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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Hey... don't ask me... people are weird. As I said I have 0 idea why they came up with it or where it comes from since I'm not really that way at all. But... that's from my perspective lol. Guess they just see it different or something lol.
  2. The weird part is I know it was kinda as a joke... but I remember people said I was for a bit. Multiple friend groups came to the same conclusion while I was watching the show and talking about it to people that would listen, maybe coming to the conclusion that I was basically House. I'm... still not exactly sure why in some ways. But yea I definitely do see some parallels etc. However, do keep in mind despite how well written House is... he's still just a character. We see of him what the show wanted us to see and it was directed around this after all. Characters don't really 100% match to people because they never are truly as complex as people despite how well they are written or portrayed. We get a very imperfect picture despite everything we were given through the show. I suppose some of the left over mystery is important ((after all, we as people never truly learn every little thing aobut our friends or even family members half the time.)) But, yea super interesting read, glad I took the time lol.
  3. No one cares about them... we're just trying to forget the freaking weirdest evo in the history of Pokemon. Basically... Golem is the strange uncle you only see at family gatherings.... and try to ignore.
  4. And yet they can all be killed by shooting a single Bubble at them...
  5. I mean... Eggs aren't made of stone. Very little chance the Geodudes would break. After all we know Ryperior's fire them from their hands sometimes and they probably don't explode from that... probably.
  6. Question... is a Graveler using Rock Slide basically him chucking a mountain of Geodudes at his enemies?
  7. Diggin' in for a loooooooooooong day. Wish me luck... I'm going to need it lol.

  8. Until Cabin Feeeeeeeever sets in. Anyway... stupid jokes aside lol, Other than as above... I suppose I find most wilderness pretty comfortable and relaxing. Serene in that way only nature is. There's something just refreshing about being out in the wilderness away from the sound of machination, cities, cars, etc etc. Just something so... primal about it. It jsut invokes those simpler feelings. I've never really felt scared or out of place in the wild. It feels... like there is life all around you like you can hear the "heartbeat" of the world. Birds chirping, sometimes the noises of other animals, the rustling of leaves in the wind. The life of the world is just so... fascinating an interesting. I guess one who enjoys hiking ((Me!!!)) would be one who would say these things since on a hike as I walked I would enjoy the nature around me. Talking to those on the trip along with me was pretty interesting to, but not as much as the sounds of nature. Forests are interesting one of few sights I know due to where I live. Pennsylvania has a lot of woodland around still and very beautiful ones at that. After all, one of the longer Mountain Range in the U.S. the Appalachian Range runs through here along with the Appalachian Trail. It spans from Georgia all the way to Maine ((basically more than half the length of America on the vertical sense.)) I've definitely hiked parts of it... and it would be awesome to one day maybe walk the whole thing... but I doubt I will ever get around to that. ((it would be an interesting time though if I did get to do it lol.)) Anyway... the mountainous terrain and the beautiful forests around Pa really do invoke those feelings of awe and wonder when out in them. Perhaps it's because of what I know but they are definitely interesting. I think that partly why I like rain, but like it even more so than anything else. The rain beats on the world like a rhythmic drum, the pulse or heartbeat of the world as it clashes so gently against everything. Whether a downpour or a light drizzle the tapping on the surface of the planet... is so beautiful. The struggle of the droplets as they fall from the sky. Their only destiny to fall to the world. And in their short existence they leave behind a single note in a cascade of notes. Together they make a song, a heartbeat, a tale that they weave. As they softly or violently bash against everything in a chorus of short brilliant notes. One single drop... would never be heard, people would pass it by, pay it no notice. However... the Orchestra of Water can be heard heck it could make it miserable for people driving as they slicked the world with a film of water. But, we could easily hear them. They band together into something so beautiful and yet so fleeting. There for a moment, gone the next. A testament to how fleeting things are the most beautiful... that the things one can't always see and hear or have in their grasp were the things that stirred the deepest and most powerful emotion. The rain itself... very much like human emotion. it ebbs and flows. One moment a powerful feeling of sorrow or any for that matter, it would wash away to be replaced by the next and so one. Maybe that's just how I feel about it lol. And why I find the rain so compelling, so beautiful, such... a soul calming experience.,
  9. Huh... I've been neglecting this again... man I don;t know why I always end up doing this to you Strat lol. I really don;t mean anything by it... it's strange XD.
  10. Anytime it's raining or storming can be anywhere. I jsut love the rain... it's for me at least... weirdly relaxing. Like I can;t count the times I've sat outside in the rain and just did really nothing but think and lose myself for awhile lol. I just love it so much for a reason I don't think I can really explain to people.
  11. Yea, I'm just in a position I can't do much ((guess I keep putting myself into them though lol.))
  12. lol, thing is most themes fit me since I'm kinda....weird. ((to the point where I think Ark as given me at least 4 or 5 different ones at this point on varying levels of seriousness XD.))
  13. Yea it worked pretty well since there was some flex room and most stuff was abstract enough it could be blown out a little to make it different from others in some case. ((since how you use your skills is just as important as the skill itself in a character.)) Sci-Fi stuff it harder to use a "class" system imo just because characters are more similar. Like most people are going to be using Firearms etc etc... so traditional classes in Fantasy don't make sense. ((unless we are going Science Fantasy which allows one to do stuff like Jedi's... which are basically... Magic Wielding Knights that happen to have swords made out of lasers.)) Mine... I might not have classes and just crew roles ((but that's since mine would be more ship focused when I get around to it.)), which would influence ones' skills, but not really like persay a class. Sci-Fi is just a very different beast and it's harder to tie in the things that make Sci-Fi cool in a way that's not weird. ((since classes feels very Fantasy as opposed to Sci-Fi imo they do feel ever so slightly out of place if not done well.)) It's jsut a very different beast lol.
  14. To be fair... I'm working on one myself... I'm just havin' trouble figuring out how I want to do it without swamping myself in prep etc... Universes... they suck man. I also don't think it's lack of interest jsut... there really hasn't been many that have tried here so it never had or gained any traction. I think that's more what was going on then the fact that there's no interest lol.
  15. What to do some things today....buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... way overslept. I hate when I do that...

