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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. It's fine Tacos, you're not holding me from anything lol. Also... damn this girl has no luck XD.
  2. Drake, Adeline Wow... this girl had no luck. Drake had a feeling this was jsut the start of things. After all, she had already seen her take a spill already today and now she fell out of an open window... that... that was a new one for Drake. Drake was definitely not sure how it happened, after all she was so tall it was probably impossible for her to fall out the window.She looked at Whisper with a silly look on her face, Whisper returning that look of disbelief. Only for a second, but a second long enough that it could've been seen. Drake placed Whisper on the floor and then popped her head out of the window. Her wild orange mane popped out easily being seen. "You alright Addy? You need to work on that balance of yours so you don't keep falling over." Drake said with a giggle. This girl... she was an interesting one.
  3. So not only the new job, my Dad was alos released from the hospital today too. Man... and it rained today. Today was a good day lol.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Rosesong


      You deserve to have things go so well~

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      The positivity is flowing throughout the forums!

  4. That's the only thing I've ever upvoted. ((mostly cause I don't really care about systems as such. But eh... sometimes you just need to XD)) Rules... while we need some shouldn't be the focus. There's no rule that can ever cover everything, every situation. Things should be in the name of fun and keeping that in mind. There's a reason Rules Lawyers are annoying to people in Dungeons and Dragons and the like... because that's not the point. ((they are useful if you know what you are doing but I'd rather not get into talking about DnD too much lol.)) We're writing a story together in an RP, Players and hosts. We all need to remember that we each have our parts to play, and those parts will vary in importance and how much and what they do from RP to RP, however... We are working together. Each one of us so go the lengths to push what we can do and what we can think of and not be too afraid of rules and things holding us back. After all... people that have played Tabletop with me... know that if a Player does something exceptional... I'll bend a rule. ((never to get them out of something like dying... they still would, but perhaps I'd give them a moment of awesome, or allow them to roll where they normally could not so they had a chance to succeed even if it was slim.)) Saying No is boring. Saying "Yes, but" "Yes, and", "No, But," is way more interesting. Rules won't solve the issue, it's not the problem. The problem is players thinking the have to 100% follow them at all times and that the rules work against them. The rules should work WITH THEM. That's how you know a system is working... because you are not fighting to have fun... that it comes naturally. This is true within Tabletops... and within Forum RP. At least I believe as such lol. Rules should focus and help, not pigeon-hole or restrict. They should naturally lead the content to where it should be and guide them along rather than push them down the path that is wanted. If this is well-known... I believe players will be able to move forth and you know try things. Not be afraid of a rule saying that they can't. They should be encouraged to try and not 100% beholden to doing certain things. Sometimes, the preset outcome... is way less interesting than something a Player randomly comes up with lol. We should allow this creativity to grow an flourish... since we as players will have more fun, and we hosts will also have more fun. Don't worry about doing wrong etc... just worry about playing your character the best that you can etc... Sometimes we might have to look at something, and figure it out see if it's okay... but that doesn't mean that it's entirely an error. One can never know something won't work until it doesn't work. If one doesn't push that... you'll never know. So, rather than worry... put it out there. I think one might be surprised at how accepting of things some hosts are. While we won't take everything... remember we're trying to have fun too jsut like you guys. So if it's awesome for the story... you best beleive we'll be like "Hell yea that's freaking awesome!!!" Now keep in mind, I'm not saying break all the rules and give no shits. What i'm saying is to not worry aobut trying things. Some rules are necesary as they say what not to do and keeps everyone enjoying the game. Bunnying sucks since it takes the control away from the character's creator, metagaming sucks because they are in attempt to subvert what's going on and to ruin the story. ((and this is where it should be known that Metagaming is the intent to do that for your character's benefit and only their benefit. It doesn't serve to do anything interesting with the plot but maybe even subtract from it.)). If one's not sure if they would be or not... Ask people. See what the group thinks or the host. I remember that in Aftermath the first RP I palyed in here... before a battle with another player I talked to them in PM to dicuss what we'd end up with the outcome being. We wouldn't play out the fight entirely but we'd get an idea of where we wanted to go. These things can be helpful to avoid Meta'ing and the like. Talk to your other palyers. They want as good a story as you, if you're stuck on an idea since you're not sure if it's against the rules... BE VOCAL. Talk about it, ask if it's okay, ask if people think it's a good idea. SOme of them will say say... maybe no. Some will even help you improve it, or make it so that it is soemthing good. This is a process with more than one person. The people RP'ing with you... are an important resource. Remember this.
  5. ANd I'm now employed. Yeeeeeeeeeeees... Job acquired. SO happy right now lol.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Anvilicious


