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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Vixen and the Mediators ((lemme know if this is too powerplayish... however she has studied pretty much most of the factions and would've learned quite a bit about them in the time she did. After all, one must know their prey to hunt it if necessary. Any problems just lemme know.)) Vixen nodded. "I know of this technique and it's limitations. I've studied Mediators before. So I don't fear it. And I don't doubt your business is important, but your business is not my current errand. I assume you're equipped to deal with it now, so let me deal with my problems and I'll leave you to deal with yours." She said an icy stare mostly directed towards the uppity "businessman". A look that could freeze over hell, though it lasted but a second on the woman's pretty face. That made it that much more horrifying... a smile that wasn't one. Creepy. Either way she turned her attention back to the Woman. Vixen bowed her head slightly so that she could easily reach without straining herself. Knowing Mediators... the woman wasn't as frail and sickly as she appeared. However, Vixen couldn't help but feel a little bad for her in such a state of being... even if it was possibly a false one. After all, mediators choose their appearance for one reason or another, as far as Vixen knew anyway. Vixen pushed those thoughts back down with a deep breathe. "Go ahead." she said in her semi-bow. She looked a bit like a bird outstretching it's wings due to the cloth poncho overtop of her equipment and that her arms were under. It would probably seem a bit flashy to the mediators that didn't understand the purpose of such a garment. Normally it was for breaking up the form when not moving within the wilderness to more easily hide in plain sight. It wasn't as heavy or quite as good as military grade equipment but it was the best she could create or procure on her own. Now she waited for the transfer of information. While she had heard of this technique, she never had experienced it before. Would it hurt? Would the Mediator get information back even if it wasn't intentionally given? It was the second question that worried Vixen more. Physical pain was nothing anymore, it was nothing compared to the emotional ones she had gone through. She didn't know if the mediator would see those things, if she'd understand them. Or if the sorrow would be overwhelming. She silently feared what could happen, not sure if this was the right decision anymore, but it was too late to turn back now. She just hoped her ugly past stayed that, the past. That the mediator would not misinterpret anything she saw if she even did. Was this even something worth being afraid of? After all, it could only transfer information... at least as far as she knew.
  2. Ashnard ((Berserker)): The air couldn't knock the Beast backwards in the air despite it's force, it was much heavier than it looked, however this probably worked to Lancer's advantage making the push much more successful in propelling her away from the Beast, without moving the Beast's position. He was still in the air where he couldn't manipulate anything, he had to be touching something, something solid to be at maximum effectiveness. As a result Ashnard couldn't dodge the spear coming towards him, however he wouldn't have dodged any way it wasn't going to inflict serious damage. It thunked into his upper shoulder with a wet squelching sound. It must have hit a rather meaty part of the muscle. It buried it self deep and blood poured out of the wound. However the beast didn't seem overly phased. It let itself fall back the the earth with a loud thud. It sent rocky debris every direction and it was fast enough to do some serious damage. It growled loudly as it plucked the spear from it's shoulder. The Wound started to stitch shut right before Lancer's eyes. The damage was nearly negated in a few instants. It growled staring at the woman. He underestimated this servant. Lancer saw respect come over the beast's face. A weird emotion for a Berserker to exhibit. But it was unmistakably there. The kind a Hunter gives to prey that isn't just prey. The respect of a Hunter to what he perceives as another. The Beast wouldn't hold back anymore, it was about to get serious. Vixen ((Archer)): "I could, however not with just ordinary ordinance. Notice it's wounds, or the distinct lack of them everywhere on it's body. It was hit by spears at least twice and both of those wounds are sealed shut like nothing even happened. Even where my shot landed is mostly healed and that tissue was frozen solid. It has an uncanny ability for Regeneration. That's not very good for us. However, I've got a bullet that might work, it could possibly remove him from this state of being. But to do so, means that if Lancer sees it she may discover my identity. However, that's the only way we'll defeat him. His regeneration is much to powerful and quick for us to be able to wear him down fast enough to defeat him. It would take a long time to break that amount of regeneration. We don't have that kind of time. We have to either withdraw now or use my bullet. We have no other choices in this matter if the goal is to destroy our foe. While this place is good for me, it's not for Lancer. She's going to be cornered eventually and if he gets that cage around her, she's dead. If he gets that cage around anyone, they are dead. Hopefully that's well understood." Vixen voiced over the link. Her voice conveyed that she really meant the words she was saying. It was the first time the Kid would feel any sincerity in her voice. She genuinely meant it. "I should warn you as well, my bullet may not do anything at all. If that's the case... run. Don't stay there." Her last warning before waiting for what the Kid told her to do.