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      *Wanted... not sure how I typed what but eh... I'm used to this crap by now XD.

  16. Yea, Max is one of the more... broody characters. He's not insufferably so though so eh... he's alright. ((and isn't the character you normally see in Ark's Avvies, that would be Atok himself, not Max if that's what you're thinking lol)).
  17. dat 444 rep though. First time I think I noticed all three numbers were the same XD.

  18. I'm a mod and I still don't know how half this shit works... You;ll be fine lol.
  19. Well... you did better then me. my intro was literally a single line. ((I should really really redo it it at some point.)) But yea, Heyo man lol, Hopefully you enjoy your time here lol.
  20. Strat's wasn't based on signature moves etc... like Clash's is. I didn;t jsut mean classes specifically I mean the structure of Clash's system is made to work with Fantasy Settings more so then it is with anything else. So, it'd be hard to just shift a system like that straight into this without kinda a lot of work. ((and just probably making a new system would be less time consuming anyway lol.)) But yea, I don't mind if people want it and I'd definitely try and help skew the system towards it ((cause I might be able to use it in an RP I may make XD.)) so yea lol.
  21. Yea we've never had a big Sci-Fi RP 'round here. It be cool to see in that sense. If you use a similar system to Clash's classes ((which I think I'm going to use for like all my Fantasy based RPs now probably since I really dig it.)) you're going to need to warp it a bit lol. It's mostly focused on Fantasy-Based systems I think it'd be a tad awkward for Sci-FI stuff.... unless you go full like Destiny with it ((which doesn;t feel sci-fi to me it feels more like Science Fantasy lol.))
  22. Nothing like your sleep schedule being messed up. Weeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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