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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Shaman my favourite class and has been unviable garbage for 3 almost 4 metas straight. Needless to say I don't care if it's "cancer." ((mostly since we shouldn't use a word like that to dish out hate on something we don't like in a game.)) Either way, I think it's more people have zero clue how to handle it yet. I mean I've had plenty players leave my Tunnel Troggs alone until they got out of control... then they dealt with them. They really don't respect their bursty damage and they leave them intact on the board all the time. They are like even better Mana Wyrms, so I don't really get why people think they aren't threats. Like Mages... you should Frost bolt that shit the second it hits board, not wiat until it's at 6 attack and then do it ((which I've had them do like so many time on me.)) Malylock has been a thing since BRM, just not a common thing, it was a heavily experimented with Deck. Reno just makes you able to survive to pull off super combos easier. Also, Entomb is really really slow. It's like.... suuuper slow. Since you have to draw the minion and then play it for full price, like really... MC's probably still easier to be able to reliably use. Museum Curator is pretty good I suppose, since it's 3 card chance will probably net you something good since most DR cards are pretty strong. With Class Cards having 4x chance to appear it even gets the synergy of pulling Dark Cultist more often which curves into turn 3 which is pretty sweet deal.
  2. Except for the fact we know Yang knows she intentionally hit him, just she thought she was doing it out of self defense. She clearly shows confusion, but not the "Wait I did what?" kind of it, she knew exactly what she did. She eve starts sayin "yea, you got what you deserved... or something along those lines." before she grasps the situation meaning she intentionally did it, it can't be a trick that way cause it wouldn't make sense, she'd hit the illusion and it shatter... Also how does light talk? I can understand that in that fight Mercury was still in earshot, so he could've said it, however, in the fight with Coco and guy's name I don't feel like looking up to spell, Coco was nowhere near him when the image of him showed up. It has to be an illusion that effects senses for that too work. Light can't talk to you since a reflection doesn't make sound. Then again who knows the rules on that I suppose? Your also assuming it's Neo who doing it, who we have no evidence of being at the scene. Why would it be the ability of someone we've never seen anywhere near the area while it's happening? That makes zero sense to me. She's not be been present at all anytime it's happened. Why would that lead to being her ability? it makes for more sense it's Em doing it since we know she's been there in both incidences. We know she was physically there. If it was Neo's power... wouldn't they show her somewhere at some point? As I said Earlier, she's not even shown in the stands with Cinder in the first or second fight. To me it seems like stretch to connect her at all to the happenings as a result.
  3. I mean anyone can feel free to gravitate towards the Giant that is Drake... she probably sticks out like a hella sore thumb.
  4. Steele breathed deeply. It had been too long a day dealing with an insufferable bird and these.... very strange folk. She felt like she jsut wanted to sleep already. She wondered if i was just a side effect of the unnatural darkness looming overhead. Isamu was back in his ball, probably sleeping the lazy ass. She sighed... he was such a handful. However, he was strong it's why she kept him around. They had a bond not many would understand. A pact of understanding, a warrior's bond. In such it'd never be broken despite how easily they got on each other's nerves. One might think they hated each other at a glance, but anyone worth their salt would know it was a friendship that could be broken by nothing. An Iron Bond. The Steele woman and her Iron Bird. A tag team feared by some. They were adapt fighters, even if Isamu was a slacker. Steele found the closest thing to a chair she could on the deck and sat down looking out into the horizon. She wondered where this boat would take them. Though she did know it's true destination, she'd never been there. So, it was still a great mystery. Steele didn't like mystery lying around unsolved. It's why she traveled so much, she just always felt compelled to be moving her feet towards some goal. The only place for her was past the horizon. One knew it was impossible to ever truly reach the horizon, but, Steele couldn't be helped to try. She'd been told many things she did were impossible. She did them with ease. And so she stared over the starboard side of the ship watching the Horizon, watching them near a new place, a new journey. She always looked towards the horizon, for it held the future. Perhaps she would get closer to it this time. Though... she knew that the answer was no, she couldn't help but think it. She laughed at herself, audibly, not really caring if anyone heard her. It was a silly thought. And yet, a human one. Though, it more fitting a scholar, an explorer, a philosopher. Not a warrior. Then again... what were warrior but philosophers of war? She held her cane in her lap, straight across as she sat prim and proper. Even her sitting form was poised and disciplined. It was evident she had remarkable control over her body. She looked like she would be ready to pounce at any moment, ready to strike. It aired on the edge of her relaxation. Her face soft and serene by comparison of the rest of her form. She nearly forgot anyone else was there, as she pondered what the future might hold. That was more fascinating to her than really anything else. People weren't for her. They rarely understood the path of a warrior. So, she didn't really care they were there and more or less pretended they weren't there for the time being. it wasn't that she didn't want to, it's just she didn't really feel the urge to talk to any of them of her own volition. So, she sat and watched the horizon move in the distance instead.
  5. Well I was going to write a post, and you could feel free to set up the scene. lol. Mostly jsut yankin' your chain though lol.
  6. Well it's lightly D&D based, it's not overly so. D&D experience is defs not required. I'll say only really at a glance does the Doll thing seem a bit overbearing since it's basically mind control magic which, is very powerful. I'll give you a full work up when I get to it. I really love your ideas man and the direction your're taking sjut need to suggest ways to tone down some power lol. It's still a great effort and I do enjoy his concept and the ideas behind him.
  7. tfw you want to make your Custom Title to something Undyne related but not sure what to go with. "The Undying" for the seriousness, or "The Heroine?" since... I'm a dude and the looooolz. I'm leaning towards the Lolz though.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I still like "The Heroine?" though. Yea it's dumb but it makes me laugh so damn hard XD. I'm jsut silly.

