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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie
Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Tomas Elliot's topic in Fan-game Exposé
You know I'm not a Doctor right? You're really bad at this. Like very bad. HEE!!! -
Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Tomas Elliot's topic in Fan-game Exposé
*whistles.* Totally didn't. HEE!!! If you'll notice, I infact posted that Announcement. You just edited it afterwards. HEE HEE HEE!!! -
Ashnard ((Berserker)) The violent screams of the Beast rung out as it struggled against the Order. For awhile it kept moving forward It slowed down quite violently as it seemed to have run into a solid wall. It's muscles tensed almost to their maximum as it strained against the magic of the spell. Yelling and howling filled the area, sounds of a struggling beast trying to fight it's chains. The ugly cries of pain rang throughout the area. The Beast was fighting to stay physical as fiercely as it could. It was instinct rather than a decision. At many points the transformation went part way before he saved it but then lost it once more. A terrifying display... one could say it seemed like Ashnard almost... broke the spell. However his form once more disappeared into a cloud of black smoke. But, the black cloud remained this time. It floated directly over Siegfried's head. A ball of pure hatred, anger... and hunger. Vixen ((Archer)) Not waiting for the Kid to answer the Woman quickly turned around and went to the top of the building. It was her best advantage... She could wound and weaken from afar and if she needed to be brought to the Kid she could deal with them easily in toe to toe combat at that point. However she'd prefer to kill them from afar if she possibly could. Clean and to the point. However, she'd need to protect her Master. Or did she? After all... she could make as many bullets as she possibly wanted while she was supplied with mana and not worry about her master's death. After all... as Archer she could survive in this world even without a Master. She made the contract however... it felt incorrect to just let her die. But, if worse came to worse... she could abandon her and not have to worry. After all, the Grail was what was important here... It's what she wanted more than anything else. It was the ultimate goal. Were any means worth that? Would she be able to live with doing that? In the heat of things... she'd know the answer but right now she did not. She set up her equipment as quickly as she could, their enemies were already moving. She set up the telepathic connection something she had to intentionally do due o her adverseness to teamwork. Had she worked with others more often... this would probably be an easy task. However, she nearly always worked alone in life. She never relied on anyone, or wanted anyone to get close to her if she could help it. Was the same going to happen here? It was a reluctant partnership after all. Those thoughts surfaced again... the ones of how important protecting this kid were... Vixen pushed them back once more and continued to focus on the task at hand. "Okay, Kid. Can you hear me?" the only sentence she said into the telepathic link. She wasn't sure if it was working so she said this into her mind towards where she felt the link was. It... was a strange sensation. She felt kinda stupid doing it, thinking it. However that wouldn't come over the link even if the message did reach.
I'd call the rest of the Order of No Quarter to deal with Shovel Knight... but... I don't like those guys. Actually... tat's why i hope they show up of their own accord. That way he beats the essence out of those fools for me! HEE HEE HEE!!!
HEE!!! Even I Plague Knight have played Hearthstone. ~((I totally just stole that Hukuna's guys account))~ You know Dragon Priest had a bad match-up against Patron right? It's pull Light bomb or die... and that's if they are dumb enough to not just 1 turn kill you in a giant explosion of damage. HEE!!! ((Just like my powerful Cluster Bombs!!!)), Patron was a OTK deck basically. Dragon Priest Rarely had the damage output to end the GP Warrior before they got to the point they could deal 30 damage in one turn and wipe you off the face of the world. At point three, I don't really know Secret lists that run Tirion and Boom. Must tend to run it in the Aggro Paladin shell. Mostly for the Explosive and sticky early game to best set up for the Turn 6 Challenger. Hee!!! Mid Range Paladin tends to be better if you're going for those cards as it's meant to use those much better and well... It actually has a pretty good match up against Secret Pally ans it has tools to rid of the board state espically after the Secret Tree comes out. ((Argent Peace Keeper that Avenged Challenger = Sad Secretidin same with the Equality/Con Combo or Equality/Pyro Combo. Pyro is pretty rare in Pally these days, but... it's still very strong with the Equality so you see it every now and then.)) Mid-Range is basically always better at Mid-Ranging than Secret Pally because it can run tech and more removal combos that Secret Paladin has no room for needing to pack around at least 5 to 6 or even 7 secrets((it's typically 2 avenge, 2 Noble Sacs, 1 Comp Spirit, 1 Repentance, and 1 Redemption.)) That's a lot of deck real estate that goes to just Secrets. It's actually the reason Face Hunter is a dying breed. Fatigue Warrior and Control Priest just keep ahead of the damage they can do with Justicar giving them probably the best Hero Powers. Those two classes get the biggest bonus out of Jusitcar as they can squeeze out the most value. Any Master Alchemist knows that getting the most out of your ingredients is important, HEE!!! Most of the other classes got pretty terrible effects that don't warrant how slow the card is because they don't derive value out of it like they do.
