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Elmo the Pokemaster

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About Elmo the Pokemaster

  • Birthday 11/24/1994

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  • Interests
    Dark souls, Pokemon, Cards against humanity.

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  1. Good luck this week guys! Im kind of wishing i wasnt ridiculously busy but ill find time soon.
  2. Im just glad i had time to play for rthe first two weeks, ive been so busy and im not sure when ill be able to participate more. Glad we got some wins in, ive read many of your battle logs, good job guys!
  3. I will not be on from now to wednesday, so dont put me in the next weeks matchups
  4. I won against supernova in a really close match!
  5. Like Zygarde, with extreemespeed. very helpfull, especially againts talonflame
  6. I somehow ended up with the pbs files required to mod episode 9 of reborn on essentials. I used it to change some of the trainers for my own enjoyment. Remember the trainer on opal bridge who used to have a smeargle with just one sketch attack? I changed it to have spore and extreemespeed. much cooler. And several trainers just have the default moveset on there pokemon at that level. Take the Aggron the team meteor guy had in the abra base. I gave him head smash and double edge with the rock head ability, along with an extra pokemon. I feel like some of the trainers had completely stupid sets that limited thier pokemon. Giving some of these trainers items and good movesets could spice up the annoyance of having to battle a trainer every ten feet (or maybe annoy the crap out of some people, but I loved it. I also used the editor to make some popular youtubers fight me in-game, including shofu with a full team including a conkeldur named after him and a dun deal trainer with peanut the seaking and friends, but i wouldn't suggest adding that to the game. Except perhaps for youtubers who have done playthroughs of reborn, like nickaboo and shofu)
  7. Maybe a flag with a Golurk, Trevenent, and torterra?
  8. Im really into Earthbound that sounds pretty cool. And im hoping we learn what these challenges might be, i've already made several teams
  9. Quick references for teambuilding that should be useful, for your teams. I listed pokemon that we have access to that get some useful moves and stats. I didn't list pre evolutions (which doesnt mean you shouldn't use them!) Pokemon with rapid spin-Donphan, excadrill, sanslash, claydol Pokemon with defog-, Drifblim, shiftry, tropius Pokemon with aromatherapy/heal bell- Vileplum, Meganium, Parasect, Roserade, Sawsbuck, jumpluff, cherim lilligant, leavanny Pokemon with baton pass-gliscor, leavany, Sawsbuck Pokemon with Encore- quagsire, victreebell, jumpluff, sunflora, whimsicott Pokemon with perish song-Gengar, misdreavus, marowak Pokemon with Sticky web-Leavany, Pokemon with tailwind- whimsicott, drifblim Pokemon with Trick room- gengar, mismagus, dusknoir, bannette, whimsicott, cofagrigious, Chandalure, trevanent, gourgiest, claydol, Pokemon with toxic spikes- nidoking/queen, roselia, Pokemon with spikes-cacturne, roserade, frosslass maractus, ferrothorn, chesnaught. diggersby Good dual screeners- Meganium. rotom grass, serperior, leavany, claydol Our fastest pokemon- , Mega gengar(130), Dugtrio(121) Sceptile (120), Whimsicott(116) Serperior(113),
  10. I love our typing, and it fits in with "forest" anyway. And I think I might vote for Fezz, whenever we do start voting.
  11. I never even got to try the league, its been down since i discovered this place It sounded really cool though
  12. My game glitched out entering the big tent with samson, the flying gym leader got stuck behind a donphan and the game autosaved and crashed. can someone fix it? how do I put my save file here?
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