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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Raindrop Valkyrie last won the day on August 1 2019

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About Raindrop Valkyrie

  • Birthday 01/03/1995

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    The Ghost of Reborn
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    Within the shadows of the darkest heart

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  1. Just like to point out for those saying that Grass/Flying is an awful type... literally everyone said Fire/Flying was garbage and would never amount to anything competitively for years. There is now two mons that are and they are in OU near constantly. So... it's not only about type. juuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuust saying. There's quite a lot more that makes a mon

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ho is flying a bad secondary type? There's plenty of and a SHIT load of good and consdiered amazing flying types. Hell freaking half of them Defog efectively too... I'm still struggling to see how it's that bad lol cause it really isn't that bad.

    3. Shamitako


      I think a better argument is to point out that Shaymin Sky isn't exactly anything special for an event legendary and it still makes its way in Ubers just fine

    4. Ironbound


      Why does this have to devolve into an argument. There are a damn sight too many arguments here, many of which are pointless.

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