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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Yea, It's definitely a Reality Marble more than Territory Creation which is superficially similar... but they actually aren't quite the same thing as Acquie said lol. The "draws them in" part of Forest of Twilight's description proves it's a Reality Marble. You don't draw something into your territory. You do draw them into a Reality Marble. ((which as Acquie said is forcing your perception on the world in a certain space. As I'm sure you're aware if you've seen Fate/Zero with Rider's Ionioi Hetairoi, or Fate/Stay Night's Archer's Unlimited Blade Works. Both draw their enemies into a space that's their illusion or perception of the World. Forest of Twilight would be more similar to this in use than to Territory Creation based magecraft essentially.)) Also keep in mind Flux that at least 4 out of the 7 classes all have Magic Resistance. Saber, Archer, Lancer and usually Rider all have Magic Resistance to a pretty high degree to the point where outside of their territory... Casters can't really do anything to them. Within their Territory they have more or less the ability to bombard them with magic to overwhelm them, because without the ability to draw on their magic as much and as efficiently as possible they pretty much have 0 chance against any of the classes that have Magic Resistance. Like they'll just straight up lose no real questions asked. Unless they are exceptionally talented in raw magic and just have high amounts of natural prana ((which... as I recall is pretty rare, correct me if I'm wrong.)) it's pretty hard to combat the classes that basically make their magic almost entirely useless without doing anything at all. It doesn't take them anything special to nullify magic with their magic resistance, but it take a lot to try attacking them with magic for it to ultimately do nothing or very little. So, usually it's of the utmost importance to Caster to stay within their territory and use their territory to their advantage THere's exceptions probably... but to the Servants it's usually pretty damn important because othrewise as Acquie said... they are basically the weakest class.
  2. The real key is that there is no key. None. It varies on character to character basis. There's no one simple answer or one single miracle trick that works. Not every character can e some drop of golden sunshine every one will remember and like. Some characters get less screen time than others and never get a chance to really develop. Other characters are flat pieces used to progress plot and move it along without being much more than a stock character((doesn't mean they can't be interesting or fun though.)). After all, each character's importance in the plot etc and how much we see them really plays into how they are made. I also wholly disagree entirely with anyone saying you need a backstory or a well thought out origin. That stuff is literally pointless as it's just nice little fluff. While it might help inform you as the Writer, it's really not actually needed. These things don't need to be in place to as what is important is Motivation. After answering What they are doing there's a simple process that follows. Why is the one of the most important questions of the 5 Ws and the H. Perhaps it's is the second most important. While WHAT gives us context and a situation it's easily the least important along with WHO. When and where are also more or less side-information that don't provide us direct information on the character. It's an account of events. While this groundwork matters, it doesn't matter to the character. ANY character could do this action. ANY Location would suit really and ANY time. However, WHY a character would do this is what's important. Why are they doing it? This answers a fundamental question in who they are and informs you as the writer about what person they might be. However, this question can be simply answered and doesn't need a long winded explanation. You can simple a Motivation to the core of it's essence and the character and that to a sole essence and understand these things within them. It needs not be more than a sentence Then expand. Answer how they do it. This is the most important. How one does something is more important than why they do it. It provides us the true context of who they are in a much more concise manner. Because this changes things drastically. Let's use a hypothetical situation here. I'll use a fantasy setting since it's what I'm most familiar with. Say we have two characters and both have the what event of going to a fellow kingdom and getting them to join them. Not a lot of context here. Any character could be sent on this task. Would all of them be good? No, but this has no bearing. Any person could easily ride into the other kingdom and try and convince them to their side. So, why do our two Knights ride out and except this task? Well perhaps Knight A rides off to get them to align to help them fight a larger force. Perhaps Knight B rides off to because he wishes there to be peace between their kingdoms. So, we can draw that Knight A might be doing it of a selfish reason. Perhaps his kingdom is under attack and they know they can't survive. Perhaps, she rides off into the distance hoping that the other kingdom will come to their aide and prevent them from being wiped off the map. However, we can garner that she's loyal to her kingdom most likely. Knight B we can glean that perhaps, he wishes to stop some bloodshed or to bring together the two countries fro some other reason. Perhaps he has an estranged brother who lives there. He could also be doing this of a selfish reason. We could also say he might also be loyal to his kingdom, trying to stop bloodshed from another war breaking out by preemptively patching up sore spots during a time of peace. Both Knights however, seem similar no? At least these things can be garnered from both their Whys. This is where hows come into play and why they are important. Knight A gets the other Kingdom to join her cause by speaking to them and holding negotiations. She takes a diplomatic route. Knight B Rounds up his soldiers and in the middle of the night rides into the Kingdom and cuts down the Knights and most of the other army in the dead of night. They then force the citizens to submit to their will and become a part of their empire. Suddenly, both