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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie
Vixen "You must not work with anyone then considering that all the factions constantly murder each other in cold blood in the streets. So, Loner then? That's the only thing that would make sense. Besides, I'm here for information on a beast that could very well destroy this entire city within the blink of an eye. I suggest if you know anything you give me that information otherwise their deaths will be on your head. They'll be on the heads of any who did nothing to save them. So, you can save me some time if you know anything and I'll be out of your hair. Or, you can further condemn them to their fates. Up to you." Vixen said. Next to no emotion on her voice other than a tinge of frustration. She really had no desire to wait here while if she had no information. She didn't have time for this. "So, what'll it be? I've not got time for you to sit there gaping at me. Either spit out what you know or I got other leads to check on." her nerves more or less clear though she remained calm and didn't yell that last sentence. Sh had no desire to fight this woman, mostly because it wouldn't be much of a challenge. It was too obvious that she over-estimated her skills and was trying to play tough. She was too emotional, not disciplined, telling marks of one who was fresh. Or at least, much more fresh than her. In regards to Magi... Vixen was quite ancient. As she said constant struggles between factions and the frequent attacks of beasts ended the lives of young magi every day, if not every hour. Those in the factions typically lasted longer as they had numbers with Loners having very small chances. That's why Vixen was an oddity. She never was a part of a faction, but due to her skills she had survived out in the Wilderness while she trained through the earlier parts of Magihood. She had been around for years now. The only thing that struck Vixen is how they would know to say she was a murderer. Her reputation was rarely tied directly to her, It was usually just a nebulous name that had no owner at least, no true one. It was hers but constantly it got stuck to others and constantly those others got killed. Vixen can't say she was all that proud of the last part but it did keep pressure off her and leave her to her work. It wasn't glamorous, most thought the Vixen a Monster. Mostly since they didn't understand what she did, and assumed she killed for sport or for fun. However, she only killed the number of the Magi that tried to gain off those without powers or that might as well be Beasts themselves. It struck her as odd now the mention of that what did she know? Vixen didn't let on to knowing that the Woman had made a crucial slip.
I hope you guys understand me dipping on the party. Just been in a strange mood today. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19160 ((that'll explain better than I can here in this small space.)), I really wanted to hang around but... I just couldn't. Large groups aren't for me... espically when I'm just not doing the best. I hope you understand.
Eh, maybe. I jsut can;t help it... I feel a tad bad about it but I'm just not comfortable with it. I jsut don't want people to think I'm mad at them or that they are doing things wrong which is why I dipped. It's just I don't deal well with large numbers and even less so when I am in a bit of a down mood. I jsut don't want people to get the wrong idea.
Ymora Academy Chapter 1: Bonds [IC]
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Chim's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Emberly, Claude "No, no trouble at all. He's a real cutey. Apparently my head is nice and comfy." Drake said reflecting on how the little Cottonee landed on her head in the line earlier. It was rather sudden that's for sure. However, the little guy seemed to really enjoy sitting on her head for whatever reason before. It was really interesting, at least to Drake. She wondered if he liked the height or what it was that drew him to sit on her head like he did. It made her giggle thinking about it. Pokemon were just as varied and different as people. They had wonderful differences in personality just like people did. It was just so interesting to Drake. "Perhaps it is, or maybe Doux just really loves to be free and do what he loves. Go with the flow. Pokemon are just like people, they've got personalities and act so differently from each other. Whisper here is not like many other Growlithes. I know that for sure. She's so horrified by people and scared of them if she doesn't know them. She can get along with them relatively well if she knows them though. If she gets a good sniff I know she'd probably warm up to you. She usually does. It's just getting her to give someone that chance is the hard part. The volume of folks around here also doesn't help. But, since they are thinning out she'll probably calm down. Oh hey, look she has already." Drake said this as she looked down at the pup in her arms. The Chocolate eyes were over her arm again. The Growlithe was staring at the other trainer and his Pokemon. She wasn't doing much and was still shaking, however it wasn't as bad as before. She didn't duck back in at the slightest movement either. She still wasn't entirely fine with the number of people about, but her nerves were finally breaking. "You want to say hello?" Drake asked her putting the little pup up to her face. It was quiet, but there was a small bark in response. It was quiet, but a whisper of a bark. "Alright girl!" Drake said giant smile beaming on her face. She was also happy when Whisper agreed to something with her little bark. :Okay, just to be safe, you have to put out your hand and let her smell it first so she can get your scent. No worries about Doux either, she'll get his scent with yours, so you don't got to worry about him sitting still and not scaring her. Her sense of smell is very powerful, so, she'll definitely smell his scent with yours if you've had him for awhile." -
