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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. I mean Yes and yes. Undyne's kinda one of my favourite characters in gaming. My reasoning is in my playlist of music if you want to dive in. I'd rather not divulge it here since it's pretty spoilery and ruins the reason I like her so much as a character for those that haven't played the game themselves. Therefore I'd like to not straight up say it in here XD. Albedo is definitely my fav from Overlord. Why? I dunno XD. I just like her. She really puts in that awkward relationship with Ainz in there since being as he messed with her flavour text when it was still a game he feels super torn up about it. He feels like he ruined who she was. It's just an interesting dynamic that's always looming in the narrative that's just really intriguing to me.
  2. It's not that I do, I can see that it was a joke. Just to me it's not a subject matter that's really a spot to be joking about. There are people that it has happened to. I don't think they'd be very happy that them being abused was being made light of. It's just how I am. I don't like humour to come at the expense of others, even if they aren't there to see it. Trust me I know very much that it was a joke. ((plenty of times I play entirely serious as a joke myself, it's how I do humour, since people think if I act as if I didn't get it it means that I didn't, even if I hint that I do. I have a very roundabout humour that's pretty nebulous to people. Hell, my League Friends think I'm being salty or mean at times when I'm really just messing with someone, it's just that I tend to say it from a serious point of view or one that feels like it.)). You've seen plenty of times where I replied with a straight answer to something. ((like my jab at you in the PM about not paying for games etc... which there's more to that then I can explain for everyone else here, but it was merely a jest, however done in a way that sounded serious. Talking to me directly, probably would've been very clear due to body language and inflection. Over the internet sarcasm is a bit difficult to read. It's pretty much entirely how I joke around though so many don't really get that I am sometimes and they assume I'm jsut bieng a dick abut everything. I'm really not, it jsut takes getting used to.))
  3. 1. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeell no XD. I'll let other people figure out the stars. I'll stick with writing about it. Safer for my health. 2. People are goign to find out asking me my favourite ____ Questions are going to have weird convoluted answers. I'm not a favourite picker. It's jsut not like me to compare things I like to each other since really... how the hell do you say one thin is better than another when they are nothing alike? I jsut don't subscribe to sorting and listing things. However, I will site a few games I really like and a bit of why. Crash Bandicoot, specifically, Crash 2 Cortex Strikes Back. This was the first game I played as a kid and I loved it. I still paly it when I get the chance. Platformers always felt really good to me, there's enough skillful things you can do but it never feels super overwhelming. I always enjoyed replaying my favourite levels. Maybe one day I'll actually try doing a speedrun of it since that sounds beyond super fun XD. Undertale. It's a game that tells it's story as a game. There are moments where it takes advantage of the fact it's a game on you it's brilliant. Light spoilers here, but my favourite, is that certain things flag when you do them so if you reset... different things happen. I just think it's mad brilliant that it does things only a game can do to divulge it's narrative. It's jsut really clever. The Combat system is also pretty good taking out the down time of traditional menu based systems in JRPGs ((or as I personally call them NRPGs, or Narrative Focused Roleplaying Games.)) League of Legends, jsut cause I can pretty much play it forever and not get bored since every game is a new game. The community can be garbage at times yes, but eh... paly with firends for a reason XD> I've had two. My first dog was a Siberian Husky/German Shep mix. The Neighbors were terrified of him since he looked like a wolf, or at least close enough he was nearly the spitting image. He was a nice and very gentle dog. It was kinda a miracle him being a rescue and all. He's was treated quite badly to the point he hated men no joke. He was used to my dad and me ((and my brothers.)) since we lived with him so long. I still have Chelsea, our newest dog who ws born on Saint Patricks Day exactly. She's A Goldie/Chesapeake/Blood Hound. Sadly, she's... not well trained since when she was a puppy we had a lot of trouble since my dad was recovering from a caraccident and we kids didn't really know what to do. She's a bit misbehaved, but she's still a wodnerul dog. I mean nothing wrong with that, people are different. However, don't think it's really cool to be hoping someone was traumatized in their youth. You shouldn't be hoping someone had times like that in their life. No one should have to deal with those things. They happen, but they shouldn't and it's not really cool to hope they did happen to someone. I wouldn't wish that on another. Elaine is the main character of Dream On ANother Shore. She's probably my most down to earth cahracter since she lives in a world with magic, but has none. She's jsut a painter who wants to live her life and better her craft. In a way, she's like me in that she always is trying to improve and better her work always moving towards better horizons despite what people tell her to do. Vixen is my character in Shadows and Flames or Murdoc's RP. SHe's sorta your run of the mill Ice Queen. It's just a trope I really really latch onto if it's done well, as I like those types of character. Weirdly enough, they sorta hit me in a way since I relate to them. That probably sounds strange since they are always female... but yea whatever XD. She's sorta a for fun character that holds onto a lot of things I jsut happen to like. Jupiter, is weirdly enough probably the most me and yet not me character on that list. She's overly kind and not very confident in herself. She's someone who just can't believe in her abilities for her own sake. But, for anyone else she can do anything. Part of her growing is slowly realizing that she is great and that she is a powerful person in her own right. I've had to learn these things myself in a way and she parallels that journey of growth. Other than that though the similarities stop. Side note, that barely half of what's written for Graterras that I know about. And that's not including my PCs for RPs here other than Vixen XD.