      Not surprising, you're pretty cool. Congratulations!

    3. Hiss13



    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      What's the job? And good job on the job!

  6. To be fair... Chekhov's refers specifically to item or people in some cases that are shown before their use. It's...not really something that applies to a dialog based clue. That's not really the same idea. Also, Chekhos' armoury is typically when too much shit is just thrown out there to the put it's overwhelming to keep track of it becasue they are so many outgoing "guns" that point to different use cases that it's impossible to remember what all of them where and when they'll come back up again. It... doesn't really truly apply in most sense in the way it's being used here. Remember though, Chekov's Guns DON'T need to be super well hidden or concealed of their true purpose. Most things are technically actually those. After all, it's anything that is used later on, it's revealing something necessarily before it's used whether it be an object...a skill... or a person. It is Foreshadowing attached to an object or a concept that encompasses one. Sorry if misconstruing what you've said Dobbs... that's just the impression I've gotten so far lol. Anyway that's besides the point. In regards to the things that Stratos has brought up, My personal rule is try first, ask questions later. I don't mind my Players trying to push something and doing something nuts. In all actuality, If something isn't going to work... I'll either work it into my post and reverse their desired outcome or show them some of the limits in play. Take for example somethings that have happened in Clash. For example when Exlink's character was fighting Snow my Divine Knight. You'll notice that when Snow attacks early on by hurling a blade of ice at Zagi that the frist and second time it happens... the ice shatters countering the attack. However, later on Snow uses the same attack and yet it overcomes the Fireball. In my mind as a host, the first two times I allowed Exlink in his post to destroy these fireballs.... and yet later... why did it not work? The answer is simple things have changed. In the first two scenarios I as a Host knew that Snow was underestimating or didn't know the extent of Zagi's((Exlink's character, will be easier to use his name at this point.)) ability. Therefore it's easy to see that under this situation the player's desired outcome would be the effective outcome. Snow is at an information disadvantage ((it can be argued that Zagi was as well however, Ice tends to be weaker to Fire at least in Graterras.)). However, once she knows a rough estimate of his fire's power she changes her strategy. Due to how much more powerful she is and her access to multiple elements, Snow takes this advantage into account and uses her ability to create wind and thunder to wrap the blade of ice in this access element. The bubble of "hard" air or thunder weakens the fireball enough that the Ice dashes right through it this time rather than being destroyed. As a host, one can react in their post to say, "This is the real outcome" rather than just let the player's outcome be the truth. ((which is where they say oh this doesn't work this way edit that post. DON'T do that. Leave the old post, BUT make sure to explain why it didn't work or why it failed enough that it doesn't seem like an ass pull lol.)) Now, this only works in a host vs Player situation. What about Players against other Players? Well, it gets harder for a host to exactly mediate that however it's still possible. I have a lot less experience here since a lot of the RPs I tend to run are more linear focused and tend to involve me in interactions more often. With the Pokemon based RP we see this. We know those rules to some extent because we have a frame of reference for how things should work ((the anime, games, etc...)) and thus have a canon to pull fromt hat allow us to more easily evaluate without the Host always coming in. We as players can rationalize it out between each other because we know that more easily how to deal with something when it arises. This more or less needs to be what happens in other RPs with this interaction and yet we seem to be dependent entirely on the host at times. ((of course they should ahve last word on any rulings, buuuuuut if we as players can outline things and talk them out and reach a place where it seems reasonable that less work the Host has to figure out on their own etc...)) This is part of the reason for Heartless Souls I'm going to be creating a Spell/Martial Arts index and allow the PLAYERS ((yes you heard that gosh darn correct I said players.)), not only help to create them but to also figure out where they go etc... This way we have our own spells and things and we know Exactly what the do and how they do it. Part of what is needed is the ability for players to feel like they understand the bounds of the world. In a world were those aren't given things go poorly. I noticed this in Graterras original. The Spellcasters had a lot of trouble and didn't care for their characters as much because they didn't know what they could do and how they could do somethings liek progress and get more powerful. THis was a failing on my part as a host because I didn't give them the tools or the understanding to use those tools effectively. This caused a few problems and it showed in a lot of situations. Spellcasting characters I made I knew the rules of the Magic... and they ended up being much more effective and powerful then the PC Spellcasters as a result. However, I believe that making players be part of the rules system and figuring out the Boundaries along with you as the host makes it more interesting. They are willing to try things more because you give them the free reign to do so. If the Host and Players are comfortable with it one can just canonize that and make it part of how things work, and otherwise you can drop it. Getting the players involved in creating the World with you helps take things along. The Host is another Player after all, they want to have fun too. So, it's okay if the Players help create the world too. After all we're all creating something here. Let's do it together rather than hoarding certain parts lol. Besides it gives many perspectives and thought when it comes to seeing things from multiple angles. The Host's main job would be to make the final judgement call and commit it to the game etc... but everyone could be a part of the others aspects. At least, I think so at the very least. It's why I am making a lot more systems where PLAYERS get to create things rather than giving them pre-fab stuff to choose from and figure out later. If they are already thinking of how they can create abilities and how to balance themselves, it only helps further down the line as they start to try and understand the world and everyone works to a more cohesive picture of that world and how it works.
  7. You know... it's raining outside. That actually makes me want to leave the house more... Rain... is so beautiful XD. ((I'm weird okay?))