Day to day I struggle with the problems of being alone, and the things that accompany it. I believe that, I deserve it that it's of my own making. I at many times, start to to think that it's my fault that people don't want anything to do with me. Despite knowing it's not true I sink back into the darkness anyway. I have trouble believing that I have worth that people want me around. I think of myself as a burden to them, a person that can only bring ruin and terrible things into their lives and make them worse. I feel like I'm a walking omen of terrible things. While at makes it sound silly and over the top... I can;t help but feel that way. I feel like I I ever do is end up hurting people around me, even if it's indirectly. I feel like I make the lives of those around me feel more and more bleak and that it's my fault it happening. So I want them to abandon me, to get away from the disgusting monster I am. I push them away. I push them away because I can't believe they actually care about something as vile as myself. They only want to make me feel better, just to restart the process and spiral back into it. I always find my way back into the darkness somehow. I feel like everyone is pushing me away... when in reality it's probably me doing all the pushing. However, I just can't stop myself. I just can't believe people want me around want me to be their friend, to be anything to them. I feel so often used and then discarded, because it's happened so often. I'm only needed or remembered when somebody wants something from me. When they need me for something, that's the only time I matter, the only time people give me the time of day. And I hate to say that, but I feel that way. I feel that way so often. Like I'm useless until I have a use. That I'm something so worthless that people just don't want to be around me. I feel it in my heart and my soul so heavily that it permeates everything I do. I try to spread kindness, because I feel like I'm never shown any, I try to listen to people, but I feel nobody ever has the time to listen to me. They just ignore me. And if that's the case... it has to be something I'm doing right? It has to be of my own making. It's my fault that people don't want to bother with me, it's my fault that I'm worthless. The more I try to believe that I'm not... the harder it is to believe. Because the only thing that I feel like I get is more and more reasons not to. There are some that provide contrary point... but they are greatly outweighed. As a result... I feel such crushing loneliness. It just sits on top of my soul and weighs me down. It colors all my actions afterwards and I just can't escape it. It's this loneliness that makes me believe all these things, that because I feel it so thoroughly that it must be true and I'm destined to be this way forever. It makes me not ever want to try and talk to people, try and believe them when they tell me I'm fun to be around, or a good person. It's the Loneliness so deeply entrenched in my heart that doesn't let me love myself. It never lets me breathe it never lets me try. It cripples my emotions and only let's me feel immense sorrow. Even when I try to be happy, when I try to care... I only feel bitter, empty. I can't bring myself to really truly feel happiness. I forget what it's like... I've lost it. When I find it... I feel like It's not real... and I let it go... because I definitely don't deserve something if I can't even recognize it anymore. I push away the things that make me feel this way, because I don't think I should be allowed to have it, if I can't really feel it. I don't even know If I can ever truly break this cycle... because it keeps repeating itself endlessly. Every time I think I've clawed my way out tooth and nail... I find myself back there again. Back within the pits of despair, of sorrow, of loneliness. I find myself right where I started. Back in the darkness I myself created and keep recreating. I can;t be free of it, cause It's still back there hiding. Anytime I make a break for it, it only speeds back into place reminding me that I'm so worthless I can't even defeat it. I can't win out as it only creeps back into place and keeps eating away at me. It festers in my heart and my soul more than anywhere else. And it hurts... it hurts so damn much. Pain is the only thing I think I really understand anymore. Pain, Sorrow, and Loneliness. The only things I'm allowed in this world. The only things I understand. The only things I know like the back of my hand. They are a part of me. I'm hopelessly broken. The only thing I know anymore is trying to keep others from getting to this state... keep them from cracking into pieces like I have. The more I hurt... the less others do. Or so is one of few things I can bring myself to believe. I even believe I'm more worthless than others intrinsically... I'm so pathetic. How can I be worth anything. And yet... there's a person who does everything to try and prove me wrong. I can always feel her hand on my shoulder, telling me everything is alright and that I'm not worthless. Even at the lowest of lows, the darkest of the dark... she's always with me, sitting beside me. She's never abandoned me... not once. I can always feel that warmth of her hand on my shoulder despite how lost I am. She always comes running no matter what. She's leaps into the darkness after me, no matter what danger there might be for herself. She risks a lot to make sure I'm never truly alone. And really... that's all I need. To feel that presence. To feel that someone is there. It helps me so much. It helps me remember