  3. Yes, but after such a grandiose lie I can't say I don't blame people that do feel that way for saying as such. It's a position that needs be based in some sort of trust in that person to do their job and in the way it is correct etc... I'm personally in the camp that it's probably not a good idea for Hunter to remain as such. It's a position fro trust in a community. A Mod that suddenly comes off a point saying that they have lied pretty much the entire time they've been here... I can understand with why that's a reason to step down from the position or have it revoked. If you can't trust someone to tell you are, how can you trust them to keep you safe on the forums, server etc? After all, it's our job to not only keep the forums clean and well manged. It's also our job to keep peace and have people feel safe. If one lied to them for over a year, how can they properly do that job? Everyone will have doubts they'll always be worried in the back of their heads. Personally, I air to the side of caution as much as humanly possible and to me that's the safest route for everyone involved. Not just the people but Hunter himself. This responsibility really isn't something you need on top of this right now. I'd urge you too for your own sake. However, it's not my place to tell you what to do. That course of action is to you. The rest of it is Auth business and I'm sure as much will be discussed in due time. Remember, this isn't out of malice nor spite. It's quite out of concern for the community and for you as well Hunter. Me decided that's best in my mind is probably unfair, but I really do think it's best. I hate to say those words as I like to let things up to that person to allow them to take their actions and not the ones I advise. I can only know so well what another is going through, I can never have every shred of information available to them. Therefore anything I say is always incomplete. It's my perspective and not that of one other. But I do feel this way and cannot shake it. I don't know if this is the best place for this conversation to continue, however... I'll at least make that known. There's no bad blood here, but I feel that it must be said. I think this is the last I'll say here. I've been heard that's all that needs be done. As are the one's to allow the position to stand. All opinions are personal. I don't think one can be condemning for saying or thinking that. However I do believe this is not the right place for this discussion. We can talk about Auth related articles later and I'm sure it will be discussed. Here? It's not really the right place no matter where someone sits imo ((which I realize I've talked on it but still. Further than this I don't see a point to continuing here.)) Once again, people don't got to agree with my, but this will be my last words in here for now. No matter what ends up happening in the future, I hope we can move past this. How it happens... not up to me.
  4. Just so you're aware and others. I definitely don't condone it. It don't think it's the right thing to do nor do I think forgiveness is something to be handed out on a silver platter. It doesn't work that way. For me, I didn't have many bridges to burn. I wasn't the closest to Hunter in the time he was under this guise or false self. To me, I wasn't hurt because there wasn't a lot there to be hurt. I cannot speak for others as I've said and I'll hold to that. However, we're people. People do dumb things in search of acceptance. We don't think people could possibly care for us for who we really are. And in a moment of weakness, we do these things and they happen. Maybe we don't all do it, but some certainly do. I don't think there was malicious intent there. Does this excuse it? No, certainly not. However I cannot hate them for doing this. This doesn't mean I condone it, nor do I find these actions to be reasonable. But, we're people, we do these things and we mess up. We make big mistakes sometimes. I do not damn someone on a single mistake despite how big of one it may be and despite my personal feelings. I've made plenty of mistakes in my time, but I've not be damned for them. Sympathy does not go hand in hand with forgiveness nor condoning of ones actions. Because I can understand it, doesn't mean that I condone it or support it. Nor does me saying that Hunter is brave mean that either. The reason it's brave is because it's just as easy to leave and never ever try to repair the damage you've done to those people. It's easy to never feel guilty for even a second. You can walk off no strings attached and be gone from the anger and the sadness and the hurt you caused. But sticking around for the aftermath despite knowing that people probably will turn against you at first and lash out at you etc... is in some way brave. Does this mean that revealing the lie is? No. Does this mean that doing what was done in the first place was? No. Does this mean waiting til the fact that someone caught them first to reveal was? No. I'd like the things I say to be clear. You don't need to agree with me by any means. But, know my stance in it's full and in my own words. I do wish that over time things can heal and the damage that was done can repair. However, that's not up to me. I was mostly an outsider in this. Therefore, well I can definitely understand where those saying much different things than I am coming from. I understand how much trust was violated here and how it's not just going to be an easy road for some. Believe me I really do. However, personally I cannot damn a person entirely on this basis. I don't agree with what happened, nor do I think waiting this long was good. Understand that while I may be Sympathetic it doesn't mean I'm soft or that I forgive easily. It doesn't mean that I condone the action. It means merely that I understand those feelings. Myself, I've had these issues as well. However, I took a very different path in being as me as I could be. Not being abashed at being who I was because on the internet well... people will only believe so much even if I'm am fully honest. Here I can be me and not really have people judge too damn harshly. For me this is the right course and probably one that if everyone could take... that they should. However, I'm not any of you, nor am I Hunter. For you I cannot speak. Just understand the words I say. In time, if things are meant to work out, they'll work out. If they are not, they won't.