  4. @Tomas In regards to that first part it's strangers touching me I don't like. People who I don't know at all have no business touching me. If you're a good friend of mine It doesn't bother me, but joe random I know zero about that just popped up? No. I don't really like how it was being joked about either as if I wasn't allowed to not be a fan of physical contact between me and people I don't know. Do I know this is a forum and it can;t really happen? Yes. Do I think people should institute that they can do whatever they want to me without my consent as a joke? It's not a joke to me. I have the right to not want to be touched by random people I do't know at all, and I have the right to be uncomfortable that people were making light of the situation. It wouldn't be funny in real life if people were doing that against my consent therefore it's also not funny on the internet even if no real contact could happen. It's people making fun of my right to say no to that stuff that bothered me immensely as if I wasn't allowed to control my own body. That's what I'm not okay with and why it wasn't an overreaction. People were basically saying "If I met you irl even not knowing you you have no right to not be touched by me. To me, that's not a joke. That's what that joke became and why I was sick of it and just couldn't stand it anymore. Irl I don't really have a fear of it, I jsut don't like contact. It's more the joke was something so far out of my control that people basically were trying to force me to think is funny and all "Haha, we're going to hug you and can;t do anything about it." and to me that's not really a joke. I'd rather not talk more on this subject since I've really had enough of the whole thing. I just don't like contact much with People that are complete strangers. If I know you and consider you a friend, no biggie! I love a good hug the same as anyone else. But to me a hug means something, a lot more something than just hugging any person I see. If you a person I like, care about, or is generally a good friend of mine go ahead. But if I just met you, don't really know much about you etc... just don't touch me. I'm not about it. It's not that I think badly of that person and what not, I just don't like people in my person space if I haven't warmed up to them. I only really want people I'm close to, to be physically that close to me. It might sound a bit weird, but it's just how I am. On the other thing, popular to contrary belief there's males who don't really give a shit about that whole side of things. To me that stuff is just not something I care about and I just decide not to. It's not that I'm advise to it, it's mostly that I make sure you know I really rather not talk about it if I don't have to. Maybe think it means I entirely dislike it, and while I do definitely dislike it, I don't think it's the "devil" or anything. TO me, sexual appeal, sex that stuff in media is poorly portrayed and it's just not something I like. They try to sex up characters half the time making this their only defining characteristic and not letting them be actual characters ((this is common with Female characters, and less common with Males, but it still happens.)), Other times they undermine a character's development by forcing them to do something sexy and out of character because if they don't they aren't allowed to be seen as sexy. The whole "Oh she's actually hot when she removes her glasses" type tropes in media that I despise. They are super shallow and frankly... disgust me that people would act that way. TO me, attraction and what no is not a physical thing. TO me it's more of a mental one or an attraction to personality. I like people who are interesting etc, in the ways they act and the ways they choose to live etc... I'm Attracted to who someone is not what they look like. So, to me that stuff feels very shallow and short sighted. That's just my opinion. Take note, in Dream on Another Shore a short story I wrote, there is a scene where both the female main characters are naked, however there's no sexual tension in it, at least from my perspective. I used that entirely as a metaphor for vulnerability. Because to me, nudity isn't sexual. People will say that it is, but