that someone just might care and that if one can... others can too. She's almost like my guardian angel if I believed in such things... she's always there, and always trying to make sure I'm safe and well. It feels wonderful that someone ould try and care about me, that someone can. It lifts so much from my heart knowing it possible. I'm not sure she even really understands just how important being there is too me. Not talking, not really any of the other great things she does... just her presence is enough. That alone means the world to me. That someone would go out of their way.. just to make sure I'm not alone. Even when I'm at my ugliest. When i can barely be considered human... she's still there. She's always there. It makes so much of my pain just fade away. So much just evaporates and is gone. I can feel the weight lighten, the burden of pain and sorrow become less. In my journey to cast away these restricting feeling... that makes it so much easier. One day I'll cast them off into the sea, off into the great abyss, to be gone forever. Then maybe I can love who I am finally. But it is her that helps me do this. Her that helps me see reason, truth and wonderful things. Her who gets me to turn my back on pain and sorrow, and look onto much brighter things. Happiness, friendship, comradery, joy, and other things. She goes out of her way to do this. She never once had to, she never once had to really care. And yet she does. She doesn't let me be alone. She doesn't let me sink back into darkness. She allows offers a hand for me to take when I'm ready and climb out. and, while I take my time, she stays with me until I am. She really is wonderful. But, she's like me in some regards. We can;t see the things that are great about us. We're blind to them. Blind to our worth, blind to how good we are, and that people do care. So blind to the fact that people want us to be there, want us to not be all alone in this world. And that... probably pains me more than anything. That the person who's saved me countless times... suffers the same as I. That she feels the same pain, the same sorrow I do every day of my life. Because I know how painful it is... I've lived it all my days. I want NO ONE else to have to. And yet... the one who's always there for me suffers the same fate, the same loneliness... the same demons and tribulations. I can't help but think that no person should ever be in this place. Especially not one like her. A person so beautiful and so wonderful. I want to show her the things I see, the beauty that's blinding brilliant and so obvious to me, but foreign to her. The things that she can;t believe about herself... that she can;t love herself like I can't love myself. ANd, that is the problem. I don't know how... I can;t love who I am... how could I ever show her that? How could I ever begin to know how to show her how wonderful she is if I can't figure out that I am. And, that is what pains me most in this world. That I cannot express that to her and have her believe me. I'd give up anything to be able to do so.. but probably in the end end up destroying myself to do so. I'm so hopeless, so hopelessly selfless, but selfish at the same time. Because... I always value myself as lesser than others, that my sacrifice is worth their gain. I let people use me as a stepping stone and as a result... most of them just go on and leave me behind. They've crossed their threshold, their challenge... which ends my worth to them. And I tired of living like that, and thinking like that. Because, this person hasn't jsut left me behind. She's still with me. But she struggles with the very things I do, the very things I wish I could be rid of. And it kills me. I pains me so much more than anything else in this world because it reminds me how hopeless I am, how I don't feel like i can really help anyone, that I'm just a waste of space. But, Damn it hell I'm so tired of that. So fucking tired. I try everyday that I can to help her see so that maybe one day... I can. If there's hope for her there's hope for me. And while we bumble around here in the darkness, that we'll eventually find a way out of this damned dark. By everything in my power I want to make that happen. She deserves to love who she is, and to not feel this pain ever again. And if she does, so do I. If she is always there for me, it means I've got to have hope... I've got to deserve these things. Because if she does, and she's willing to go to so many lengths jsut to make sure I'm okay, and that I'm not alone, she's gotta see those things in me. She could've given up ages ago... leaving me behind like so many others in my life. Once they stepped over me, they'd vanish. But she's still here, and she's still telling me that everything will be okay in my darkest moments. She has to see the things I see in her... in me. The things I can't see in myself. And while I don't currently believe it... maybe we can both find out how with each other. Maybe we can both learn how to love ourselves. It's this reason I do fight and I don't give up... because if I give up... I think she will. I think she'll lose sight of anything she could see if I just give up on myself. So, despite the fact that the cycle of darkness, pain, sorrow, loneliness... I'll drudge on. I'm not going to give up. Because if one person thinks I'm worth it... others can. If she deserves it, so do I. Maybe one day the both of us can find our light and be free of this curse of self-loathing, this curse of pain... this curse of Loneliness. We can cast it off into the abyss for it to never return and get on with our lives. I have hope that it happens. But not just that. I'll make it happen. Because, she deserves that. I don't know when... or how. But it will... someday we'll both be free of it. In what capacity... I don't know. But one