  5. You know that's not true. No person deserves the worst ever. No matter what. Not even over something like this. We do things when we are scared and we don't think will come back to bite us. Sometimes they do because we get to the point where we just can't do that anymore or others get much too close and we didn't expect it. It happens and I don't really blame you. Your thoughts are more or less the same I had when I was first here. I never expected to still be here nearly 2 years now. I thought like any other place I'd move on and never think back about it. However, the people here really ended up helping me, I fell in love with RPIng again and so much so that I'm now in charge of the small little community. I'm sure you constantly see me still saying at times that I don't think I reall matter around here etc... but I've never once said I didn't deserve it. We all deserve good people, friends, etc in our lives. That alias might be fake, artifice, but you're not. Even if it was under a false name etc... I don't really think you're much different. We are all using aliases on this thing called the web. TO you I'm Hukuna, the guy who runs the RP forum. ((well most likely lol.)) you don't know my actual name ((I think.)) or how much I say is the truth. It's the internet after all. I'm not shocked nor surprised nor angry. These places are places we use to get away from real life and some do it to different degrees. Sometimes, it feels good to be someone you're not. ((Why do you think I like RPing so much lol? I get to pretend to not be me for a bit. It's an interesting and refreshing feeling. To be clear I'm not saying it's the same, but I understand how it could happen. It's frightening putting your true self out there and sometimes it can feel good to be someone else. I can do it msotly becuase at this point... I could care less what people think of me or the things I do. I own those things because I know the person I am. I'm a sarcastic ass lol. People still get upset at me not realizing I'm joking etc. Or they don't get that I over emphasize a lot to make a point clear. People don't understand me but eh... I'm used to it.)). I don't condemn you for doing it, because I more or less understand it, and why one would do such a thing. I don't know if others will be so expecting since trust is very very important to people. I persoanlly don't think you've overstepped the bounds with me, but I cannot speak for others and can't possibly say you haven't with them. The fact is, you're saying it now. Clearly, you feel bad about it, clearly it's not something you can hold in anymore. That's just as important as what you think was wrong with it. It's really brave to be doing this. You didn't have to. So, that's something I can and do respect. Good luck Hunter. Now that we know, things can heal and they can repair if they are meant to. What you do now, is up to you and what you decide is best etc... I can't give advice on that. So, good luck. Don't look too down. I really do wish you the best. Even if I can't exactly entirely agree... I don't hate you as a person. I just hope you can be true to yourself now, and know who you are. That's the more important thing. I hope you can grow as a person and figure things out from this etc... these are my thoughts and mine only. I cannot speak for others. But, Good luck.
  6. I write the story I think I know where it comes from *whistles*. ~((I mean I only have the power to make things canon.))~
  7. I'm one who tends to like side characters so... needless to say Oobleck was pretty much one of my favourite characters lol. I dunno something about him feels so funny and great. Just he feels like an awesome version of the manic professor. ((also, his weapon is a flamethrower in this thermos, I mean... it'll keep whatever you put in there warm while you battle! So economic. I also called that shit.)) Of the main cast... I, don't really care for any of them. I don't hate them sure, but eh I dunno. The only one I really like character-wise personally is Blake. I just don't really care too much for the other three yet. Maybe as the series goes on I'll like them more but really at the moment they are just kinda there for me. I don't think there's a cast member I straight up don't like other than Cinder because I just don't like her voice actress... sounds like she's trying way to damn hard to sound evil and she just sounds ridiculous to me. Since I just watched the newest episode yesterday that stuff is pretty fresh on the mind, buuuut dang I really really like Qrow. Super fun character right there and he's like easily one of if not my favourite now. Not to mention that fight scene was probably easily the best in the series so far ((least imo.)). I'm still wondering what the heck his semblance is though. It's hard to tell since they kinda hinted at a lot of stuff without making it entirely obvious. ((he could possibly have speed like Ruby does, or something similar to Yang's. If you didn't notice his eyes were red the entire fight where as in the later scene following it they were grey in colour.)) SO who knows? Think my fav characters are Qrow, Blake, Oobleck. Zwei ((cause I mean... dog...)) and Torchwick((perfect smarmy villain, hope we get to see more of him XD.)). The others I all like or just feel like eh, they are a character. No one I hate, other than well the one I mentioned before.
  8. NEEEEW PLAYLIST IS UP! Hmmm... anyway, despite being late as shit I got it done so bite me. ANyway, this week's theme sorta changed while I was putting it together. I originally meant it to just be a relaxing week but noticed all of my song's really had to do with the Journeys in life, or that I could at least relate them in my own way. Anyway hop on over to my profile to check them out. I hope you guys enjoy the listen. I'll also be starting a Hukuna Bonus song this week, whi...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      ch can be pretty mcuh anything I feel like. EXPECT ANYTHING. Here's the link to my Prof which you can plonk in your address bar to bring you right there. Or, you cooooould jsut click my name. http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showuser=42662

