So I recently somehow managed to defeat the Ditto-Arceus with my ragtag group of pokemon and upon returning to Radomus' gym, we were met by the new butler, Elias. Now it's quite obvious El is the new butler, but having been accused of brainwashing by El, I truly don't know what to think of Radomus at this point. Especially the fact that he refused to return the Amethyst Pendant to me made me rather suspicious. I've not done the gym battle yet so I am unsure if anything is revealed within that time period to the end of episode 12, however, I doubt I would learn much from that hat changing goof. I personally believe that he will be both a protagonist/antagonist in a similar way to Adrienne during the Gardevoir incident in that he will flip flop between both sides. Seeing as El was mentioned in the Meteor base in reference to Bennett if I am correct, it's obvious El has some sort of affiliation with Team Meteor. And because of that, I see Radomus as a side antagonist, much like Miror B in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. I'd love to hear your opinions on Radomus to see where most of us stand on his character.