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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by ThumsRipa

  1. On the topic of Cinderace, I'd just like to add that it gets natural access to Bounce. Bounce has saved me so many times since its a field changing move (cough Zetta-Geara). Turning the Volcano Field into a Sky Field and letting other Flying-types loose turns that fight into cakewalk. Cinderace with a very fast Bounce is very effective against so many mountain-based fights. You can also get out of the Underwater Field with it too
  2. Yup. Realized it too little too late XD Thanks man. Cheers!
  3. Hey guys. Stuck in Darchlight Caves after Groudon. Just downloaded the latest patch but my backups didn't go back far enough to reach before Groudon Thanks in advance! Game.rxdata
  4. Hey everyone! Just recently I came back to get the newest version of Rejuvenation and discovered that it updated not once, but twice while I wasn't checking. I've heard from a friend that there's been quite a bit of changes, so I decided to play through the game as a Wedlocke and share it with y'all. And so I present to you: Matchmaking through Pokemon Rejuvenation <- is link I'm also gonna post the rules here just in case someone is curious but doesn't want to go to an extra link Rules! See you guys next episode! Episode List:
  5. Honestly, I was imagining Zygarde to shift in form every turn. Like, it takes him 4 turns to get to max form, kinda like Regigigas, except he does get more powerful each turn. It'll be an interesting mechanic, I'm not sure how it would work in programming but yeah. Or maybe he has a move that can transform him like Rayquaza. I'm hoping Ash's Greninja means something for the games, but I won't be surprised if it ends up being just an anime one-off thing. Oh well. Either way, I'm hyped XD
  6. ...Fraxure DD+6 = OP

  7. Shelly's Anorith is too fast -_-

  8. I sleep.... 3-10 hours, depending on whether or not someone wakes me up. I usually stay up late though. Usually. Mostly. All the time. ... Definitely a night person
  9. .......Hesstillajerk *cough* I mean, he looks really cool. Got that swag walk on, yeah? XD Nice to see more wallpapers
  10. But.... Cake *secretlyaddsadress* I..... actually never thought of that. AccordingtoquizzesImSlytherin Speaking of antagonist groups, where do you sign up for Team Meteor? *shot*
  11. ~~Obviously not a Harry Potter fan~~ Hello all. I've been playing Reborn for a while now, but just recently decided to join in on the forum fun. Started Pokemon since LeafGreen, been a fan ever since. I often roam around on Showdown Randoms, and for teams, most of them are, ahem, troll teams. I like to mess around with people. Magic Room, switching weird items onto opponents with Klutz Loppuny. The fun stuff As for other hobbies, I read books of all sorts, watch anime, watch movies, hide in bushes, stalk people, enjoy the looks of surprise when I *gets silenced* Ahem. Anyways, hello there. My name is Thums, and Reborn is awesome. ifIdidanythingwrongherepleasedon'tkillme
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