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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Tacos

  1. ๐Ÿ˜คย If๐Ÿ‘you๐Ÿ‘don't๐Ÿ‘start๐Ÿ‘sobbing๐Ÿ‘uncontrollably๐Ÿ‘as๐Ÿ‘soon๐Ÿ‘as๐Ÿ‘Iris๐Ÿ‘comes๐Ÿ‘on๐Ÿ‘then๐Ÿ‘I๐Ÿ‘don't๐Ÿ‘fuck๐Ÿ‘with๐Ÿ‘ you๐Ÿ‘ย ๐Ÿ˜ค

  2. Samson was definitely harder than Kiki. His team is more well-rounded and is capable of handling big type disadvantages with plenty of high-leveled mons and good coverage moves. Not to mention, unfortunate RNG on the big top field can make this a lot harder. Kiki just didnโ€™t have much complexity to her team and I basically swept through with ease because of Alolan Raichu, utilizing nasty plot and psychic being boosted by ashen field. As for Corey vs Aya, Iโ€™ll have to give it to Aya. The one reason being Aya uses doubles. With Corey, I was able to set up growth on my Roselia since Nidorina didnโ€™t have the strength to take it out, and from there I just swept with giga drain spam until crobat, which didnโ€™t fair well against the rest of my team. Aya, on the other hand, doesnโ€™t give you the luxury of easy set ups. Doubles makes it easy to target threats since she has two mons that can focus threats rather than just one. To beat her you need to be able to utilize the strength of moves that can hit both of her Pokรฉmon at the same time (Lycanroc with Rock Slide, or Alolan Raichu with Discharge for example). So to summarize, both reserves gave me more of a challenge than the originals.
  3. The confirmed members of the E4 are Heather (flying), El (normal), and Bennett (bug). It's strongly suggested that Anna (psychic) is also a member. Laura (grass) was originally a member but was notified that she was removed after a fake letter of resignation was sent in. The common theory as of right now is that depending on our choices in the game, similar to how our choice to battle Taka alters the storyline, Bennett could be replaced with Laura once again. There's a wealth of discussion in this topic here if you're more interested:
  4. Ameโ€™s said that weโ€™re looking at a weekโ€™s worth of internal testing right now probably before we can move on to alpha.
  5. Tacos


