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Reborn Development Blog

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Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by garchomp550

  1. Not really, only on my arms (dat driver's tan). The rest of my body is kinda pale. The next person likes modern TV shows.
  2. Negative. The next person doesn't live in North America.
  3. Banned for that (nice) avatar pic.
  4. that feel when your finals are just a few days away and getting the motivation to study is a pain
  5. I critted a shiny zubat and a golbat, friggin' luck
  6. I surprisingly beat radomus on the first try. I had a gardevoir with calm mind and shadow ball as a lead, with scrafty, magnezone and blaziken (for metagross) as backup. I attacked his lead pokemon, alakazam, with my lead, leaving it in the red HP wise. I used calm mind and healed up my lead whenever he used hyper potion on his lead. After a few calm minds, he decides to switch out his +1 calm mind alakazam (bad move), and it was basically a curb stomp battle from there with my +3 calm mind gardevoir. I didn't expect it to turn out like this lol.
  7. I could but the whole honey thing is a bit time consuming and tedious for me right now, just wondering if it was worth the effort. At first I thought that I would meet up with Saphira or something if I went through the forest?
  8. Benelli M4 Super 90, FN P90, H&K PSG1, Sig 550, Steyr AUG, and so on....
  9. Is it worth the time and effort to travel through the whole forest as of ep 10.1? Does it provide a shortcut to another city or reward me with a valuable item? Do I get good pokemon, other than heracross or pinsir? I would explore the whole thing without asking y'all but the logs and webs are so time consuming...
  10. when do you even get to fight that medicham? I don't remember fighting it. But then again it's been a while so I'd probably forgot.
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