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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Reborn Development Blog

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Actually... I'm not sure how this would work period... I'd like to sign-up though XD #SenseiHukunaEverybody.
  2. I'll think about signing up. ((I have a feeling I might get swept up in the current though with how fast this one just shot off the first time since I've got a lot of things and don't have the time to post all day XD.)) But yea, might rehash an old character or make a new one. Depends. Thooooooough should I do it now or... wait? That's what I'm confused about lol.
  3. Yea, thinking of an efficient method while a dark cloud of hatred looms over him. That's got to be unnerving as hell to have hate incarnate following you around. Since that's basically Ashnard's defining characteristic, unbridled hatred.
  4. Hmmm, well it be nice to know jsut so I don't have to replay the entire game to knwo that the update took place.. I don't know it though XD lol.
  5. You have to complete the game one time for it to work right? I had to reinstall my Shovel Knight since it wouldn't update. ((GoG sometimes... it's supposed to automatically do it but I had to hard reset it by reinstalling.)), however it ate my save file, soooooooooooooo... I actually don't know if it installed properly. I'm pretty sure the right build is installed but yea it doesn;t show up at all. So, really hoping it's a "you have to beat the main game" thing and not that it won't update lol.
  6. Let's try and keep it to video game examples though... this is the Gaming General Forum after all. It's these cliches in gaming ((and they're possible effect in regards to mechanics of the game.)) not anime lol.
  7. can't believe they are only just know making this lol. THe Fate version of Excalibur... has always been a very pretty sword, at least imo lol.
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      also wow... I'm out of it *there for.

    3. Commander


      You know you can turn those scenes off in options, right? Also, you'll appreciate this:

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Na, I've never had it on here here so no I wouldn't know that I could do that. Also... it would be Gilgamesh wouldn't it? Yep... definitely would be Gilgamesh...

  8. Honestly there's enough other strange additions and changes that this isn't very appealing to me really. Like just too much in other mechanics that to me... don't really seem to have any useful purpose or meaningfully add anything. But, that's me after all. Good luck with the project though. Just because I won't be partaking doesn't mean I want you to do awfully lol. It's just not for me is all.
  9. Yea, but an invisible mechanic isn't the way to solve that. That's completely unfair if it's not transparent and the player has no indication of it. There's no depth to a mechanic you have no way to know it exists and that waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more egregious then a bit of time displacement. Movies, and shows do it all the time where time gets distorted which is why they are usually very unspecific of the time stated for events to happen nowadays. ((cause if you give an exact number... people are going to expect that number.)) Either way hidden systems like that aren;t good and definitely don't enhance a game in anyway, it's an artificial limiter that they have no clue exists and it's unfair entirely to expect them to play around it unless that's the entire point of the game ((which I'll point out other than things like Dark Souls do NOT SELL. There is very little interest in such titles. Dark Souls gets away with being a bit more unfair cause it's not really unfair. It just designed around how most people play like idiots or don't play ahead and it easily slays them without a thought. I've beaten Souls on a Duel Wielding run where I had no shield... you can dodge every instance of damage in the game it is possible. Trust me, Souls isn't a Hard game, it's a hard game because people aren't good at it or do not attempt to learn what it's teaching you and get through with Blind luck rather than actually learning attack patterns, ranges etc... it becomes a very easy game once you do that. Death doesn't matter in Souls, you have unlimited Lives for a reason. Each Death is meant to teach you.)) However you don't learn anything from this system, it jsut punishes you for something you had no idea exists. How is that fair in the least? Are you supposed to magically guess the Developers intentions? I wouldn't mind something like that which was proposed if it wasn't obfuscated like that. That way it becomes "Hey you know those 40 hours you spent playing our game and exploring our world that we amde? Well fuck you because you decided to explore the world we made for you and saved your game now you lose all that progress. Maybe next time don't be stupid and play our game the way we intended you to paly it but then gave you no way to know this and now laugh at you because you have to replay 40 hours of a game because of it." DOes that sound fun to you? The Player should be able to enjoy your game and not be used as puppets for some weird bullshit the developers decide on a whim. Out time should matter to them and to do that says we don't appreicate anything you put into our game because you didn't do exactly what we told you to do, so here have your file erased and satrt again. I'm sorry but Cep how does that sound like a good idea in anyway? THe worst aprt is this wouldn't be caught in reviews until it was much to late and people might buy this title not even expecting that and find that it has something that defunct in t waaaaaaaaaaaaay down the line once people start finishing it or more aptly being cheated out of the time they spent because the developer decided to put in a time box they had zero control over that goes off at a certain amount of playtime and is basically a reset your game button. That's... literally worse then the Cliche you described. Because that let's you still play the game at your own pace. Your idea... is one of the most anti-consumer and anti-player ones I've heard in awhile. Like... It worse than stuff that's been going on recently, because it's a blatant disregard of your player's time and i hugely disrespectful. Because it's hidden behind a curtain that they can;t see until it's too late..
  10. Isn't getting a headache out of nowhere lovely?~ ((It's not....))

