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Everything posted by Color
Pokemon: Aftermath. Prologue (CLEAR)
Color replied to Code: PIRULUK's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
(Flirtation mode GO!) Color was not in the greatest of moods. With two of her member trying to prove that they had the balls to stand up to her, and the fact that their so-called "leader" did not brief them up on their mission yet, the jester was not in the finest of moods. However, her salty mood did a complete three-sixty and dove off of an unknown cliff as a figure adorned in red suddenly stepped from the shadows. Her jaw dropped, her legs shook, and the vicegrip that she held on her Leafeon's pelt lessened completely. "Sweet...mother..of..." "Leaf?" Leafeon shook her head twice, obviously confused from the red-adorned trainer and his Scizor that suddenly leaped from from its corner. She hopped to the floor, cautiously approaching the armored Pokemon. She pressed a cautious paw on its foot, tapping the armor a few times with the tips of her claws, before looking back at her obviously dumb-stricken partner. "Leaf!" the grass eeveelution barked, trying to bring Color back into reality, but sadly it was all in vain. "Aeon.....~" she cooed dreamily, the crimson-colored trainer gracing her vision as he spoke his name. She clasped her hands together, makeshift hearts rising from the sides of her head. "Magnificent.....~" "Eon." a small droplet of sweat appeared on Leafeon's forehead, embarrassed by the googly eyes her trainer was giving Aeon. She must have missed the "massacre" part of his speech. He was just as untrustworthy as the rest of the trainers, and yet she was already acting utterly...stupid. Besides, Leafeon knew from experience that Color wasn't the one that fell for male trainers, she made male trainers fall for her. "Leaf, Eon, Leafeon Leaf." the grass fox's ears lowered, a sigh escaping her lips as she remained close to the Scizor and red-cladded trainer. -
Johto Adventures! (OOC and Sign-Up)
Color replied to anethia's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Oh geez following through my characters personality it may be very hard at first to become friends, especially after the battle that she had and the injuries that she sustained. Probably a little bit down the road she will find more respect and eventually become friends, but right now Color is a not-so-happy camper XD -
Johto Adventures! (OOC and Sign-Up)
Color replied to anethia's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
/ cues another battle to the death. Honestly did not expect two characters already heavily wounded from baby Pokemon. But then again this is not like the anime were Ash can take a full-powered Thunderbolt from Pikachu and not carry any two or three degree burns. Lolz, dat realism. -
A sharp flash of pain burst through Color's eyelids as she suddenly felt the harsh burns lick at her arms and her slick line of blood suddenly dripping down her outfit. Her Turtwig remained in his shell, his eyes wide with actual fear as he looked and watched his trained become swallowed up by a tornado of draconic energy. She wouldn't scream. Won't. Won't. Instead, she gripped her Fang tighter, shielded him from any damage, rage hot as her blood ran down her arms and legs. Her pupils grew smaller, her teeth gritting tighter together. A simple reaction clicking her head at the moment. KillKILLKILLKILLKILLKILL!!! The ring of energy finally subsided, and Color still remained standing. But she was ugly now, hideous, repulsive. The skin on her arms bubbled painfully at the burns sizzled. The ugly claw mark on her chest dripping messily on her legs. "TWIGGG!" Grass Mini cried out, tears bubbling around his golden eyelids as he pressed his front legs into her calves. Color wobbled, each breath more painful then the last. She just smiled, arms, almost giving out completely and dropping Fang on the ground. But Color wouldn't allow it. She wouldn't faint. Her will wouldn't allow her to. Her rage would, and craving for revenge wouldn't allow her to. "She'll pay. Her Pokemon will pay. Grass Mini..." the Turtwig snarled, his shell truly the only thing scarred from the barrage of attacks. He wanted to run back there. Oh, how he wanted to run back there and Body Slam her so hard that her spine will soundly break against the impact. Revenge, torture, everything and anything he wished upon that trainer and her Pokemon. "No..don't,," Color croaked, already reading her partner's thoughts. "Not now, not yet. We train, we'll find others to get back at them. Come." Color whispered, limping the opposite direction towards Cherrygrove City, silently plotting.