characters are more defined. And both could still be considered Loyal to their country both their Why conclusions remaining intact. Both could've still done what they did out of selfish reasons. Both still could be loyal dogs. But, we now know Knight A probably values human life higher than Knight B. As well as a slew of other things. In short, the most important thing of a character for defining them is HOW they do, HOW they act, and HOW they react. However, we must know the why before we can answer the how. All of these answers weave us a tapestry that begins to unravel into who this character is at their core. Not a shred of backstory needed. Of course one can go back and add things over top, but Backstories tend to jsut be draped over a character after to make them feel like they've been in the world. It's window dressing. Knowing those things isn't necessary, in fact... it can really dull one's writing if they try to Exposition it all out at a player. Only that which needs to be known should be known and nothing more. Even imo, to the writer. After all, if a character is mysterious, it's all the much easier to write them not knowing their true origins or how they ended up that way. That way the writer would see that character more clearly to the way the player would see them. They would also be the outsider looking in. You aren't bogged down by all the drivel and backstory in your head. Another tip, write what you know. It's hard to write things that you yourself have not experienced. Mind you, it's not impossible but it's difficult to pull off in a good manner. So, be careful when jumping out of your comfort zone a bit and try to see things from all angles if you wander out of the things you know. Try to use the things you do know to inform, but research that which you don't entirely understand or know yourself. After all, it'd be a bit difficult to write a character who's very different from the people you are around etc if you don't know how they operate. It's hard to write a character who's experienced something you did not. If you've never painted, it's hard to write about a character who paints. If you've never skateboarded it's hard to write a character who does. Stick to experiences you know unless you feel comfortable moving outward and doing the research ((hands on at times.)) to understand. This also ties into the "Use quirks from yourself/people you know thing", which is very true and a helpful tool. After all, what's better than taking a bit of what makes your friend wonderful and slapping it on a character going to hurt? Now... don't make it 100% them, but use it to inform and to guide rather than 100% sticking to it. There should be cases where you would be like, "I think Bobby would do this." and times you are like "I don't think Bobby would do that in 8 million years!" after all either or being 100% of the time shows that the character would be too much like them ((or not like them even a tad to the point where the effort of asking that question to yourself diminishes greatly.)). Just don't make Sues by accident. While friends are great characters shouldn't be self-inserts or Friend Inserts. These always go badly since they start to get more and more attention from you as you based them off someone you like or care about. This lead to favourtism and shoving them everywhere you can in a story, sometimes to it's detriment. Keep these things as mere inspirations and not full parts of characters. Trust me, you'll thank me for that one later.
  3. Vixen ((Archer)) "It's probably best. However, we don't know which presence is tipping them off. It's certainly not mine. So, tripping the alarm is probably an attempt to clear the building and escape at the same time in the confusion. After all, it's easiest to clear out when one is surrounded by civilians. It's hard to exactly pin the sense of mana to a direct source with 100% accuracy. So the more panicking people around, the easier it would be to hide in them." Vixen mused to herself. It was possible they were looking for a fight, but if the other masters were able to be sensed by the Kid, clearly they also knew there was at least 2 others in the vicinity if not 3 in the Kid herself. If they were looking for a fight that would be suicide against 3 servants of unidentified classes. The chances of the heavy hitters being there went up and up , and in this environment Assassin would probably be just as powerful as the others despite the vessel's lower parameters. After all, the sprawl of a mall even without people in it had many corners and paths for flanking and ambushing opponents. Caster would easily be the weakest here unless somehow their claimed area was in this spot already. However, due to this being a particular location it probably wasn't the case and Caster would be an easy foe if they appeared. The other classes would be strong here as well with maybe only Rider being impeded at all. However, that was assuming Rider had a huge mount or vehicle. It was impossible to tell not having seen RIder what it would be so assuming that wasn't worth while. This meant that anyone bar Caster could easily be a threat. Therefore, Vixen wasn't really all that happy with these odds but pulling out now would lose vital info. She only hoped that Beast didn't show up. That creature wouldn't be easy to take on in a confined space. And considering it was probably Berserker, she doubted her Master's chances if that thing showed up. She doubted her own ability to take it on in a fight head on. She'd have to significantly weaken it beforehand before even dreaming of taking it on in melee. Vixen huffed, it was clear on the telepathic link, though it sounded like it wasn't intended to go through. "If you see Berserker get the hell out of there. You don't want to fight him in close quarters like this. You'll know it's him. I saw him last night while doing recon. I don't know who he was after but he made quite the rampage through the lower city. He wasn't in the shape of a human, but... a Werewolf. So, if you see anything like that get out immediately. Do you understand?"
