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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by garchomp550

  1. Welcome! AMA eh? What's your favorite Pokemon Gen?
  2. Good luck, and I hope for a speedy recovery. Had a family member with a similar issue, and it's tough.
  3. After watching around 750 episodes (stopped in BW due to boredom few years back), I'd say stick to the first five seasons, but that's just my opinion.
  4. Many of my pokemon are nicknamed in Reborn lol Here are some from memory: Hooke (Spoink), Miura (Tauros), Aventador and Dennis Rodman (Boufffalants), Hippop (Hoppip), Zidane (Scrafty), BlueBalls (Azurill), Brock (Croagunk), Woody (Sudowoodo), Helium (Drifloon), MilkperGallon (Miltank), CarbonMonoxide (Litwick), 8C (Bronzong), Megahorns (Piloswine) Some nicknames are obvious, some...not so much.
  5. wish granted, your room will be filled to the brim with clothes. I wish I'd be more active here.
  6. This site had 17000 banned accounts? damn. also, dat discipline.
  7. whats up with dat word file, doe?
  8. garchomp550

    Hiii !

    le snipars face xddd edit: welcome to the forum OP!
  9. Ame wants the game to be harder
  10. Sorry to hear that, hope all works out...
  11. well, I'm a dual citizen, should I mention both? edit: humblebrag?
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