Color merely smiled sweetly, watching as her own Pokemon sustain heavy damage, and was tossed back at her feet. Fang collided into her knee, falling to the floor in a crumpled heap. She gritted her teeth in brief pain, feeling the bone grind slightly from the harsh smack. However, the acrobatic quickly recovered, bending her knee up and down to soothe the annoying ache. Grass Mini slid across the floor, shell charred by the powerful Dark Pulse, but not injured completely. His shell spun across the floor, once, twice, and then stopped all together. He poked his head back up, grinning with pride as he hopped back up and shook off dark circles from his small body. "I'm not a psychopath sweetie. I've just been in the game longer than you. You think you are all high and mighty? You think you save people around you? There is always someone that's going to predict you, sidestep you, or be a step ahead. That's just how this crazy world spins." Color knelt down, scooping up the unconscious monkey in her arms. She wiped a stray string of saliva from his lips, his sharp teeth gleaming from his hard-fought battle. Color continued to smile, almost too sickly sweet for comfort. "You haven't learned that lesson yet. But you will. From me. I'll show you the true reality of being a trainer and endurance that you must obtain for hardships that will follow." the ebony-haired trainer giggled, quietly, manically as she snapped her fingers once more. "Grass Mini....Seed Bomb." Color smiled, watching the utter shock on the other's face as the grass starter hopped back, cracking his jaw a few times before smirking. The seeds that were clicking softly have went unnoticed, and now was going to be the end point of this battle. "Bye, bye" Color cooed, giving the trainer a full toothy grin as Grass Mini spat a single clicking seed to the floor. The quarter-sized bomb rolled slowly to the line of other seeds, inching closer and closer to its final destination until.... "Grass Mini, Withdraw!" Color took two steps back, watching in delight as the seeds clicked in unison. Click. Click. Click. CLICK. CLICK! . . . BOOM!!!! The miniature explosions blasted straight into Color's brain, making her go deaf for a few moments as smoke and seed shells scattered across the room. The Teddiursa and Deino, vanished from Color's line of sight, the smoke too heavy to see through. The trainer, hopefully, stepped back from the sudden blows like Color did. There was a reason why trainers never stepped too close to their Pokemon during battle. Ever. Grass Mini's shell whizzed merely centimeters from her face, but luckily sliced stray hairs instead. He rocketed across the ground, bounced off one stair before being thrown half way down the dirt path. Color merely brushed a few seed shells from her bangs, still carrying her fainted Pansage, and began to walk down the steps, now unwary or uncaring of the shocked expressions on the rest of the trainers' faces. "She must have forgot Grass Mini's Overgrow was still activated. What a noob." Color chortled, shrugging her shoulders before heading down the steps to retrieve her Turtwig. "Hey Mr.Pokemon! I'll be back in a sec, I need to take a quick run to Nurse Joy." Color shouted, not even looking back at her handiworkl. "You'll learn that lesson very quickly..."
Omg the Pokemon that are coming out are gorgeous *^* For those who had seen them just, they just went far and beyond. XD And I think the fans will end up hating the new object-based Pokemon that they have, but it's so damn cute <333 Pokemon X and Y, you answered all of my wishes. I may now die happy.
Color sighed shook her head, snapping her fingers once, just enough for Fang to reply. The grass monkey, quickly rolled over on his side, barely dodging the Dragon Pulse. He quickly spun his body in mid-air, utilizing his own acrobatic skills to backflip away from the attacking Pokemon and shoot a quick Vine Whip out to grasp at the hanging lamp. "You know what?" Color growled, obviously pissed off by the whole childish display. "You are WEAK! You think you are a good friend ordering to attack people and Pokemon whenever oh wish?! You just a spoil rotten kid that wants to have her temper whenever she wishes. Well you know what?! I'm about to end this NOW!" Color balled her fists into a tight ball, her grey irises now burning with anger as she saw Grass Mini enduring the nasty Fury Swipes, not even once backing down from the frenzied Teddiursa. "TWIGGG!!" Grass Mini roared at the bear, bulldozing his whole entire body into the Normal type and watching it collide with the wooden chairs. But it stood back up, the cute teddy bear baring its horrible fangs and its claws growing long again for another series of attacks. "Grass Mini Withdraw! Take those hits with your rock hard defense." Grass Mini nodded, reclining back into his soil-covered shell . He squeezed his yellow irises shut as sharp pain bombarded his back, but quickly vanished as he felt his Defense begin to rise. His pants were ragged, his body trembling from the ongoing attacks, but his battling heart bombarded against his chest. "TURRR!!!!!!" His head suddenly expelled out of his shell, his eyes glowing neon, and