  4. "So... something that profound. I can't say I ever thought I'd end up in something this crazy, this... important." the tall girl looked down at the ground. This really was a lot to process all at once. She didn't even believe in the Goddesses until now... she didn't really put faith in their stories. But, now, all of a sudden they were right here in front of them all and not only that, but fighting and carrying on and going on about some... event unknown to the world. It was a lot to process from a young woman out of nowhere. And yet, Emberly didn't feel like she was being lied to, she didn't feel like it was fake. She sould feel the truth in it. Her gut telling her as much that it was in part, true. More importantly, Emberly easily saw the pained expressions flash into her teachers...[former teacher's?] Face and her body. It was there as she explained the past of her brother and her sisters. The events that had transpired... who knows how long ago. Even if it wasn't clear to others it was very clear to Emberly. Was it... guilt at her own actions? Or that she couldn't save him? Either way, it was pain nonetheless. She promptly walked up to her and placed a firm hand on her shoulder. Of course, she normally would have to look down, but she bent down enough to be eye level with Miss Katherine... or Kallisto. After all, it was much more meaningful to look into one's eyes when you talked to them. Her soft green eyes sparkled as she looked into the gloomy ones that Kallisto now possessed. They harboured not judgement and not malice. They harboured only understanding."Kallisto, Don't be so hard on yourself. I'm sure those events were hard on you... I'm sure they were hard on all of your sisters. Each of you each took a route that you believed was right. And one can never know what that route will bring unless they go through with it. I know I don't know the details, and that I don't know everything's that's transpired, but that pain... I know it in my own way. You shouldn't blame yourself for what you thought was right, you shouldn't regret what you did. It's what you believed was right in the moment. Sure, it might not have turned out not as planned. However, it would never be known if you didn't do it. There's no shame in that despite what other people say. No one is infallible. Goddess or not, we make mistakes and we have errors in judgement. But, we can never know that until we see them through. As long as we learn from them, they cease to be mistakes. I might not have believed in all of this yesterday... and I'm not not entirely sure to be honest. But, I can see that despite what happened, you're still a good person, one mistake no matter how large doesn't change that. You made that mistake trying to save someone. That's honourable. You tried your hardest to save them. Maybe that time it didn't pan out. But... your still here. As long as your still around you can always try again. "
  5. Probably not exactly the place for this, but I think you'll be alright. Being on steroids pretty much indefinitely for awhile as a kid ((mostly so my asthma combined with other problems wouldn't complicate and you know... kill me lol.)), they seem pretty terrible at first but they don't really effect one too much ((at least in my experience.)). It's more what you have that will effect you than them. However, will take a bi before they really take off and do start helping. Good luck and hope you feel better. and yea, thank ya for that. It's... been a very rough year with my grandmother passing and my father having a heart attack. He then had to have a quintuple ((that means 5)) bypass to get his heart working properly again. However, later his wound from the surgrey in is chest never really healed and got pretty bad. But, what's worse is he stubbed his toe. Really, that's not a joke. His immune system is so weak at the moment that him stubbing his toe caused it to get infected to the point the had to amputate it to prevent the infection from spreading. So, yea while we're getting somewhere finally. ((his chest has finally healed and shut properly.)) we're not quite out of the woods. I don't usually like to make my life stuff known here too often since I want this to be a place people can come and get away from life bt... yea it's really been taking a toll on me of late. ((and same goes for Chim. Perhaps it's why we got a bit uppity at each other lol. Both being really angry at our own states in life perhaps made our insight a bit foggy. Stress can really weigh on the mind of an individual after all.)), But yea, I don't know ya the greatest Wild, but it means a lot to me for you to say that, especially when you have your own stuff in life to be worrying about. I'm sure we all really do though, but we try to get away from it here. I guess sometimes it just gets to be a bit much and frayed nerves just rupture. It happens lol. But yea, I really do appreciate that.
  6. Except for the fact they don't at all and we're not going to change the design on that basis.
  7. I don't think I can quite do that, but we'll see. ((I actually like having characters that ideals really clash int he same party. Makes some unique and big things happen. Makes it really tense too. I looooooooooooove it. Love love love it.))
  8. Well if by the time I get Graterras Rebirth up and going you folks are still around, I'd love to have all of those that wish to be back, well, back XD. Though I know that the slots will be a bit limited in this one since I don't want the PC party to be too huge. ((I might even split them up this time. Could be super interesting.))
  9. Funnily enough... I remember you saying that you wanted her timeline ((for the story you wrote awhile ago.)) to line up with Graterras original lol. Least if I recall correctly lol.
  10. Yea... I would but I've got like no idea where to even start with that series. I'm jsut like... EH!?!?! Since yea... XD. There's seems to be quite a bit of material, which is good and bad. Good cause means there's a lot to occupy my time... bad because as stated before... this late in I don't know where I'm supposed to start lol.
  11. at least his TL:DR wasn't longer than the thing he was doing it for. I've done that before.
  12. So, I updated Dream on Another Shore, but not in a real... actual update way. I basically just changed the format of how I'll be releasing it in the Future while I begin work on Chapter 9. So, it's a bit old for those that are new here and for maybe those that missed it in the CW forum when I was more heavily working on it. If you do decide to go pick it up and give it a try that would make me suuuper happy. Looking for any and all feedback if you wish to contribute at all. Thank you...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Noir