inherently it is not. We're all born without clothes and clothes are things made by humans and people. nudity only has that instilled sense of sexuality because people have decided it does. However, it truly does not. To me, physical attraction doesn't really happen unless I'm attracted to who someone is. Apparently according to most this is weird since you have to be physically attracted first or whatever... but maybe my brain's just not wired that way. However this is why I hate fan-service, because it replaces a character's likable qualities and their personalities with "Hey, look at my super sweet body!" They don't let me like them for who they are, just what they look like. And they constantly shove that in your face. I should like a character because they are a good character, not cause they flaunt themselves around. A character can have Fan-servicey attributes BUT STILL BE A GOOD CHARACTER. That is when it doesn't bother me. One of my favourite anime is Kill la Kill. That should show you that it's not fan service I'm actually adverse to, it's poor character writing that I hate. I hate when fan service is the only reason to like a character, because it weakens the character and replacing it with super shallow physicality. People are more than that. Earl Grey tea is my favourite beverage at least as far as hot ones go. I tend to prefer Sweet Teas iced. But tea is definitely one of my up there is not favourite beverages. Bread depends. I tend towards Rye's or very dark wheat, because white bread is really gross and tastes way too sweet. Like Uuuuuuuuuuuugh it's nasty. I tend to prefer Potato Bread as well, since it's got a more starchy flavor and it's so sweet. It started in Middle School for me, I don't remember exactly when since it was a tool for fighting depression. A lot of that time up into High School I don't remember very well. All I remember is that I used it to keep myself from thinking about well... less savoury things. ((such as the big s word.)) On a career? Maybe. I've been told to never make your hobbies a job cause then you won't enjoy them anymore, but I don't know if I believe that. It's definitely a huge consideration. I'd love to be a writer from Video Games and write specifically for Video Games to show that writing in them can be very powerful and impactful. I'd love to revolutionize how we do these things and how we deliver narratives in games. I know English, and parts of German. I couldn't write in it but I an understand some phrases and what not. I also don't really know it, but kinda have a fascination with Italian. It's a really pretty language to me, not sure why. My favourite pokemon is a two pronged question because I cannot decide. I'll start with the easier o the two. Houndoom. Houndoom is just really awesome and as a Dog Person I personally love all the Dog like pokemon ((other than Slurpuff... who I'm mildly okay with...)), It's just a fun and cool looking Pokemon. The second is Farfetch'd. The fact that it's tied to a super old Japanese addage "A duck comes bearing green onions". ((his Japanese name is a direct reference.)) It refers to something surprising, but convenient. unfortunately for Little Farfetch'd... it's his arrival that is. After all he just brought all the trimming to cook him. As a result, I feel bad for the little guy and I just love him to bits. His name is even a reference in that it' means outlandish or, unbelievable. I jsut really like his story and the inspiration of his design and it make him a cool pokemon to me. I'll use one despite how bad it is in game all the time. Today? I'm great today. I'm probably going to get to hang out with a dear friend of mine. She's not from REborn, but she's really awesome and due to her work I've not been able to really talk to her for a good long time in awhile. THat'll be nice. On Cake. I like Red Velvet cake, it's sorta a guilty pleasure of mine. I tend to prefer Pie since it's more stuff in it ((the filling is great where as cake is mostly the pastry? Not sure if that's the right word but wahtever.)) Red Velvet however... I dunno I've got a really weird thing for it. Hmmm, any thing in particular? ((and it be a long lsit jsut of Graterras alone, let alone other RPs here XD.))