day it will no longer plague us and fester within out hearts. We'll be rid of it. And maybe then... for once we'll see the warm sun. The sun will shine on the roads we walk in life. The dark and gloom gone with our lives ahead of us to look forward to. I don't know when... but it'll happen. I'll give up anything to make sure it does. Anything so long as it comes not at my own detriment but, is for the good of us both. Because we, as all people are worth it. We're all worthwhile and all worth something. I personally need to learn that... sacrificing myself to make everyone else feel better and to be better people... will only lead me to ruin. I need to remember myself at times, that I am a person. Even if I am broken... even if I am full of pain and sorrow... I'm still human. I still need to look out for myself, and try to be a better person, try to be someone who thinks they are worth something other than being a conduit for others pain. I'm much more than that. Now... if only i could truly believe it... but...it's that I am working on. It's that I'm trying to ingrain in myself. Because I'm tired of being alone and tired of being a stepping stone... I'm tired of being a tool to be used. I'm human. I'm real. I've got feelings, goals, dreams, hopes. I need to stop putting only others before me, I need to remember, that I'm human. It her that taught me this. I hope one day I'll believe it. I hope one day, that I truly truly believe it. She's done more for me than I think she can ever know. She's done so much... just by being there when I needed someone. It was the only thing in my life I had never had. Some one who'd just be there. That simple gesture of kindness... meant the world to someone who never received it before. It saved me. It let me know there's hope and that I'm worth it. And that means the world to me. I wish I could repay that, I wish I could really let her know just how much it meant. But its not something words can ever do justice. Never could they describe it and have it's meaning be so clear and so true. And so... will I try... I don't think i can ever express how grateful I am, how much pain and sorrow lifted away from such a simple action. The Simple, simple gesture... of being there for me. Something so small... meant so much. Staggering disproportionate. I owe her the world. I owe her... to actually start loving who I am and what I am. It thanks to her I can ever begin to imagine this journey. It's thanks to her I can even begin to fathom this. That I can be worth something. I'll be eternally grateful for it. That I can even begin walking that path.
Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Tomas Elliot's topic in Fan-game Exposé
Which I said. But let's not get too side-tracked. The point is, we got reasons for the trainers using what they use, however at the end of the day... one could simply use a type because they like it. There really doesn't need to be a justification. A lot of the justifications for why many Gym Leaders use certain stuff is more or less made up by the players later and not actually stated by the games. That or it's in different media ((which... in the anime things are known to be different so it's not like they wholesale apply.)) Basically, at the end of the day... it is what it is. I could justify it however I like and you could come up with your own ideas, but... it is what it is. Like let's face it, there's only so much time we can give to each character... no matter what we write or plan for them to be about we can't just shove it all in there like a big sloppy mess. Some characters just won't be as seen, you won't get the crystal clear picture we tend to desire. It's just not interesting if you know exactly what ever character is about. SOmetimes there just needs to be those unanswered questions or the holes that are never filled when it comes to characters. Because we simply don't have time to flesh out every aspect of them. No matter how much I want to, and believe me... I do. We just can't. That goes for any narrative. There's just those that won't get days and days under the sun. If every character got the same exposure time, the narrative would be messy and all over the place. It's also... just not interesting. Coming out and just telling... just isn't very interesting. Leaving some room for the player's imagination is good. There's a reason fan theories and that stuff is so popular. People love that shit. They like to explore and learn and theorize about things they love and find intriguing. And sometimes, they'll come up with shit I would never think of as the writer. I may not have all the answers, but that's okay. No one ever will. As much as we think we know... us writers really don't sometimes, hell sometimes we get lucky and figure out the meaning later etc... and that's what's great about the writing and characters in general. The mystery just has so many ways to unfold when you don't have 100% of the answers why exactly they do and are. I think that's okay, and... more interesting that laying out all the facts 100%. Maybe folks don't agree, but that's my personal philosophy and one I'll stand by til the end of times most likely. -
Bookkeeping Notes, 2 More character apps tidied up and linked. rustytango's character, The 12th Brute accepted. Apps pending review: Cronos. ((sorry bud, got a lot to write up.)), Exlink, Shadow Mankey ((Demon reviews take a loooooot of scrutiny on my part and a while to write up as a result. They are pretty powerful characters as they get free abilities. So, for those making them... It'll take longer for me to consider them.)), Shadowkain. Other players I don't know if their apps are finished... or I didn't remember to mark down on my list of pending reviewing. If you are finished and I've not yet said I'm looking at your App, please poke me.