      The google doc link is inaccessible in the thread, or I'm doing something wrong.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Oh okay... yea you're not doing anything wrong it's that the link messed up ((it's linking to the old thread ((that I deleted so it llegit doesn;t exist anymore.)) rather than the actual Doc link... weeeeeird. I'll fix it in a jiff.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Okay, it should function properly now.

  13. Yet another announcement in a row. It's be lovely to have some feedback sprinkled in here at times, looks like I'm talking to myself here lol. Anyway that's not the point of this post. I've decided to update Dream on Another Shore to using a Google Doc rather than using two different thread on this forum. ((as a result I'll get around to deleting the other when I get the time.)), it's just easier for me to keep track of it and keep things nice and tidy. Therefore that's my plan with it. No new chapter for today however I'm going to begin work on Chapter 9 today and probably work on it while I work on the other things I have on back burner etc as well. Anyway, I hope consolidating the threads helps keep this more noticeable and easy to find. ((I'm actually doing this little thing due to Acquie and Dobby's way of doing Lily Ex Machina and Jerry's Tale respectively. It seems a bit neater of a solution and I might have ti be the rules in the future possibly for the CW forums. However Jury is still out on that one.))
  14. I sorry for taking so long on this, I really really am, but I'm going to have to call this project dead. Not because of you guys but because of myself really. I've sorta lost interest in writing it myself because a lot of work came from my side of things and... well when it was a thing my Dad was going through surgeries and recovering. It made it hard for me to actually enjoy writing the posts in here and as a result my interest in this project started to slowly wane. I didn't have the energy to put into this and as a result couldn't put my heart into this Project. I spread myself much to thin and really... ended up wasting a lot of your guys time and for that I apologize. Anyway, I know that I just don't have enough interest in this project to continue and that I can;t try and put my heart back into it. It's just not going to be that easy or work in that way. I just don't want to write it anymore. I apologize to all those that were participating. I'm truly sorry that I didn't just either cut this off sooner or wait this long to say something. I guess I'll leave the threads unlocked for a day, but yea I'm going to be shutting this down. It was pretty fun at times and I enjoyed the characters you guys made and brought forth into the game. I really loved the ideas some of you had and what the system for the Signatures could do. I'm glad I did start this... even if it's ending in a rather terrible way. I really do apologize once more for this. But yea, I want to move on to bigger and better things. Restarting Graterras: Original and Heartless Souls... just I'm so much more invested in those ideas than this anymore... and I can't really find the want to write anymore of Clash. I hope you guys can forgive me.
  15. Okay... I need to ask this to consider and actually mount an effort if it's possible at this point. But, Not sure If I said but really a big part of me neglecting this RP is probably my Dad's two surgeries really weighing on my mind to the point I kinda forget this RP because I was just bogged in things that were out of my control and worried about stuff. So, needless to say due to the timing of these events... that really cut into me remembering this RP, or even wanting to post in in this RP. It's hard to write when you're worried your going to lose a family member, especially one that close. So, needless to say since my last post I've not been really paying attention and have kinda ended up neglecting this thing way to much. For that I apologize. However, not that life has calmed down for me I need to check if it's still an option to stick around rather than just drop ((I probably should have before when things were just preventing me from wanting to post, however I didn't have that foresight and think I a result really bogged down this RP in having to wait for me etc... However... as I can still try and am still consdiered a part of this... I think... I'd like too now that I can.)). I could use a quick recap on the events after I psoted, but I can definitely read them as well to catch up ((at the time of typing this I'm going to bed but... will probably read up in the morning.)) so that'd be helpful. I jsut need to know and understand if it's a viable option at all fro me to continue or if it's jsut wiegh you guys down horribly at this point. I'm okay either way you guys think it would be so no worries. However I would like to try and get back in ehre rather than jsut drop outta nowhere now that I ahve the time. SInce I ahve the time and my life is stable ((for now.)) I think I should at least try and right some of the msitakes I've been making.