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol, I love Lightning. Also, not every time it rains there isn't always lightning lol.

    3. Etesian


      Yeah, I'm the same, Huk. I prefer snow, but rain IS really nice too.

    4. BlueMoonIceCream


      I like to watch the snow and rain but being in it is another story all together

  8. And annoying isn't fun if that's literally all it is there to do, therefore just not going to do anything involving that character. Just how I am. Cause I know it's not going to be any fun for either of us. So, just not going to at all, period really. I already know that any thing from me in regards to that just wouldn't be quality writing because characters like that legit annoy me because they're just almost always...one dimensional, every reaction from them comes down to just being stupidly annoying or doing everything possible to just be obnoxious...and I'm sorry but for me that's no fun to interact against because it's a solid wall of just stupidity and not really a character. Not trying to be a jerk, it's just I don't care for those interactions because they are entirely pointless just as I feel the characters are.
  9. I'm personally probably just going to ignore whoever this character is cause I kinda have zero interest interacting. Already seems to be one of those annoying for the sake of just being annoying characters. And eh... they are zero fun to interact with cause they are just horribly one dimensional. To be fair... it's been two posts thus far and that's not much to judge... but eh... it looks like that already and I just would rather avoid that as much as possible. Least until I see more.
  10. No problem Tacos lol. I really don't mind cause yea people get busy and what not. So don't worry about it.
  11. Just so you know... me and my little bro watched that the other day... and we sat there in silence for 10 minutes straight then burst out into insane laughter cause we didn't know what the hell we just watched.... XD
  12. Vixen ((Archer)) "Having worked mostly alone... I'm pretty shit at it not going to lie." Vixen answered the bite of winter in her voice. She was telling the truth. If she'd be more of a team player perhaps she would've grasped it a lot better but being the person she was... she wasn't the greatest at it. Maintaining a connection would be difficult for her. However, her Master had a point. If she was more effective on the ground it was best to put her in a place that she could do something. "If we lose the connection or the link breaks... you must use one of your Command Seals to bring me there. I'm better from far away however I still have close combat training and can probably nearly match anything not Berserker in strength." She said. It was an estimate, and probably a bit too gracious of one. However her mana empowered her physical combat abilities as they were mostly a type of close range spell in a way using her body and transformations as a catalyst. To evaluate Vixen's effectiveness with her raw strength alone was a grave error. "Ping me when you get outside so that I can get a visual and follow your position. That will allow us a test of the signal. However... it be best if in the future we ahve a hard wired system to make sure that this has no chance of going out on us in the future. It's best to be prepared than sorry even if you over-prepare. Understood?"
  13. Just assume it happened Murdoc. It mostly happened off camera for pretty much everyone so jsut assume he has them lol. Also... how loud is this one girl that the whole Dorm can hear her? I really really don't buy that Chim just sayin'... XD
  14. Yea, mine's good. Doesn;t need any changes if you knew Overlord... you'd know she's spooky enough lol.
  15. Not really a threat for me... you do that to me so often that you have a special Newspaper just for me remember lol?