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- Dark Fantasy
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[OOC] Pokemon: Sins of Avalon
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Sutoratosu's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Hmmm, Hiss if your not aware Steele's not exactly shared the fact of her actual mentality to anyone else there to my knowledge. She's never once mentioned her warrior ideals etc or that she considers herself one in their presence. While she did lightly touch on the fact that she's only there for the fighting... that was a light mention of it and something that really hard to jump to the conclusion that her life more or less revolves around that. What she was talking about while it's from her mantra and mentality of being a warrior... it's not something that's unheard of from a normal person's perspective. She's also not really shown any obsessive behavior either. So your line in the IC... really doesn't make sense to me since it's really entirely opposite of how I've been playing the character to my own knowledge and to the knowledge of things that she's not revealed yet. Dunno... just thought it was odd and thought I should say something... since it feels like your meta'ing me a bit here. Like, if you think you're not etc... Correct me I don't mind, just thought I should bring it up siiiiiince sorta feels that way.- 635 replies
- Made by Stratos
- Sins of Avalon
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Ymora Academy Chapter 1: Bonds [IC]
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Chim's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
The Growlithe's head popped it's little head back into Drake's arm. Luckily for Doux... Whisper didn't start with the fire. That probably wouldn't have been very good for Doux. Drake was lucky that she decided to just hide again, that the nerves had dispelled enough that she didn't decide fire was the best course of action. It probably helped that she was holding her, so she remembered that Drake was around and that made her safe. Drake also recognized the Cottonee from before. It was the one that landed on her head while she was in line. So, this was the little guy's owner huh? "Oh, hi there little one. I remember you." Drake said seeing the Cottonee land in Claude's arms. "You're the one who decided I had a very comfortable head before. Guess I know just who you belong to now." She said smiling. She had leaned forward enough that she was eye level with Doux as she was talking to him. Whisper felt the shift forward, but apparently didn't pay it much heed. She did whine a little, but not really too loudly. It was more in protest of Drake no longer petting her behind the ears then anything of note. "And yea, I suppose that might be helpful. Never really thought that vocal exercises might be helpful in that regard..." Drake commented floating back to the previous point of conversation before Doux had arrived. -
Ymora Academy Chapter 1: Bonds [IC]
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Chim's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Hmmm, I suppose that's true, it's something that's much more evident in the Coordination side of things. Showmanship, the thrill of putting on a good show for the audience and being the star. I suppose there's something to that for sure. Perhaps, gone down another path I might even enjoy those things as well. But, me and Whisper here will be the strongest one day. Along with any other friends we meet along the way. That's my destiny I suppose. Though saying that aloud... makes it sound a bit stupid. Well, maybe." Drake said laughing. She was enjoying the conversation with Claude. He other than needing it for a tactical advantage wasn't really speaking on her height much. It might have been the reason he started talking to her but it wasn't really the reason he kept doing so and he didn't fixate on it. That felt nice for once. Most were inclined to fixate on it, not let her forget from some reason that she was... even though she knew very well that she was. She always had to look down to see people she she was always taller than them. For some folks she had to bend down to even see them close to eye to eye. It was annoying to be this tall...and more annoying to be constantly reminded of it. So, she was happy it wasn't the big topic of interest for Claude. Whisper's chocolate brown eyes were staring up over Drake's arm at Claude right now. She hadn't noticed the pup shift in her arms while she was talking. She was still shaking but calmed down a bit to the point it was noticeable. It was probably the combination of Drake petting her in her favourite spot, and the din of the people around them getting quieter and quieter. More and more were filing out and going about their free time. So, as the number of people thinned the less nerves piled up in Whisper. The little brown eyes just looked at Claude. He couldn't even see most of the Growlithe's face, just her two big eyes. Drake was still idly petting her, almost as if her hand was just on auto-pilot. -
Ymora Academy Chapter 1: Bonds [IC]
