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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. tfw you can't sleep because you woke up randomly and now can;t get back to sleep... uuuuuuuuuuugh...

    1. Avatar of Grima

      Avatar of Grima

      Need a cuppa warm milk?

  2. I highly doubt an opening is going to change my mind lol, no matter how good it is.
  3. I try to emulate as little as possible personally. ANd no... I do not have a 3DS lol. I kinda will probably just skip AoT and probably never watch it. It's been so hyped to this point I highly doubt I'll be able to enjoy it for what it is and just be let down entirely. Like... the hype for that was so high I have no desire to really even try since I know it won't live up to it. Least not for me. So... I'll just avoid that anime personally lol.
  4. This doesn't pertain to Se7en please keeps these conversations elsewhere. Our thread is not the place for these discussions. I'm cutting this off before it goes further. Please understand this and please remain on topic.
  5. I kinda jsut have nothing to post like at all. Still here just... I dunno... this situation's sorta stalling and not much I can do as a character that I haven't already done lol. Only reason I'm a bit quiet.
  6. 4 Here I'll toss ya a bone. I'm not entirely heartless. Only a little bit lol.
  7. Hmmm, so if I did make an RP about the "monsters" of fantasy being the PCs... I wonder if it'd be better to start a fresh world... or to set it in Graterras. Pros and Cons to each really.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Commander


      Can't really tell you what to do since I was never part of Graterras. Just based on some knowledge, I suppose putting it in the Graterras world would be better. Though a new world would be like a fresh new experience focused mainly on that.

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea, that's why I'm at a tad bit of an impasse. Both could work. Setting in Graterras jsut saves me a buttload of time. Hmmm... maybe I can just use Graterras's systems ((like how magic works etc...)) and gaft them into a new world so I don't have to backtrack too much work. I'd probably use a similar system to the recent Clash of Fates since I actually really dig that system as it treats all classes pretty fairly ((as before I had issues with Magic Casters not really know...

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      how to progress etc...)) maybe I'll just set it on an alternate plane of existence in Graterras's universe. It's have it's own Pantheon of Divine beings etc... and different customs, but play by the same rules. Maybe that's what I'll do.

  8. Possibly. There's a lotta weird strategies out there. ~((Encore Disable Alakazam... Uuuuuuuuuuuugh...luckily one can just switch out of that nonsense unless Mega Zam traces an ability like Shadow Tag or Arena Trap lol.))~
  9. Yea, pretty much.It makes some abilities just have so much more use then one would think. ((Not to mention making it a part of your Pokemon's character and having it do things beyond the scope of the game lol.))
  10. To be fair... I saw Shadow Tag Chandy in action... it was not a pretty sight for the enemy team. (( I think the other Gen 5 one to change was Scolipede's which was Quick Feet which was changed to Speed Boost. OM NOM NOM GIMME DAT SPEED. Though I think Quick Feet was released unlike Chandy's.))
  11. Of course lol, I just thought it was interesting. Honestly, the Own Tempo route would be much more interesting. Though I don't really know what it would benefit from it... unless it gets Thrash. That's a horrifying thought...
  12. Check 5th Gen on Serebii it has it. Actually here, jsut control+f Super Power you'll find it. http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-bw/327.shtml Keep in mind, due to the Wi-Fi in 5th Gen no longer existing it's impossible to get a Spinda with it now. That's why it's not listed anymore in 6th Gen current stuff since it's impossible to obtain. However, if you had one with it, it kept it XD. So yea, it does get it. Just it's impossible without genning for anymore to exist in the canon games.
  13. Wait... it doesn't? W...Huh? I swear I saw it use it in a Free for All once... Maybe I'm just insane. Edit: #NotWrong, it's a Dream World Exclusive move from 5th Gen apparently
  14. I'm still surprised your Spinda doesn't have Contrary. It gets Superpower and I've seen so super cool other ways it's ability has been abused to good effect lol. But eh, that's me XD. ((least... didn't when I last looked.))
  15. tfw you kinda want to write an RP about the other side of Fantasy. You know... the monsters and stuff. Like... what are they doing other than waiting in one spot for the players to show up? Are they all irredeemably evil? Or, like people do they come from all wlaks of life and see from all manner of perspectives? Are they just misunderstood? I dunno... it always seemed like an interesting Idea... I might jsut ahve to try it sometime.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Commander


      Oh yeah, I love grey too. In fact in my early days, I asked the question What would happen if the bad guys won? It became a really interesting fantasy concept over the years...like really interesting.

    3. Commander


      And yws, humanoid monsters should be more human like. I don't see why you wouldn't do that. I was kind of thinking Trolls and Orcs when saying that.

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea, Orcs are close enough to humans imo ((hell... some Fantasy says they were corrupted Elves driven to madness, and then in stuff like Skyrim they are a part of society even if they are a tad more brutish.))

  16. Well... you know the overall. No one said I couldn't change it down the line a bit
  17. I mean Emberly doesn't know what she's going to end up with, only I know that XD. So it's not like my plan is necessarily hers lol.
  18. Eh, you'll figure it out. I'm just a giant try hard that has a brain that just ruuuuuuns with things hence why I've got a game plan. Mind you it's not written down anywhere it's just a nebulous form of potential. Kinda like the entire existence of Graterras. That stuff is entirely all in my head, I'm not joking.
  19. Heh... heh... heh... Emberly's team. I got plans. OOOOH I GOT PLANS.
  20. Good luck folks, I hope it all works out for ya and you get some stuff done lol. Oh, and Conga Ratz!!!
  21. This look better with or without the Background? Bigger it looks better... but on the small version it's kinda ever harder to see what's goin on. ((talking aobut my Avvie lol.))

    1. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Ah, true enough I suppose. Just want to do one of my fav characters Justice. Love the guy big part of the reason I'm a gamer to this day XD> Suppose I'm just sentimental XD.

  22. Let's just drop the subject. After all the character is accepted poking at it isn't too productive anymore. I think I understand where Darv's coming from as I got what he meant other than the random part ((it was just a bit... wrong of a wording that part didn't sit best. Now that's it's changed I get it though.)) Anyway, I think it's best we just cut this off here as it's not really productive anymore. Remember, while there's a point to nit-picking and trying to help people do the best with their characters etc... there's a point where it's a bit too much and it feels like others are trying to control their writing to some degree. I know this isn't what you guys are doing or trying to do, but when everybody gangs up on ya((once again... I know that's not what you're trying to do, but at a glance and to that which it's happenin' to it can feel that way.)), it can feel like it. So, I'd rather we drop it. Darv's character has been accepted as the host of this RP decided it was fit for purpose. Thus, it is that, fit for purpose. Might sound a bit hypocritical of me since I probably started the mess ((I do thusly apologize.)). So, let's move forward and stop fixating on it. It's clearly quite frustrating to Darv at this point and I don't want him to feel like he's not welcome, or that we highly doubt his skills etc... but it really can feel like that if it keeps piling up. So, I ask this of you guys. Let's not get too nitpicky please. It's constructive sometimes, but other times it gets to the point where it's usefulness ceases and it becomes annoying. Hopefully this is all I gotta say lol. There's a lot of voices here and a lot that want Ymora to be the best of the best. After all it was... and probably is the biggest RP in this forum. However, it can cause one to get a bit... overzealous at times. So, let's move on and discuss other things if there is things to be discussed. Okay?
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