- 177 replies
- Hearthstone
- wow jelly is such a cool guy
- (and 2 more)
Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Tomas Elliot's topic in Fan-game Exposé
HEE!!! It's I the new writer! Plague Knight! In my off time I do enjoy a spot of writing. You know... when I'm not experimenting with new chemicals and explosions and what not. I'm a bit of a romantic I suppose. Anyway! I'll be picking up where that other guy left off. Can't remember his name... he's probably not all that important if that's the case. -
Finally, a safe place to practice my alchemy in the search to create the Ultimate Potion!!! HEE!!! I am sure I will have fruitful research here in the grim and macabre and all things exploding!!! My favorite hobbies are Alchemy ((what can I say? I love my job.)), Exploding things, and berating my minions. ((They're pretty dim...)). I really dislike digging and gardening. I'm also not very good at dancing. I'm working on it though any tips would be appreciated. I'm a big fan of Pokemon... especially those that Explode!!! And POISON TYPES!!! They're great. HEE!!! Don't you just love explosions? They're so nice. Oh so nice. Pretty too. Like BOOM, your foe is everywhere but where they were standing. It's wonderful. Draining moves are also sweet. After all who doesn't like stealing your foe's essence and using it in potions to blow them up later huh? HUH!?!? Just me? Eh... you just don't know how to have fun. Anyway, I'm sure this time will be Enlightening for all of us!!! HEE HEE HEE!!! ((I totally not going to steal your essences. Nooooooooooope not at all.))
Hee hee hee!!! It is I!!! Plague Knight!!! Perhaps I can easily blend in here and practice Alchemy unnoticed!!! HEE! After all I see no do-gooders running around with shovels here.
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he obviously bought one of those alter post count things that aren't available on the shop anymore
tfw having to play Shovel Knight again because for some reason your save-file got deleted and you cna;t jsut jump right into Plague of Shadows. *sighs* Least I'm still good at it lol.
I think I might have to let this one go. I've already kinda been struggling to really get stuff out for it and well... I'm going to have an actual job soon so I'll have even less time. I don't want to hold you folks back. I'm really not sure I can stay in this and keep up a quality I want to. Cause I don't like doing anything half-assed or that my heart's just not in. And well, I've got a lot more stuff cutting into my time and it's getting harder to find it for certain RPs. This is definitely one where I've got to put a lot of effort into things etc... and I already know I'm slipping a bit here. So, I think I might just have to drop it cause I don't want to ruin the experience for everyone else by being stubborn and trying to stay on when I just can't manage it or don't have the drive to.