  16. Hmmmmm, totally forgot about this thread lol. Might have to post some for folks if I go looking again. ((It'll probably be awhile though since... well I know which I'm going back to for a bit once I'm done with this one.))
  17. For it me it's quite a lot of things. These are in no particular oreder, jsut in the order I think of them. Maybe that says something but eh... XD. Kill la Kill, I dunno why I like this one so much... maybe that it was like one of the first I ever watched. A good friend of mine literally bothered my for like months to watch this in the most hilarious and awesome way. Basically... he kept randomly linking me scenes out of context. I told him at least 5 times that it would definitely never be a show I watched. But... Curiosity got the best of me. Because seeing scenes from that anime out of context... super made me want to know the the actual hell I just saw. So, I was bored and just finally watched it one night. And was up like all night watching it straight through. Gurenn Lagann, "Who the hell do you think I am?" Hitman Reborn!, the first anime I watched that well... I knew was one and considered one. ((personally... to me the Pokemon anime doesn't really... feel like one. It felt like any other cartoon I watched as a kid. Personally, not saing it is... but to me it felt like that.)). Funnily enough it was the same friend that got me to watch Kill la Kill to watch this as well as the rest of my friend group that I met around High School. ((I don't get to see them a whole lot as they are just busy a lot of the time now, but they are still wonderful and beautiful people lol.)). They were all pretty into this anime like... suuuuper into it I think they had an entire guild in Maplestory ((I did not play that XD.)) named after it and I knwo for a fact our old Vent group was named after it. Of course... I once asked what the name was from since it seemed really weird and not random. I got "watch this" as an answer. And, so I did. While I don't really like it as much as I did the irst time I watched it... I still have a soft spot for it. It holds a lot of good memories for me and reminds me of a time that I finely bet my own depression for the most part. It was mostly right after I met those friends that I finally saw some worth in myself and the first place I truly belonged in a sense. This anime reminds me of them and that time... and I sorta feel like warm and fuzzy while watching it again. It might sound really stupid to attach that to an anime, but... I really do lol. Overlord is definitely up there for me right now. However, I highly prefer the Light Novels now that I've started reading them. The anime did a pretty good job at portraying them for sure, but a lot was lost in the media switch imo. Still I loved the anime so much I went out to seek for the Light Novels so it's thanks to that I found out Overlord even existed. Probably one of my favourite series right now, to the point it might be my legit 100% favourite I love it that much. ((if my siggy isn't enough to indicate that.)) One Punch Man. Seriously... This show is great. Like... I don't even know how to describe it really, but it's jsut... so wonderful and unique lol. The first Season isn't even over and it's already like easily one of my top anime. It's freaking fantastic. The Fate Series, I don't think I've once guessed a Servant wrong yet. Not sure if that speaks to how much of a mythology/Legend nerd I kinda am lol. Really need to get to reading it actual... and just getting to the other parts of it. There's soooooo much Fate stuff I've yet to touch it's a little intimidating lol. and I'm sure I forgot like... a bunch of my up there picks. If I think of others I'll probably jsut make a new psot but this feels good for now lol.
  18. Nothing like a new Episode of One Punch Man, and remembering the RWBY Season 3 started to get your spirits back up. HAving soemthing great to watch really does make me feel worlds better lol.

