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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. The Ochre Dreadfort "Shit." "You got careless you buffoon." the world hissed. Dust didn't have much of an option as he surely didn't have the chance to dodge the attack that was coming for him now. He'd have to do that which he didn't want to do already. He'd trigger the second stage of his armour. It would be forced on for awhile and it had it's own weaknesses. But, if he didn't, he'd take a very hard attack to recover from. His armour shimmered with an unnatural light for a split second before it changed form. It went from the flat stone to suddenly become a form of hazy white gemstone, Perhaps pure quartz. That's when Silef's hand touched his back. The flash and heat of the light could be felt by even her as she felt it reflect a small amount of the magic and spread it out over it's surface. The magic light still burned some of the armour but it didn't go nearly as far as it would have had it been stone. "You definitely do have allies Vayne. I must apologize for forgetting them. But, we're not done here yet." Dust said. He dropped his hammer as he snapped his fingers on his now free hand. Underneath him the earth begin to raise up in a pillar pushing back both Silef and Vayne from him as he rose into the air. He pushed off it launching himself farther away landing behind the third member of their band with a loud crash of immense weight. He struck the Victonari a hard blow in the shoulder sending him flying towards the other. "Hmmm... You're lucky... This armour isn't one I like as much. But your magic is quite potent against me, it's a necessity it would seem. Come!" He smashed his fists together clearly intending to fight with his bare hands now rather than the large unwieldy hammer. If Dust knew anything, the hammer was better for slow opponents, these ones were much too fast, so now was the time for old fashioned fisticuffs. Ress'nok found himself flying through the air a second time. "I'm really getting tired of this." he thought to himself as he thudded against the back wall near his allies. "I swear I'm better than this M'lady. It's not everyday you fight a Legendary hero." he said with a chuckle. The Crimson Keep. "Do not forget, Fire is not solid for it is simply energy given form. This is FIRE'S STRENGTH!!!" A torrent of Crimson flames flew for The Half-Orcish man, however, he was never there intended target. The Flames wrapped around him instead going around the edges of his armour and coming off. They refocused themselves back into a cluster of flames after they had cleared around the Orc. It was unparalleled control of flames, as if the fires were part of him. This was what it meant to be a Divine Knight. His control of flame and temperatures was something Neville dreamed of but probably would never be able to muster. The fire then split again invading the ice wall to get at Gradun. Gradun knowing what was about to happen prepared his trumpet, the others heard his lute stop playing. He took a deep breathe as he waited for the flames to emerge. As soon as they saw him he shouted the words "Molto Blasto!!!" and then exhaled everything he had into a loud cacophonous trumpet blast. The blast of sound was so loud that the whole room shook. Not only this, but the fire vanished from the powerful current. It sent chunks of the ice wall flying at high speed towards The Crimson Knight. They blasted against his armour loud hisses coming from it in response. One drove itself into his chest piece, and in response a gout of crimson red flame spewed forth from the hole. It melted the spike leaving a hole in his chest. They noticed though that no blood poured out of the hole in his armour at all. But he was so far away they couldn't tell if he had just cauterized the wound or not. Clearly a human or person with the power over fire could instantly repair his wounds as such, no? Gradun huffed in exhaustion. He bent over gasped for air, similar to a person who had just run fifty miles non-stop and was trying to get a breather. "Seriously, I don't get payed enough for this shit... I actually don't get payed anything... man... being a musician sucks sometimes." he huffed under his heavy breathing.
  2. I know Dust could definitely do it off that much alone. ((He doesn't have True Name discernment... but he could actually almost be a Ruler Class... probably actually could now that I think about it since he can determine and learn from any attack he sees.)) and the other Divine Knights could probably figure it out after a bit, but yea it definitely take them time. Though... the Divine Knights probably wouldn't try to hard since they don't need the Identity of an enemy to defeat them really. On the inverse... it's super damn easy to discover who they are... pretty much looking at them would give them away. So, people keep that in mind anytime one of them shows up in one of these that it's suuuuper easy to get who they are. Like suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuper easy. ((however knowing who they are... isn't much of an advantage.))
  3. Trust me, I realized that lol. He's definitely known... just not specifics exactly lol. There's more to him than being a crazy Werewolf and his Lightning Cage which might be all people know. Like the fact I think Debronee assumed he was entirely brute strength. He's actually maddeningly intelligent and quite a bit of it still functions under Mad Enhancement. ((he's not good enough for it to be a skill of any level but he's not stupid either lol. If he was entirely stupid he wouldn't have used the Cage to stop his descent when he was ported out the window.)) I should be more clear in what I mean lol. They were relatively unknown enough that the entire truth isn;t very well known, it's not confused just hotly debated. A lot had no idea why he would have hated humans etc... or why he ended up becoming Ashnard, that would be missing, stuff like that context. You'd know the ends but not his motives... that kind of thing. Why one does something is as important as how or what they are doing. Basically I'm saying that part will be entirely missing. ((also... I'd hope I'm watching Overlord... otherwise my Avvie would be super weird.))
  4. Apparently... the difference between me and Royalty is 70 Rep... That's seems... so not right for some reason lol. Now, back to ahting on my internet because it's bieng a piece of garbage.

