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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Raindrop Valkyrie last won the day on August 1 2019

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About Raindrop Valkyrie

  • Birthday 01/03/1995

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    The Ghost of Reborn
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    Within the shadows of the darkest heart

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  1. Hmmm, so if I did make an RP about the "monsters" of fantasy being the PCs... I wonder if it'd be better to start a fresh world... or to set it in Graterras. Pros and Cons to each really.

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    2. Commander


      Can't really tell you what to do since I was never part of Graterras. Just based on some knowledge, I suppose putting it in the Graterras world would be better. Though a new world would be like a fresh new experience focused mainly on that.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea, that's why I'm at a tad bit of an impasse. Both could work. Setting in Graterras jsut saves me a buttload of time. Hmmm... maybe I can just use Graterras's systems ((like how magic works etc...)) and gaft them into a new world so I don't have to backtrack too much work. I'd probably use a similar system to the recent Clash of Fates since I actually really dig that system as it treats all classes pretty fairly ((as before I had issues with Magic Casters not really know...

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      how to progress etc...)) maybe I'll just set it on an alternate plane of existence in Graterras's universe. It's have it's own Pantheon of Divine beings etc... and different customs, but play by the same rules. Maybe that's what I'll do.

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