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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by Sparky

  1. I'm just trying to figure out how to tend to the save file atm. I know I'm already past Saki at League Admin HQ.
  2. Can't wait any longer aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

    1. Tobi


      Just a little bit! Almost there!

  3. I am not sure how I feel about some of the changes around the forums. Why does the RP section default to a club?

  4. Sparky

    an apology

    I agree with this wholeheartedly tbqh. If the postgame is taking so long, then why not just release the main story content first, so the full focus can be put on the postgame content?
  5. I sometimes forget about the Ace Attorney RP I tried to host here, but then I remember that I lost all the data for it when my old laptop died

  6. The urge of wanting to jump back into the RP section is strong, but I'm not sure how to go about such an endeavor.

  7. Been flailing about against Adrienn for a bit. --Current Team-- [Braviary] | [Lv 75][No held item][Keen Eye][Brave]- Fly- Air Slash- Crush Claw- Aerial Ace [Wormadam-Trash] | [Lv 77][Scope Lens][Anticipation][Hasty]- Iron Head- Quiver Dance- Bug Buzz- Psychic [Seaking] | [Lv 77][No held item][Lightning Rod][Quirky]- Megahorn- Aqua Ring- Surf- Dive[Vanilluxe] | [Lv 78][No held item][Snow Warning][Rash]- Mirror Shot- Mirror Coat- Blizzard- Ice Shard [Toxicroak] | [Lv 79][No held item][Poison Touch][Brave]- Poison Jab- Sludge Wave- Sucker Punch- Drain Punch[Krookodile] | [Lv 80][No held item][Moxie][Quirky]- Dig- Earthquake- Smack Down- Crunch
  8. Anything else that you can add? Like what pokemon to start with since they've acquired a Bronzong?
  9. Since a friend of mine is having trouble with Charlotte, I may as well ask for them with the current squad that they have. Ampharos: Impish, 66, no item, Static, Discharge/Dragon Pulse/Power Gem/Thunder Rhydon: Bashful, 68, Wide Lens, Lightning Rod, Horn Drill/Stone Edge/Earthquake/Megahorn Incineroar: Careful, 70, no item, Blaze, Darkest Lariat/Cross Chop/Flare Blitz/Outrage Slurpuff: Lax, 70, no item (for now), Unburden, Play Rough/Energy Ball/Draining Kiss/Surf Donphan: Naughty, 70, Elemental Seed, Sturdy, Strength/Rollout/Earthquake/Magnitude Golem: Brave, 64, no item, Sand Veil, Earthquake/Strength/Stone Edge/Heavy Slam
  10. tfw I might need my saves for Reborn and Rejuvenation rebuild from ;~;

    1. Sparky


      *from scratch*

  11. That moment when you look through an old ReRoll you were apart of in the RP section and see that it hasn't been touched in nearly 4 years, but would love to see it be continued, despite the lack of people from it having left in one way or another.

  12. From what I'm assuming, the leads for Aya being Nidoqueen/Toxapex
  13. Just popping in here for a friend that's currently run into the difficulty spike that is Aya. Jynx - Level 45 Ability: Oblivious Docile Nature -Psychic -Powder Snow -Confusion -Avalanche Meowstic - Level 45 Ability: Keen Eye Timid Nature -Psychic -Cut -Disarming Voice -Psyshock Musharna - Level 45 Ability: Synchronize Mild Nature -Moonlight -Charge Beam -Psybeam -Imprison Incineroar - Level 45 Ability: Blaze Careful Nature -Darkest Lariat -Fire Fang -Flamethrower -Bite Ampharos - Level 45 Ability: Static Impish Nature -Discharge -Thunder Punch -Charge Beam -Power Gem Medicham - Level 45 Ability: Pure Power Gentle Nature -Hidden Power Ice -Calm Mind -Reversal -Rock Smash 'Notable' Pokemon in PC - Donphan/Klang/Fearow/Slurpuff
  14. It's been a while, but i've made a new playlist for everyone to take a listen to

  15. I've just been looking through old RP's i've been involved with, but I'm not sure if I should jump back into the subforum, let alone if there are any that I could join.

    1. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      The Reborn Fire Emblem on the Forums subforum is still surprisingly alive and well, although I guess there's some other RPs in that subforum that receives regular interest.

  16. Online UN: Sparks Trainer Name: Sparky
  17. I'm tempted to ask for a friend on how people get past Shelly.

  18. I really need to find something to do around here other than just lurk until episode 18 is released.

  19. tmw trying to recall the names for each episode of Reborn, but only remember Rust Thicker Than Water, Poison in Vein, and Poison in Vain.

    1. Abyssreaper99


      I remember a few more: Of Fathers Forgotten, Out of Light, Into Darkness, Demarcation, Cascade, A City Reborn (I think that was E16's name). Next one will be Void-kissed

  20. @LeonVermillion When do you want to do our Nations battle?

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