  19. I wonder if I should take the time to finish Dream on Another Shore. Maybe update how I've been updating it... last time I released a new chapter, I don't think people really noticed. Perhaps it would be good to update how I've been doing the thread. Either way... I wonder if people are still out there reading it and if it's worth continuing. I'd like to see it to an actual conclusion... but don't knwo if anybody but me cares. Maybe... that's the only thing that ma...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yep. Not sure it's on the first page, but jsut look for my wonderful Icon. ((or... the word Graterras lol.)) there's a seperate Feedback Thread so if you wish to say anything you can there lol. Hope you enjoy what there is of it at current.

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      I found it and my god it's long, I'll get reading it tomorrow because 03:30 is not a good time to start reading a novel. I look forward to it.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Well, yea I tend to write pretty long form lol. ((I don't think it's be noel length once it's over, but I dunno XD>))

  20. I figured as much lol. It's why I moved Vixen ahead a tad. ((she would've left after not getting an answer right away anyway lol. She's like that. However, I didn't want to shut you out as well, which is why she asked if the whole thing was working. It'd probably be wise to check if it was and you can still basically have Onyx answer what she asked before if you see fit lol.)) But yea, it's no worry Lexi lol. I know you are and I'm sure others do as well. We;re definitely trying to keep it in mind well at the very least I am. I feel the others are as well though so no worries.
  21. Ashnard ((Berserker)) Siegfried noticed that the Beast's mood suddenly started to shift it's hunting instincts flared again. However this time... it didn't manifest. It must have still been hold by the Command Spell. However... he could feel it's power surge as if it had tried to do so again but wasn't successful. A discordant chant washed over him presumably Ashnard's telepathy if he was a regular servant. However, must of it was unintelligible white noise and bestial urges. Pictures of slaughter and murder flashed through Siegfried's own mind. Images that quickly passed but lingered long enough to be disturbing. He never clearly saw any of them, but it was certain that blood, flayed meat of corpses and other... distributing images where flashing across his mind. But, what made it worse was The Beast's crystal clear voice in the middle of it chanting one thing over and over again in a manic delight. "Three! Three! Three! Three!!! Three!!! Three!!! THREE!!! THREE!!! THREE!!!" The Beast's chanting got louder, and louder and louder and louder and louder and LOUDER!!! It seemed to sync to Siegfried's heartbeat... a violent tremble of a drumbeat. "Three Three Three, Three! Three! Three! Three!!! Three!!! Three!!! THREE!!! THREE!!! THREE!!!" It was fixated on chanting this, and the thoughts of gore and mess accompanying it made it all the worse. This was all a result of the creature being stuck in spirit form. His dark chant... one of madness, hunger, and ill-intent. It's hatred replaced with primal hunger and... anticipation? Thrill? It was excitement. The creature was happy about this, about the thoughts that filled it's mind and the number it was chanting. It's thoughts so powerful... they threatened to overwhelm Siegfried as well. They pulsed through his mind as if they were his own almost.
  22. For the last status, I truly apologize. I overreacted and blew up. But... I can;t just hide how I'm feeling all the time. I was told today without second thought, that I've been trying to destroy or ruin something, when in reality... I've been trying to protect and preserve the thing a person I condier to be a friend's vision. But... I'm told that's what I'm not doing, that I'm trying to waste everyone's time and ruin it. If that's what I was doing I wo...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      because the aforementioned frustration on both sides, from as far as I can tell from analyzing everything so far, has seemed to have been a very big hindrance towards resolving the issue, and has instead only elevated it to the level it achieved recently