  5. ((Word of warning, I've probably massively butchered the spelling of some of the names... oops? Thing is, if you know who I mean that's all that matters XD.)) Remember, Ozpin already he can't PICK the guardian. They just appear. So even if he thinks it's her, and he tells her, he could be completely wrong. And, knowing as much about writing as I do, even if he thinks it's her it's not her. It's too easy. She's easily the perfect warrior character, the one who's obviously the one someone would think is a guardian. Imo... makes it a bit too on the nose. That they are intentionally doing this to put a focus on her even if she isn't. After all, it's a pretty big growth moment. She's used to always be the one in the limelight important etc etc... however, finding out that you weren't for once would be pretty big. I just think that while she and the rest of JNPR are going to brought more into the plot probably as a result, that doesn't that she is the Guardian for sure. I think it'll be main or sub main cast whoever this "guardian" ends up being in reality. I personally have the feeling it might be Jaune since Pyhrra in particular noticed his aura was stupidly powerful even though he's got 0 idea what his semblance is. I personally just have that feeling. Could be deeeeeeeead wrong. I mean... the "guardian" could just all be a fad and end up as the "we were all the Guardian in the end" bull honky that some shows of this genre are want to do. We really don't don't much to go on for now. I'd like to see how the rest of this Season unfolds, but we've got a lot of loose ends hanging out. ((EDIT, scratch that one part. I watched back the last episode jsut to make sure there's no Gender-lock thing due to how the series is set up... however Ozpin strictly mentions that "Maidens" just appear in reference to the Guardians when Qrow's talking to him at the end of episode 5. I'm going to assume this means they are always female. However given we know so little about the whole thing... and it's seems there's two names for it for... some reason, who knows. I'm sure we'll learn more in the next episode.)) Like, we still don't know what the hell Cinder's plan is... like... really... we've got no clue what they are doing ((other than the surface level stuff that we know they are up to something)) or why they are doing it. Qrow name dropped an Autumn who we don't know and that the Infiltrator is responsible for her condition, something we know nothing about. ((we can can guess that the infiltrator is one Cinder, Merc, or Em... but we don't know that for sure... there could be others form whatever this mystery thing is within Beacon as well.)) There's also this line "I've been out there and seen the things she's made, and let me tell you, they are fear." Who is this she? By the end of that conversation in Episode three we don't know either of those points. We're still missing a bit of the story. It's super hard to piece together alot of stuff when we're missing pieces still, we're not entirely sure what's going on yet. I'm sure we'll find out in time... but how long will that be? Nothing is really all that confirmed since... we've seen like very little. It's actually kinda a garbage hype thing since it mostly is like "These thing you knew would probably happen are happening!!!" Though with this series they barely need to build hype as it is, it's popular as all hell and people are looking forward to the next episode without needed them to rebuild that. So, they really just need it to be a "Hey, New Episode is soon!" reminder really. So, I think we're seeing jsut what they want us t see to get people to be like oh these things are going to be said this episode!!!!, but we can't only take that as this means this. There's a lot of stuff floating around long term already that haven't been answered since really... the beginning of the series. There's something big at play here...but what? That's the question.
  6. Ashnard ((Berserker)): Despite his Servant being a Berserker... Siegfried felt an answer to his thoughts come to him as a message. "You life is meaningless until proven otherwise. You're my battery, my fuel... until you prove your more than trash. Your command spells merely a leash on a dog. No one said I'm not allowed to pull on the leash. So... prove your worth and maybe I won't end you myself. Right now, You deserve nothing. I'd die just so you couldn't have your dreams you pathetic pile of filth." Then the presence ceased as it was clear it no longer cared and whatever clarity came over it for a moment, was gone. Back to the Beast it probably really was. However, the spear didn't stop it like Noriko intended. It Sprung off of it hurling at extreme speed towards her yet again. The Beast was a Master of manipulating and keeping momentum it was a strange talent for something of this size. It moved frighteningly fast for something like this just because it understood how it's own body worked. Vixen ((Archer)): "So, even after death I'm still stuck with you huh? Wonderful." Vixen said, this the first time any real emotion heard on her voice. It was slight, but one could feel the warmth underneath the ice. It seemed a bit forced, but at least partially genuine. "Then you know what I'm going to fire at him. Noriko... you need to make sure you're not in the way. If this bullet hits you, you're dead. You know it will erase your abilities for a limited amount of time. However, this Beast isn't from our world.... I don't know how much of it's power will be removed or... what will be. So, you need to be on guard for if nothing happens, or if something goes wrong. Make sure our Masters are safe. I'm fine without one, but you're not. Berserker's is still MIA we have no idea where they are. However I'm guessing nearby unless they like letting this thing go wild and potentially killing innocents." Vixen picked out on e of the Blue Bullets from her where she kept her ammunition. A deep cerulean blue. She got a real sense of tranquilly just staring at it. Almost as if looking at it removed all the cares of the world. Wonderful, and amazing. She tore herself away from it after loading it into the chamber of her rifle. he loaded it after a few other bullets she need to distract and manipulate the Beast until she had the right shot and the time any potential damage could be minimized. "So, I'll work to distract him, you need to make sure our Masters are safe and out of the way of this thing before trying to pin it down. I don't know what shooting this thing with a Rain Bullet will do... so we need to be prepared and try to keep potential damage to a minimum. Protect them, make sure they are safe."