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- Final Circle
- Abandon all hope
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Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Tomas Elliot's topic in Fan-game Exposé
*facepalms* Thing is... I actually did make a Rock/Ghost once. However it wasn't made for Se7en and was more of a thing between me and a friend lol. I didn't want to use it for Se7en as a result. ((mostly because it was a pretty freaking complicated mon. It had three forms etc... Maybe one day it'll see the light of day, but it wasn't meant for Se7en therefore it's not going to be in it lol. Otherwise I know quite a few of my dual type ones for Se7en have Unique Typing sadly, you'll have to wait and see most of them lol. #HukunaLordOfStandaloneLines. -
I normally wouldn't triple post, however, this seems important enough at least to me... to dredge up this thread ((since it's not so far gone that this is necro'ing yet)). After all this could be a big swing in the way of Meta so I think it's warrant me psoting aobut it since it came out this morning. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/forum/topic/19288409377 For the first time since the Unleash the Hounds/Buzzard combo, and the other vanilla cards, another card nerf is being implemented. As put in the thread here on the forum, it is well known that Blizzard does want to "fix" cards and feels that the meta should drive what cards are powerful and what cards are are not. They believe that player innovation is more important then going back and nerfing cards etc... and I sorta believe that's a very good philosophy. However we are now seeing a nerf to one of the top decks to the point that it's a now dead deck. ((and this is the second change to Warsong Commander.)) First, Warsong Commander is and always has been a big combo card as it charges minions, it's first iteration there was no limit on the attack value of the card. With the high amount of OTK Warriors that were strangling the meta they decided to remove the ability to charge a super high attack minion and buffing the hell out of it to just instantly deal upwards of 30 damage. This is when they change the card to only charging cards that had 3 or less attack. And for the longest time, Warsong Commander was then considered a dead card. It went out of meta for an entire Adventure ((Naxxramas,)), and then for the entire meta of a expansion. ((GvG)). It wasn't until the card Grim Patron was released that the Warsong Commander would see the light of day again. Quickly, Grim Patron was released during Blackrock Mountain's adventure and was critically panned by nearly every person that saw it before it's release. People thought it was an entirely fair card, or even a weak one. A 5 mana 3/3 that if it survives the damage it takes summons another seems weak on it's own. However, the Grim Patron Warrior showed how powerful the card could be. With the Warsong Commander anything you summoned onto the board instantly got charge so long as it had 3 attack would get charge. With Warrior's many ways to trigger Grim Patron in Whirlwind, Death's Bite, Inner Rage, etc etc... or charging the Patron into a Minion that will not kill it. This allowed the Patron Warrior to make a combo that was basically very very hard to truly deal with. ((this is without mentioning the Frothing Berserkers that are also able to charge)) Grim Patron has been considered the Strongest deck since it's inception. So, a few questions for those that read this. 1. Do you think the nerf on Warsong was warranted((that it should've received at least something))? 2. Do you think the nerf to Warsong Commander is too severe? 3, Do you think Grim Patron Warrior was suffocating the meta too much and that this change was necessary((outside of severity, I mean do you think any nerf was warranted.))? 4. Do you think that the card Grim Patron will see play in any decks after this nerf to the card that was most commonly combo'd with it? 5. What effect do you think the most likely death of the Grim Patron Warrior Archetype will have on the meta if any? My answers will be below. 1. It's definitely could have seen some nerf. It was the cornerstone of a very powerful deck and was probably the most sensible card to nerf in it since it was the problem card. It enabled both Frothing Berserker and Grim Patron combos, so nerfing only one of those cards wouldn't really solve how dominant the deck was. 2. Yes. Despite knowing that a nerf was kind of warranted, it definitely feels very over-nerfed. giving +1 attack to Charge Minions is pretty small of an effect as most decks don't play a lot of chargers especially Warrior as it's a more control orientated class ((with exception of Grim Patron.)). Now Warsong isn't really viable in anything as it's effect has very low impact as most Charge Minions had terrible health and get in one attack before perishing. Aggro Warriors still probably won't be all that viable as the Warrior's hero power and class spells are mostly based on board removal and staying in the game rather than closing out a game. It just doesn't really fit the aggressive style so I don't see Warsong getting any use. 3. I can see some nerfs to Grim Patron being pretty important. After all the deck has remained the number 1 deck on almost all Hearthstone sites etc other than a few dropping it for when Secret Paladin became flavor of the month. ((and then it was quickly put back at the top.)). This does mean that it was a pretty powerful deck as pretty much nothing had a favourable match-up against it, they were soft counters at best. 4. I highly doubt Grim Patron will see play afterwards. However, it's true that it wasn't experimented with outside of Warrior due to it's overwhelming power in that deck. We might see some experiments to see if it fits in any other archetype, but I don't see it getting much of anywhere. ((Everybody get in here!!! The Funeral's startin'! R.I.P Patron lol.)) 5. Secret Paladin's are going to have a hayday. GP was one of few decks that held it back, now that it's gone... well things are going to get super ugly. The deck will basically replace GP Warrior at the top of decks and if nothing's found to counter it quite as well as GP Warrior... well things are going to get super ugly for awhile. Luckily some things are cropping up such as Control Priest that bop it pretty hard so It might not get too out of hand. Other decks might rise up out of the ashes, but one suffocating deck will just be replaced with another... I don't see things moving away from how they are too much due to this fact. We'll have to see if some innovation can just pop through all the paladins that are inevitably going to show up. However, decks that were weak against GP Warrior might see more play as well... perhaps they will have a fine match-up against Secret Paladin. So, A lot could change, or not much. I'm on the side of not much, but it's be a mistake to say nothing will happen for certain. One never knows. After all, things can more specifically target Secret Paladin since there's one less threat to worry about. We'll see in the coming weeks if anything really pops up etc or what starts to see a looooot more play.