  5. It's not like Ashnard is hiding his true identity anyway, he really doesn't care lol. I will say though you're probably not going to find too much info on him though. He was a ))and is)) a Villain within the Graterrian Universe. Well-Known enough to be a Heroic Spirit but he wasn't celebrated. He was a vile creature driven only by madness and hatred ((hence why Berserker is the perfect class for him, it's pretty much how he acted in life.)) and was a slaughterer of people. There wasn't really any major battles he was in etc either since he was more of a errand boy of The Gentleman who is probably the one there'd be actual information on. The Death Angels were relatively unknown nobodies that The Gentleman knew were being ignored etc, unrightfully. They were much stronger than people believed and that's why he brought them up. Because 1. people wouldn't know them and 2. They were very powerful and had a vendeta towards humans in most cases. ((I could probably actually make a servant out of most of the Death Angels now that I think about lol.))
  6. I kiiiiiinda have a weird thing for Albedo...and I dunno why. Like... she seems like a character I would super hate but I love every second she's on screen because it's bloody hilarious a lot of the time. It's so weird and I can;t explain it but oh is she quickly becoming one of my favourite characters. ((Lal Mirch form KHR will probably remain my favourite.... but daaaaamn I really really like Albedo.)) Overlord's defs I think my fav anime this Season and probably going to be an one there one for me, I was hooked at episode 1 and have been the whole time. Lot of people were saying it was slow until like 7... but I honestly never felt that myself. I've been happy with it the whole time XD.
  7. Yea... we're still not really sure on that to be fair... if any other canon mons are in it will only be post game if at all. I'd personally keep them out even then but that's me, we;ll see where it goes once it gets there... I mean we're not even done with Chapter 1.... we don't really need to be thinking aobut End-game yet lol.
  8. World of Glass: We live but in a world of glass... Many types of glass, But, glass all the same. It's all fragile, Breaking within a mere instant, a fraction of a second for a fraction. Sometimes, it's one way glass, We cannot see what lies in store on the other side, And yet those on the otherside can see it crystal clear. They can keep it from us, or change the glass for us to see But sometimes it's better not seeing. Sometimes it's best not to see, Not to see the horrible truth, The one that will shatter the world around you. And the shards come tumbling down, You try to catch them before they hit, Before they shatter even more. But, you can't move that quickly, You can't save them all, You must choose what's important. But... everything's important, Everything's important, How do you sacrifice any part of yourself? In the moment you're paralyzed, overwhelmed by the things that lie before you, You don't know what to do. Everything you know is crashing around you, The world you thought you knew, Now just a mess of broken glass. Now what do you do? Do you put it together? Do you try and salvage that which you can? Or do you start anew? Or do you just give up? The questions, The never stop relenting, Banging against the inside of your mind. *tink* *tink* *bang* *bang* It gets louder and louder, They bang on the glass threatening to break it, to break the last thing you got left. Your sanity. The Emotions, The Confusion, The Noise. It all bangs on the glass trying to break it apart, to ruin the last thing you have left, the only thing you couldn't risk to lose. The glass resonates with a beating sound, The thrum of the darker side, Fear... nerves... darker things. It barely keeps them from over taking you, From running rampant in your mind, But, you hold on. Too much glass has broken today, There's no room for anymore, that's what you tell yourself. Whether it's genuine Whether it's just trying to hold on to something, Whether it's something else... It's all you have. Your sanity... in a world of broken glass.
  9. When your illusion is shattered and suddenly it thrust upon you that your world is falling apart around you, and you have no idea what to do anymore. You don't even know if there is anything you can do... and that makes ever the more paralyzing.

  10. Sometimes... one wonders, if respect of others truly matters... when you don't understand why they do.

  11. Look into my eyes and it's easy to see 1 and 1 make 2, 2 and 1 make 3. It was destiny. Once every 100,000 years or so when sun doth shine and the moon doth glow, and the graaaaass doth groooooow~.