    3. Flux


      Well, I only know a bit about what happened, and the topic in which it happened doesn't really concern me and I don't know anything about it, but I do know that you're definitely wanted around here, Hukuna. I don't want to seem intrusive, but seriously. If you left I'd be super sad, as would the majority of the community, I'm sure. I'm glad to see you're feeling at least a little bit better though. I know we haven't really talked 1 on 1 in a long time, but...

    4. Flux


      you're on my friends list for a reason. You're one of the first people I genuinely thought of as a friend here, and while I may not have had a chance to show it recently, I mean it. If you ever want to talk about anything, I'm more than willing to listen. And if you'd rather not, or if you don't think I'm the right person, that's fine too. Just know that there are plenty of people here who care.

  23. I don't know why I bother when no matter what I'm the bad guy and I'm the problem. I don't know why people assume that my life is all sunshine and rainbows and that I have nothing that bothers me. I've jsut had two family members nearly pass in the same year, one actually has the other has nearly do so 2 times. THink that maybe... jsut maybe that I'm a person too for a second and not a hearltess machine. But no... I'm jsut the asshole that's come to ruin all yo...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Sutoratosu


      There are just so many people out there in the world nowadays who give no fucks and simply do what they want whenever they want to whomever they want in whatever manner they want. So no one who is willing to sacrificing their own time and energy to make the world around them a better place- even if just a little, is worthless. Especially those who barely have much time and energy free to devote to others in the first place.

    3. Commander


      I suppose I should say something as well. Nobody here thinks you're a bad guy. Sometimes when things aren't going well...or even to hell it feels like you are. I've been there. You just have to look back at all the things you've done and remember who you really are and not who you think you are. Nobody is perfect and sometimes people push are imperfections a bit too far hurting us. I've been there as well. You are in charge of the RP section for a reason. You can't tel...

    4. Commander


      tell me that you're a bad person with a title like that. You certainly earned it. Just don't let the stress or situation make you do something you'll regret.

