Just gonna throw an option in here that happens to be a personal preference of mine. It seems as if you're looking for your water type to offer a bit of bulk, so maybe consider this.
Walrein @ Leftovers
Ability: Ice Body
Aqua Ring/Toxic
Walrein isn't exactly what you think when you're looking for bulky water types. What this set brings to the table is what makes it unique. If you can breed aqua ring onto it, the passive healing it will get from Aqua Ring, Ice Body, and Leftovers does wonders if Walrein is going to be stalling and chipping. If you'd prefer to make Walrein deal more chip damage, you can always swap out aqua ring for toxic. You'll be sacrificing a bit more healing, but offering more passive damage. The other strength of Walrein is the threat it poses in double battles. While its offensive stats don't make it a sweeper by any means, Walrein's ability to consistently deal damage to both opponents in a double battle with either of its offensive moves is quite admirable. And with the prevalence of double battles later in the game, Surf and Blizzard become more valuable as the game progresses. Not to mention, if you set up Hail for Ice Body, you'll also be giving Blizzard 100% accuracy for the most reliable damage. While this set isn't exactly for everyone, it's a set I recommend every now and then just in case someone wants to give it a chance.