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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Tacos

  1. There’s never been a bug with that as far as I can tell. We do tend to see a lot of people losing them in trades or giving them away for Type:Null especially. If you post your save file, someone can probably give you one.
  2. Is it perhaps given to a pokemon currently in your pc? Or did you perhaps give it to a Shinx to help it evolve to Luxray, and then gave that Luxray away to get Type:Null?
  3. As of right now, it's simply a system that some choose to keep track of to make sure they're in the best graces of the characters they prefer (if you don't have max relationship points with Taka, who even are you?). They don't currently have much impact, but I think I remember reading somewhere that they might play into some postgame content, though don't quote me on it since I can't remember the source of that info.
  4. You need to freeze the field in battle. This can be done by using Blizzard or letting it hail for 3 turns, for example.
  5. I tried to make it clear in this thread what happens as a result of each story split. I think I covered it fairly well, but there might be a thing or two missing.
  6. Magnemite line is in the caves in Route 3, I believe.
  7. Well... neither Jirachi nor Shaymin Sky are available so... Walrein would be my next favorite.
  8. If you all think the mods are vicious now, be glad you weren't around when I was one. I had my hawk eyes on this thread every minute of the day. 14, I guess.
  9. Tacos

    charmander line

    I’m fairly certain it’s been that way since at least episode 17. You probably did those gang side quests in episode 16 or below.
  10. Tacos

    charmander line

    That reward for the magma sidequest is different now, so it no longer provides Charmander. As far as I’m aware, the only current method is as AngelKitsune mentioned above, fishing with a super rod on Pyrous Mountain.
  11. The most common occurrence of losing an EXP Share that we tend to see is when it’s been given to a Luxray (to train it up from Shinx) and then is given away for the Type:Null event. Does this sound like a possibility? If you post your save file, one of us will probably be able to add one in again for you.
  12. Seeing as Ame's final contribution to our "pokemon cuddling" conversation on the patreon discord was 11:21 pm EST, and it is now about 3:00 AM, I conclude it took Ame about 3 hours and 40ish minutes to do the appropriate research and make this post. Time well spent, in my opinion.
  13. 16 is a good number which is followed by the number...
  14. Just a quick critique: There are 21 starter choices actually, 3 for each generation. There actually are a few legendary pokemon available, though they're not the one that exactly come to mind when you think legendary. Phione, Type:Null, Silvally, and most recently with the episode 18 community release, Poipole and Naganadel. Team Aqua and Magma aren't the ones that make cameos, but rather they're gangs with similar types and names to pay homage to the Hoenn villains. They are not in any way affiliated with the original teams, however. I guess I'm just a little confused about the way this is written. The writing style is by no means poor, but it feels strange that for a review written on Reborn's own forums, that the review reads as if it's introducing the game to someone unfamiliar with it entirely. This is just nitpicking on my end and I guess could be considered more of a counter-opinion, but to compare the storytelling of this game to the Hunger Games Trilogy feels... misplaced I guess. While there are some themes that some people would consider "edgy" or things you might see in something like a young adult novel, I feel like the depth of the issues brought to light in this game go beyond the scope of what any young adult novel would normally be able to distribute for a reader's digestion. While themes of death run throughout both Reborn and the aforementioned Hunger Games Trilogy, I feel Reborn does, for the most part, an excellent job of portraying a diverse cast of characters boasting different themes in regards to gender, sexuality, mental illness, religious affiliations, and racial diversity (though this could still be stronger in my opinion; aside from playable character options, there are only two characters, Samson and Arclight, who represent PoC). Overall the review is by no means bad, but I'd consider polishing it based on my first 4 points (the 5th one is simply my own thoughts and for no reason should make you feel as if you should change your own personal review).
  15. Can you provide some more details? Is everything in place? Did you use rock climb on the left? Did you follow everything I said at the bottom of the spoiler?
  16. If your starter was squirtle, send me a message and I can work on helping this get fixed.
  17. There's an area in the back of Shade's gym that can only be opened by an item called the Yureyu key. That's where you evolve pokemon like Magneton, Charjabug, Nosepass, etc.
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