    1. SnowGlaceon


      I got lost when numbers appeared

  12. Ashnard ((Berserker)) The beast snorted in a rather violent manner, though... it actually had just sneezed. After having licked all the dried blood off it's claws it quickly followed Siegfried up the stairs popping into it's Spiritual form. While it's mind was mostly shot it still had the sense to disappear in broad daylight. It mostly disappeared though due to it's hatred of sunlight. Werewolves... at least Ashnard's kind... weren't fond of light. It wouldn't kill them but the preferred to prowl under the dark of the moon. Once again Siegfried felt the hatred all around him again, just a cloud of unsated hatred. It seemed to be the only emotion this creature truly understood anymore and it emanated it. Unrelenting, unfettered Hatred. Vixen ((Archer)) "Don't take forever Kid. I want to get this thing over with as quick as possible." She said her voice bitter cold. he hands were a blur counting bullets and stowing them away all at the same time, her eyes keeping track of them as she went along. She counted quickly in her head each type as she stashed them away. At least five hundred regular bullets. Most were back ups for later that she wouldn't be carrying with her into the battlefield. She had another two hundred or so odd bullets for her revolver as well. In Vixen's world... it never hurt to be over-prepared. Ten Galvanized bullets. Useful for creating hard barriers of Lightning or hitting targets with a strong dose of electricity. Servants probably wouldn't be effected to heavily by that, but enough for her to place another shot perhaps. Eleven Clouded Bullets. These Bullets split themselves into more and more copies. They were useful for hitting big areas and fighting more than one opponent. They usually served better in her revolver than in her sniper rifle, however they were effective either way. They don't have any other magical proprieties however, thus making them not as powerful as her other bullets. She had to keep this in mind that they might not have the greatest impact against servants. Seven Permafrost Bullets. Infused with powerful Ice, these bullets could flash freeze anything they hit. Whether it made armour brittle or froze flesh to horribly wound these bullets were quite effective at disabling targets and ruining any armour they had. Three of her latest creation... The one he had shown her how to create long ago. The Bullets of Cleansing Rain. She stowed them all away quickly making sure to remember the counts. She didn't want to run out in the middle of a fight and she surely didn't have the time to make any new ones for now. These would have to do for the moment. She finished off her gear check waiting for the Kid to get ready. She'd be ready to leave as soon as possible.
  13. The Crimson Keep The Flame dragon lashed into the Aegis as it came towards it, not really affecting it much. It being made of Elemental Fire couldn't really directly do much to the shield. However it not being a physical being the shield didn't really affect it either. It was the Storm that drove it off. The Cold and wet effected it rather easily The Flames hissing loudly as the power of them extinguished. The Steam Cloud however, still rose but it had moved now. The Crimson Knight could clearly move within the steam using it to conceal his exact location. For now he kept hiding. The Flamedragon returned to it's users winking out in the steam cloud. "Unfortunately for you I have a lot of experience with dealing with the effects of Winter... and it's storms. A colleague of mine after all is their embodiment." The steam dissipated in an instant as it sucked into Crimson's armour. It all vacuumed quickly inside. He was once again holding his completed whip. Flames erupted from all over his armour, a bright Crimson. A release of extreme magical heat hit the room with immense power as it suddenly grew in temperature. The air grew disgustingly humid to the point it felt like a swamp. Snow and ice vanished due to the immense heat. "Even when conjured with magic a Storm, still behaves as a storm. I've have practice ruining them before. A Blizzard is only a Blizzard fi there's snow. And rain doesn't have as much an effect on me as my armour is hot enough it can evaporate the water." What he said was true. Having turned the storm into that of a summer storm, it was now raining heavily in the room, but not just where Neville initially placed the storm, but the entire battlefield. However, once noticed around the Crimson a shimmering barrier of heat. It was so hot that none of the rain touched him. Gradun had trouble maintaining the water around him and not only that began to feel overwhelmed by the sheer amount of water put into the air by the storm and the Heating of the room. He wheezed in pain before the barrier shut down of it's own accord. The water came crashing down with a loud wet crash. ((Dance of the Water Lily: Off.)), he swore loudly in Victonarian. "Shit... " It was a bit of a dire situation. Having been pushed out of his magical stance the strain on his body was near crippling. He could feel how tired he was. He took a deep breathe. He needed to focus himself. The shock of the forced changed shook his core and had his mind racing in every direction. He had to focus it otherwise he'd lose more and more of his energy at a much faster rate then he could handle. He shut his eyes cutting out one of his senses. He would be bombarded with less sensory information making it easier to process. However, it left him wide open. He hoped the other two would keep him safe while he tried to regain his composure. The Ivory Tower. The Blade of Ice hit the fire ball and sliced it in 'twain. It was one of Snow's Ice Baldes from her sword... and yet... this time it didn't explode from the flame it remained intact. It wasn't aimed at Zagi though so for now... it didn't matter. But, how? The second form, that of a Knight moved up to Zagi. He held a Heater Shield and a longsword. Like the Man now attacking Matthew, he started to become solid. Copper coloured armour started to appear as well as the rest of his gear remaining a similar copper color. He didn't make an attack at Zagi yet, only coming forward to engage him in combat.
  14. Also going to get in the warning here... there's going to be a bit of Hukuna Talking to himself here. Going to have to bear with me for a bit XD.
  15. Oh boyo... this is going to be interesting. Guess I ahve a whole other sub-forum to run. I'll try and do my best and keep her in tip-top shape much like my own home of the RP forums. It's definitely going to be a new experience and an interesting one. ((Don't know how much you'll see me in that Room on the servers you discussed since i'm not really a server-goer, but maybe I'll drop in from time to time. Probably would make sense lol.)) Thanks for any of the congratulations I missed ((don't think there was a lot though.)) hopefully i can do a good job for the Animation sub-forum.
  16. Guess I'm mod of another forum now... yay lol?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Commander


