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Everything posted by Tacos

  1. Tacos


    Call it the conspiracy theorist inside of me but once again I believe Anna and him have a connection as relatives. I'm assuming these are the gym leaders after the story of Pokemon Reborn concludes so either Radomus betrays our trust and that of the league and ends up being kicked out or he could possibly die aiding us with team meteor... nobody knows. Considering Aya is in Reborn League due to Corey's death, Laura due to the lack of Flobot's significance I guess (Thought she was elite though :/), Arclight due to Julia's disappearance (no clue why?._.), and of course Bennet considering Shelly is out of commission due to escapade at the Orphanage. Also maybe El gave Bennet half his promise and he ended up with Gym Leader but didn't get him to Elite.
  2. That reminded me of him having a whole Meteor uniform rather than just the hat... Maybe he once was since he also had a knowledge of what the keys were prior to meeting you.
  3. I find it hard to believe that Radomus would have thought he had brainwashed El. Maybe they were both in on it, but Radomus' constant flipping back to your side when you need it most is really confusing me as to whether its all a coincidence or if its a huge elaborate scheme. Just cause he's a gym leader doesn't mean he can be trusted considering El is apparently an Elite 4 member.
  4. After having defeated him and realizing that El had not been brainwashed, my opinions of Radomus have changed slightly. However, the only thing I'm having trouble with is that if he knows I'll be on my way to finding who it truly belongs to, then why not give me the pendant? What use could he have for it other than protection?
  5. My only assumption is that he could possibly be Anna and Noel's father if he had knowledge of the existence of the Amethyst Pendant.
  6. LOL obviously, Shade had the best personality of all the gym leaders
  7. Now if only I could finish the puzzle ;-;. Of course the one game that I haven't been able to understand ever is the puzzle to this man's gym ._.
  8. So I recently somehow managed to defeat the Ditto-Arceus with my ragtag group of pokemon and upon returning to Radomus' gym, we were met by the new butler, Elias. Now it's quite obvious El is the new butler, but having been accused of brainwashing by El, I truly don't know what to think of Radomus at this point. Especially the fact that he refused to return the Amethyst Pendant to me made me rather suspicious. I've not done the gym battle yet so I am unsure if anything is revealed within that time period to the end of episode 12, however, I doubt I would learn much from that hat changing goof. I personally believe that he will be both a protagonist/antagonist in a similar way to Adrienne during the Gardevoir incident in that he will flip flop between both sides. Seeing as El was mentioned in the Meteor base in reference to Bennett if I am correct, it's obvious El has some sort of affiliation with Team Meteor. And because of that, I see Radomus as a side antagonist, much like Miror B in Pokemon XD: Gale of Darkness. I'd love to hear your opinions on Radomus to see where most of us stand on his character.
  9. Maybe get a donphan to counter that weakness to electric on you empoleon. Also you could try to grab a normal type like heliolisk to counter the ghost weakness of your gallade.
  10. After Badge 6 you can get drilbur which will later evolve into Excadrill, which is very powerful considering it's stellar attack stat and that it can learn EQ through level up.
  11. That's actually really cool that you were able to find a connection with each member of your team. Now I feel the need to question my choices for my team ._.
  12. Might be Kiki's personality too.
  13. If you look very closely you can see that the silhouette is wearing a snapback and that basically gave it away.
  14. Come on guys like seriously it's fern's soul.
  15. I feel like until level 100 is reached, ev's won't be extremely significant until that point. (Unless Ame allows us to go past it somehow *nudge nudge*)
  16. Tacos

    Leader Aya

    Although it seems dangerous to bring a fairy to a poison fight, my gardevoir swept through the majority of her pokemon. I had emolga nuzzle + electro ball her tentacruel and then she cried tears as my psychic spam tore her to pieces.
  17. May the lord of hax bless you good sir. I may just worship you if you manage to pull this off >.>
  18. Quick Update: Decided I'm keeping Emolga as I just swept Corey with the deadly combo of nuzzle and electro ball! And I also replaced Mankey with the shuppet in the beryl cemetery so he's on a trial mode right now.
  19. I've actually been trying hard to get coins for shinx but i accidentally critted electrike and I missed my chance at catching it. ;-; And the mechanightmare event deals with vulpix (which is the only reason i had emolga was to take discharge and charge beam). I am definitely looking forward to the time i can get that scraggy though
  20. So I'm at the ZEL and Taka fight, which I'm destined to win , and I was wondering if you guys had any direction you want my team to take after this. I'm looking for pokemon to replace emolga and mankey. Please don't suggest gyarados as I don't really want to spend the money
  21. I finally finished it right after defeating Florinia. I went to the Jasper Ward, caught the emolga (which luckily had motor drive), and then went to fight Klinklang. I basically nuzzled it, then spammed double team for a bit, and then spammed shock wave until it died because it could never hit me with a mirror shot. #PlzAmeDon'tMakeHimHarder ;-; And she had drought too! <3
  22. Ok, thanks for the help guys! I think since I don't have a necessarily great team just yet I'll wait for a little bit to fight him again. I guess I'll keep ya posted on how it goes
  23. So I just restarted a pokemon reborn playthrough and was able to get enough happiness on my frogadier to be able to get the vulpix from the salon. However I was really surprised when I had to chase it and then run into "Mechanightmare" a.k.a. Lvl. 45 Beastly Klinklang. I was wondering if any of you guys have any tips to help me beat it considering my pokemon are all under lvl. 25
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