  11. Cliches aren't inherently bad, they exist for a reason. They are basic building blocks to get somewhere in a story and they they cover almost literally everything at this point. ~((SOme cliche's are terribly horrible though. not a lot but there are some))~ However it is poor use of them that makes them bad. SOmetimes it's just the twist they were going for didn't have impact... other times... it's a lot more than that lol. But yes, cliches are a thing for a reason. They themselves are not entirely awful... it the use of them that is. Sometimes a trope or cliche can be used to suuuuuuper powerful effect, others times they detract. It's all how you use it.
  12. ^ this soooooo much. It's a real dumb one that is suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper over used. Not to mention it never really sees the reverse either, I don't think there's even one example I can think of off the top of my head. I'm also not found of the whole Welcome to the dreaded "Evil in a Can" trope. THe problem with this is usually that the thing they release never has the time to be developed as anything other than some looming darkness that is destructive or has no known purpose. It better when they at least state it's a godless killing machine that just wants to destroy the world because it's all the thing knows how to do. That's at least an answer, but a lot of times we get nothing cause it's sprung on us out of nowhere. If you read that spoiler, that's what I hate the "Evil in a Can" approach more in games. In games Gameplay is important in context with the narrative. So, when a narrative element makes something happen...and the gameplay around it is lacklustre it kinda a double whammy. This one does it so much more than anything else in video games because it's such an anti-climax to have something you didn't even know about until it showed up be the final boss. You have no connection to that thing... it's just another creature to gun down or kill who gives a shit how powerful it apparently is or what it is? Like, if they spent the time building it up throughout the game maybe seeing it would be cool since it didn't blindside you completely out of nowhere. ((See Bayonetta 1's final boss.)) But the way it's usually done the bossfight ends up being super boring cause it just becomes routine... you have no reason to really care about the fight cause it feels like it's some other nameless mook. There's no investment in that thing because it means nothing. It's throw-away, jsut liek the endings in games that utilize this trope.
  13. That's spelled with a U thank you very much. Anyway joking aside I believe the reason for the move form PO was due to the fact that they decided to stop updating for the Linux OS or were at least a few versions behind etc as this is what Ame's Operating system was and due to this if you updated PO you couldn't access the server for Reborn anymore. This of course... caused a lot of issues and since they weren't really making any progress to change that. ((and it was evident they were going to really try.)) Thus, we moved to PS. That's how I remember it anyway, trust me it's wasn't an easy decision and there was quite a heated discussion over it between the members at the time since a lot didn't want to move while just as many didn't mind it. It was sorta a big mess. Now onto another point... I'm not sure how much work you guys think this is or not but it is a giant amount of work without all those automated systems in place. Without the queues for battles you going to have to set-up all the match by hand, then have people that are on hand remembering what order people are in, then people remembering who has battled already tonight to not put them back in the queue. Then you or the gymleaders have to remember who won and who lost while they are constantly being bombarded by battles they need to complete. It should be noted also that Gym Leaders need to be anonymous and not ahve their face to their Gym Leader character because people will harass them non-stop when they aren't doing gym battles and in general jsut will be pestered non-stop. Trust me... people don't have self=control and if it gets big enough the server will be a living hell for those people if they are known. THis is without someway to keep track of all the badges in a neat and concise manner, without someway before the battle to know what badges these people have right away rather than background checking them every time before a battle. ((because you can;t just check their REborn Profile, those wouldn't update the badges anymore.)) Trust me... there's too much work here for you guys and your not going to enjoy running it at all. The Automated systems were in place for a reason. They made everything smooth and not a mess. Them breaking the first time is the reason there is no longer a League, because without them it's a giant mess for the players, for the management and for the Leaders. There's no possible way this is doable. You guys are human after all. Just let the idea go. You going to dig up a corpse and not be happy with the results after desecrating it's grave. Leave it at rest and don't dig it back up. It's not worth the trouble, the grief, and the chaos that will come afterwards. Every other project that tried to emulate League, died horribly, hell half of them never even got started after a week or 2 they gave up on it becuase it was too much damn work. Don;t try and bring back the Reborn league because this will never be that league. It will never live up to that and it will never deserve that name in the eyes of those that were here during those days. So, if you make it a separate project under a different banner, by all means go ahead. But, leave the Reborn League where it is, it's not worth the trouble. You'll never be what it was... so don't try and be it.
