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  1. If you ask me, what needs to be removed is Keta giving you the bulk up TM. Because of that Tm, I was able to sweep the third gym leader with Ursaring.
  2. Nope... Just took a look if any new switches were added,and behold, your naming gave it away I'm sorry if you don't want that to happen, I'll refrain from telling people again if it becomes an issue. Originally I was going to keep it a secret to myself, but I felt sorry for people that were going to succumb to you're suffering xD
  3. They've clearly updated the AI already from a base Essentials already, so they can clearly fix stuff. Besides, pretty sure they have full access to the scripts, which means why can't it be done? That may be true, but considering that all the items/abilities/moves are almost implemented, what else would the scripters have to do other than bug fixing their previous code? Besides = helping new field effects, I can't think of anything else. It could be an ongoing process too, doesn't have to happen for 15.
  4. As many of you know, the AI in the current version of reborn has seen better days, which is why I ask why is the development team not making fixing the AI a priority? To see how bad it the current AI when compared to the previous AI versions, I decided to experiment and record the solo Aster battle on two different versions: Episode 14.5 and 13. Here is the episode 14.5 Aster battle: While here is the exact same battle, fought in episode 13: As you can see from watching these two videos, there is a drastic increase in difficulty in the episode 13 version. I'm not trying to sound like i'm not grateful. I appreciate all the changes everyone has done from the base essentials 14 AI, but I think it needs to be taken a step further. It would be great if the scripters on the team make it a priority to investigate and fix the problem that is causing the bad AI for episode 15, especially now that almost all the moves/abilities/items have been implemented. Thanks for listening.
  5. You can either get the Pinsirite or Heracronite by giving Nyu blue moon ice cream to eat.
  6. Hi Jan, just wanted to say that I finished the current beta and I thoroughly enjoyed it! When I first saw your project, I wasn't very impressed, but after hearing you were going to put more effort into it, I gave it a go and was pleasantly surprised. I was curious to see the difference between the maps you've currently released and the ones that needed some more time put into them, so I messed around to find some unreleased maps that you plan to fix up later for future areas, and notice a stark difference between them. I'm excited to see how they will turn up once you renovate them. That being said, I did find some bugs, criticism, suggestions and thoughts from the game I would like to tell you about. Here they are: Great work Jan! Excited for the next version. If you keep putting in the effort as you are now, I believe this can meet reborn in terms of quality.
  7. Hey, this is a question for Amethyst or whoever was around at the time, does anybody have a copy of the original episode? Want to see how far the game has come from then.
  8. Fair enough. The point I wanted to get across is don't update unless the changes are absolutely necessary, and after looking at the actual changelog for essentials, I can understand why you think that way. I was going to say it was my opinion, but I don't think that was necessary considering that whole post was opinionated. I don't think that extra exposition was necessary. There is no need to make comments like that when you should know that it is my opinion.
  9. Most of what you've taken from the change log sounds like conveniences not necessary changes like you described. Instead of updating, why can't you just take stuff you want from the new essentials script and past it back into yours, like the new Life Orb script instead of merging the two together? That is probably why the battles are broken, your custom AI that you added in 13 is conflicting with the new essentials one. I remember hearing the guy who made Pokemon Obsidian is on a very old version of essentials because of his custom scripts. He said he can't update because the updates mess with his scripts, forcing him to redo his scripts and test the whole game. The same thing is happening to you and will keep happening when you go to the next version and so forth. The last update of essentials was almost a year ago, right? That was fine because that was before you implemented field effects and custom AI or anything other that was base script altering, but now you do. You're just creating unnecessary work for you guys just for a few little helpful changes. It's not worth it.
  10. If stuff like this happens, why bother updating to the newest version of essentials? From what I know, other than adding in animations for moves, what does this new version of essentials add that Dan can't already add by himself? It just seems a waste of time updating and fixing everything for this new version which most of its potential features won't be used or can be recreated by Dan without all the hassle. Even after you fix everything, the same thing could happen again with the next version of essentials after that. I would just revert back to the previous version if you still can and just not update your essentials version anymore. It's clearly not worth the hassle.
  11. I think why these new episodes feel so short compared to the others is probably because of how little trainers there are in newer episodes, compared to the first few
  12. Or maybe that Mr. Mime pulse is for E14, as it is explicitly said to you the you're going up to Ametrine City to stop the radio waves that make people asleep (most likely a different pulse.) I doubt Ame would make us fight two pulses in one episode.
  13. So, are you going to be splitting each area of the city into sub areas with those gates, or are you doing something else? Because if you're doing the splitting thing, I think it should wait until the game is finished.
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