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About Khey

  • Birthday February 13

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    The Basement
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    Definitely not Pokemon

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  1. Just an fyi for anyone wondering, I still am alive. I havnt been able to update this because the server wasnt working for a few weeks, and the fact that my computer fried. I'll be upgrading to a new pc soon, and will update everything once that happens.
  2. Is there anything special about this one over mine? It is a lot less filled out, and mine is still updated to the current episode. I havnt done anything recently because of the forums bugging out and my computer crashing, but i will be replacing it relatively soon.
  3. Thank you so much for the tons of constructive criticism! Other than specifically saying "Oh, this Pokemon gets this move and this move and this move" I really have no idea how I'd be able to do something like that. If you have an idea, I'd love to see it! Fixed these. Thanks for pointing them out. I'd rather keep breeding for moves out of this guide, mostly because it is aimed at someone that doesn't know what Pokemon they should get, but also because its not so much as playing the game as getting ready to play the game. If you really think I should mention breeding, I will, but it will be a footnote instead of saying it in the description, so that people do not go into it feeling they will be required to breed.
  4. Really? Thats actually really useful to note because of how useful Scraggy is against Shade. Haven't used pancham, but it seems like it would be useful too if you get a scrappy one.
  5. Wow, thanks, that's really useful. And thanks vinny for confirming. Everything in the guide so far should have a badge requirement now.
  6. Updated to the most recent suggestions. Also, I updated the Availability section to reflect badges required, because it is more convenient for figuring out how soon something is compared to a vague "early". Because of this change, I ran into some questions about availability. If someone could tell me how soon you could get the following things, that would be really useful. Rose Incense Good rod Rock Smash Headbutt trees And last but not least, can you go in the Power Plant as soon as you get to the beryl ward, or do you have to wait until you're about to battle shade?
  7. Yup, i just havent had time to sit down and add the last few peoples suggestions. Homework and Finals and all that. Im just about to go to my last class for the week so i should have the opportunity to do that in a couple hours.
  8. @wizard and truly I was seriously considering putting greninja in s, but i decided against it because he lacks the raw power the others there. They have extremely powerful moves and strong offensive stats to back it up, while greninjas offensive stats are just good, and its strongest move till later in the game is night slash. If someone else in addition to you guys can vouche for s, ill put it up. @devon I still am considering splitting it up into seperate parts, but it would not be based on evolution. Every pokemons levels are very different, and you can level them up any time after you get them. If i were to split it, it would be based on the story. Best guesses on when would be pre route 1 and post route 1. Reason being would the it is about level 50 and beginning of episode 10, as well as making sense story line.
  9. Not that there are Talonflames or scizors in Reborn yet. I hope it stays that way for a while... Already have Alakazam, but thanks for everything else! Also thanks to everyone else that gave me things to update! Took a while, but added the most recent additions. As always, feel free to tell me if you don't like something or think something should be changed.
  10. Can anyone tell me what the codes are for adding the pokemon sprites? Adding them would probably make it a bit easier to skim through when you're looking for something in specific. I'll move it up a bit, but B is REALLY pushing it. Having to rely on luck for something this challenging is not really a good strategy, and you just don't have as much control over how the game plays out. I'll push it up to D, but probably no higher. Those are some good points. Moved it down one. I'll put it in the same place as Slurpuff. Swirlix comes a bit later than it, and is super slow and not that bulky... There are not many Fairy types in the game that I noticed, so having a steel type attack is not that useful. Not to mention thats pretty much its only attack. Also I already had it in I thought I already had Nidoking in, I've used it one of my playthroughs before... Added to C because Vinny also said it'd fit there, but he will move up if he gets any new decent TM's.
  11. Updated to include some Pokemon from my latest playthrough, and edited some tiers to better reflect a Pokemon's strengths. Also, it's become aware to me that the game, even in its current state, may be too long to have one list accurately portray how good some Pokemon work in different parts of the game, such as Noibat or Ralts, who have absolute garbage stats until they evolve. How would you guys feel about splitting this into different lists based on how far into the game it is? I've been thinking of having it as Pre- Route 1 and Post- Route 1.
  12. One thing I feel that should be mentioned is the ice cream seller. She is outside the Grand Hall on sunny days, from the beginning of the game. If i remember the cost correctly, vanilla heals 30 for $400, chocolate heals 70 for $600, and berry heals 90 for $800, which makes them all better investments than super potions. I'm not certain about the costs, so you might want to double check it though.
  13. I know you wouldnt be able to convert it, I was mainly thinking about just remaking it.
  14. Currently, at this moment in time, there are not any emulators for the 3ds, nor are there really any tools to use for hacking a copy of X or Y. I was wondering however, would there be any interest for one? I don't have the ability or knowledge to do it myself, and you'd have to ask Ame if she'd even be okay with moving the story away from the standalone. I personally would think such a thing would be pretty cool to do.
  15. Updated the list to include Pokemon that were changed in some way. I also went back through this topic and made a changelog, viewable at the bottom of the original post. Other things, do you guys think Ralts gaining Fairy and Abra being changed to way later in the game is enough to move it up a tier or two? Do you mean as in theorymonning? I don't mind as long as the people that do it can write in high quality and are knowledgeable about the game enough to not do it terribly. Otherwise, we can't really force people to only use event Pokemon on their play through.
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