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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. On the first point yea, Youtube Comments are the pits lol. We're not exactly like that so no need to think we'll get hostile on you man lol. Don't do it to us and we'll not do it to you lol ANd I've liked every episode but two... Two's pacing is just super off and I don't know why. The fights felt a bit too... jokey and not like actual fights. The humour was good, but the animation and the fight scenes were just... not very great. Like it felt slow as a result and I really didn't care for that episode. ((and was dreading the rest of the Season might go that way.)) Episode 3 really made it up in spades though and I think that fight was the best fight scene in the series thus far.
  2. Well hopefully I amke it back in one piece... if I lose something hope it's jsut an arm... can probably deal with that. But yea... working on Black Friday... Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

    1. Zumi


      oh my lord you poor soul. i hope you survive

    2. Tomas Elliot

      Tomas Elliot

      Good luck Huk o.O

    3. dragoniteborntacoz


      What department are you

  3. Question, whatever happened with those 4 I messaged that one time? XD. Should I sjut psot them here lol?
  4. Considering we've yet to see death in the series that's not a Grimm I don't think we'll see any humans characters kick the bucket anytime soon if at all. ((least not that I remember.)) Not saying it could never happen, but now? Probably not... I just don't think outside of Grimm this will be that sort of series. There's nothing wrong with holding a dislike of something((I'm not a huge fan of the Waifu thing either or am I a fan of shipping.)), however, let's drop the "come at me Bro" attitude about things. You can discuss something without resorting to that, and even if others are conversing as such about something you don't like, just leave them be. It doesn't harm you and you can just not address that part of something if you don't like it. There's plenty of shipping stuff being talked about in here, but I'm not just going to be like "Eeeeeeew, shipping is stupid." I highly detest it, however I take the road of just not responding to it. It doesn't harm me if people have their ships, nor does it effect my enjoyment of the show. I don't see the point of getting up up and arms over somebody else doing something. Just because they do it doesn't me you're required to, and just because you don't do it, doesn't mean they are required to stop. In short, Nothing wrong with not liking it. But I'm not having these "Come at me!" things going on. People can have their own opinion just as much as you, your own. Opinions cannot be right they can only exist. Therefore let's not be instigating. Let's keep it civil folks, this is a place to discuss a series that we have a mutual liking in, discuss it. This is the place for that particular discussion, not others.
  5. Well, guess it's time to dive head first right into Undertale. That's what I'm going for Thanksgiving today apparently XD.

    1. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      The thought of Turkey dinner... It fills you with determination.

  6. Keep in mind, it's complete random luck what you find. Even if statistically Elftik is rarer... you might just never roll something else because each time you encounter it's a separate roll. ((Basically you guys are falling way to far into good old Gambler's Fallacy. Just because You rolled a bunch of Elftik's doesn't mean that because something else has a more likely chance that that thing has to show up much more frequent than Elftik and that it will correct itself over time. Each time it decides a mon that's completely independent of the last time. If you got an Elftik, the next encounter has the same exact chance as the last one and you could actually roll 100 Elftiks in a row and that'd still be true. Just because it's super rare doesn't mean that someone couldn't have found 70 of them so far. Every encounter in that area could be an Elftik every single time. Doesn't matter if the chances are low it could legitimately roll that every single time. Math, it's a thing XD.))
  7. I feel you Java is such garbage which makes wrestling with it even harder... Also mine, literally anytime I somehow win a game of Hearthstone with a Shaman Deck. Because it's like the most unviable class right now so I feel like mad awesome when I win. ((especially against a Hunter since it hard counters Shaman so hard.))
  8. The pines were roaring on the height, The winds were moaning in the night. The Fire was red, it flaming spread; The trees like torches blazed with light. The bells were ringing in the dale and men they looked up with faces pale; The dragon's ire, more fierce than fire laid low their thier towers and houses frail.

    1. Sutoratosu


      Sounds like those villagers...

      had a bad time.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well... considering this is part of the original lyrics of Far Over the Misty Mountain Cold... yea a lot of them died XD.

