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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Raindrop Valkyrie last won the day on August 1 2019

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About Raindrop Valkyrie

  • Birthday 01/03/1995

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    The Ghost of Reborn
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    Within the shadows of the darkest heart

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  1. tfw they are actually investigating No Man's Sky in regards to the ethics of it's advertising. Like, officially officially. I can't say I'm too surprised but... I certainly think this might end up being... soemthing signifcant in the way games etc... are covered before they are launched even if no foul play is found. It's sets a precedent that it can be done if companies don't properly deliver. I wonder if this will have a good impact on the industry... or a negative o...

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yeeeeeea, the thing is there's a lot more here than within that sorta sphere. They promised and said on multiple occasions in offical interviews that certian features would be in the game. They are not. Some of these features are still listed on the steam page apparently... this is on top of screenshots and trailers that portrayed assets not in the final game.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      So, it's not just that there are screenshots of assets not in the game, That's pretty normal at this point. It's the combination of this and on record promises of features that were never included within the game. Now... this might be in part from the rabid fanbase reaching during the development period... There's jsut a lot of not so great things they did here.

    4. CURIE


      Just go watch Angry Joe's review. There's a part where I feel he does a great job of showing just how much bullshit was in the advertising.

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