    3. Vinny


      Then do it m9 and forget whatever anyone says :T


    4. Flux


      Go with your gut, Huk!

  8. Double Posting!!! Weeeeeeeeeeee!!! But yea, I'll be accepting Stratos's Aurora ((that name would be so awkward if this was Graterras XD.)) and Hiss's Isolda. Other things I need to say some things on. It'll tae me a bit t write up responses. Oh, and when writing your Lesser Abilites can I ask that you guys try to write them from a generic perspective? It's make it so I don't have to rewrite them when I put them in the Lesser Index. It'd be very helpful! I'll also quickly say Chim my man, Signature Abilities don't have Tiers, they are their own tier above all others. It's why they are trump cards are not to be used willy nilly and all the time. They are powerful. ((Passive ones are a bit different and have a different power level but are still pretty strong effects.))
  9. It's new Playlsit TIIIIME!!!! Hukuna here to give you your fix of good music to get you through that Monstrous Monday. So, let's have a Happy Monday folks!!! THis week is my guilty pleasure, or Love songs. They jsut make me feel so happy, and gooey and lovely. Okay... maybe I'm weird but I like them, so I made a list of them for you to enjoy. Hop on over to my Profile to enjoy some sweet tunes. Thanks for Listenin' . http://www.pokemonreborn.com/for...

