    Joltik and beldum

    ok thanks ill re download it and hope it will give me 10.1
  10. luis15

    Joltik and beldum

    when i go on the download page theres miror 1 and miror 2 which one is the 10.1 because i downloaded the miror 2
  11. luis15

    Joltik and beldum

    oh thats why i couldnt find it i dont have 10.1 but how do you get 10.´1 anyway thanks for your help
  12. luis15

    Joltik and beldum

    well im in the wasteland with tauros but i cant seem to find exactly where the ledge is to climb with tauros could you tell me where it is exactly plz
  13. Well i got quit a few shiny in my years of playing pokemon but my real first one is shiny poochyena in emerald while trying to find volbeat AND i walked on a spot of grass that i never walked on before because it was hard to see lol then i thought it was the secret patch of grass with all the shiny pokes guess i was wrong lol
  14. Actually i got lucky and got one with reckless on first try and jolly pretty happy and it has become a POWERFUL staraptor lol
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