  7. Huh, Simple answer, yet pretty enlightening to me I suppose. Also kinda surprised at that last part XD. Then again, I tend to find when I actually try and talk to people, they tend to have pretty positive reactions. I'm just so used to assuming people just hate my guts... I should probably stop doing that seems like it's a horrible idea.
  8. I always do, and it the reason I am so self-depreciating. I know I have so far to go to the top that it'll be awhile until I can truly really get to a good level of skill let alone more than being merely okay at something. I have so much to learn about writing still, it's like I only just begun and I've been doing it for 5 to 6 years now. I've barely scratched the surface of what it is, can be and will be. As a person, I persoanlly believe, a true Master of something, knows they can never truly master that thing. There will always be developments and new techniques and ideas that crop up over the years. Our works are always evolving and moving forward. And as we learn as we answer a question we only find more questions. Through Answers only more questions. Therefore, we're always learning always striving to be better. As a result I tend to look at my work from a more humble angle. I know I can do much better, I've jsut not figured it out yet. It's why I don't bother trying things sometimes cause I think I'll never be good enough. That I'll admit is an issue... it keeps me from doing a lot of things in my life. However, the other stuff I don't think is. Because I know that I can be successful at things, it's just that know I can always strive for improvement as well. I can always better myself and better my skills and my knowledge. There's always more to learn and master every day.
  9. I don't know yet. The future is so neblous, so... distant. And yet it is also so close. I know for all my worth it'll be soemthing to do with Game Design. It's a medium that personally... I want to show people can be very impactful. Someting that can really be art and an experience. It's why things like Undertale resisnant with me so much as a person. They show a game can tell a story by using creative narrative means. They can use the gameplay to show these things. Show, and Feel, not tell. Whether or not I'm on the writing side, or the programming side is in the air, but I'd love to do that. TO show the world jsut how meanginful a game can and should be at times. It's a lofty goal, but I think a worthwhile one. It's the Roleplay Section. Where a bunch of Folks get together to all collectively spin a tale. Unlike writing on one's own, we have to write with the element of Chaos, not having control of all the key players and what could happen from this. There's a lot more thinking on one's toes as a result since all of a sudden a character could have a heel face turn you weren't expected etc... lots of things can happen when a collective is telling a story. Lots of idea s get thrown out there and each player helps to shape the work. It's like a team of writers working on the same project. Each of us finds ourselves in charge of different amounts of work, but we all work towards the same goal, and enjoyable story and time for us and the readers. Of course this and traditional writing have their pros and cons. but both are great experiences. I suggest every writer at least give RPing a bit of a chance, it really tilts one's perspective and allows the to see a great deal more of how writing can work. Players are always able to think of things you couldn't and it's awesome. I love the experience so much and I think it's a worthwhile one to have at least once in a lifetime lol.
  10. Hmmm, I not very good at questions but I guess I'll ask this. How have you been here this long? Personally... I'm someone who can barely stay somewhere more than a couple of months and even being at Reborn... for 2 years now to me feels like forever. Maybe it's just a matter of my perspective but I've just wondered how anyone can stay somewhere so long. And I guess secondly, what's that one thing you just love for no reason at all, you can't explain it it just is ((if you have something like that.))? For example, mine is rain. Just something about it makes me so damn happy for no reason at all. I couldn't tell you why it's so magical to me, so... spectacular. Just something about it gets me in a way nothing else does.