  10. But, that's why her putting an Illusion on everyone else makes zero sense. 1. It probably be a lot harder to do that to an entire arena of people AND THE ENTIRE WORLD THAT IS WATCHING THE LIVE BROADCAST ((not yelling just emphasis... cause uh... that's a lot of damn people XD.)), than just a single person, Yang. Remember they showed the scene in Episode one of people all over the world watching... I don't anyone is so powerful their semblance can effect that many people. 2. Cameras don't lie, the footage definitely couldn't be doctored that quickly even if Cinder knew about it beforehand... and she also left the arena ((since she obviously knew what was about to happen she had no need to watch.)), therefore she wouldn't see exactly when it happened and be able to do it all that quickly, unless she's like so good she could do that in a couple seconds and I highly highly doubt that. Basically if the illusion was on everyone else, the camera would reveal what really happened because it's a machine and you can't affect a machine with an illusion, machines only ever record exactly what they see because they don't have minds and can't be influenced. Illusions are tricks on the mind and how it perceives things by messing with their sensory organs ((things that effect sight, taste, hearing, etc...)) which.. a cmaera being a piece of techonolgy, does not have. Therefore the Illusion had to be directly used on Yang otherwise the footage would show that what had occurred was a lie and she was just defending herself. Also... while it could be Neo's... it can also be Em's semblance too. I mean... she's been present every time we've seen it be used ((she runs up to Mercury after Yang breaks his leg.)) and Neo didn't appear in that episode at all, or in fight with Coco... and... guy with hard name to spell. Like she straight up wasn't in those episodes, she wasn't even shown in the stands with Cinder either time. TO me it more heavily implied to be Em's ability. The timing just seems to need to be her in the Coco and Hard to spell guy's fight, like it happens really close to when Mercury takes him out after they intentionally split them up. The Scoreboard also displays the Aura Levels so pretty sure Em could see it even from the arena. I dunno, it just seems more like they are implying that that power belongs to Em since she is present every time it's used. But, that's just me.
  11. Sorry I've been taking so much time you guys life's just been being a bitch and I've not got the time to sit down and really absorb your guys characters and try to understand them as I see them on the page. SO I've been taking a bit of time, and I do apologize to those that are finished and I'm taking forever to get to lol. I'm definitely going to have some time tomorrow for this so I'm going to get them knocked out of the park. I'm a man who likes his detail what can I say. Though people definitely know this about me by now, and I figure it one of the reasons they flock to my rp just due to my storytelling and the detail I craft into my worlds... You guys will actually get to do some of that yourselves in this one so that'll be fun. Glad to have ya if you do decide to right an app Grizz. I look forward to reading your all about your character! This is definitely a high skill level RP, I'm not saying that I won't allow you to participate I just want you to be very aware that this is going to be pretty challenging for a newcomer. However, I like teaching people by throwing them into the deep end and seeing if they can swim. If you do ahve troubles once we get started I'm going to be glad to help you along as well as many of the players will probably help you out too. So no worries. Anyway, glad to know your interested. I'll look forward to your app and reading about your character!
  12. 1. Mostly, Not learning their lesson. If you make a mistake, okay. Learn from it. Don't fall into the same traps, take the experience to heart. Learn from the wisdom of experience. If you cannot, you are doomed to repeat that thing over and over. If you don't learn and don't grow as a person... you've learned nothing from having experienced said thing. I just think if you can't take something out of that mistake and just keep repeating it... you're more or less doomed. There's nothing I can do to help you if you won't help yourself, if you won't learn, if you refuse to try or yourself and make me lift or you. I can't do that for you. No matter how much I'd want to. In this world you have to lead yourself. You can call on friends to help you, but they need to assist you in that endeavor, not fix i for you. Because it's not possible for a person to help another entirely in that way. They can't think of you, they can't act for you. Therefor you need to do those things, and you need to put them into motion. 2. Not really many other than BigDog294, some people's Skype show that as my name for some reason as it was the original name of the account. It was without the numbers my Football nickname. SO, I thought I'd use it lol. Other than that no real other considerations. 3. Hmmm, that's hard to say. I've sorta always prided myself on finding my own way in life and shaping myself into who i want to be. The point of a role model is to be more like them. But I'm not them. I cannot be them. I am me. Therefore I've never really had one in the way most people have if they did. The closest thing to one would be my Uncle, since he's a wonderful human being and sorta like me. Person who feel very much like the black sheep, that person people just don't really care to understand. While I don't talk to him overly much I do enjoy talking with him and hanging out. He's a lot like a older me XD. Though he's even more of a jokester if you can believe it. 4. While it's an amazing theme... I still think Spear of Justice is better than Battle Against a True Hero ((probably since I had to listen to it on loop for about 2 hours while I couldn't beat her boss fight... damn my ingrained RPG sensibilities!!!)) I REALLY LOVE BOTH... don't get me wrong I just kinda have a soft spot for Spear of Justice which is always stuck in my head now. ((mostly dat Brass man... dat brass.)) 5. If time and money were no issue? Travel... a loooooooooooooooooooooot. There's so many places I want to see, mostly Ireland and Germany, places that I hail from. ((since that's where my heritage lies.)) But, I'd love to see other places too. 6. because I'm lazy and haven't gotten to changing it.
  13. You know, I want for once to be considered a person. I am one too you know. But, I feel like I never get to be. I just get to be that punching bag everyone needs to feel better about themselves. I try to consider everyone else, I try to see things from their point of view etc, but no one ever consdiers me, no one ever has time for me. I'm just not worth their time to even remember. That's makes me feel beyond worthless. If I'm not worth the time to consider... why should I even be...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Another Felix
    3. Notus


      Mate. You´re:

      -a extremelly talented storyteller



      -and caring person

      -and one hell of a good friend.

