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Everything posted by 77Retro

  1. You can breed waterfall, it learns earthquake, then you could get like yawn or curse. While it's not the best it could work very well.
  2. 77Retro


    You don't need to headbutt trees in azurine, I find him all the time in the grass in the mornings when I want to train my hp evs.
  3. Wow thats a nice find, its lvl 15 too! That could have been helpful against the first gym.
  4. Hey going a bit OT here but did you get moxie from the original murkrow or were you able to hatch a moxie? Thanks!
  5. I didn't even think to check what the other floors had. Thanks for that!
  6. 77Retro


    Its a bit after Kiki, you haven't missed it
  7. Sorry to sound like a broken record but I would really like to see EV raising items (power items). EV/IV checker as well but it seems like those will actually be in episode 10!
  8. So is moxie only obtainable by getting the original murkrow to have moxie or can I breed and have a chance?
  9. How are people figuring out moxie isn't working. Are they talking about just getting the moxie ability or the actual +attack effect of moxie not working.
  10. I know moxie is bugged and not working this patch and I know there is a certain bug going around when pokemon have 3 abilities but if thats the case how do you get the "broken" moxie on Honchkrow?
  11. It would really help if you fixed the voice quality.
  12. I found a better spot to train attack. In the hidden cove at nighttime you find stantler, paras, karrablast, swinub, bellsprout for +1 and ariados, weepinbell for +2(parasect +2 attack but it also gives +1 defense). This place was very easy to train my gallade as it 1 shot everything with psycho cut.
  13. Ah that makes sense, thanks
  14. So I was breeding a female Ralts with a male Duskull that knew shadow sneak and will o wisp and much to my surprise it the Ralts got will o wisp. Now in bulbapedia it says it should learn shadow sneak but not will o in gen 5 but in gen 4 it says it learns both. Does this mean the egg moves are based on gen 4? http://imgur.com/8JHGS37
  15. http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Pickup_(Ability) I think it is the last chart BW2
  16. I feel like if you missed out on the whole reveal of his character in the forest you would feel nothing. After seeing a friend get the "hidden" scene I was kinda shocked how sudden everything was.
  17. 77Retro


    I caught 6 of them and 3 had an everstone so looks like you were right thanks
  18. 77Retro


    No I was actually hatching some guys but I'm having terrible luck with getting adamant/speed boost. I just got adamant/rough skin and figured it would be better to everstone the one in daycare so I can get a 50% chance of adamant.
  19. 77Retro


    Do you mean the tanzan cave?
  20. 77Retro


    My problem is I think I've exhausted all the shiny rocks and was an idiot because I didn't soft reset to get good items. Do you happen to know if this is true and if so where exactly?
  21. 77Retro


    I was wondering where I can find an everstone other than mining. I really need it
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