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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Tacos

  1. You might not want to grind all that much because Samson's badge did not raise the level cap.
  2. I think she's asking more for how to push them in general, considering the crustle looks awake. You have your powder vial, correct? If so, look for rather large plants in the area and use the powders received upon crustles to abuse them >.>
  3. Samson was incredibly easy. Only lost 2 pokemon because I needed to D-Bond his conk.
  4. I'll give you some hints here. 1. Remember there are many many ledges around so keep that in mind. 2. Later on, keep in mind that Crustles may come into play. 3. Those indentations on ledges aren't just clever designs.
  5. Ninetales in extremely powerful if it has drought. If not, I would dump it and try leveling up a ralts to maybe get gardevoir.
  6. Episode 12 was packed with new mechanics and plenty of new areas and designs, as well as multiple puzzles and events, so I can understand how long it took to code for only about a 3-4 hour episode
  7. But you can buy hyper potions now ;-;
  8. Welp, hunkering down with some good food, a little SAO and gonna do a new playthrough of reborn >.> #chimcharornaw?

    1. Tacos


      Welp.... Magikarp was replaced by guess what... another fucking ducklett..... *flips table*

  9. Ok so I just finished (wish i could actually get surf now but no... QQ) Anyway, think about what is on Crustle's back. Think about what you've been doing this whole time. Think about what sleep powder and rage powder can do. Think about those dents in the ground. That's all I'll say >.>
  10. I'll give a small hint to people, the powder vial somehow involves an interactable pokemon on route 2.
  11. Ok so I got the froakie puzzle done and now off to Tanzan cove I go with Dive! \ Edit: Wait Nvm I need surf to dive and I can't even leave the circus....
  12. Day 4523: I think I have pieced together some pieces of the sliding tile puzzle, but the rest still remains a mystery to me...... If I die, tell no one I love them because I'm forever alone ;-;
  13. Queen o' B00ty.... I just died xD
  14. Goddamnit Minefoo Hi-Jump-Kicked his way out of the obtainable list last minute >.>

    1. Ragnar


      ikr? it was grey a moment ago.

