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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Raindrop Valkyrie last won the day on August 1 2019

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About Raindrop Valkyrie

  • Birthday 01/03/1995

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    The Ghost of Reborn
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    Within the shadows of the darkest heart

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  1. And another Super Giant Game. Well, I'm certainly looking forward to more games from those guys lol. So that's the best thing I've heard all day today... ((and isn't jsut an annoying meme.))

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Combat


      Just saw the trailer, and I'm really hyped. I love how each of Super Giant's games are always different in way of gameplay. I'm kind of getting a Fire Emblem vibe from it, but we'll see, the game won't be coming out for a while.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Look all I know is there's going to be more sweet music I'll add to my music playlsits. Cause Super Ginst's music is so goooooooood. ((I'd probably buy a physical CD for Transistor's OST I like it that much.))

    4. Combat


      I'm both ecstatic and terrified for more music, since Super Giant has some of the best video game OSTs out there, and terrified, as that means my playlist will be hitting even bigger heights.

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