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Chim's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"You're just looking into things too hard. People do that a lot apparently. I just have fun with my fighting and it makes me smile like a goof. Nothing weird about that. Only weird thing would be thinking enjoyment is weird. I enjoy the heat of the moment the exchange between two trainers. Not afraid to rough them up a bit." She stopped there for a second, not really thinking Claude was serious. She thought it was some kind of joke. Like really? Who'd say such a thing. But in case she quickly added "Besides you think something as afraid of people as Whisper could ever want to be around a person like that? Come on! They'd be terrible to everyone. Not just people, Pokemon too. And I'm the only person Whisper trusts in this whole world." "Besides, you love the competition between coordinators don't you? That's exactly the same thing, the rivalry between them just put out in a different way. I'm sure even the Breeders enjoy competing with each other... In what I don't know, but I bet they do! So stop being silly. After all, just thinking about it gets me excited. I really want to meet other trainers and get to battle them, but I'm sure you want to met other coordinators as well for much a similar reason." Whatever it was he saw, it was completely gone... to the point Claude would've wondered if it even really happened. Drake herself didn't even know what he meant. Clearly it wasn't something that was actually anything, just a flash of strange emotion. More Drake remembering why she decided to do this in the first place. She wanted to be taken seriously. That people wouldn't treat her different or like she couldn't amount to anything just cause she was a bit different. It was the same of Whisper, people thought the little pup was useless just because she was small. Drake wanted to prove that was wrong. She never wasn't her normal self in that exchange, it was just the flash of something she had yet to tell the one talking to her that he didn't really understand. But as soon as it happened it wasn't really an issue. It's like it never even happened, some would say it never actually did and it was probably just a twitch or something that Claude saw that wasn't there. Either way, the Tall girl was that beaming ball of positivitiy again. She beamed a smile as she giggled at the situation. It wasn't like many before him had misunderstood who she was. It was on them though, not her. So she wasn't bothered by it. -
[IC] SoA-Ep1: Passage
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Sutoratosu's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Pointless detail. Action matters more. It's through action things are conveyed. It's through action and motion one learns and sees. A History lesson is of no use to me. I don't really care what happened or why I ended up here I'm here, and now. My path lies within and I'll walk it. Don't need to give me any detail on why I'm here, or how I came to be here. I'm already here. That doesn't matter. For those that wish to leave, that's your prerogative. That's your path. But I have no need to walk the path of cowards and the ones of those that would complain about the destination of the journey of their own making." It was all Steele said before falling silent once more.- 189 replies
- Sins of Avalon
- In-character
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[IC] SoA-Ep1: Passage
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Sutoratosu's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"If you end up dead or in jail you deserve that fate. You fate is what you make it, therefore if those things happen you let them happen. It's not my problem if that happens to you. It's not my problem you decided to be here. You're the one that came, it's of your own actions you are here." Steele said no real emotion in her voice, other than perhaps a small bit of distaste. This one wasn't a warrior. Content to complain about the lot they made for them self. It was no one's fault but her own that she was here and that she didn't walk away from it. Not sure what use complaining was now that the situation had come to fruition. She kept staring out over the horizon. There was much ahead many challenges... one probably dealing with half of these whining ingrates and insufferable crybabies. These People that complained that they made a bad decision or a bad call, but didn't hold themselves responsible for putting themselves in the situation in the first place and thought everyone else was to blame that they now held this lot. It was pathetic. Whoever this girl was... was not worth her time. She decided as she thought more on it that she wouldn't just ignore them, but that she wouldn't really bother trying to care here either. This one would see fit to whine and complain, she showed it nearly every time she opened her mouth.- 189 replies
- Sins of Avalon
- In-character
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[IC] SoA-Ep1: Passage
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Sutoratosu's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Steele backed up the girl's account rather quickly. It wasn't like her to usually but into a situation unfolding but she figured she might as well confirm. "Her account is correct. The attack happened pretty quickly after we had arrived there wasn't much time to prepare. Our attackers probably were clued in on what was transpiring here today. It seems... to well planned, and they too well armed for a random attack. I suppose you know more, but I'm not going to pry for answers... I could care less. I'm only here for the fighting. It's the thing I'm good at."- 189 replies
- Sins of Avalon
- In-character
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You know... everytime I write a new Scene with Drake... I remember why I like that character so much. She's jsut so different to my usual stuff that's she's so fun to play for me XD.
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I swear man, I must've been on whatever drugs those drunk midget pandas are constantly taking...
You got no idea man...
It was a crazy ass night we had at that rave.
... I regret everything XD
Never thought in a million years Bayonetta would be in Sm4sh... but now I ahve even more reason to get a Wii U... man I ahte being broke.
