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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Tacos

  1. Go to Amaria's gym first, and then return to Calcenon.
  2. Your game.rxdata file is really that large? You can always try uploading it to like google drive or something I guess.
  3. Try uploading your save I guess. I can try to see what's up.
  4. IMPORTANT NOTE: I would recommend not using the speed up function during this puzzle if you can. Gonna copy paste this from the beta club Seeing as plenty of people in the alpha were seeking help for the gym puzzle for this episode, please feel free to look here if you find yourself confused. If you have any questions or don't think this is clear enough, please feel free to ask here.
  5. Let me tell you that puzzle was absolutely hellish A BLAST! :]]]]]]]]]]]]
  6. Hi again friends! Seeing as the Community Release is on its way, it's time I do what I always do, which is jump into this thread and provide information that most of you probably already know and absolutely nobody asked for! So without further ado, let me remind you all about the Spoiler-Lock this will most likely be in effect once the Community Release is out. With every community release comes a Spoiler-Lock for the community, its duration being approximately a month. During this time period, all topics pertaining to episode 18 content should have [SPOILERS] in the title, the content of each post in a topic pertaining to episode 18 content should be hidden within the spoiler function, and all titles must remain ambiguous to their content. To clarify, let's say episode 18's gym leader was Julia, and I'm really struggling to beat her and am looking for help. To do so, I would make a topic titled this for example: "[SPOILERS] Trouble with Episode 18's Gym Battle." In the content of my post, everything would be in spoilers, like this: Keep in mind that there will probably be a more official reminder post for this by the time the episode is released that will probably be better written, go into more specifics about the facets of the spoiler-lock, and the consequences of not adhering to its rules. Thank you for your time everyone!
  7. While the options you listed may seem optimal, they lack rigidity unfortunately. The reason the level cap is effective is because it allows difficulty to remain consistent. Increasing gym leader levels or decreasing experience gain while removing the level cap unfortunately does not prohibit people from leveling their pokemon to absurd levels. There will still be outliers who will suffer through the process of grinding to absurd lengths in order to evenly match or even exceed the level of the important battles, or to overcome to lessened experience. The level cap provides a set level of difficulty that also helps guide the progress of levels throughout the game. To adjust it would be to throw much of the game's level design into disarray. And even if you surpass the level cap, there's always the chance your pokemon will still obey. So you can always test your luck if you truly want to. While that may be the main goal of most official pokemon games, this specific game's main goal unfortunately is not. Strategizing and adaptability to a constantly changing challenges are. You're right, that's a tendency most people have. At this point, you now know the importance of reading the dialogue and this can simply be a learning experience.
  8. Well, to answer your question (and don't take my words here for 100% truth, I am not Ame and therefore do not know her exact thought processes), the point is to bring an extra layer to the challenge of Reborn. Grinding your pokemon to levels where they can instantly sweep others in important battles essentially removes the challenge from battles that are meant to be intimidating and telling of the challenge ahead with Reborn. In addition, the level cap rewards players for distributing their experience amongst multiple pokemon, rather than grinding a select team of 6. This allows players to create teams with a vast variety of pokemon in rotation that can gain experience through wild pokemon and minor trainer battles, and can then be rotated to create optimal teams for important battles. At the end of the day, this game promotes strategy and adaptability over brute force tactics; make use of the unique attributes of the pokemon available and how they function with certain field effects to manipulate battles in your favor rather than pummeling each pokemon by grinding 10+ levels above them. It can be understandably frustrating, but it's something that you'll learn to adjust to over time. And if you don't, it's perfectly alright to not play the game if you're not enjoying yourself.
  9. In Reborn, this is the function of the level cap. Disobedience is no longer just a feature for traded Pokemon, but for all your pokemon. The item called Common Candies can be used to lower their levels so they can obey until you get your next badge.
  10. I think the most frustrating thing about Serra for me was how high risk, low reward utilizing physical attackers was. Evasion is already an incredibly frustrating game mechanic, combining that with the all in one monster that aurora veil is, the additional benefits of evasion granted by the field, and the recoil damage from missing physical moves (R.I.P. to all the Blazikens whose High Jump Kicks were off by an inch), the field can be unbearable if you're not quick to act and take things out before they set up. While the field is really easy to break, for someone like me who prefers to battle each gym leader on their own field and take advantage of them, keeping the field isn't by any means rewarding. You have to have pokemon on your team that fulfill a very specific niche to take advantage of the field, and it leaves you feeling terrible each time when you can't necessarily calculate outcomes because of how often you'll be missing. But if there are still a couple Ampharos around by that point, I'm sure we'll see the classic electric terrain to overwrite the field, so maybe she won't pose too much of a challenge.
  11. Pulse 0 is Mr. Bigglesworth's I'm pretty sure.
  12. Well I can’t even feign surprise or act clueless anymore because now I am clueless. And here I thought I’d have seen everything before community release. Welp, my guess would probably be Poipole considering the only Pokémon left are legendary/mythical Pokémon with no evolutionary stages.
  13. Should probably steeeeeeer this back to E18 obtainability now... Scizor being available is kinda wild, and I can understand why it's been put off for so long despite not being a pseudo. Only being weak to one type, decent physical bulk, easy access to setup with swords dance, powered up stab priority with bullet punch and technician, and a pretty ludicrous attack stat can really make it a dangerous sweeper. Priority has shown to throw a wrench in a lot of leaders' strategies. For example, if you've got a pretty much perfect Lycanroc by Shelly's fight, a single accelerock can take out Illumise and suddenly Shelly is without rain and you can sweep with fire types all you want. So with strong priority's danger to the win conditions of many important battles, it was bound to be kept out for this long.
  14. I've preached this since I realized its effectiveness: Get a Midday Lycanroc and just sweep her with Rock Slide. As long as you have an attack boosting nature, good attack and speed EVs and IVs, she drops in 3 turns easy. Rockruffs can be found on Route 2.
  15. I mean... I've personally gone through the game before with a single team of 6 and had no need to make substitutions. If you're formulating the right team, then you shouldn't even need to adapt. Though if you don't, adaptability is something that's just key to Reborn. The field effects keep battles from feeling stale because there are always new factors to keep track of instead of just sending out a pokemon and spamming super effective moves. And at the end of the day, it's not like field effects only positively affect your opponent. If you're not looking to take advantage of the field effects, change them to your benefit, or finding a way to work around them, then you're not learning to adapt. It's frustrating and annoying perhaps, but it's also something that feels rewarding as hell when pulled off correctly. In the words of probably some old geezer, if you want to be the revered trainer of legend to save the Reborn Region, you've got to learn to outwit, outplay, and outsmart your opponents
  16. All Alolan variants of pokemon were already available as far as I'm aware.
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