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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Tacos

  1. I personally don't use mods for Reborn so I don't have too much experience on the topic, but my best advice would probably be to do all the modding in a reborn folder outside of a wrapper and then make a new wrapper with that folder. Make sure you transfer your save over to the new wrapper and hopefully everything will work well. If this wasn't clear and/or you have any questions, feel free to ask me.
  2. To reassure you, only the first five that I listed have majorly shifted away from a single typing. The rest really only diverge from their original type by one or two pokemon max. If anything, a lot of these trainers have specific motifs that suit them more than a standard type, and Ame probably chose to prioritize expressing those motifs and giving their teams more flexibility. For example, Arclight having a Noivern reflects him more because of its theme of sound. Or Aya adopts a Lycanroc onto her team, which serves to express her connection with Hardy on the battlefield rather than just in her dialogue. While most still remain central around one type, a few changes to their team just serve to translate their character into their battle style, and I think that's definitely helped to improve the storytelling, if only at least by a small amount.
  3. I think many characters shifted away from monotype in episode 17. These include but may not be limited to: Cain Fern Victoria Sigmund Cal Blake Arclight Some characters also have shifted away slightly from monotype after your first battle with them: Julia Florinia Aya Radomus Luna Serra
  4. A few of us who were involved in alpha and beta testing were bringing it up fairly soon after the episode’s release but it got lost in the flood of messages in the spoiler channel oftentimes. So I wouldn’t necessarily consider it common knowledge, but it has been noted before. Though none of us are 100% certain what it means by that.
  5. Can you give a bit more detail about the error message? Perhaps a screenshot of it would be helpful in determining the issue.
  6. Try exiting the gym, redownloading episode 18, and then going back in again. Idk of an exact solution but that’s all I can think of for this.
  7. Unfortunately, depending on the capabilities of your computer and the sheer amount of data being utilized by the game, wine sometimes cannot run smoothly and faces significant lag. What I suggest is following the wineskin method detailed here: While the title specifies the guide is for Reborn, all the same steps can be followed, just utilizing Rejuvenation instead of Reborn. If you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.
  8. Spheal being a 5/10 is just a tragedy. This day will live on in infamy on the Reborn Forums.
  9. Tacos


    You actually don't need to delete the post... a moderator could easily move it, so if you want to put the content of the post back, you can. Now to address the content of the post as I can see from LilyX's quote: There are many ways to interpret Cain's behavior: As already stated, Cain's upfront and open expression of his sexuality is his own shield to protect himself. This is a common trait of many LGBTQ+ people. By placing your sexuality or identity on your sleeve and acting openly flamboyant, you remove the pain of getting to know someone, only for them to hurt you when they discover and disapprove of your sexuality or gender identity. If someone knows right away, they can use that to decide whether they want to still get to know you or if they should just cast you aside, leaving no space for emotional attachment before that decision. Another is the fact that the circumstances of his life have led him to believe he is incapable of being loved. His parents divorced when he was young, leaving him with a fragmented perception of love. When he came around to discovering his sexuality and began to explore his own capacity for love, his mother expressed disapproval and he was left feeling unloved by his parent and believing his own sense of love to be wrong as well. So, feeling as if he's incapable of being loved, and not quite aware of what it is to be loved, he begins to treat others with egregious amounts of flirtation to hopefully make other people experience the love he wishes he could, but also to compensate for any love he feels he could never receive. Now none of this is to say that you should like Cain despite what may appear as unnecessary and relentless flirtation and flamboyance, but I personally have learned to tolerate it knowing his experiences and having had them elaborated in episode 18. And I wouldn't consider anyone who hates Cain on the basis of his personality to be homophobic. Being gay myself, I even tend to find that personality type to rub me the wrong way. The only reason one should be considered homophobic for disliking Cain is if they explicitly state they dislike him because of his pansexuality. I don't think it's mentioned in game, but it's fairly common knowledge that Cain is actually pansexual.
  10. Something important to note is that Lin was technically a dragon leader in the online league and she’s already shown to steal Pokémon and utilize them in battle (i.e. Knight RyLIN who uses an Alolan ninetales and who also reveals herself to be Lin. This comes immediately after Ame was killed and her Pokémon were stolen). The current common belief is that she’ll utilize Hydreigon and a team of stolen Pokémon. She could also end up as a dragon user, but considering many trainers have lost their monotyping, that’s a bit less likely.
  11. Own Tempo Rockruff didn't get implemented in Reborn, so as Swamp said, only the time requirement needs to be met.
  12. There's been no confirmation of this as far as I am aware. It's been pretty clear since basically this game's inception that by its completion, all pokemon will be available in some way.
  13. Simply move the game.rxdata file of the save you want into the folder mentioned in wine method step 6. Make sure it is the only file in there named game.rxdata. If you’re loading a previous save that is already in that folder, once again, just rename it to game.rxdata.
  14. You can only have one save file titled game.rxdata in your saved games folder at once, but you can easily copy your save files and put them in a separate folder and transfer them back and forth as you please in order to keep different save files stored.
  15. Before trying to reinstall, you're sure that you're locating this folder by first right/double clicking on your wrapper and clicking "show package contents?" I just now realized I didn't make that quite clear in the guide so I've edited it to reflect that.
  16. You have to try launching the game at least once using your wineskin wrapper for it to create the saved games folder, if you haven't already. And what you're transferring is not the game.exe file, but the game.rxdata file originally from your wine saved games folder.
  17. If you're using the Wine Method, then simply putting your Game.rxdata file in the Saved Games folder will do. From there, you'll just need to launch the game.exe specifically from the episode 18 folder. Those other files named "441 - Shamus - 96h 36m - 13 badges.rxdata" for example are actually backup saves.
  18. The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill is just such a good album
  19. Lauryn Hill will always be a legend
  20. Charlotte’s gym fight was introduced in episode 13 iirc. And by uncensored, he is referring to Charlotte’s older sprites where she still had a cigarette.
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