  16. Adeline, Drake Whisper barked quietly, a happy bark though. This fruit was the sensation she smelled earlier on Addy, or at least part of it. The rest was the natural scent of Ellie, the Tropius. The faint smell of her was very noticeable to Whisper, she was not even startled by the Tropius having already gotten a whiff her scent. The fruit also had a strong tropical odor one that nearly made Whisper hungry again despite being well fed this morning before Drake had left for school. One could say it was almost intoxicating it's smell was that strong pronounced. The sweetness almost made her feel lethargic and sleepy. She started to pant a little as a result. Her Odor Sleuth was still lingering, hence the strong reaction. After all, a dog's senses were already naturally high but this move made them reach their uppermost limits. Strong scent really effected the user in strange ways. It was the heightening of these senses that allowed them to hit Ghost types since they could sense which parts of the Ghost were truly solid enough at the time to be hit with a Normal or Fighting type attack. Of course the strong scent of fruit would have an effect when her nose was that sensitive. Luckily, it wore off at about this time. She only used the move to grab a sense of Addy, so not intending to use it for attack or keeping track of an opponent severely limited the amount of time Odor Sleuth would be active. Drake took both of the fruits from Addy with a smile on her face. It was a very kind gesture from her and her Pokemon to do such a thing. "Well, if we didn't have a feast before we arrived to day we'd surely give them a try. My parents...kinda like cooking especially breakfast. Today was the last time they would get to see me for awhile so, they went a little all out this morning. I couldn't eat another bite even if I wanted to. So, I'll save these for later. I brought a small cooler with me, mostly full of food from this morning" she laughed after saying that, it was a silly thought, but Drake didn't like wasting food. She figured if you had it, it should be put to use. It might have been a bit silly but she really really felt this way. Especially about her parents cooking or anyone's cooking for that matter. They put the effort into making it. It going to waste would be a shame. This gift was the same so she didn't want it to go bad but also didn't want to refuse. That would be a bit rude to put down such an offer of kindness. So, she'd take it and preserve it for the right time. Drake giggled when she noticed Whisper's reaction to the fruit she felt the deeper breathing from her panting and knew already what had happened. "Aw... poor baby your smell was still heightened wasn't it Whisper. Don't worry Addy she'll be okay. But, I'm sure the scent of the fruit was very powerful to the point in actually made her tired. That means it must be very sweet. I should thank you and Ellie for such a wonderful gift." She said as she walked over towards the window. She looked at the Tropius sticking it's head through the window, clearly she was a bit sad the girl didn't fit in the room. She looked like such a lovely and gentle soul. "Thank you Ellie! You are very kind to give us such a wonderful gift. You're very pretty too." Drake then looked down at the little Growlithe in her hands. "You want to say thank you too Whisper?" a small bark came in reply. "Okay, I'll lift you up so you can say hi." Drake lifted the little pup up to Ellie's eye level. Those big sparkling chocolate orbs were now looking right at Ellie. Whisper started to happily lick Ellie's face, a very dog-like way to say thank you. Her tongue was very small and still pretty soft since she was still a puppy. It was also very warm, after all Fire types did tend to have slightly higher body temperatures than other Pokemon.
  17. If ti me sorry aobut that... jsut been sorta busy as late. Probably going to try and get something up tomorrow.
  18. TFW you still keep using ellipses in place of commas in sentences and really, really need to stop doing that but it's such an ingrained habit at this point you're not sure if you can XD>
  19. Rain beats upon the soul. Rain, much like the tears of the sky... However, Tears not need be borne on the back of sorrow. Some tears come forth from pure joy and overwhelming happiness. It is these tears that I wish to see fall from the face of others, and those tears I think the Sky cries. Tears of hope... tears of joy. Today... those are the only ones I have. Happiness. It's nice isn't it? Such a simple feeling... and yet, such a powerful one.