  9. Vixen Vixen focused inward as she left the Building full of mediators, a strange sensation it was to have the memories of another floating in ones head. Views of building and places she had not seen before, but recognized like she'd been there in person. It made wondering the new sections of the city feel like a walk down memory lane. She got a strange sense of nostalgia from it... nostalgia from a place one had actually never been yet remembered... it was frankly the strangest feeling she ever felt in her life. Weirder was that she could picture the faces of the ones she was looking for. While they were much more vague then the locations, they were still somewhat useful and Vixen wondered if they'd fill out when she saw the person. Weirdly, their names sprung to mind. Able to pin them to the face, down to the last. It was weird having the memories of another as if they were your own. It felt so... strange. It honestly made her forget about the feelings of having those surface memories read. Gone were the thoughts about the woman and what she would've thought of seeing those sorrow drenched memories, those encased with the ice of a heart and soul broken so many times that it froze itself solid to prevent being broken anymore piece by piece, taking solace in that if it broke now, it'll be all at once and the pain would be over. She sighed following the leads, quiet the Vixen of the Forest did not want to be seen this day while her mission was under way. It was an important task, and she couldn't have further delays. She used this time to make certain she was not seen or followed, and that she wouldn't be anytime soon. SHe had minor impressions of all these leads, and now was the time she needed to seek them out. One... the one with the most chance of pertinent info was also the riskiest. She new a fight would ensue. One she'd probably not have much trouble winning but would draw unwanted attention. Even then she wondered if he'd even be clear on that information. The memories didn't paint a pretty picture of this one and made him seem more trouble then it was worth. A last Resort, but somehow Vixen felt she'd have to eventually meet with this man... the one that probably was the only one to have any useful information. However, due to how she operated, risks later, sure things sooner. The others most likely wouldn't have much reason to attack her. Unless of course they knew who she was. Most of them however Loners... Loners typically were her least hunted group as they tended to be more harmless as a lot had no way to really develop their powers into anything more than an amateur at best. She'd know, she was once pretty useless like them but her determination carried her much further than them. After all, she once had a motivation. Sadly most of those were gone for her save one. She didn't want any one to go through the pain of losing a loved one to this horrid magical world ever again if she could help it. She knew she couldn't save them all, that part hurt the most, but as many as possible that was her goal. Many hunted the Beasts as did she, but few hunted the corrupt, those that wished to abuse their powers and turn them on the world of humanity. Those were the fiends she hunted most. The Magi and Mediators that threatened the mundane world. Hence why she was a Deviant. There was no place for one like her, a Magi Hunter, in the factions that barely clung together in the world of magic. She was often the subject of tales used to scare new recruits about the danger of Deviants and why they were the vilest of evil by many of the factions. Needless to say, the Vixen of the Forest was hardly popular. A Mantle that could really be held by any female Magi Hunter a this point it was such a broad title, after all no one had ever seen her before. But it got harder and harder to hide and remain a secret from the Magi World. After all, many a had a grudge against the Vixen. Many others thought she just a myth. Some thought she a protector of things that really mattered, many varying opinions cropped up over the years. Vixen knew why she did it, so she didn't care even if they got the wrong idea. It wasn't for recognition. "I hope I can rid of this beast quickly, It's probably done enough damage to undo most of what I've done to protect this city." she spit under her breath. The thoughts of anger of it slipping away resurfaced. She didn't have time to get angry though. She had a job to do. So she went forth in her search for the Magi. She went of course for those she didn't have the impression she'd have to clash with right away to get easy information if there was any to had. She could save the final fight to fill in the picture later if it was needed.
  10. TFW you oly just now realized you messed upone of the links fro your playlist. Oops? Well I fixed it now for those that haven't looked yet and for those that have XD. Notsure how that happened but eh... wahtevs.

  11. No theme this week but I've put up another Playlsit for this week. It's a whatever week! I realy hope you'll happen by my profile and give it a go. I hope you enjoy it. ((Link: http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showuser=42662))