  24. How about we not change my words and say that's what I'm doing? You've assumed I don't care... that is not the case at all and it certainly never was. I may not be the best at my words at times, but I've never said any of those things, you've assumed and never once talked to me about it instead of just yelling at me right away. Why should I bother explaining? You clearly don't care to know what I have to say if you didn't listen to me or give me the chance to explain what I mean. Right away you assume things. Personally right now, I don't want to interact with that character, I don't see a way I can that won't lead to me doing something that's low quality. I know your character in Samantha is something more than One Dimensional or flat. But, if I'm going to interact with her NOW, I'll treat her like she is. That's not fair to you at all because I know you put effort in there and I don't want the interaction there to be entirely ruined because I don't currently have a grasp of the character. I only know one way she is or can be... that'll effect how I write my reactions... ((because right now... My reactions would pretty much be... "Bleh, I don't want to deal with you." because that's the only way I'd know how to react, and that's probably not what Emberly would do... that's what I would do. Therefore it's not fair to your character that I write that way at all. Because, I'm not writing how Emberly would react. I just don't have any other infomation currently. And I don't mean meta-gamey stuff... I jsut don't know how to react to the character other than that myself... therefore I'll make Emberly act the same way even if she wouldn't cause I'm not in a place I understand her yet. I'm boxing that for later so that I don't entirely ruin whole thing. I'd like to understand a bit more so I understand the character a bit more... rather than write something super dumb that f's up that entire interaction by going a way it never should have.)) it's because I respect your character and that she is more than that that I DO NOT WANT to interact right now because if I do I know it's not going to be right. It's going to not g the way it should because currently it's going to go the way Hukuna deals with people that annoy him irl ((in that I shutdown and don't talk to them, I don't deal with people irl very well cause socially... I'm pretty much a failure.)). I don't really want to f' all that up cause I know I will 100% do so right now when I don't understand her at all other than the things I've seen which irl... I don't deal with very often because I don't handle it all that well. Emberly wouldn't have the same reaction I would... therefore if I do it now, right this interaction... It'll be wrong and unfair to you and everyone else because I wouldn't be playing the character. But no, I'm a big baby that gets upset when things don't go his way. Sure... you know that's never happened once right? If that was really the case I could do things right now to actually get my way. If I was that petty a person Chim... I could never be where I am. Also, if you don't know my father's nearly died 3 times in the past few weeks and months. Sorry if Stratos's RP isn't my biggest worry in the world while my family has no money while we pay hospital bills and have no heat and water, have no food and have to keep my father from getting yet another infection so he doesn't die. The only reason I'm even still able to type this is because my mother's church is helping us out and keeping us afloat. I'm sorry if I neglect RPs et by accident when I'm jsut trying to survive, but no... No one really actually gives a shit about what goes on in my life. You've never asked, you've just assumed. Sorry if dropping out of an RP because I don't have the time or the ability to remember it is a problem for you Chim. Sorry that I ever came to this forum and even tried to give a shit. It's clear no one wants me here. I should just disappear like I always do. All I do is cause other people problems and grief just by being there. I'm just as worthless as I thought because not a single person gives me the time of day and just assumes things about me. I don't even get to be a person anymore... just some stupid object everyone gets to dump their blame on. I don't know why I bother trying to keep living, trying to do things when all I get is people not really caring about what I have to say or just deciding the meaning of my words for me. I never get to be human. No one lets me. Anybody else in the world they'd talk to them try to understand... but no. I never ever get that. I'm not worth understanding or even taking 5 seconds to talk to. Because I'm jsut an asshole who wants everything handed to him. Sure... I've never had anything handed to me in my life. I've never had that luxury. Because I've been treated as a freak since the day I was born. ANd anywhere I go I jsut told I am again and again. So, sorry I have problems in my life that are ruining things... sorry that I exist. I might as well just leave before I hurt more people. Not a place in this world I can go where I'm not the issue. I'm always the issue. Because no one else can have any faults when I'm around. I'm always the trouble of their woes. At least, that's what they tell me.
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