    1. Notus


      Maaate, I really want an upvote status button right now. That was beautiful.

      (Also, new Albedo avy gets an upvote too)

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I think I'd have a shit load more Rep if statuses could be upvoted... not going to lie. Also... Albedo = best girl. <3

  20. anyway for funsies since I like to do these cause yea I do dang it. But this would be Drake and Whisper's theme. Well it would be one of these two... not sure which I'd pick lol. and what I imagine Drake to look like still after all this time. It's just that Hair XD.
  21. tfw when the one with the eyes literally made you laugh so loud and for so long that my brother in the basement heard me upstairs and and came up and asked me "You turning into The Joker up here and should I be worried about you blowing up the block in an effort to get the Batman to notice?"
  22. and we're going back to an Avvie of Albedo... becuase I want to dang it... XD. Found yet another I liked so boom... used it. Huk back on the female character avvie train. ((which means everybody is going to mistake me for a girl again yay!!! -__-))

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      There continued that thought for you~

    3. BlueMoonIceCream


      YOU'RE NOT A GIRL! I thought you were bald by choice?

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm not, I have alopecia XD. I'm also definitely not a girl lol. Still not sure why people always assume I am XD.

  23. Hmmm, well things are definitely turning a bit. My Dad's surgery went pretty well and he's recovering pretty well too. ((had to have his toe removed due to a pretty bad infection.)), and my job interview went swimmingly today. Don't knwo if I got the job but I definitely put in a good impression so I think I'll probably get it lol. Things are finely looking up... it lifts so much stress off my heart and my soul. I actually feel... happy for once.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. zimvader42


      Even if you don't get the job in the end, which is unlikely as you said, at least your dad is turning out ok, which is good to hear. Cheers for improvements in life Huk.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Thank ya folks. Means a lot to me lol. You're all wonderful people. Thank ya very much lol.

  24. Adeline, Drake Whisper used one of her moves, one that probably to a human wouldn't be entirely noticeable if it wasn't ordered by her trainer. She used Oder Sleuth. Typically it was used in combat for being able to keep track of enemies whereabouts with expert precision, hell it was said it could even help to hit Ghosts with Fighting and normal type moves. However Whisper also used it for another purpose. She used it to identify and literally smell the character of the person she was meeting for the first time. Her expert smelling skills she could almost smell the very emotions of the person. In reality she couldn't actually do that, but she could sense the signs. The extra smells of sweat indicting nervousness or fear, that sort of a thing. So, for Whisper the best way to get to know someone was to use this move to understand some of their depth. Whisper could smell even the smallest of traces and much to her surprise she smelled a soft tropical like scent. A combination of grasses, leaves and... fruit? It was so surprising Whisper let out a cute little sneeze and had to shake her head to clear the irritation from her nose. After the first sneeze it wasn't too bad though. In fact Whisper really liked the smell. She barked and rubbed her head on Adeline's hand to indicate to the girl that she could pet her and touch her now. "Oh, I think she likes you Addy. That's a good sign." Drake said with a smile. Whisper didn't tend to get along with many this well at first and was usually hesitant to let them touch her, but she felt relaxed and unbeknownst to Drake, the smell from Addy made Whisper even more accepting. Whisper liked this person from the start after getting her scent. She'd remember it, and remember it well. Then Drake went to answer Addy's question. "Hmmm, I don't know if she does or not. I'd imagine she wouldn't mind she's not really a fussy eater and will pretty much eat anything."
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