Quick references for teambuilding that should be useful, for your teams. I listed pokemon that we have access to that get some useful moves and stats. I didn't list pre evolutions (which doesnt mean you shouldn't use them!)
Pokemon with rapid spin-Donphan, excadrill, sanslash, claydol
Pokemon with defog-, Drifblim, shiftry, tropius
Pokemon with aromatherapy/heal bell- Vileplum, Meganium, Parasect, Roserade, Sawsbuck, jumpluff, cherim lilligant, leavanny
Pokemon with baton pass-gliscor, leavany, Sawsbuck
Pokemon with Encore- quagsire, victreebell, jumpluff, sunflora, whimsicott
Pokemon with perish song-Gengar, misdreavus, marowak
Pokemon with Sticky web-Leavany,
Pokemon with tailwind- whimsicott, drifblim
Pokemon with Trick room- gengar, mismagus, dusknoir, bannette, whimsicott, cofagrigious, Chandalure, trevanent, gourgiest, claydol,
Pokemon with toxic spikes- nidoking/queen, roselia,
Pokemon with spikes-cacturne, roserade, frosslass maractus, ferrothorn, chesnaught. diggersby
Good dual screeners- Meganium. rotom grass, serperior, leavany, claydol
Our fastest pokemon- , Mega gengar(130), Dugtrio(121) Sceptile (120), Whimsicott(116) Serperior(113),