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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeh, and I think trying to set people up is kinda weird, since it should be there business not yours. But, that's me. Personally... I rather people just leave characters I write but of it unless there's an actual reason for it... but once again that's my opinion lol.
  2. Eh, shipping isn't something that sits well with me at all really, it's just not something I find funny or cute or etc like other people do. It feels super forced to me and kinda... just wrong to me. Like, it's so unnatural and feels forced and fake and just plain artifice. That's why I don't like it and it bothers me even as a joke.. more as joke to be honest. Since it kinda dilutes something that should mean something and not just be random throw it out there kind of thing to me. But, that's a personal opinion. Not saying you guys should edit yourselves for like my sake lol. That's definitely not fair of me and it's definitely not my place to say certain things are just unacceptable. For me, I don't care for that stuff and really don't like it, so not really going to be something I just do. I basically think there should be a reason for it to be a thing than what it usually is which is just it cropping up kinda out of nowhere. It's just how I feel about it. I'm nowhere near quite as adverse to it as I was, though it's definitely still not my cup of tea. But, I'd rather give something a try than just veto it on that grounds. Do feel like I kinda missed out on something from the original Ymora since I just refused to participate lol. I dunno about for everyone, but it did for me. It was very uncomfortable for me to read it because it was just that much of it. Like I didn't play in it or read it because it started right out of the gate and was literally done to do it. I quite despise that. I think it calmed down after a time, but early on it seemed like it was shipping for the sake of doing it rather than having any bearing to the story at all. It was just like rampant. Though some of it was probably just joking around... I think above I made it clear why it bothers me as even a joke lol. But yes, it was bad enough it made me not want to participate at all to the point I didn't really even read it because there was just too much of it going on that I wasn't comfortable at all while reading it even.
  3. A.k.a the reason Hukuna wants nothing to do with this because just the way it was last time... No thank you. Pretty sure that's way people still know not to 'ship' any characters with any of mine since I dislike it that much. Like almost certain Ymora is the reason people know that since i refused to join the original on that grounds alone lol. Maybe I'll think about it this time... since it doesn't quite bother me as much as it used to, but really... if it gets to that level like it did... I'm dropping in a heartbeat.
  4. It's totally fine lol. Don't worry about it. I also don;t think that true at all. Snow respects Warriors but she's not the super honorable type which should be very obvious by now. That would be Dust more so. Snow is all about doing anything to survive and to win. The Strong crush the weak and the weak have no right to live. She lived in the cold bitter North and it was how she had to live her life. To her power and ability are the most important things there are. It's was the reason she rose to become the Queen of Aurora. Her ruthlessness and her strive for nothing short of perfection for her troops and forces. They didn't have the luxury to fuck around and they definitely didn't have the luxury to fail. They had to be perfect. This is the key to gaining her respect. Being willing to do anything and everything to win, and showing your strength, your cunning etc... these are the things she respects. Power, ability, skill, not hesitating to do what is necessary. ((The moment she started to respect Matthew was the one where he had his wounds cauterized to continue battling. That's why she let it happen rather than just attack Zagi before he could do it.))/ It that which will impress her, that will, that strength. If you lie down and die that's when you lose. Just don't do that and you;ll be fine lol.
  5. I don't think a single one of my top 10 Pokemon even made it into either list... oh wait Mane is there but that's a bout it lol. I think these lists are just anti-Hukuna. So I'll pass. I'm actually more passing cause I'd feel horrible if I won since I don't paly the game lol. I hope you guys have fun though lol.
  6. Hmmm, shite... I'm neglecting this a bit... then again it's cause the post I make next is going to be pretty long since lot's of Hukuna talking to himself will occur lol. I'm going to need some time to bang it out etc... so will try to make sure I get to it in due time lol.
  7. Yea, Snow is actually legit trying to kill you guys XD. Sorry you jsut got the toughest and hardest mentor. She takes no shit and the only way she won't just murder you is if you get here to respect you. I'll say she respects Matthew for sure, but she doesn't respect Debronee or Zagi yet.
  8. lol, na. He's definitely fighting for real but he's not going to kill you guys. I mean...he needs you for the coming battle in the Clash lol.
  9. Yea, it's... super weird. I think it's just a quirk though rather than there being any real meaning to it.
  10. SmoothMcgroove's stuff is still amazing lol. Makes me wish I played some of the games he does his covers on not going to lie lol.