    Look here if youโ€™re unsure about whether a Pokรฉmon is available or not: http://www.rebornevo.com/index.php?/pr/obtainable/
  6. If you're looking for a not-so-cryptic answer, try this:
  7. I know we used to be a bit harder on this when I had my first run as a mod here, but since then I'm fairly certain the rule has eased up a bit. Here is what it says under the "No Advertising" rule. Don't post things that ask others to sign up or subscribe to them, nor things with any sort of payment attached, and don't advertise other servers on ours. So, as long as you're not requesting people sign up or subscribe to your channel, I think you're fine. Though it would probably be smarter to post a link to your stream in the statuses intermittently, rather than spamming one single topic.
  8. Exactly, it's most likely just something simple that won't take too long to finish/fix.
  9. No, there's just a very small amount of Misc. Updates left at this point. Don't read into it that much, it's just a very minuscule amount of work as far as I'm aware.
  10. No, the Alpha and Beta tests occur once it has reached 100%.
  11. The Meteor characters were not real people, so there is no real life Taka to be dead.
  12. Just going to throw in the obligatory reminder that I tend to do for each new episode. Keep in mind that once we reach 100%, there are still things to be done before the community release of E18. First begins the period of alpha testing that will be performed by Ame's $5 and higher Patreon supporters and developers. Following that will be the Beta testing which will be done by Developers, Staff, previous members of the Nightclub, and the previously mentioned Patreon supporters (I think). This will take some time. I cannot give you a guaranteed ETA of when these periods will finish. The most I can tell you is that they will most definitely last weeks, and perhaps a month or longer. Ame and a few of the developers have already made it clear that the intentions of these tests are to take note of and resolve all bugs before being released to the community. There is no way to know how many bugs will be present, so there is no way to know exactly how long this will take. Older users are well aware of it at this point, but there are always new users before each episode who aren't aware of these testing periods, so this is more for them. And finally, Happy Hype friends!
  13. Well, I can't help with the shiny fomantis, but there are items in the game called Link Stones that can be used instead of trading to evolve pokemon that would normally need to trade to be evolved. That could probably be easier than trading back and forth.
  14. I donโ€™t think we gave warning points for posting in the wrong section to begin with when I was auth unless it was excessively done after multiple warnings. But yea, considering I have no clue what this is (perhaps provide some context if youโ€™d be so kind), the wasteland seems ideal for it anyway.
  15. It's probably just a case of confirmation bias. I haven't really experienced this myself, nor do I believe Ame or the devs would spend time trying to make that happen. Just keep chugging; you'll find those dark types.
  16. It looks to me as if it takes after Reborn's signature design.
  17. ^This. Any form of trading is going to get you a ton of different ID numbers on pokemon. In-game trades can do that as well, and if I'm not mistaken, some event pokemon also have different trainer IDs. I personally haven't gotten one myself, but the odds would probably be much higher after using those methods.
  18. Maybe I'm mistaken, but I thought I read somewhere that we probably won't be getting more legends until postgame.
  19. Welcome to Reborn! I hope you enjoy your stay here. And don't worry, there are plenty of other people here who don't speak English as a first language, so there are other's who understand the difficulty of speaking English.
  20. Yea, I havenโ€™t really been following this too well, but I do know that there have been quite a few struggles already. What scares me is that the failures and frustrations of a nuzlocke is going to scare viewers away from potentially playing the game as well. All I want to see is healthy growth for this community and playthroughs by big youtubers are always excellent ways for growth. Shofu brought so many people to this community through his playthrough of Reborn. The last thing I want to see is an opportunity for more growth with this penta-op wasted because of a negative image presented by a blind nuzlocke.
  21. Just gonna throw an option in here that happens to be a personal preference of mine. It seems as if you're looking for your water type to offer a bit of bulk, so maybe consider this. Walrein @ Leftovers Ability: Ice Body Aqua Ring/Toxic Hail Blizzard Surf Walrein isn't exactly what you think when you're looking for bulky water types. What this set brings to the table is what makes it unique. If you can breed aqua ring onto it, the passive healing it will get from Aqua Ring, Ice Body, and Leftovers does wonders if Walrein is going to be stalling and chipping. If you'd prefer to make Walrein deal more chip damage, you can always swap out aqua ring for toxic. You'll be sacrificing a bit more healing, but offering more passive damage. The other strength of Walrein is the threat it poses in double battles. While its offensive stats don't make it a sweeper by any means, Walrein's ability to consistently deal damage to both opponents in a double battle with either of its offensive moves is quite admirable. And with the prevalence of double battles later in the game, Surf and Blizzard become more valuable as the game progresses. Not to mention, if you set up Hail for Ice Body, you'll also be giving Blizzard 100% accuracy for the most reliable damage. While this set isn't exactly for everyone, it's a set I recommend every now and then just in case someone wants to give it a chance.
  22. I don't think we have an exact answer, but considering that Fiore Mansion is situated right by Celestinine Cascade, I'd assume what's underneath is what we find underground by the gate to Aventurine, which is Citae Arc D'Astrae.
  23. Wait thatโ€™s really cool! I only had blue moon ice cream on me though and I wasnโ€™t really willing to lose that, so I just stuck to the other three options.
  24. So I've finally come around to playing Rejuvenation, and I recently stumbled upon the event with the lonely Espurr. Now, I normally wouldn't once consider Espurr or Meowstic for my team as the family just isn't my style, nor do I consider them to be the most ideal Pokemon for a team. But as I spent the next 15-20 minutes taking Espurr on walks, consoling it through its emotional dilemmas, and sliding down the slide about 137 times, I grew quite attached to the little furball. So, that little connection convinced me to add it onto my team. I just wanted to say how impressed I am with how the event was written and scripted. If the methods of getting a Pokemon to join you are that impactful that they can persuade you to drop your previous thoughts towards a Pokemon and scoop it up for your team, it tells a lot about the effort that went into creating it. Thank you for this event. It was the first one for me that was truly a pleasure.
  25. Happy birthday you big smelly nerd

    1. Arkhi


      I will defeat you, but also thanks.

    2. Anime


      ~~its like a month late but~~ happy birthday hope you had a good day

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