  9. Pretty sure it will be released here, however, we're still deciding some things and how to handle them etc... ((like you know... Bug reports. etc)) However, we're not entirely sure how these will be handled or how we want to do so yet. It'll be safeish to assume that it will be released here as this is the main thread. Sorry for the bit haphazard answer but it's also part of the things we're trying to figure out and what not. Being a smaller group and something just starting out... well... We don't have a site (*coughs* Reborn), or a whole sub-forum (*coughs again* Rejuvenation.) so it's going to be a little until we figure out exactly what we will be doing. We will have more info once Episode 1 is launched however. So, please keep an eye on this thread. We'll probably announce things for Certain then. So, please keep an eye out for that etc... we will give more direct infomation then when we know for certain. Hopefully... that answered the question... I kinda rambled a bit. Then again... I ramble, what's new?
  10. The only stupid question is a question not asked, for one cannot learn anything from something they never ask. However yes there will only be a single gym in this first Episode. As for other details on said gym... well... you're going to have to wait and see when the episode releases.
  11. If I wanted memes/the smae generic format of words to be ceaselessly regurgitated at me... I'd go find a Twitch Chat.

  12. I don't think you want to know where Graterrain Moomoomilk comes from.
  13. Somehow I forgot Ikaru was supposed to be a Mist Guardain. ((Totally a Lightning Guardian. Not people from Reborn thoooooooough. Don't call me Lupo di Fulmine for nothin'.)). I will say I didn't really get to know Ikaru all that well until recently that's for dang sure. Whether talking to him a bit at meetings or in the auth chat etc... Dunno. Guess at one point I was sorta intimidated by the prospect. ((felt sorta like he was a boss of mine and I'm just generally a very nervous person.)), but kinda got over it of late. Pretty cool once I got to know him a bit etc. Probably playing a few games of League helped, common ground and all. ((and we really should some more even though I'm a complete trash lord at the game lol.)) Anyway, happy birthday Ikaru have a good one dude. You deserve it.
  14. I do think I'm waiting on Lancer to react to AShnard's attack though. He went up to intercept her in the air. ((though I imagine that plan of his is going to suuuper backfire lol.)) if I just happened to missed it just point me too it XD.
  15. Yea, Reno is a deck defining card for sure. He's asks something of you and if you do provide that answer he's pretty powerful of an effect. ((if I got around to do the Legends I would've mentioned this lol, but got caught up on stuff.)) He's got the real potential to just create new types of decks. I know quite a bit of the Streamer were pretty lukewarm on the reception for this card as they thought it asked a bit too much. Except for a certain guy known as Trump. Then Again he did once make a deck that had 23 single includes which was really close to making Reno work already. I dunno if Reno will last forever, but I think we'll see some decks that feature him. ((it might be hard to tell they do as well at first. Until you see like 16 unique cards...then it starts gettin' fishy.))
  16. I have a feeling they are allowing Cloud into Sm4sh partially as a "Hey! The Remake for FFVII is a thing guys!!! Get hype!!!".