Ymora Academy Chapter 1: Bonds [IC]
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Chim's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"I'm a Trainer, and Whisper and I will one day be the most powerful trainers this world has ever seen. A silly dream maybe, but, one from a silly girl and her pup." Drake said, a warm smile on her face. She figured he asked due to announcing he was a coordinator earlier... or did he? Drake wasn't really paying entire attention to the introduction since she was worried about Whisper, but she figured that he probably said that. She recalled it at least... so it probably came from that source. "Whisper's pretty nervous around people, and even in battle at times. but I know she'll be great." The Growlithe's small size was so easily seen in Drake's arms. It was much smaller than your average Growlithe for sure. The super big giant girl, and her tiny little hound. It was an interesting sight, the difference in their size. "Not that there's anything wrong with Coordination, I just prefer the heat of battle. What can I say, I like to crack a skull or two." she said with a strange light in her face, a faint... and slightly terrifying smile. The fact it only eeked out for a second.... made it that much more creepy. -
Ymora Academy Chapter 1: Bonds [IC]
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Chim's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Well nice to meet you Claude. Emberly Everburn, But, you can call me Drake. Don't ask, it's a long story." She said turning on her heel. She looked around though she had yet to actually start moving. "I'd shake your hand but I don't want to startle Whisper. She's... not the best with people that aren't me. She's kind of a bit nervous right now, but I want her to get used to the large number of people. She going to have to at some point." she continued to stroke the pup's ear. Whisper, didn't really calm down much. She stayed about as nervous as previous. Her face was still buried in Drake's elbow. Claude would only see the top of her head and her shoulders really, a flash of orange against the shirt Drake was wearing. "And I I'm happy to be of service. Most people don't really talk to me. Apparently being tall is scary. Never really understood that. People are weird. Maybe that's why Whisper doesn't like them much. Well, shall we get going and look for this... acquaintance of yours? I just hope we haven't missed her yet. That wouldn't be too fun." -
Ymora Academy Chapter 1: Bonds [IC]
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Chim's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"Well, I'm gifted in things vertical so crowds aren't an issue for me. I'm sure you'll be able to keep sight of me. Preeeeeeeety sure." She laughed as she pet the little dog in her arms. She was worried about Whisper since she had her out so long today and around so many people. The poor thing was was shaking so heavily. In fact, Claude probably could see her visibly shaking from where he was standing. She pet Whisper behind her ears, her favourite spot. "I don't personally know this girl but I'm sure we'll find her... probably. Not to be rude, but sounds pretty generic at least appearance wise. The Skitty might be easier to spot, since they are bright pink. Not sure, anyway we'll find her. Soooooooooooooo... why you looking for her? You like her or something?" Drake said with a smirk on her face. She actually was intersted to know why, but thought she'd have a little fun while she was asking. -
Ymora Academy Chapter 1: Bonds [IC]
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Chim's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
"I'm not sure what you mean by that." Emberly said raising an eyebrow at the kid. She didn't expect him to have bad intentions though. His smile was rather enchanting, it made her more or less believe he had good intentions. She wondered if that meant it was totally the opposite if it was something false pretending to be something else, but she figured she was just being paranoid. Whisper whimpered a little in her arms her chocolate eyes popping over Drake's arm before popping back down upon seeing Claude. "Just what you want me to do?" she said giggling "Hopefully it's not picking you up because little Whisper here won't like that much. I also rather she not light you on fire." -
What are some powerful electric types?
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to damurdara's topic in Team Showcase
I'll trumpet that Eelektross one, Eelektroos has a pretty great Movepool... sadly I think in REborn it has a bit of issues tapping into it' special Side, but it's Physical Coil Set isn't too shabby and can be pretty effective. It gets draining moves to recover health and deal damage at the same time and it's just a pretty solid mon. Sturdy on Magnezone isn't no joke and it's not something to take lightly. With that big SpAtk stat it going to hit something HARD. Rotom just for sheer versatility. If the TMs for Overheat/Flamethrower are ever out, Manectric and Zebstrika should be pretty usable too, they have pretty shallow movepools but between a Fire move and Elec STAB they fill their role pretty well. ((it's good to hope they get an HP that can let them deal with Ground types as well, but as that's random unless you want to go and breed a lot it's hard to 100% get a certain one.)). They are fast and hit hard enough. Zeb is probably more usable right now. Mosty reccomneding these as well since... I dunnohow far you are and they are pretty good early game/middle game Elec types even with their somewhat shallow movepool just due to their speed and ability to hit pretty hard. -
Is it ok that my emboar has only recoil damage moves?