his body beginning to shake with absolute raw force. Green began to overtake his form, leaving nothing more than a green silhouette of the once injured Turtwig. "Exactly, what I was waiting for." A ugly smile pulled at the corners of the performer's lips, making her almost appear as a demented jester ready to slice the throat of her recent victim. "Game over BITCH!!" Color looked up at Fang, the once hot-tempered monkey, now struck in absolute awe by the sheer power Grass Mini was expelling from his body. The performer nodded towards the Pansage, giving him the absolute seal to the battle's end. "Fang! Jump on Grass Mini's back and absorb some of the power from Overgrow!" Fang released a Vine Whip down towards the staggering silhouette of Grass Mini, watching as the Twinleaf Pokemon slowly losing his mind of the raw power being expelled from his body. However, as the small vine wrapped around Grass Mini's body a surge of energy licked the vines and shot through the roots, making Fang release a blood-curdling screech as that same as a part of the overwhelming power was swallowed into his own limbs. A green aura began to lazily glow around his body, creating a slightly enlarged version of the Pansage around his actual body. "Alright let's wrap this up. Fang give this loser another full-powered Vine Whip! Green Mini, BODY SLAM!!" Color shouted, stomping her feet in absolute excitement. Fang hopped on to Grass Mini's back, merging their Overgrow power together. Fang howled as a wild display of four vines pierced through his back, only this time they were bigger, thicker, and tipped with unforgiving thorns. They snapped through the air wildly, uncaring of who or what got in their way. Color hopped back, falling in love of the display of power that graced her vision. Grass Mini roared once more, the green silhouette of his body burning bright with crackling green energy. Both of the grass types took off towards their foes on a high speed goal for blood. Fang hopped in the air, the vines acting almost at makeshift wings before colliding into the Teddiursa, a small explosion of smoke rising into the air as both of their cries rung in the trainers' ears. Grass Mini, unfazed by the blue swirling spiral shot towards his way, threw himself into the miniature tornado of dragon energy, the beads of white electricity crackling at his body but the aura quickly snapping back at the energy that threatened to engulf him. He quickly jumped out of the Dragon Pulse, bee lining towards the Deino. "DESTROY!!!!!!!" Color roared her finish line amongst the chaos, watching with glee as her Turtwig roared alongside her battle cry and made complete contact with the Deino, creating another large cloud of smoke to engulf both of the trainers' visions.
This trainer is insane! The thought briefly through her mind as Color scooped up Grass Mini, watching as the sphere around the Deino's mouth began to glow dangerously bright. She wasn't going to let her have a fit, if she had something to say about. As the orb suddenly exploded from the mini dragon's mouth towards the Zigzagoon, a green shield suddenly materialized, making the ebony trainer smile coyly. She was going to fail. The attack was going to fail, and as soon as saw the Mr.Mime throw his hands up to create the shield of green, Color quickly scooped up her Turtwig, feeling the little bugger squirm in her arms as she hopped towards the psy Pokemon's side. The ebony-hair performer smirked, dropping Grass Mini by her side and watching as the dark flames licked at the shield, barely even scratching the energy's surface, Finally, the smoke cleared, granting Color the chance to look around the house to see the trainer and her Pokemon both untouched from the attack. The Zizagoon, nowhere to be found, and another trainer clearly passed out from unknown causes. However, Color pointed her finger at the two Pokemon, her eyes glittering with ferocity and slight annoyance as she roared out commands above the explosion of dark-created circles and hungry blue flames. "Fang Vine Whip! Hold down that damn dragon, Grass Mini Seed Bomb, plant the explosive shells around the trainer and her Pokemon, but don't allow them to explode just yet!" A loud screech erupted from the Pansage, whip-like vines piercing through his wrists once again. They slithered violently through the air like twin green striking cobras, just barely slipping through the holes of the shield and wrapping tightly around the dark dragon's neck. Two more vines suddenly erupted from the monkey's back heading towards dragon, but this time getting a hold of it's front legs and holding on tight. Grass Mini launched himself in the air, performing a simple front flip before aiming his jaws towards the trainer and spitting quarter-sized seeds around her second Pokemon and her feet. The seeds rolled quietly, settling cozily on the oak floor, but the noise of tiny clicking began to fill Color's ears. "Y'know, for someone that is suppose to help, you sure like to fuck people over." Color called out, watching the female trainer carefully under her hood of hair.
They made by baby smoke cigarettes, the directors better hope someone doesn't drive me to New York.