      Thus marks the man's first words as he enters the behemoth of the boundless subforum. He shall rule this section with his almighty RP skills or die trying.

    3. Arkhi


      The dangers he would face were actually rather well-known, but threats he had yet to face were unknown.

      ..except that history repeats itself and is likely to in this case.

      What will happen to Moderator Hukuna?

      Will he find the ancient Babylonian society, filled to the brim with riches?

      Find out next time on...


    4. Rosesong


      Congrats Kuna~

  17. Yea, we would never put trade evos in. ((I debating putting in friendship ones for the longest while as well... however the fact that you can get Eevee since we are adding two new Eeveelutions we had to have them anyway because of Espeon and Umbreon )) But yea Trade evos would never make it in and even then it's not really that possible to do that. I think we'd sooner do like version Exclusive mons then Trade evos. ((mostly as a thing to drive home the R/B/Y and jsut the feel of the games.)) as we have some lines set up like that. ((think Seviper and Zangoose.)) Or course... there will only be one version of the game, but we made some evo lines that contrast each other in that way since they exist in the canon games. It won't be as noticeable since you can always get both but We still opted to do it anyway for flavor reasons lol.
  18. Eh... I don't think they'd be that broken. Mega Ray is broken because 1. It has stupid stats, 2. It ability removes nearly all it's relevant weaknesses, and 3. can still hold an item. So, it's be hard to make one as broken as that imo... now if some of the stronger ones did get it... well... yea they would be dang scary as hell lol. But yea... we don't want Megas and they will not be part of the game. After all an entire generation worth of Fakemon is more than enough to learn and figure out without giving some of them megas on top of that. SO yea... just nope no megas lol.
  19. Oh Hearthstone... how I love and loathe you.

    1. KingRyan
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Eh... priest has never been OP and has only recently seen a deck actually considered high tier in the meta. RIght noe the OPs are Combo Warrior ((or Grim Patron.)) and Secret Paladin. Both are maximum gross.

  20. Ashnard ((Berserker)) "If I kill you instantly... you'll feel no pain therefore... no harm done." the only thought that crossed the mind of the beast. And to him... that was true. Harm was something he inflicted for fun. But he hated this human so much he wouldn't give him the pleasure of a slow death. Outwardly all he did was huff and snort. Not really in response but but because he was doing something with his claws and he really wasn't paying that much attention. Vixen ((Archer)) "I'm out here kid." Vixen called from outside the room. She was at small table with all of her gear lain out about it, two guns a revolver and a long rifle, 2 pairs of binoculars, 17 knives of varying shapes and sizes, and once more loads of bullets. She was doing another count this morning. Vixen was always through with her gear and maintaining it and cataloging it. For her it was the means of her survival, she needed to be aware of it at every moment. Her life didn't give her the luxury of being lax and care-free so she was always busy making sure she had it all and knew the counts in advance that way she knew how valuable each thing was and if she had the the correct supplies in a life or death situation. She was counting her different types of ammunition currently. She wasn't sure if she was going to need more of the elemental bullets or not and making them took time. enough time that it was difficult to create them amidst a fight.
  21. Not always. It does more typically lie to negative connotations however the phrase just means the odd one out or something different. It doesn't Have to be a bad thing.
  22. People really need to learn when the hell to let a joke die... and jsut knock it the hell off.

  23. I'm pretty much entirely certain he'll be fine... he's pretty much the main character and this is just the beginning... why would they kill him now?
  24. Yea a mystery that got spoiled for me and now a whole lot of the impact is lost... I hate people that spoil for real... ((I'm still liking it but it's nowhere near as good if I didn't 100% know exactly who it was...))
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