  12. So question just so I know, you still writing that update for Vixen Murdoc or should I just carry on lol? I'll probably post tomorrow regardless just be nice to know what you're planning on that regard so I don't step on your toes lol.
  13. Yes and no, since CInder did appear before that was a thing, however it was sorta hard to tell that was happening before Dance Dance Infiltration. Now looking back at Episode 1 it's a bit more obvious than it first seemed however. Also while yes we could gather that Atlas's was a bit more Militaristic, we didn't know that the other Nations frowned upon it because Huntsmen are supposed to be free to choose who they align with while they pressure them into joining the Special Ops. That might not sound like a lot, but that being confirmed is... pretty important. Since it's a point of contention that can possibly be pushed in the coming days. It also makes Ironwood make a heck of a lot more sense ((and of course he's the reason people assumed Atlas was more militaristic since he's the big show boaty "my firepower will deter anything" guy.)) and why him being allowed in the inner circle in the first place was a big risk, let alone that it is now. ((since it's been pointed at that it is by Qrow who hasn't really known about anything that happened recently other than stuff he heard off hand or not liking Ironwood in general... which it seems he doesn't like the guy period XD.)) It kinda confirms though that's there's quite a bit of contention with Atlas already by the other kingdoms and that Ozpin letting Ironwood into the Inner Circle was a lot more bold of a move than it first seemed. That's despite how shifty Ironwood looks and how everyone already thinks he's in League with the bad guys. Personally I think he's just the dumb meathead who just cant's see his own faults and thinks he's always right. He means well, but thinks force and show of power is the most important thing, and that they are the only real avenue. But yea, they don't give you a buttload of extra stuff but it's stuff that explains what's going on or explains stuff without outright coming out at you and explaining it in straight dialog which is always clumsy and awkward, least imo. Expositional stuff is always just... eh... in the dialog cause it feels forced and out of place. It's why those characters that have no idea about the world they are in exist. So that there's a logical reason for someone who should know about their own world explaining something to somebody else. That's kinda what WoR gets rid of them ever needing cause nobody had to explain why the Arena existed in the episode we first saw it, we knew it existed and where it came from already cause they told us in another series and they didn't waste time doing it in the episode. It's the same here since no one has to explain it in text and it's now confirmed. We know for a 100% fact that Atlas is militaristic to the point the other Kingdoms etc... aren't too fond of it. And no one had to straight up say it in the dialog. It expands in a way that gives us a lot in a short burst and gives the main series the comfort of being able to go forth in the plot and assume people will now what they are talking about so they don't spend time going over stuff. The Grimm one I'll admit was pretty ill-timed since we learned most of that already and it didn't add much, however imo the others hit when they were due to. They explained a bit without giving away a bunch and used it as a tool to explain stuff without taking time out in an episode and confirming something about the world. ((which having something be 100% a sure thing is much better than oh I could see that was a thing cause they hinted at it. You'd still not actually know that way however 100% and could find out later you were... kinda wrong which changes how you'd look at things.)) If the series was longer however, I have a feeling it just wouldn't be watched. Lore stuff is typically not well received by the public since they can't be bothered most times, so if it was a nice fleshed out and long episode we might not see quite as many dip in. However, maybe with how crazy about the series the fanbase is they would here, I dunno XD.
  14. Welcome back? Not actually sure what to say other than that XD. But yea heyo again Strat lol.
  15. Probably lol. If we remember last time someone tried to be her friend she ended up poking him full of icicles, let's just say she's not the friendliest.
  16. lol, don't think Vixen would care for any of those things. Would be an interesting scene to see happen though XD.
  17. Yea, it's an unfornate situation that in a series it's not really the place to explain it in the story unless it's integral to the plot to be as such. However, a sorta side series ((like Remnants.)) that explains those things are freaking awesome. I kinda wish they were longer if I'm to be honest cause I love lore etc... and worldbuilding. ((considering I've written a world like setting)) so they are some of my favourite things from the series to be honest. But I'm that guy who likes the Simahardashelltospell more than the Lord of the Rings or the Hobbit... cause well I'm weird XD>
  18. Yea, I figured as much to be honest lol. I'll see what she does. I'm kinda writing it up right now or at least feelng it out as Vixen since I'm not sure wht'd she do quite yet. lol.
