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Reborn Development Blog

Rejuvenation Development Blog

Desolation Dev Blog

Everything posted by XxSilentWinterxX

  1. This is a dumb question, but where is Vulpix in Mount Valor? I've had it on anger mood, and it still doesn't show up.
  2. I have a few questions. 1. 2. What was your favorite event Pokemon to script in so far? (Type: Null, Fennekin, etc.) 3. If there's any amusing moments in Rejuvenation, which ones are they and why? 4. Was there any characters you originally planned on putting in the game and then scrapped or redesigned completely?
  3. I don't believe Budew is available in Gearen Park as an event anymore unless it's in Neo Gearen City. I'm doing a new file to see all of the changes, and Budew is the first main thing I've seen missing.
  4. For Leafeon- there's this place in Terajuma jungle (Where you find Rowlet), and you'd evolve it there. Glaceon would be in the Evergreen cave, but it's bugged so you're unable to get Glaceon at this time.
  5. The Pokeflute is bugged so you're unable to get Snorlax as of right now. Also, Paras is on Route 1, before Goldenwood Forest. I've found quite a few there.
  6. Do you have patch 3 installed or are you using a mod of some sort?
  7. That explains it. Thank you. Now I can't be losing my sanity over it anymore. XD
  8. I have not! Thank you! Edit: Nothing happened. I had talked to the officers during the day, took the keys from the jailer at night. There wasn't anything in Tesla's villa.
  9. I used Solrock to one shot the gym. Calm mind + Psychic made quick work of it. What didn't die to psychic also went down to rock slide.
  10. Oh okay! Thank you! The guide said Day so I wasn't sure, but I'm glad I can find it!
  11. Is Swirlix moved or not available as of V11?? I've looked everywhere on Route 2 for it during the day and it doesn't show up. I even used the modpack so I could use it for the Swirlix encounter, but no such luck.
  12. Yeah, the game doesn't have it for some reason, so you'd need to use an older version of Rejuvenation to get Glaceon.
  13. Do you have any save states prior? It loads up in Jeminra cave and is frozen for me when I looked at it. It also shows safari balls as if you're in the safari zone. It won't let me even move up or down.
  14. So I snatched the jailer's keys from the 2nd floor in the judicial district. They don't show up in my inventory, nor can I do anything with them. Is there anything else I'm supposed to do or are they not usable at this time?
  15. It's not there. I was going to evolve my Eevee into Glaceon but the rock isn't available for some reason.
  16. I'm just about to finish V11 as we speak, but I'm so excited to see this! You guys do such amazing work, but please don't overwork yourselves.
  17. It reverted back to 11.2 for some unknown reason before and I didn't notice it until now. I will do that. Thank you!
  18. Has anyone been able to get the in Akuwa? Anytime I try, the game crashes. If I can't get it now, is there anywhere else I can get said Pokemon?
  19. Passwords are input so all you need to do is talk to SEC to progress. Game.rxdata
  20. Trying to get the Ducklett Egg in Akuwa town crashes the game. I've been able to grab the Seviper egg with no issues prior.
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