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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Raindrop Valkyrie last won the day on August 1 2019

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About Raindrop Valkyrie

  • Birthday 01/03/1995

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    The Ghost of Reborn
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  • Location
    Within the shadows of the darkest heart

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  1. Huh, more regurgitated unfunny bullshit that's apparently what constitutes as humor these days. Hmmmm, lovely~

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      and after that comment I want to yet again point out that your opinion IS valid.

    3. Hycrox
    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It's not really the point of what I'm saying. I guess it can be misinterpreted I suppose. I apologize if such is the cause as it's not really the goal of such. But like, I do this all the time on the server whenever memry is going on so it really shouldn't be an issue since no one's taken it as such. ((since you know it's not. I don't find it funny but it's not a comment on anyone who is doing it. Like have your fun I'm not going to stop you.))

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