- 177 replies
- Hearthstone
- wow jelly is such a cool guy
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I'd rather not, you guys really have 0 chance without knowing anything about Ashnard, and even with that information will still have a tough time lol. The only way I think he'll end up there is if someone else leads him there lol. ((so, if somebody else runs by the library after leaving the mall well... no promises then lol.)). I'd rather he have a reason then a total ex machina for that. ((he's closer to the Mall pretty sure than where Yukine? and Debronee are, so I reckon in his haze of bloodlust he'd go to a closer location then search. I dunno we'll see how things go lol.)).
Ashnard ((Berserker)): That familiar smell, the smell of Servant. It kept getting stronger and stronger. Ashnard could barely contain himself his bloodlust was building and rapidly. Since he couldn't switch freely between his beast form and his human form he counted regain his humanity. A flaw in the vessel of the Berserker Class. It forced him to stay as the Beast. he couldn't wash away the insatiable bloodlust that clouded his vision and reason. Not that the Beast minded. After all this was it's true form in it's mind. The inhuman creature that the once man Ashnard became... Even he believed it to be who he was meant to be. Clearly he couldn't be human... disgusting vile humans. The hatred once more bubbled to the surface, it got harder and harder to keep it down, keep it from bubbling forth. Because now it was mixed with the feeling of hunger, and the desire to hunt. Primal urges. Dark primal urges. The ones that fester in the soul and the body. Hard to ignore the urges that one felt throughout there entire being. After all, it was only natural for the hunter to hunt. And thus... The Beast gave in being driven mad by the want for flesh. Siegfried only felt as the Beast materialized. A rush of hellish energy blasted outwards the release of darkness. This happened before. The Beast didn't control itself, it couldn't. It rushed for the source of the scent it smelled. If it had been more sane... maybe it would've realized it wasn't the same Servant from the night before. After all, the scent of the woman with him was what he was after and tracking. Therefore it was her scent he became familiar with. However, in his lapse of judgement... or lack of it in this case, caused him to charge off into the distance. He headed directly for a Mall. A Giant Werewolf charging into a Mall full of people in broad daylight. Siegfried would obviously know this was going to get super ugly super quickly.
Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Tomas Elliot's topic in Fan-game Exposé
It could be, who knows? I certainly don't. -
Pokemon Se7en - Currently on hiatus
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Tomas Elliot's topic in Fan-game Exposé
"Wait, Plague Knight posting something of substance? Well this has to be important cause that butthead is never in this thread. Heck it even has a #FOLD thing at the top despite the #FOLD joke not making any sense anymore since Lifoam is long done." Is probably what everyone is thinking right now seeing as I'm posting in this thread and not being some vague son of a gun for once. HEE!!! ((Hey, what can I do. If I put up anything I work on I spoil stuff... you don't want me to SPOIL STUFF DO YOU!?!?!?! The answer is probably yes... but eh... I'm not going to so . After all... we do want you to play Chapter 1 when it finally comes out. HEE!!!)) Today we have an interesting treat... as well... I actually designed this mon. Holy hell Plague Knight has designed some of the Mons? Why yes, yes I have humble reader. Just most of mine are standalones ((to the point not a single three stage line was designed by me.)) and therefore I cannot put them in here. *grumbles something about being too good at making standalone mons.* Without further ado... I present another cute freaking bug type. ((trust me they get muuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch uglier later. You'll just have to wait for that part now huh?)) Say hello, to Lunarpilla, The Stellar Bug Pokemon!!! ((cause you know, he's a real swell guy. Stand-up citizen right there folks.)) "What's so special about this little guy oh Dreadful Plague Knight?" You might ask. Well I'll tell you. It's a Bug/Psychic type. So mysterious... so majestic... so Plague Knight has issues. It wields both Shield Dust and Synchronize as basic abilities. This makes it immune to that thing people call... Hax is it? As moves with secondary effects don't activate on it. ((So no Scald burns YA HEAR?!?!?!)) Synchronize also makes it scary inflicting status as well... you might just find yourself with the same one you just inflicted. After all, Lunarpilla believes sharing is caring. If you don't bring enough burns to class to share with everyone well, The oh so deradful Plague Knight just might get upset. Lunarpilla knows that I don't like to be upset. Oh!!! Almost forgot something! It also has the added benefit when in the lead of your team of making things have the same Nature as your little buddy Lunarpilla!!! Having a sad day? Make everyone you find Jolly so you are like super surrounded by happiness and stuffs!!! Lunarpilla also has a sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet hidden ability however, due to how shy they are they don't want me to tell you. Maybe once you get to know one really well they'll open up a bit more? Try looking out over a dark starry night where the full moon is hanging lazily in the sky. Just the two of you out under the stars for a wonderful evening. I hear people think that is romantic or something, so maybe little Lunarpilla likes star-gazing. Or maybe it doesn't and will digest your entrails.... WHO KNOWS!?!?!? After all, isn't that what adventure is about? -
I forgot how teidous it was to put together OOCs... I do everytime until I start working on a new one lol.
what are you two talking bout?
I put together that shit no problem... it's keeping everything else about the RP together and coherent without going insane that's the real challenge...
Anyway... working on Heartless Souls OOC currently... this might take me a long while since i ahve to outline a lot of abstract systems. ((I can sorta repurpose soemthing for the signature system, but the Spells/Marital Arts section with the lack of true classes is going to be tough lol. SO it's going to be an interesting process.
I mean besides the fact I watch all things with Mister Cox... ((what can I say? I can't get enough Cox.)) I just watch Rollplay in general way before he was ever on the show. I've watched since like Rollplay: Original and all the way up until now. ((which by the way... Jesse is a permanent member on Rollplay R&D now so, if you like ya some Jesse watch that shiiiiiit.... XD)) Annnnnnd off topic kinda... But yea it's what shows an RP like this can jsut sorta work lol. So it's not too off-topic ((since it's sorta the same idea XD.)) It's mostly the stats that reminded me of it since those are similar to the ones in Maid.))
That's why I said it kinda reminded me of Maid since it's a similar idea lol. ((since that game you generate a cahracter by rolling on a random table for like everything lol.)) But yea, I'm not really all that interested I know kinda what you're going for but eh... I'll still pass. Good luck though. Will be fun to see how silly it gets etc XD.
I'm not one who particularly cares for Harem stuff ((mostly cause I think it's kinda either pointless or just plain creepy at times but that's my thoughts and why it's not for me, it's fine if others like it XD.)) so I'll probably not be participating lol. I do hope this goes somewhere and it could be a pretty dang funny thing to read along to. ((I'm getting such weird Maid RPG vibes from this.... and when I watched some folks play that on the Tabletop RPG show I watched... it was one of the funniest bonkers things I've watched in awhile XD.))
Ymora Academy [OOC / Sign-Ups Closed]
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Chim's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
I believe that the others ((the girl and the pother PCs)) are like right at the door outside. Therefore they aren't actually in the building yet. either way the door is still open so there's that as well lol. It's still works technically lol.