  14. Welcome to my world man.... this is every series I get into ever where the character I like decides to kick the bucket... ((though in that case I'm pretty sure there's more to it lol.))
  15. Ah, I see I see, well I'll at least be sure to give them a look over.
  16. You going to keep trying on this one until I do aren't you? Fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine~ I guess I'll give it a look... Any of note on those other than well... that're like those two? I'm just one that's needs a bit of info otherwise I'll probably forget to check them out.((also I'm bad at acronyms lol, so I'm not going to be able to find them otherwise... sorry I'm an idiot, it's well documented fact lol. since I'm assuming those collections of letters are acronyms for a longer name of a series lol.))
  17. Ah, so this one was actually translated then lol? ((and usually I would, I'm just lazy when it comes to this stuff. If it's that east to find though eh... guess I can go do it lol.))
  18. Where would I find the Light Novel for Rokka? I think I might just want to read it anyway but not really sure where I'd look lol. ((I'll assume asking that here is alright since well... it's related to the anime lol.)).
  19. I'm just curios as for some recommendations people might more specifically throw at me since looking for some stuff since I got some time to kill of late. Stuff I've watched and liked: Hitman Reborn: Was the first anime I watched actually, while it definitely start pretty slow it gets pretty good once something actually start happening lol. It's probably the longest series I've watched and I can definitely tell I wouldn't want anything longer than this. Sitting through Reborn a second time was ahrd due to it's length therefore any of those super long series are kinda jsut avoids for me. Overlord: Just... ah I love this one here. ((probably evident by the current avatar... probably.)) I jsut really like the way the MMO features are just lain in the world to make it feel more like a legit fantasy world using those things to explain how it works. It's also nice to have something which isn't persay from the good guys perspective. After all, we're following a character who's basically a Lich and an all-powerful Undead on his quest to take over the world. Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood: I hear there's actually another anime on this, but this is the one I've seen. It was a great enjoyment from beginning to end. Not a thing I didn't really like about it. There's quite a bit of dark subjects in it but they contrast well with some of the larger than life character ((The Armstrongs come to mind lol.)). Kill la Kill: Definitely one of the weirder ones I've watched but... damn it was a ride. It was really fast paced and was pretty great to watch the whole way through. I actually told the friend of mine who kept trying to get me to watch this one that he'd never get me to do it in a million years because it just looked so weird and off the wall. However... morbid curiosity set in and I kinda gave in and watched it. Was a great decision and I was definitely not disappointed. It was so genuinely funny, and even emotional at times. It felt very well put together and the sheer over the top factor was just so great. Definitely one of my favorites for good reason lol. Garran Lagunn: Another suuuuuuuuper over the top anime that just had a lot of heart. I especially liked that in the middle they did a big time-skip where it really impacted the story. You felt just how much the characters changed in that span of a few years you didn't get to see. They really evolved and that stuck with me just how well they pulled that off. I don't think there's a character in it that I don't remember because they had so much personality. ((you know other than the mooks etc... and definitely not by name... I'm super bad remembering names to be honest.)) So, jsut a few of my top right there, wonder what people will dig up that they think are some good watches for me. Looking forward to it lol.
  20. Of course of course lol. ((speaking of which... hoping similar for Overlord.... though probably jsut going to pick up the Light Novel for that series if I can find it translated because kinda want to get cracking into that... same with Rokka though since I'd rather not wait lol.)) That and for that reason that would have to hope they get picked up for another season annnnnnnd would rather just get on with their stories since enjoying them a lot right now XD.
  21. Hmmm, I think it be best to keep favorites but to mix up some of the members on the old teams. It'd be a tad boring to just use the same ones again I think lol. After all there's a lot of variety in Pokemon and it might be pretty fun to switch up the team of the character even if you bring them back. If I played in the original I'd probably change the whole of my team. However, I'm probably just that kind of person lol.
  22. A better question is how did you mess the the spelling of the name of the title character of a series to the point that it's called the Dresden Files? And I definitely don't lol. Mostly cause I don't do that thing but I really don't see that working out. Anyway that was off-topic.
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