    1. Aurorix


      Now if he could only do Spark Man's stage :T

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      He'll probably get to it lol. He's done a lot of Mega man stuff it's very clear he likes the music from there so I imagine he'll get to it XD>

  11. Wow... that really is something. Damn. I might jsut have to give it a look then lol.
  12. The Crimson Keep The loud din of metal colliding with metal beating on metal rose among the sounds of the Half Orc's rage and anger and his chant of the Oath. The Oath he had taken to become one of Tectaniteus's Chosen. Words that meant something, a life style. So, not just words. The Crimson Knight sat there taking the blows he didn't even move. His respect for this warrior was too great. He was insane for doing this, but his heart body and soul told him too. While he might have been a Warrior of Tectaniteus... he could have easily been one of Pyron as well. He had that fire the one of soul the fire that He once had. He recognized the pain in the face of the man who was over him. It was very real and it was the pain one would feel on the battlefield. He remembered the bloody campaign to battle the Nameless Dragon... The Faceless Demon. The forces of which were many many beasts. The face of a man he knew flashed before him. A friend. A friend who had jumped into the flames. Fed up with not being able to do anything to protect those around him properly. Against the Magic of a Dragon... what was a warrior to do? It would seem hopeless. And yet he threw himself at it anyway. Crimson... was always angry with him for doing that. He always felt he threw away his life. But now he understood... he understood it in the face of this half-orc pounding on his armour. So, he just lay there.... remembering the warrior who had slain a dragon with naught but a sword and the flail of his life. In this man he saw that same spirit, that same resolve. So, he couldn't move, he couldn't do anything to the Half-Orc atop him. If he had a face... he would've smiled. It didn't last long before the heat would take the consciousness of Varick. The stink of burning and slightly cooked flesh rose into the air as the unconscious body of Varick slumped to the floor. The Crimson Knight still lying on the floor. "Sleep well... you deserve it." The only words he had to say. He stood up missing an entire arm of his armour. It had come off in the collision with the floor. Both Gradun and Neville could easily see now that the suit of armour was empty. For no arm hung out of the place where the armour was missing. All that was there was a licking lash of crimson flame. He cracked his whip before stowing it away. He wouldn't need it now. His two other opponents were mages... he'd fight them on their turf. He'd seen all he needed from Varick to understand why he was here. He looked down at him. A great one this one was. He was glad to have him on his side in the Clash. This man's body was his spirit, though he was a Eternal Watcher... he had the soul of a Cinder Knight. He looked back up at the two still standing awaiting their move.
  13. Oh this again... Yeeeeeea. I'm still not sure sorta not sure with the premise etc... but so many people are talking about it and saying it's really good. My lord I'm so conflicted lol. Making really hard for me not to check it out... reminding me of my friend who got me to watch Kill la Kill, which I told him straight up I would never watch he'd have to do some dark magic to make it happen... he apparently knows some. I'm starting to think you two do as well.... Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh.... damn my curiosity to hell...
  14. Tfw a Player made something happen in your RP your hosting it it leaves you in a state you don't know how to follow it up because it was that great a post.

  15. Dude... Dobby.... that post was so good... I am really having trouble thinking of what to do after it that does it justice. You've literally left me wordless... temporarily anyway lol. *single manly tear* Also... holy shit that part with the Eternal Watcher Oath hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng.... ah it's wonderful lol. and regaining composure in 3...2...1... Regained.
  16. I have a feeling this is a series I'm not watching since i ahve 0 idea what you mean lol.
  17. I'll offer this up since I'm working on Rebooting Graterras original. I'm going to definitely be keeping the mainplot and reworking a few of the parts that were already seen by the players to change them up for any returning players or to just juggle it up in general and not do the exact same things. While I think things like the first encounter having the Players characters be murdered horribly by the big bad was a suuuuuper impactful moment and really geared them to want to find this guy and defeat him. They had a grudge to settle right away, and something that probably legitimately mad them a bit mad lol. This guy rolled up and just flicked his finger and made short work of them. I don't think doing this exact same thing is good for an opening and would probably make a new one even if the plot was the same. I don't think it would quite have the same impact as before, I don't think it would quite resonate the same way... and yet it probably could as it was a very powerful way to set-up a villain. Basically, what I'm saying is it's definitely possible to keep the plot ideas you had etc... but implement the ones already seen differently to switch them up. I think that's a good way to go with it. I think old Players should definitely be allowed to rehash their character if they so choose, and have them reset for their use etc... This is what I'm personally probably going to do with Graterras for any that return. ((though... at this point a lot of the OG cast for Graterras is kinda gone... that makes me pretty sad in some ways.)) ((When Graterras does come back... I'mma be suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper strict probably as a result. I'd want to see some damn quality characters and people I thin had the drive etc to want to play.)) Now, I'mma hush since this is about Graterras I was only using it as a convenient example to get my point across. I'd personally reboot but keep my notes the things I didn't use after all they were never seen so they would still be super interesting and fun to see. New Character will also be fun since the Characters color the world around them and change things differently. Graterras would've easily been different without Sigurd, that rowdy rambunctious man made me change so many plans for the better, he even showed me one of the biggest tragic flaws a character I wrote had that I never saw before lol. ((He literally called out Orpheus on his bull and holy heel that moment was great. Without SIgurd it might have never happened.)) So, even if you keep the plot the same the characters within it might just change it and make it so much more interesting in a different way. SO many possibilities that just can't be seen right now. So, I don't think you can really go wrong Chim because just starting this thing up again... you are going to get something awesome. I remember once telling you I knew you'd be a great host lol. I know you care a lot about Ymora and I knew that right when you first were talking to me about it. It took great form and as it is very clear was an rp that resonated with people. SO many here call this their favourite RP for a reason. You set up a great RP and are a great host. I think no matter what you end up doing that you;ll make another great RP, another that really resonates with those playing it. I want to see that again. I want to see such a success RP once more from you. Because you're a wonderful host. Seriously, good luck with this thing Chim.
