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I really want to play through Reborn.......but I want to wait for it to be finished at the same time.......ugh it is so hard XD. I just want to expereince it as the full package and how it is meant to be rather than when only a prt of the vision behind it is realized. ((I did start a bit....but eh...))
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It feels like reading a story that is half finished. It just feels like I am not meant to lay eyes on it yet, and while what is here is very good I feel like I should wait. I want all the gyms to have their fields etc, and that stuff for when I play, I want to truly experience the leaders at their full power, it is like fighting someone who isn't at full strength, it feels cheap. I dunno, it made sound weird to many people, but it is how I feel.
I'm sort of with you on this but I'm also not fully into waiting for it. Mainly because Ame's already put it out there. Finished or not, I see it as her showing us something she hopes to improve upon, which is why I still have a reason to play through it twice or three times even. Although, you do need to have the time for it too because of well....life.
Oh don't think I look down on it because it isn't finished, I jsut want to see everything at it;s best and what they are meant to be. I apprecate the work of Ame, and all the people who work on the coding of this game. It is a passion project, one not done for the money, but for the love of Pokemon, and Gaming in general. That is why I want to play through it when it is complete, becasue then I can experience the final product of that labour.