      That´s more than enough for me. And if there are people who can´t see that, their opinions are not even worth worrying about. Listen to what those you care about have to say, that´s all that matters.

    4. Aurorix


      Don't be glum chum, and if you need a bag to punch I can take a few hits. :)

  14. It hard to say, but mostly it was just my love of fantasy RPGs and those types of games that I moved into Tabletop gaming. I just really enjoyed D&D and that style of thing. High Fantasy was always so fascinating to me and it made me really want to just try it out. And, so I did. I moved to the more forumy type one wit Reborn, it was the first place I did it, or even knew it existed and it was really really fun.
  15. pssssssssssh, that's a hard question. I could probably easily go with the cop out of Graterras as a setting though. It'a world I just really love. But huh... what else. Actually Heartless Souls would be a much cooler idea to me. An RPG where the players play a monster and form the monster side of view. We rarely get that look at things in. I'd easily like to make an RPG, I think more in the expressive vain of things, things like the Old School Balder's Gate and the infinity engine games, Or stuff like the new Divinity: Original Sin, Pillars of Eternity, or the new Shadowrun games. I'd really like to use that type of RPG as it allows the character to really express themselves and crate a character who can be well fleshed out and make the story theirs like the Tabletop RPGs I love. It will also leave massive room for world generation and what not. I'd love to create something like that. Not sure how I'd push the genre but I'd think of something,
  16. Well... I've got work soon and then hanging out with a good friend. Should make it worth that lol. THough it's going to make work seem like it's taking forever. Uuuuuuuuuuuuugh... I will persist. ((In other news I remembered to remove omre of the Plague Knight stuff from my signature so I changed the song and Quote that goes with it.))

    1. Flux


      Have fun, Huk!

  17. Personally, I don't like wearing things on my head. Not my thing. I only really ever wear a cap sometimes in the summer to keep my head from getting sunburned ((as I'm bald therefore that happens.)) but normally I just don't. I still need to get around to using it, I've just been busy and wanting to paly other things that aren't pokemon so I've not gotten around to it. It's mostly "I think I'm garbage" syndrome dawning on me again which makes me not want to play it much XD. I really do appreciate all the work you put in with it, and a lot of that information was pretty helpful so yea It was pretty sweet XD. Nope not really. Typically most things won't bother me, I'm used to being called 8 million different things so yea. Certain things I do get a bit wily about...but that's not one of them. I played mostly Line, Right Guard, and I played Defensive tackle as well. I liked both quite a bit, very physical punchy positions. I was always on Red Zone String for Defense especially since I was known as pretty much an immovable object. SO, I really liked where I was, had quite the bit of fun. While it was a bit short lived, I did enjoy it immensely. It was pretty satisfying. I say this and I pretty much hated most sports but really felt I could do my thing in Football XD.
  18. Hmmm, well I'm bad at this crap. Mostly bad at thinking of questions. So, what's you favourite part of the development process? Implementation, debugging etc? And further why lol?
  19. Well, that AMAA thing was pretty entertaining in a way actually. Never thought it might be fun talking about myself... that onyl sounds a little vain... XD.

    1. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Vanity is kinda my thing, you know. Please do not invade the personal space of a lady.