  19. It's not really that weird, DPS mostly originated from MMORPGs and expanded outwards to be a more general term. ((to the point it's a common statistic in games on weapons now usually averaging between Attack Speed and the Damage so, a basic idea and not really the total..)). It was mostly a raid term which is how it's be used up above ((which later referred to normal RPG parties like in JRPGs and stuff lol.)). Honestly though the Bus party would probably want a healer most to keep them up and help the Bear actually talk, or of the characters already made they'd probably most want Vixen since she's a disabler/Crowd Controller and is highly adept at both and still has pretty high burst damage((single target and AoE as well funnily enough lol.)). She'd exponentially increase the amount of damage they poured on from range ((since the Damager is ranged as you said.)), which in turns makes less time that your Tank fren has to actually fight the monster since it's weaker by the time it reaches. That means it also increases his survivability as a result. Basically, it accomplishes what a healer does in a different way. ((and probably more effectively in an RP scenario than a healer since they can just do more than one.)) However, she refuses to work with a group for extended periods of time so that's definitely not actually a possibility. She's probably going to be on her own for most of the RP if she can help it lol. ((speaking of which I left that space there if you wanted to get in something else with the mediators Murdoc. I'll probably post again pretty quickly though if you don't want to lol. Just thought I'd leave the gap before she just left immediately before going on the search lol.
  20. Oh no he definitely can't. He's basically a bullet. Fast, but nearly zero control over his motion without using a wall to redirect. But that's not really his goal. He basically just has to get into range and put up the cage. Since if he does that he cuts off her mobility. That's what he's trying to do. However no one really knows about the cage except for Vixen, and even she doesn't know that much about it. ((basically I think if Noriko has any brains, she knows he is trying to get close to her for some reason but doesn't know exactly why. And something more than "I'm ranged and he's melee" type of a deal. With his strength he could easily pick up heavy shit and throw it, [since well, doubt he knows that would probably backfire. Though I'm not sure how Noriko's windyness works lol.] so he's clearly trying to press something by getting close.))
  21. Vixen ((Archer)): "Lancer, it's not that simple. This beast is much more powerful than it might seem even with the two of us... I highly doubt we'll win without serious injury. If it wisens up... and actually goes after our Masters I doubt I can stop it again. Also, the only thing I have that will make this fight much easier than it currently is... might not work at all. And if it doesn't work, not only will we be nearly forced into running... you'll also easily have my identity. As you can see, this is more a winning plan for you. I can survive indefinitely without a Master as long as I limit my mana usage. So, why should I help you? I'm the only one with anything to lose here. Me helping seems like a much better prospect for you." in reality, this was mostly Vixen stalling for an answer from the Kid. However, any longer and she'd have to take action of her own. That action was to get clear of this place. She wasn't sticking around for a fight that wasn't winnable. She had the chips in her pocket and could retreat, they needed her, she didn't need them. Perhaps a terrible way to think of things, but it wasn't wrong to do so. If in theory, her attack did what it was supposed to... she could easily eliminate Berserker on her own, without worry. However, if it didn't she'd need back up. Vixen was damned no matter what choice she made. However, testing the bullet was the best option. Because if it didn't work she'd know and she could leave Lancer for dead along with both of the Masters. She had time to bide in this war and could probably easily get another master, especially one that thought they got a weaker servant. She sighed loudly. "If I help you it's not going to be instant. So, give me a reason that I should in the time it takes me to prepare and then I'll decide. Unless The Kid decides for me... but I wouldn't count on that one." she added quickly, to seem a bit less... hostile. It was rather hard to pin what was in her voice other than a thick layer of frost. One wondered if she really cared if her Master bit the dust or not. Ashnard ((Berserker)): As Lancer disengaged the Beast, it didn't move an inch. It snarled loudly while taking grasp of it arm. It dug it's nails into it's skin with a loud squelching sound of flesh being torn. Then the tearing of flesh from bone. It tore off the top of it's left forearm removing the skin and revealing bone and muscle. Blood splattered on the ground and the Beast had a grimace of pain on it's face, but also... a devilish smile. It started to laugh like a maniac. It's tongue lulled out of it's mind as it laughed as what one could only call a wicked attempt to try and quell the pain. Seven pale green flashes twinkled lazily from the bone. 7 engraved runes of unknown origin. They didn't look like anything modern nor like Celtic runes or any other known earthly runes. He yelled a single word in a language no one present understood, it sounded like something out of a horror movie, as if someone played words backwards. However, it was clearly a word. Whatever it meant, it was once more recognized by the world. Siegfried felt a significant draw in power this time almost as if he was struck in the chest by the amount of energy that rushed out of him in a instant. It was clear the Beast decided to use his Master's mana rather than it's own. After all, it had another source so it had no need to use it's own. The Seven runes lit up with green electricity and crackled wildly. The Damaged flesh began healing, though the damage was great enough that it couldn't instantly seal. Now, the beast started to run towards Lancer again to get in position to attack, however, it's movement was suddenly much faster than before. It was near top speed already and it just started running. It grimaced through the pain of it's arm wound and ran on it anyway. The Beast was done... it was time to end the life of this warrior. It would no longer play games with it's food. It deserved to know his true power, the Rune Magic of Ashnard. A powerful