    2. Catilena1890


      Ame: Destroyer of hopes and dreams

  15. Thank you Ame for making this after I was finished school so I didn't utterly fail my finals! ;-;
  16. Goddamnit Ame, now I need to go through the game again after finishing 12 to see the new gyms for flobot and corey and all the mega forms and I wanna cry ;-;
  17. Your team looks very nice. I'm more of a PS person than a PO person so I am not 100% sure on how the playing styles may differ. However, on PS I am quite the connoisseur of steel types. Was in many leagues as either a gym leader or elite four member, so you can at least trust my word I guess. Team looks very nice and solid, only have a few criticisms and possible suggestions. 1. I understand you might want to cover bases on skarmory with adding the special defense EV's, but it's much better off investing those in defense to make it an amazing defensive tank. Considering Heatran could do a better job of tanking special hits, you can rely on him more for the occasional fire move or even an electric move. If your heatran is afraid of a ground move, switch to skarmory. 2. Your Heatran set suits your team very well. However, I am not a huge fan of two possible rock setters so I think you should maybe give heatran some coverage with a different move like Earth Power perhaps. This way, if you ever run into a Heatran with your own, you aren't completely walled by it. 3. I see absolutely no point in running a mixed/special Aegislash if you do not run Weakness Policy. You claimed to be somewhat unsuccessful with it, and the fact its offensive stats aren't high enough hampers it quite a bit. 4. Quite the absurd amount of Leftovers here. Unless you plan on running a sub/protect set on magnezone, its much better suited with choice scarf/specs, or maybe even a magnet/zap plate if you're feeling "chansey." You referenced Diggersby here. Perhaps throw a balloon on Heatran or maybe even give Bisharp Brick Break for coverage on the demon. 5. Huge fan of choice band scizor. Perhaps, if you're looking for more bulk against Diggersby, give it a mega stone and raise that defense. Replace U-Turn with swords dance as mega scizor isn't exactly great with switch initiative. 6. I could give you so many tips on a hyper offensive steel team that it's ridiculous. But that is for another day if you so desire, I can show you an example of one. Aside from what was stated above, the team is fairly solid. Haven't seen it in action so I can't be sure about each pokemon's usefulness, but I'm going from my own knowledge here.
  18. Remember Mr. Shadow you can always edit your original post so you don't have to have an unnecessary post following its original. So, surprisingly, Corey has been a lot harder than I expected for my psychic type playthrough. Half my team is fairies so venoshock from that Crobat ruins me. So instead, I'm grabbing a Spoink so I can abuse its sky high special defense so I can destroy that crobat .
  19. Can I say Attack on Titan considering most people haven't realized the anime is based off of the manga, or just don't know there's a manga in general?
  20. It seems as if the specimen is developing internet language and is attempting to communicate with us.
  21. If you guys want to know about the budew, you can check out Ame's youtube channel or just look up on youtube, "The Tale of Two Budew." For those too lazy, she was playing a platinum nuzlocke and did not want to encounter a budew in Eterna Forest. The only possible way she would be required to catch one is if she ran into two in a double battle for her first encounter. Low and behold, exactly that happened and never again shall she let budew escape her eyesight to unleash hell upon the world. Anyway, I just hate the regi's. No explanation, just do
  22. Swagger can be incredibly annoying but can be solved by quite a few things. First, we have Prankster or outspeeding Taunt. Second, we have Magic Bounce. Third, we have a luck based ability known as Wonder Skin. With Wonder Skin, the accuracy of Swagger would be 50%. Fourth, for those who use special attackers, always make sure your attack stat is as minimized as possible to get the least possible amount of damage dealt to yourself by swagger. Fifth, throw a Lum Berry on your physical attackers from time to time if you're truly afraid of dealing massive damage to yourself from swagger. Swagger + Lum Berry = Profit. However, swagger can be incredibly devastating when luck isn't on your side. When having such high stat boosts and a lack of defense, any hyper offensive physical attacker could easily ohko itself with confusion. Not much more I can say about its effects as that's all there is to it. Baton pass, also, can easily be foiled by a few simple things. Once again we have a Prankster or outspeeding Taunt. Baton pass is incredibly situational. For example, smeargle using a shell smash could be difficult to track what pokemon could switch. But dragon dancers, swords dancers, belly drummers, or nasty plotters can make it much more easy to predict what might come in from the baton pass. For example, a belly drummed smeargle would baton pass to a salamence. If you have your greninja, let's say, you can easily ohko the brought in salamence, ruining the train. Prediction is the easiest way to destroy a train aside from taunt. So all of these moves are easily preventable, so I doubt they truly need to be removed for any reason.
  23. Oh look, fresh blood... Welcome, please place your insanity in this basket that empties into an endless depth as to which it can never be retrieved. Also... Anyway, enjoy your stay. And just a friendly tip here, if you plan on taking on the reborn league then update your tc. Unless you got #getrekt on PO and plan on replacing that heatran then you won't be able to even try. We all get to suffer the glorious cripple of no legendaries/megas and that we can only have names that fit into that pitifully tiny name box.
  24. So we all have those few animes that have extremely powerful, meaningful quotes or silly ones that we all desire to share. So feel free to do that here! I'll start us off I guess. (don't be surprised if you see a lot of AoT from me.) "Potatoes are much more delicious when they're hot." -Sasha Blouse, Attack On Titan "I don't like the terms "good person" or "bad person" because it's impossible to be entirely good to everyone or entirely bad to everyone. To some you are a good person. while to others, you are a bad person. -Armin Arlert, Attack On Titan "If you think it's natural for people to sacrifice their own lives to save others, surely you understand that a single death can save many lives." -Mikasa Ackerman, Attack On Titan
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