  11. Totally skipped the bnadwagon by calling it soemthing else ((but mostly cause i'm not actually comfortable with literally any topic being open discussion so the the disticntion is pretty important.)) GUess go check it out. DUnno, I kinda feel like I'm that auth no one remembers is an Auth. I'm jsut sorta there and that no one really cares. Kinda want to change that.

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  12. Well, I suppose it probably time for me to reach out and finally do one of these thing. I feel kinda like I hide from you guys a lot or that people just forget I exist at times cause I sorta don't talk to a lot of people. Hell... my section in the Meet the Auth Thread is more than enough indication that I'm just... too quiet and people just really don't know much other than I hang around the RP forums. I kinda want to fix that and stop being that dude on the auth team nobody really knows and is just there. However, I've... never really done one of these before. Talking about myself is pretty hard for me... since I really don't like myself too awful much. I feel kinda like I'm boring or just not an interesting person. But I kinda want to try. I reserve the right to answer whatever question I want and ignore others however, I kinda need to do that to even want to do this. So without further ado I shall begin. I first ended up in Reborn sorta, by accident. I kinda stumbled upon it finding this strange site to a fangame that I didn't really know was a thing in the Pokemon Community at the time. It wasn't really until Shofu released that first video on this game what I really realized what I had stumbled upon. I only had really lurked up until that point and finally got around to signing up. However, I've still never played the game. It's weirdly enough not what ended up drawing me in. It was the RP section especially, Acquie's RP Pokemon Aftermath. It was the first Forum based RP I really saw and went "Huh... this could be fun and interesting." and thus I signed up to give it a whirl. I'm sure quite a few members remember that if they were from around the same time as me ((at least it's where I meet Flux who I consider a pretty good friend from here lol.)) and a few others. Aftermath was sorta a big deal and what drew me here. After that I quickly started to rewrite Graterras to run in a forum based setting. It was a world I had always had in my head it was something I wrote a long while ago in the throes of my depression for some sort of release. It was how I battled that horrible feeling, by writing. I still had it and wanted to share it with people and Acquie and the others of the RP Forum here... even if unknowingly, made me want to write it and share it with them. So, I did. It was more or less around this time I was asked to be the Mod for the Roleplaying section. At first, i didn't want to accept. I wasn't looking for power and I still to be honest do't want it. For me, I wanted to be able to shape it from where I was, just a member. To help move it towards what it could be without having to be some sort of authority. However, I kinda felt i had to pick it up. Though stupid it may sound, the Roleplaying forums was sorta a home to me and I wanted the best for it. So, what better way then to take the reins being offered to me? While I reluctantly took them, I wanted that forum to be great and I wanted people to really enjoy it. I wanted to build a community where new RPers could come and learn and grow with old. I figured on my own... it be hard to do so. But, as a mod I could get the help of everyone to make it a better place for those that came there. While I still think I'm a pretty horrid leader and I definitely don't want the power of being a mod.... I still wonder more or less... what would it be without me? I still dunno to this day. It's why I'm a little worried for whenever I put down the reins. Where it might go. But for now, the RP forum here is in my hands and I will shape it into whatever great thing i can. The same with the CW Forums, and I guess now... the Animation and Manga one as well. I could talk a little more about me, but I think I'll leave those questions for you to ask and what not. I'm a big gamer, a writer, and one who values pretty much everything life has to offer. This big ol' mess we call life it's an interesting one. Anyway, feel free to ask away. If I like your question or, feel I want to answer it I definitely will try to get back to you in a timely manner. anyway, Don't be a stranger~ Ask away lol.
  13. They can if you want. They don't have to be but certainly can be. Most Aspects would count as such and tend to have around the power level of low tier lesser abilities so yea, I could easily see it being a thing XD. They still wouldn't count to your total cost, they'd be racial features, however I could add them to the Lesser Ability pool for them to be used by other players if they wanted. It just adds more stuff to the Lesser Ability Pool which is pretty nice.
  14. Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd Approved. Hukuna Seal of Approval. Damn, Boom, POW! ((Sorry, yours was just pretty much done so I kept moving past it since I was pretty sure I could be like yea, this is fine *stamp* move to the next. Whoops!)) Update: Added Arcene to the Approved list and added all his Lesser Abilities to the Lesser Ability Index.