  20. Yea, but people use it for that kind of stuff outside of that culture a lot to the point the connotation sticks... makes me just not want to be referred to as such personally. I know that it's not only sued for that and it's not really that kind of a thing but it feels like that's all it's used for in conversation or in it's memeic usage by people. SO I'd rather not be called as such. ((I'm also not going to get into how much I hate Harem anime... that's not for here XD.)) I personally don't really see it was derailing in all honestly. It's just explaining a point on something I said ((though I already know the implications of this particular instance.)) so it's furthering the conversation still. I only consider it derailing if it's completely missing the point or going off in a completely random tangent out of nowhere.
  21. So, the only person I really ended up explaining this too was Shia funnily enough. But it's not really hat, after all people call me Sensei which as you should know is also Japanese and is used as an honorific at times. Anyway, the thing is is more of a two pronged answer in that 1/ I don't like how it's portrayed in media very much with the whole "Notice Me Senpai!" crap and how it tends to move towards more or less shallow I like you cause I look up to you things that quickly get pushed into places I'm not all that comfortable with. The implied sexual tension at times is... kinda not my thing. The main reason more is I don't really think in most cases I'm deserving of a title to people. I'm not actually that great a person at times or at least, I don't think I'm worth looking up to in that way. I'm a pretty flawed individual... though I suppose we all are in our own ways. As such I tend to not like being called that. This being said, it's still more me messing about, though It's not something I am fond of for certain.
  22. Nothing wrong with learning more about someone meeting them again so to speak lol. Thanks for the questions, was quite a lot but they were nice and pretty fun to answer so it's no big lol. I hope you have a nice day too Shia.
  23. Hmmm, that's a very hard one. Because Stories... I've seen so many weathered so much in these long years lol. I could cite many of the great things I've read or watched and what not, Lord of the Rings, The Dresden Files, many other great book series. However to me it's got to be tied between Gurran Lagann, Kill la Kill and Undertale. ((wierd 3 choices, but I'll explain.)) The first really hit the same notes with me. They are really stories about overcoming everything but moreso... believing in yourself, loving you you are and finding your own self-confidence. They do them in subtle ways that aren't really jammed down your throat but definitely are present. Kill la Kill especially, it really rips apart that line "The Clothes make the man/woman/person/" as a lot of what people think of people comes from look or how they dress. We as people, sometimes dress up to hide what we are or to give the world a surface impression of us that might not be our true one. We hide this maybe cause we're aren't confident in who we are or we jsut think the world like like our true selves and who we really are. It just hits me in that way. Maybe that's jsut silly old Hukuna making stuff up from what he sees but I feel those messages present in those two things very heavily. They certainly really did help me in that way. "Who the hell do you think we are?" is probably one of my favourite lines in like... anything ever. It becomes just such a motto in Gurran Lagann and it really means something. A question that evolves from jsut Kamina saying it, to it becoming nearly the motto of the Spiral Beings. A question that's asks their foe for an answer but really doesn't care what that answer is, because they're wrong. It's just a great line that has so much impact and meaning, you can;t define them because people aren't that simple. I just love that line. It's just simply brilliant. Undertale... oh Undertale. I don't think I've seen a story with nearly as much heart, charm, and yet so willing to show the darker emotions as well. It really is a human tale, despite not having but one human in it, and one human playing it. The characters, just have so much more than many in other games, even the random bad guys at times. I remember my encounters with a lot of the minor bosses pretty well because they were unique and they stood out. It's just such a tale of emotion and it brims a wide spectrum of them. There is times it's scary, times it's horrifying, and yet times it's light-hearted and fun. It feels, very refreshing, and it's narrative is told through your actions and more so than just a binary choice. And that's what is brilliant about it. The second is even harder. Because I love most of my characters. Some of the rougher ones I'm not very fond of but I love a majority of them. Jupiter jsut has so much heart, Odin, a kind man prone to his emotions. Vixen while a jumble of things I liek in characters, a wounded bird hurt too many times that she gives up on being human. She feels it easier to not be involved since that way she can;t be hurt, but... she wants to protect them too. Blue, he was more or less my idea of a character who thought no one could see them as anything other than a monster, and when he met Zephy's PC... he drastically changed. Brass, he's was that guy with a heart of gold, he was rough and practiced tough love, but he was a big brother to nearly anyone he met. Nadia though I've not gotten to really play her much was also fun, a character who desperately wanted to be normal, but every turn... something to remind her she wasn't. There's elements of each I love, and as a result... they really all are my favourites. Cop out answer? Maybe, but it's how I feel XD. That's the thing, it's hard for me to dislike people, especially to a specific class of them. I however, don't like those that pick on those they perceive to be lesser than them. No person can even be lesser to another in worth. We are all worthwhile people. We all deserve happiness, love, and friendship. No matter what, we all deserve those things. I do not like those that believe that isn't true. I also don't really like those that try to cheat and lie their way through life, that bum off others for the fun of it. Leeches that literally suck the life out of other people for their benefit. It's disgusting and I detest that attitude.
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