Just so you're aware and others. I definitely don't condone it. It don't think it's the right thing to do nor do I think forgiveness is something to be handed out on a silver platter. It doesn't work that way.
For me, I didn't have many bridges to burn. I wasn't the closest to Hunter in the time he was under this guise or false self. To me, I wasn't hurt because there wasn't a lot there to be hurt. I cannot speak for others as I've said and I'll hold to that. However, we're people. People do dumb things in search of acceptance. We don't think people could possibly care for us for who we really are. And in a moment of weakness, we do these things and they happen. Maybe we don't all do it, but some certainly do. I don't think there was malicious intent there. Does this excuse it? No, certainly not. However I cannot hate them for doing this. This doesn't mean I condone it, nor do I find these actions to be reasonable. But, we're people, we do these things and we mess up. We make big mistakes sometimes. I do not damn someone on a single mistake despite how big of one it may be and despite my personal feelings. I've made plenty of mistakes in my time, but I've not be damned for them.
Sympathy does not go hand in hand with forgiveness nor condoning of ones actions. Because I can understand it, doesn't mean that I condone it or support it. Nor does me saying that Hunter is brave mean that either. The reason it's brave is because it's just as easy to leave and never ever try to repair the damage you've done to those people. It's easy to never feel guilty for even a second. You can walk off no strings attached and be gone from the anger and the sadness and the hurt you caused. But sticking around for the aftermath despite knowing that people probably will turn against you at first and lash out at you etc... is in some way brave. Does this mean that revealing the lie is? No. Does this mean that doing what was done in the first place was? No. Does this mean waiting til the fact that someone caught them first to reveal was? No.
I'd like the things I say to be clear. You don't need to agree with me by any means. But, know my stance in it's full and in my own words. I do wish that over time things can heal and the damage that was done can repair. However, that's not up to me. I was mostly an outsider in this. Therefore, well I can definitely understand where those saying much different things than I am coming from. I understand how much trust was violated here and how it's not just going to be an easy road for some. Believe me I really do. However, personally I cannot damn a person entirely on this basis. I don't agree with what happened, nor do I think waiting this long was good. Understand that while I may be Sympathetic it doesn't mean I'm soft or that I forgive easily. It doesn't mean that I condone the action. It means merely that I understand those feelings. Myself, I've had these issues as well. However, I took a very different path in being as me as I could be. Not being abashed at being who I was because on the internet well... people will only believe so much even if I'm am fully honest. Here I can be me and not really have people judge too damn harshly. For me this is the right course and probably one that if everyone could take... that they should. However, I'm not any of you, nor am I Hunter. For you I cannot speak. Just understand the words I say. In time, if things are meant to work out, they'll work out. If they are not, they won't.