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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Tacos

  1. This is truly the most blessed image I’ve seen in a very long time.
  2. @nano doesn't get it feel free to message me or follow up here if you have any questions. I don’t really use mods but the process for installation seems simple enough, so I could probably give you some help.
  3. I always enjoy feeling like I have a partner to cover my back if I need it, so that's why I enjoyed playing Mordecai. Same concept applies to why I play Gaige in BL2.
  4. It’s so sad to see you go, but I know you’ll move on to do amazing things! You’ve always been one of my closest friends here, and one of the people I found it easiest to talk to, whether it was about the good or the bad. You’ve always been the paragon of what I considered to be a great guy: kind, patient, understanding, funny, creative, and an absolute blast to be around. I’ll never forget all of the great moments we shared; they’ll always mean the world to me! I hope we’ll be able to keep in touch so you can update us on all the cool stuff you’re up to. Maybe reopen your rt skl if you ever have time. Anyway, thank you for everything Ark! You’re truly a once-in-a-lifetime friend!
  5. I, for one, am glad to see this. As someone who admittedly used to make occasional jokes with friends about this (though really only if other people started joking about it first), I was glad that as I came to know more people in the trans community and people who identify strongly as allies as well, I was educated about the damaging effects of these jokes and the terrible stigmas associated. Part of life is the personal growth of discovering new perspectives to different topics and learning about the different issues plaguing those of different identities and cultures. For those who used to make jokes and feel as if their speech is going to be incredibly censored, I ask that you, instead of expressing your annoyance or frustration immediately, take the time to have a discussion with someone who strongly opposes your position or do some research on how these jokes affect trans people, most specifically those who are MtF. Perhaps weigh the importance of being able to make a joke or use a word in certain contexts over the importance of people of a marginalized group feeling safe. Yes, most people understand that the word's use in the context of jokes isn't particularly the same as calling someone by that name and therefore isn't particularly targeting someone, but what it does do is contribute to a stigma that people with genitalia differing from their outwardly presenting gender are undesirable and/or demonizes them by implying they wish to deceive others. In my opinion, if me simply removing a word from my vocabulary in certain contexts has the contribution of decreasing the stigma against trans people and by association, easing their already absurdly plentiful and ridiculous struggles by even a fraction of a percent, I'll gladly do so. There are derogatory words targeted towards those of asian descent. A simple google search would find you results on that. And perhaps instead of asking "what word we're gonna use," perhaps consider the alternative of not making jokes at the expense of marginalized groups. I hope that approach may have more fulfilling results for you. Don't take my word for it since I'm not a staff member, but I think it would be safe to say those words in those contexts won't fly either. From the experience of being the person who originally wrote up the post regarding rule 4, we tried to make it clear that variations of some of the listed words were considered bad as well, considering we all know the words themselves aren't dangerous, but rather their societal connotations. Of course these words aren't entirely banned as they are words that didn't originally begin as derogatory terms, but I'd assume that in the specific context, they'd also be frowned upon.
  6. Not everything with an intended purpose will always fulfill it. The question here is solely a matter of opinion.
  7. I have no solutions for that unfortunately. It's a commonplace occurrence for pretty much everyone regardless of the computer's performance.
  8. It's one of the settings you can access from the menu.
  9. I'm never too big on using this as a solution unless I have to, but from what it sounds like, it might just be your computer's inability to keep up with how intensive Reborn can be for Macs. One solution that may help, even if it unfortunately reduces the quality of the battling experiences, is disabling battle animations. For Macs that are weaker and/or on the older side, like my previous laptop for example, things like that tended to work. I wish I could provide more of a solution outside of being sure to save as frequently as possible and potentially giving your computer a break for a few minutes after brief intervals of playing to ensure it's not overheating. I've yet to run into much else that specifically helps these sort of issues, but please come back and let me know if none of that is making any difference. I apologize once again for my lack of solutions here, but I hope this doesn't turn you off from the game!
  10. Hmm... And it's consistently at the end of turn 2? Does this occur with other battles as well? What moves are being used by your opponent?
  11. Does your Torchic have speed boost by chance? I've been seeing that stat-changes seem to be quite demanding on Macs for whatever reason and are contributing to script hang errors. I'm not quite sure of a solution as of yet, but I'll try to contact some people and get some more information.
  12. Tacos


    I put some directions for finding your save if you’re using a Mac here. Hopefully it will be helpful.
  13. I've experienced this before but never really quite worked out a solution. It was something I specifically experienced using wine method before I switched to wineskin and eventually updated to a newer Mac. But just for clarification, is this coming from the animation of the stat-affecting move, or the animation of the stats being affected? Is it for stats being increased, decreased, or both?
  14. Can't believe I forgot Frank Ocean existed
  15. I'm probably high key the worst for pointing this out but I really like seeing things as up to date as possible and I noticed that in the Pokemon Reborn FAQ, the question about playing the game on macs is linked to the old guide and refers to me as a moderator. Now I do love that my moderator legacy gets to live on in the FAQ but my old guide no longer requires a legacy cause it's dusty and old so an updated link might be neat. Also idk what the deal is at this point with the Showdown server but having a link on the site that just leads to a dead place just makes me a little sad. At the very least maybe make the E16 discussion room up to date for the current episode so it at least looks like Clarice has been trying her best to keep the place tidy.
  16. Hunger games was rigged I'm telling you. That award isn't my fault.
  17. Oops, sorry for a late reply. I'm glad you figured it out though! For the sake of clarity, when you said save file, did you mean your game.rxdata file or the wrapper you created to play the game? Just want to familiarize myself with the issue if it turns out to be important/common.
  18. You know, considering how this semester has gone for me, I nominate myself for: The Shelly Citra Award Most Likely to Die in the Last Episode of Reborn Most Likely to Die First in a Killing Game
  19. I might... actually be free for this. I’m excited to actually participate in a seasonal party, considering it’s been quite a while.
  20. I'd be hesitant to refer to anyone who isn't a dev as "an insider," but there are plenty of people who have been involved in this community for plenty of time, which allows us to know Ame and the devs on a more personal level and get an understanding of the standard rate of development. By being active, we also tend to be around when Ame makes statements in regards to her plans or when she chooses to answer questions such as the ones you've posed. Outside of Ame and the devs, people who would be closest to knowing what's going on are Ame's Patreon supporters, as part of our benefits for donations include updates from Ame about the development of her games. Though we're not exactly supposed to disclose the details of those updates, so we can really only disclose what we know Ame's made public statements about. (This probably sounds super formal but I can assure you Ame's a big old dork and half of these statements are beautifully scatterbrained). Now to answer your original questions, similarly to what has been said before, Ame and the dev team would be kicking themselves endlessly if they felt they released an update, especially the final installment, that wasn't up to par with or even better than the previous ones. However, to ensure quality, this will result in quite a waiting time. The longest waiting period we've had was for E16, which took between a year and a half to two years to be released simply because of the daunting task of mapping Neo Reborn City, which I think we can all agree was brilliantly executed. If I remember correctly, Ame has said to expect a waiting period equal to or greater in length than E16's waiting period. Now as for the legendaries, as ICSW already said, in order to keep the devs from going insane trying to carefully place each legendary in the perfect locations across Reborn, they're most likely going to be grouped together by their themes. It might feel slightly less organic, but for everyone's sake, it feels more like a necessary sacrifice. So to summarize, I'd shoot for maybe 2 years rather than 3. It's going to be a difficult wait, but one that I can ensure will be rewarding!
  21. Tacos


    To elaborate on this, the veterans are given the opportunity to apply for beta testing. So it's not a guaranteed, but it's still neat.
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