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to damurdara's topic in Team Showcase
Yea, it's basically a lot like Rampardos, it's giant HP stat is more for soaking up it's own recoil damage than really giving it bulk. ((both have horrid defenses, are slow and have questionable defensive typing.)) And yea I'd recommend Hammer Arm as well, through breeding it can get Superpower, but in-game I think Superpower's drawback are a bit too high for the extra damage. After all it drops attack and Defense. Attack is one of Emboar's few good stats and it's defense is already bad on a mon weak to EQ and other common Physical attacking types, that's not good for longevity. As mentioned, It's speed is already pretty garbage at around base 65 ((which is about fast enough to outspeed some walls and more defensive mons it's at least got that going for it.)) so lowering, doesn't matter. While Fire and Fight have a bit of overlap, it's good to mention that while both net Steel and Ice, Fire gets Grass and Bug ((Bug being of the most importance since it hits Bug/Steels hard being it's only weakness.)) and Fighting netting Normal, Dark and Rock. ((Rock being super noteworthy being a normal weakness of Fire though FIghting type negates that weakness it's still worth mentioning.)) I'd say a Fihgting STAB is a really good option for you. It also gives you a move that won't wear you down for using it, that can be super handy in a pinch. Sucker Punch is another very good suggestion by folks since it is literally Emboar's only access to priority so... kinda forced to use it if you want it. It further negates the downside of Hammer Arm, making that move even better since it has no real drawback. Further the Dark Coverage really helps deal with Psychic types, otherwise big trouble for Emboar. It also gives something to smack Ghosts with super effectively, especially those that would resist your Fire STAB. ((or be Flash Fire Immune too... Chandalure...)) so it's another good option if you got the patience to breed it on. Another good option... if it's released would be Wild Charge, it's another recoil move yes, but it allows Emboar to deal with Water and Flying types more effectively. I'll say it a bit of a middle ground between Head Smash and Take Down that you have, it would replace either. It's better at dealing with more and deals much less recoil to you, but it misses the sheer power of Head Smash. This point could completely not matter though since... the TM for it has to be out and I having not played Reborn... have 0 clue if it's out... I have a feeling it's not since it wasn't mentioned yet looool. -
Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Tomas Elliot's topic in Fan-game Exposé
I personally don't believe in the Type makes the Trainer. I don't think certain personalities are anymore drawn to too one type then another. I still feel it's just preference, so for the Gym Leaders maybe they will line up with commonalities in the other games, maybe they won't. it's entirely up to how I decide to right them. While I think the team etc can inform on a character's personality I also believe it doesn't have too and is not required. For this in particular, I'm not going to say anything other than it's probably not a type people will guess right off the bat. And, even if you did... I'm not spillin' the beans on it until it happens. Just keep in mind folks, I'm not holding myself to make their personalities match the type, it's not that some could be drawn parallels etc... but all of those are rather unintentional. And keep in mind it's possible to be flighty and a bit airheaded but still analytical. After all they could be a very Intuition based intellectual that makes strides and bounds by making spectacular leaps in logic without necessarily checking all their work first, and then rewinding to check. There's definitely researchers and people out there who do that. ((I would know it's how I operate. I'm a gut thinker and usually go with what my gut tells me rather than straight up logical fact all the time.)) if you think hard enough you can tie literally any personality to a type, because it's really that easy. It's just one's skill at writing tha would prevent it otherwise. Example, I think Mary breaks the Mold for most Ghost type leaders and E4 member. To me she's pretty different. Her tone is a lot less serious and she's brimming with life and energy. She packs a wallop and is up in your face 24/7. She's a spunky piratey lass. Where as most Ghost Trainers... except maybe Agatha and Phoebe sorta fit that more subdued mold. ((yes even the one that's supposed to be an opera singer I believe.)),Phoebe's probably the closest, though I think everyone has always felt she was... weirdly out of place. -
Like dead tired so going to bed early and got work to tomorrow... so might be a bit before I get back to Heartless Souls apps again. Sorry for the the long wiat folks. Just... I need to carefully consdier apps in this RP and it takes quite a bit of time. Takes a lot outta a guy lol. Hope you understand. Hukuna Sensei out~
Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Chim's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Not saying your wrong, I'm just enjoying the conversation lol. I didn't shoot anything down, though I'm pretty sure quite a lot did. I'm just poking at it to see if you think its till holds up. It's what I do lol. It mostly just to get you to think about it. I mean... we could both be dead wrong XD. We don't know anything until the series actually tells us what happened after all. Why I don't usually theorycraft stuff and just let the show tell me, since... it knows what's going on entirely it's just not shown it's hand yet. This scene wouldn't nearly be as exciting imo if we knew how whoever this Semblance belongs to work. It's the fact that we can discuss these different ideas on the happenings that shows the scene was a fantastic put together scene and that episodes leading up have built enough mystery and intrigue that it culminated into this point.
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