ancient Graterrain rune system created by Werewolves and other Lycanthropes, Body Runes. Due to them drawing power from their latent bodes they had to be carved into the bone or flesh. As a result, normal humans couldn't use this power. The damage would cause them to pass out and leave a massive wound for weeks if not causing the limb to need to be removed. However, due to their regeneration, Lycanthropes could use it perfectly. While it hurt them immensely it would eventually heal back through out the course of the fight. And while the strain on their body would be immense the natural regeneration would keep it from ripping apart. Right now Ashnard was firing his muscles to full capacity without need to move. He had control over their contraction and as a result could push his body past it's limits. Normally, this would ruin the body but his regeneration would keep any damage in check. Ashnard or the Beast had almost never needed to use this magic before, and any they met never could live to tell the tale. Of course, this meant it didn't qualify as a Noble Phantasm, and that the things he could truly do with it wouldn't ever manifest, but he could still use a limited form of it. It would still be potent and make him much more dangerous. He sped towards Lancer, blood spraying from the open wound on his arm. It ran at top speed right for her. Trying to get into range for something.
  22. Vixen and the Mediators: Vixen felt anger bubble to the surface, but cut it off before it exploded out into the world. After all, it wasn't the mediators fault what happened... happened. However, the woman saw things that she'd been better off not seeing. The pain of the Vixen of the Forest realized within those memories. The greater moments of sorrow. The most vivid memory, a scene in a graveyard while pouring rain battered the scenery. She would've seen Vixen battered bloody from a fight with a figure cloaked entirely in shadows across the graveyard. The flashes of lightning only revealed it for mere seconds, it's features ugly and hideous. But, it wasn't a beast. It was another Mediator. If it wasn't certain at the glance it was certain by the conversation that came next. The woman stared at the Mediator, a giant figure cloaked in a robe as dark as the rainy night around it. She looked down at the rifle in her hands. Around the end was tied a necklace, a club, one of the black suits on typical playing cards. Then back to the creature. The woman heard Vixen speak in the memory. The clear point of the perspective. She saw and heard it as if she was there. As if she was Vixen. All that could be felt was sorrow, pain, and anger. "Why!?" the only thing Vixen shouted. It was clearly cut from part of the conversation that had already happened. It was the middle. A rough gravelly voice laughed, the figure. "Don't be silly girl you know the answer. He accepted the deal he got powers. And in exchange... his soul belongs to me. If I decided to throw him away that was law. He was my plaything, my toy. You humans are just too stupid to understand. Power comes with a price. His soul belonged to me." No answer, only gunfire. Instead of a normal orange flash the light was a pale violet and the bullets split into many as they went directly for the Figure. In the purple flash, his face only a skull, a skull the same color as his robes, the black of the night sky. He didn't move however, only absorbing the blow. He laughed. "Don't make me laugh, you can't destroy me with those powers. I know how they work. You missed by the way. I thought you never miss. This world is my plaything, you can't possibly hurt me. But if you can;t, that means I'll own this world. Perhaps I find the rest of those you care about and force them into a deal to get you back. Then I'll have many soldiers. " "I have no one else. You took the last person I cared about from me. I have nothing to lose anymore...nothing but my own life. I don't care if I die here. But I will hit you this time... and you'll be coming to hell with me. That's the only place that's left for the both of us. The damned." A blue flash this time. The memory ended there, but it ended with a distinct yell of anguish and pain. In the voice of the Mediator. This memory was the clearest, this part. Everything else flashed by quick and hard to read, but nothing was really filled with happiness. Any shred of that emotion left in this woman... was buried to far down to be seen anymore. It was like walking chest high in ice cold water. That's what it felt like to wander through the shallow parts of her mind. It was bitter cold, just like the exterior. But, not because she hated the world or people... because she cared too much. She cared too much and only got pain in return. A life that was painful to live... but a path she couldn't stop walking. *** "Good. You don't want to be a part of this sorrow... the tale of a damned Deviant. Don't feel sorry for me either. Those who even try to care about me... end up dead. So don't. I'm cursed." she said an icy chill in the air. The sorrow from those memories actually caused the air temperature to drop a few degrees in the room, like the ghost of the past was hanging over the room. "I'll take my leave. Thanks for the lead. It's clear I'm not wanted here. Not like that's any different from before, used to being on my own anyway." she said as she headed towards the door. She mostly looked down at the ground. as she walked towards the door in a haste.
  23. One day Heartless Souls OOC will finally be done... then I can stop writing OOCs for awhile. Uuuuuuuuuuuugh... ((maybe if I didn't have such stupidly detailed ones it wouldn't be mad tedious lol.))

    1. Commander


      You're still working on that. I'm surprised you haven't lost your sanity...unless you never had any in the first place.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'v never had any. I'm jsut so insane I'm sane.

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