  18. But... but that's my line! Anyway, silliness aside, with this I will be locking the Original Thread it has a place to be discussed here therefore it will be locked unless I have a reason to otherwise Unlock it. Hopefully you understand why I'm doing that if not shoot me a PM I'll explain it. Anyway, as you were. I don't have much to provide in this conversation as I was not a part of Ymora so what I say wouldn't have much value. Therefore I'm just going to bow out and leave it to those who this actually concerns. Good luck.
  19. So, with all the settled and what has been said has been said, I think I should probably lock this thread. I am of the opinion that the revamp for this should probably come with not only the new rules etc... but also be accompanied by a new OOC. As I'm sure most of the IC would restart, the OOC should restart with it as well as any interest checks etc done for the revamp. It took me awhile to deem if this was the correct course of action or not, but I believe to be. A revamp should be a revamp in every sense and with not only a new IC thread, a new OOC should come as well rather than using the old one. This is of my personal Opinion, but I think it will be a lot less daunting for the new blood players to see a brand new thread then one that is 36 pages in that they think they might have to read all of to understand what's going on etc... a lot of info would also no longer be pertinent etc.. So I think it's better a new Thread for it. I will be locking this thread by the end of today. I hope that if you do decide the Revamp Tyrann that it gets the players you are looking for and goes a lot more smoothly this time. After all the idea is brilliant and I want to see it succeed. I Hope you take into mind some of the advice given here as I'm sure they mean to help improve the systems and experience of the RP. I hope to see it out there in the future in the RP forums again. But, I'm going to have to lock this bad boy. No hard feelings, just I personally believe that with a revamp should come total renewal. I suggest moving any outstanding conversations here to PM, cause for now this thread going to be locked. Hope you guys understand and have a nice day. I look forward to seeing Battleground second Debut if it's meant to come lol. Hukuna Sensei out~
  20. If this RP has been declared finished... I'm sorry but I kinda need to lock this thread, it was from August until a day ago that such was declared ((which honestly... is too long a time it was quiet for me to really leave this open despite the fact.)) and I can;t be leaving open a OOC for an RP that is closed and isn't going to be played anymore. It's not really all that fair to other newer RPs that this is sitting in the top page taking up space they could be occupying and getting people to see them and hopefully come to them. At this point, it's probably better that a New thread be created if this is too get a revamp anyway. You can;t really expect people to read not only all the Chapters for the RP, but you can;t expect them to really go through 300 pages of OOC to get caught up either. I'm sorry but I really got to put this to bed guys, if it's been declared dead ((which it has by Dobby who was currently upkeeping it.)) I have to lock. A host or one standing in for the host I can't really can;t do for necro'ing their thread due to the nature of it and how RP works. They might be able to announce something etc... or shut it down for good or try to revitalize it. That's not what I see happening here unfortunately. Any attempt to really revive this should be taken on as a new project, not within this thread. I'll probably be closing this within due time because there is just too much here and it's not fair to other newer RPs. I will ask any discussions be moved to PM instead of here in this thread. Overall, It's my decision, and while it's not something I want to do it's something I have to do. Any attempt to revive this is going to have to be a new project something starting anew. I'm all for that, however, I'm not all for this Thread being dragged out of the grave and brought back to the forefront. I'll be locking this thread by the end of the day, I suggest getting Something together for a reboot in either PMs or by creating a new thread for this purpose a new OOC. Because I can't really leave this unlocked anymore and say I'm doing my job. I know it's probably not what you guys want to hear etc... but I've gotta do it. Hopefully yo don't get to made at me. I'm not going to be warning anyone for Necro'ing in case anyone is worried, mostly since It would be a lot of those and I wasn't really around when it started and I'd rather not retroactively do it. Hopefully you understand my decision here and you don't get too miffed at me but it's the conclusion I came to and the one I'm going to have to enforce. Have a nice day guys, and I hope the reboot works out if you guys choose to do it. I'd be happy to see it pop up in the future.
  21. I really don't deal with it that well personally lol. However, it's mostly a question of motivation and getting yourself to do it. The thing Ame put up there is veeeeery true and a super good tool. A lot of Motivation comes from Momentum. It's easier to work when you are doing it, so starting for the ten minutes make you start and once you start it gets easier from there for sure. It's easier to push once you start pushing lol. The most effort is needed to start it up, once you get going it gets easier and easier to maintain this momentum and keep going until it becomes nearly effortless to some degree. That's at least what I believe since it's true for me... I don't know about everyone else since people all work very differently and things effect them different etc....
  22. I might try and look for something... however I only have load of ones of Albedo and Lal Mirch at the moment... whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich I highly doubt you'd use XD. Someone else can probably scrounge something else much faster.
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