Well then. I assumed that someone from our own community that had posted something to legatimize those leaks, and others wanted to see but whatever.. I missed the post, didn't see it, my bad. No need to quote caps, small letters would work just fine >_>
Sooooo Nickaboo made a youtube vid about the final evos and he's now is going through the five stages of grief XDD There you go for those who wanna start breaking down and canceling your preorder :]] Edit: There ya go, no more leaks? No more ragey now kk? No more typey overly annoying caps
((Welp time to bring the all-famous she-bitch into the picture X,D) After much cursing, fighting with cocky Turtwig and a short-tempered Pansage, Color was finally able to make it up towards Mr. Pokemon's house. However, the sad realization that traveling in her performing outfit was not the greatest of plans. In fact, after lingering around Cherrygrove a little bit longer than she expected, Color -crfinally decided that she would send her outfit back home towards the Sevii Islands. She just didn't have the heart to mess up the hand-sewn dress that her mother made time to create for her, One package and a change of clothes later the ebony hanged trainer traded her elegant dress and high top boots for a red and black plaid mini skirt with white lace hanging at the end.She wore a low V-neck long-sleeve that covered her hands from view. A large white bow decorated the junction between where her mini skirt and shirt met, the two straps of the bow hanging just above her knees. A small golden bracelet with a cute Kakuna and Venusaur charm dangled happily around her wrist. Her shaggy hair was now picked up into two poofy pigtails located high upon her scalp, however her bangs hung just below her eyes, which again covered up own smoke-colored irises. Cute black mary-janes adorned her feet, which made her almost blush in embarrassment. Finally, instead of the raggedy brown sack that she carried stuff in previously was now replaced with a matching black and red carrying case, with the cute orange fox keychain hanging on the front side and yellow trainer belt that contained more than enough pockets to hold anymore stray findings down the road. Satisfied with her fairly easy purchases, Color lazily walked down the path towards Mr.Pokemon's house, of course ignoring the obvious stares of the male trainers that passed by. Unfortunately, when the warm weather came about the acrobatic had a habit of wearing revealing clothing, or clothing that emphasized her features a bit too well. Her mother understood seeing that she had to do a lot of stunts involving her body, specifically her legs, so the less clothing would be considered comfortable. However her Papa on the other hand... "Fang!" Color practically screeched as older gentlemen decided to walk too close for her comfort. The grass monkey leaped at the command, baring his teeth and growling viciously of the white-haired gentlemen. He trembled, fearing the oddly scary monkey, before stopping his brisk walk all together and leaving the ebony-haired trainer to continue her path and actually reach Mr.Pokemon's house around mid-afternoon. As she slowly walked up the dirt steps, listening to the cute chattering of Caterpies and Weedle, a puff of smoke exploded nearly directly in front of Mr.Pokemon's home. "What the hell...?" Color murmured softly, Grass Mini titling his head in the same confused manner. Fang on the other hand banged his small fists on the top of Color's pigtails, chattering excitedly. "Huh, well let's see what's up." The trainer slowly walked around the house, trying to pinpoint the owner. However, as she poked her head through the seemingly open door, Color's eyes widened behind her curtain of bangs. A vicious battle took place where a Deino and Teddurisa were endlessly attacking a Murkrow and Ralts. "Turt! Twig Twig Twig!" Grass Mini jumped up and down happily, already rushing in, but quickly being swept up by Color. "Oh, no you don't you silly boy." Color playfully chastised the Sinnoh started, setting him down on her shoulder. "This is their fight. Let's just watch and witness the chaos."
I need quick calcs, is Slowbro slower than T-Tar?
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SLowbro is like... The slowest Pokemon you will ever see in OU. Hell even Ferrothorn can outpace it iirc...
Idk. I saw this on Serebii o_o Oh and btw, that is the first time I ever seen Mewtwo keel over like that Hot damn! XD It looks like Zard was going to punch through Mewtwo's gut XD
Swirlix got dat evolution XD It's so PUDGYYY OH! and tell me why Mega Charizard X is in POKEMON ORIGINS? Um, hello????
Ladies and gentlemen of Reborn. It is now time to begin to hail your new god: Zard X.