  15. Only part I have issue with. You're definitely not a field Commander. Tier 2 Magic? It's really not that high. Look... Times isn't that high rank in the castle himself and he's got Tier 7 Access. So, yea change that part. Player's defintiely aren't going to be large and in charge. At least not anytime soon. Also, since there's so many WIPs floatin' around and I'm having trouble keeping track Anybody who's App is ready and would like to have it be evaluated please leave a message here stating so. I will get to them post haste! ((if I've yet to respond to a PM as well just poke me again I'll get to that too XD>))
  16. Vixen: Vixen stopped though she was hardly intimidated. After all, the attack was a lot more telegraphed then they had thought. It was a rather obvious attack. One that a Hunter of Magi of all types easily recognized. The flash of magic gave them away. It was much too easy to avoid the attack. It wasn't clear if the miss was intentional or not to Vixen, as she didn't need to dodge either way. She knew it's trajectory, it would've never landed. The confidence she believed she heard in the voice gave off, at least as far as Vixen could tell, that this mysterious woman missed on purpose. If she had intent to kill, Vixen would've probably felt it by now, and secondly, the mysterious woman wouldn't be confronting her. They would slink back into the shadows before attempting to strike once more. One that had missed an attack meant to land... would be surprised by this and fall back, not make a show. So, This issuing made it at least clear to Vixen, that this one thought they an upper hand. Luckily for them, it wasn't them she was therefore. She was here for the information through and through. No blood need be spilled. She non-nonchalantly bent down at her knees to pick the arrow from the ground. She turned it in her hand looking at it's finer details. Well made... not a primitive's weapon. After she finished inspecting the piece she held it up in the direction of the Figure on the building. "This how you greet all of your guests?" said a voice with the bite of winter hinting at its edge. She tried to curb some of the heavy frost of her norm, though... it didn't really work. She did it as this one was supposed to be friendly. However, she didn't seem much on the friendly side. However this show probably was of some intent. This was no random show of power. "So, I just want information. I'd rather not suddenly become a hedgehog, or a pin cushion. Sadly, that wouldn't happen even if you did fire more, it's just nice to have a visual aide. I don't think you'll ever land a clean shot, so I wouldn't bother."
  17. You'd have to get hit, and she has nothing to help her hit them. So you never get hit, easy. Ranged it's even Easier, an Archer never even has to get near her, nor does a Caster. She's... really "weak" because all you have to do is stay outta range. It's just VERY predictable... it's not good to rely on a very predictable pattern, because that makes it easy to conquer. However, that's in general, there'd be Servants that are super easy to fight for her as a result as well though. Berserkers would be pretty easy since they wouldn't really have the processing power to not... jsut run at a dude and realize sword = bad.
  18. Nope, I found it. It's just buried under a bit. I bumped it for ya. also tfw by one's own calculations, in Graterras the Crimson Knight's probably actually the one with the least Raw Power yet he's higher than both Iggy and Snow. Just find that really funny XD>
  19. I'm not going to ask people to vote for me, but it'd be cool ya know. ((pun intended.))

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    2. mde2001


      For which category?

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well I'm a mod so I can only be voted fro the Royalty one XD ((remember how I was checking whether or not Se7en could be nominated lol?))

    4. mde2001


      Oh yeah...

      My memory sucks

  20. Well considering no one likes me it wouldn't anyway ^^. But good to know.
  21. I jsut want to make sure that's not the case, cause it would be super not fun. But as my understanding of the wording, it applies to all the categories so I feel like I have to ask.
  22. Question, is Se7en ineligible for the award cause I'm on the team? Cause if that the case it seems a bit unfair to those guys to not allow it just cause I work on the game. The current wording as I understand it, makes it that it's not allowed to be voted for. Those guys put in a lot of hard work and I really don't want that to be the case jsut because they happened to be friends with me and want me to do dialog work for the game. It would be pretty uncool if that were to happen so I want to voice my concern now. The problem being that the wording is STRICTLY, no auth. I'm an auth, on the team of that game, therefore as yo my understanding, it's not allowed to be voted for.
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