    1. Maelstrom


      ... good point.

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      It's jsut unshakable for me and I ahven't seen anyone mention it yet. ((probably cause they are all reeling from the announcement period lol.)) Not saying it's inherently bad, but it's a possibility lol.

  17. I really don't know why I bother.

  18. Get real fucking tired of "Oh Hukuna said a thing, let's take it entirely literally and expand on upon to make it look like he's being an ass when he really only pointed something out." Oops, sorry I notice a pattern and mention a thing. Sorry I talk at all. Not sure why I bother talking when people decide what my words mean and what I'm saying for me.

    1. Shamitako


      Okay, no. You can be pissed, fine, but don't bring it out here. At the very most this should be between you and the rest of the RP. And really it shouldn't be any more than the two of us

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Hmmm it's not just about that, it's in general. It happens no matter what anywhere I try to do anything here. I don't know why I bother with REborn at all.

  19. I wasn't saying to change it lol, I was just pointing it out. Not sure why everyone's got to assume I'm being a jerk right away like instantly. Do I exaggerate a bit to get points across? Yea. Doesn;t mean I'm doing it for those reasons or that's what I'm doing. But apparently people always assume am . FIgured people would realize by now, that's not my intent but apparently not. I'd like to point I never once said ANYTHING in the lines of "change this thing I have it only I should have it." So don't put words in my mouth that I clearly did NOT say.
  20. Yea that part I know. It was more at Flux's being the second or third? Either way it's pretty much exactly Rider's form Zero. Your's is definitely different and mine has differences, however on RIchard it sorta feels like, "HA! I'M A SABER ANNNNNNND HAVE A SUPER SWEET ARMY!" I dunno... it like really weird. Maybe it's just me lol.
  21. I don't really like how about you, but does anyone else think we're getting a bit too heavy on the "rip off Alexander's NP" train? I know I was the first one to do so... but that was the first one that's similar ((and even then it's not, it involves artillery pieces and firearms etc...)). Also, with Servants they tend to only have Personal skills and NP relating to very important parts of their character and legends. With Richard the Lionhearted, he's never really touted as a highly instinctual person nor would he have an ability like Mind of the Eye, I don't recall him being touted as having an innate sense for danger. I dunno they just feel super out of place on him. Bravery? Hell yea, I'm surprised it's not higher almost. Divinity? Makes sense as King's of England at the time ruled by so called Divine Right. Military Tactics definitely work. Guardian Knight is... kinda stretch imo, but I suppose it sorta works. Okay Instincts maybe, he was supposed to be a great warrior, but Mind of the Eye ((in either form imo.)) just kinda doesn't sit right with me. Not that it's broken persay but it feels veeeeeeeery out of place.
  22. Riders are pretty easy since their requirement is pretty easy to fulfill. Berserkers seem kinda easy at times too, however it's hard to make one who doesn't lose everything for being one. The other classes ((at least for me)) are muuuuuuuch harder to find good examples for since the number of them is sorta limited. ((Espcially by the fact that there is a bunch of canon Fate ones already that thin the pool more and more. Like Lancers I got fuck all ideas for and probably could never make one XD>, Casters are close behind.))
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