Pokemon: Aftermath. Prologue (CLEAR)
Color replied to Code: PIRULUK's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Eon." Leafeon chirped softly, unable to take her eyes off of the Pokemon roaming around the roomy. Granted the Drapion was indeed a threat, Leafeon could agree to that, but the others were very amusing? No, that wasn't the word. More like oozing overcompensated confidence and Pokemon male dominance and challenge. That perked the grass fox's curiosity greatly. There was no denying it: Leafeon was going to fight at least one of her "team members" in this room. With her unwaning response to battling and her surprisingly vicious personality for her species, it was almost fate was planning exactly when and where it was going to take place. However....that did not mean she could not flaunt her own feminine features. It was undeniable that she wished that the attention that the other Pokemon were giving each other was focused directly on her. Leafeon sighed, lowering her leaf-tipped ears ever so slightly, just enough to catch the conversation going around the room while staying in the most relaxed position that she could muster up. However, out a sheer habit she left her claws lazily extended, clicking them together once every few precious moments. While Leafeon dwelled inside her wandering mind, her trainer remained dangerously silent. Color was NOT one for silence. Ever. There were only three things that could occupy the ebony-haired performer long enough to remain quiet: A ) She was plotting how she was going to thoroughly torture those that angered, B ) Thinking exactly which Pokemon she was going to go after to secretly add to her team or C ) Hungrily wondering who was going to be her next "toy" to play with. Sadly, Color had the lingering attraction to both men and women. While teetering on the edge of young adulthood and adulthood, her hormones were her strongest and most powerful enemy. Color could probably be considered the embodiment of lust. Wait...take that back the hot-blooded trainer reasoned within her mind. There was no way in hell she was perfect. She did not have a perfect, luxurious body, curvacious hips, or even a large chest. It was her behavior that made up for it. Okay, and maybe my clothing. the trainer hesitantly admitted. Either way, being on a team that mostly consisted of men and surprisingly attractive women. Color exhaled silently, her smoke-colored eyes falling close.She unhooked her legs only to cross them over in the opposite direction. while clutching a tuft of tan fur on Leafeon's pelt, making the Pokemon tail twitch in response. This is going to be VERY stressful. -
Girls and guys? BRING THEM TO ME I'll pimp you all out 8D Okay not really But Color is practically my ego, so she can enjoy any man or woman ;D Love thy brothers and sisters!
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Show eet SHOW EET NAO /inb4LucasscrewsColorover XD
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Flirtation shall come laterz. Color needs to the right one to tease, toy with, and eventually do evil things too~ >XD
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Pokemon: Aftermath. Prologue (CLEAR)
Color replied to Code: PIRULUK's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Gosh, there is just so many tough guys today, isn't there?" Color pouted slightly before an almost maliciously evil smirk crossed her lips. A dangerous glint behind her shaggy bangs crossed over her features, "I like it when little shits think they are superior to me, it makes thing the win just as sweet~." she licked her finger coyly before snapping her fingers loudly. Leafeon stood at attention, abandoning her taunts towards the Zangoose to focus on her psychic counterpart. Her previous hostile attitude returned, claws extending to their very end as an ugly growl forced its way out of Leafeon's throat. Her dark brown eyes became nothing more than brown slits, her claws flexing on the metallic floor. A quiet buzzing sound began to crawl into the air of the room. A small laugh began to bubble through Color's throat as she watched Leafeon's tail twitch rapidly in growing anticipation. The performer merely shrugged, planting her round bottom on the table and crossing her sun-kissed legs over each other. Her own eyes lowered in interest, but it was not like this guy could see the utter amusement that she was experiencing from this whole scenario. She wasn't here to make friends, she was here to fight and battle. That is how life has always been for her, and that's what she expected it to continue as. "Tsk, tsk, now look you have done mister. It seems you have Leafeon all riled up. Naughty boy indeed." she wagged her finger mockingly, before tilting her head back and releasing a shrill laugh as Leafeon's tail began to buzz louder and a light blue hue began to engulf her tail. She stopped her laugh abruptly, snapping her fingers once again. The grass fox was hesitant at first, wanted to execute a quick X-Scissor to the psy cat, but she ceased the action all together. The blue hue that engulfed her leaf-like tail faded back into the veins of the leaf, but her gaze remained none to kind. "Leafeon." Color warned, her own eyes looking down at her trusted partner. "Leaf.." the grass eveelution grunted, retracting her claws black into her dark brown paws. She sharply turned back to her trainer, hopping into her outstretched lap, splaying her own legs none too neatly and fell silent. However, her threatening gaze towards her psychic counterpart remained fierce, threatening, and almost....bloodthirsty. -
I lurf my character so much XD I feel soooo bad that she likes to pick fights and trying to find ways to make people go kablooey. Lmfao. Soon enough the flirty side is going to appear soon enough. BEWARE!~ >;D
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