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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Yea, you actually do he's not lyin'.
  2. Yea... I know who it is now cause my little bro is an ass. ((He's read the Light Novel so he accidentally let it slip on me who it was uuuuuuuuuugh... I hate him so much right now.)), but yea it totally makes sense once they explain everything going on. This kids is why you don't talk to someone who knows the plot ahead of you cause they'll ruin everything and you'll be suuuuper sad panda.
  3. Yea Secret Pally is Top Tier right now... I honestly think it elipsed Patron Warrior it's that bloody strong. THere's not even like a specific list yet since it can do both Aggro and Mid-Range lists as it's basically both of those decks jsut using Secrets over having tech cards. It's stuuuuupid powerful. I just love how people thought Mysterious Challenger would see zero play. It's the second coming of the Grim Patron.
  4. Anyone else notice that the Type for the Ultimate form is confirmed and yet all of the others are not known? Does that mean they are changing type? It seems pretty blatant that Ultimate was revelaed to be still Dragon/Ground and yet the others weren't confirmed as they are different types.
  5. Zygarde 10% forme... a.k.a The Garde Dog.

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    1. BIGJRA


      Was about to comment that rip

    2. Arkhi
    3. Hiss13
  6. and most importantly stop using that joke... it really annoys me and wasn't funny to begin with...
  7. Why is one of Zygarde's Forms a Dog?

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    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Shamitako


      But, it does. It looks a lot like Regirock, just with Registeel hands

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Except... not really at all no... I don't see any resemblance other than both stand upright.

    4. Yours Truly

      Yours Truly

      because they said so

  8. If you'll excuse me... I'mma go pass out from bieng up 18 hours.

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    1. TRHStatement


      In that case, you're excused

    2. Odybld


      Next time you could pass on that as well.

  9. I'm definitely not right now, keeping this one of Albedo for a bit cause ea just switched to it lol. ((... weirdly enough, I actually like her as a character a lot. It' weird... I know she;s no usually my kind of character but cracks me nearly any scene she's in XD>))~ I might use one of Fremy though. I like her quite a bit in Rokka, much more than some of the other characters that's for sure.
  10. I'd ride more Elevators if this song played every time I was on one.
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  11. What's funny... is that character kinda reminded of Vixen a little. ((even though Vixen's more based on Lal Mirch from Hitman Reborn lol.)) while I was watching through Rokka. ((I'm not sure how to spell her name or say it even since... I think the anime goes with Flemie, and yet my Bro who's read the Light Novel always says Fremie. He also keeps getting super close to spoiling the arc for me and I've almsot killed him 7 times now.....)) Also Ark, I've seen this one and I hate it. I don't know why... but... something seems super off about it to me. I think it's the eyes... But I really don't know. ((I actually like the one of Kris better from that series.))
  12. I wonder if anybody can find one that they'd think fit me XD. ((I probably wouldn't change right now since I just changed to this one, but might stow it for later.))
  13. Graterras Fun Fact: This is the song that ended up making me write Lord Gradun... I'm entirely serious.

    ((It wouldn't be his character theme mind you but it gave me the inspiration lol.)) Not sure if this makes me weird, but it probably explains why he's such a strange character lol.
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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Felicity


      The reason I suck at world building is because those exact details slip my mind

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Gradun's basically the personification of an obnoxious Bard character... ((if you played DnD with anyone palying a Bard the first time... You'd know lol. They think they're so cool when they are really just cringey and annoying. They totally don't even notice it half the time. [hence why Gradun doesn't notice he's a pain in the ass XD.]))

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      and trust me, they do for me at first too lol. I'm just good at affixing things to my brain spaces when I need to XD. Key to world-building, not making more than You'll ever need. Too much is a crippling thing. Only Make what's needed, no more. Othwerwise things get overwhelming.

  14. Imo, Log Horizon feels more like a love letter to MMOs and their ilk. Like it focuses more on the actual aspects of what it'd be like to be trapped in the game etc... and does a lot of the "Well, what would happen if this thing from MMO's was suddenly a real life situation.?" Personally... that's why I find it much more interesting than like SAO... SAO doesn't really matter that they are in an MMO... the MMO is really just used to explain how they are fighting etc in imo a sorta catch all way that's a bit lazy. It's easy to go, "Oh, they can do that cause MMO magic." Which Imo... feels sorta cheap. But that's me lol. Log Horizon uses the MMO stuff not just to explain things, but as if they were in it and they just do it in a way that feels more like the actual experience playing an MMO. Like, I actually get a weird nostalgia feeling towards my WoW days when I watch it and I can't explain why that happens in words ((Yes, the irony in the fact I'm a writer is not lost here.)) but you just feel it, at least I do from playing those games. There's jsut things used in it that feel very reminiscent of playing those games... and what it would be like if you lived in that world. Like... they use MMO mechanics to explain why things happen etc... and they feel like a real part of the world ((because they turn those weird mechanics into true things within the world in Log Horizon.)) like recently... they just explained sorta how all the monsters get all that random gold on them. ((I say recently since I just saw that episode as I'm catching up on Season 2 now that I have the time.)) and jsut other things etc... I really enjoy that aspect of it, it really feels like a love letter to those games and what they do for the people that play them. It of course mostly focuses on the good aspects. And I'm be honest...((this is minorly spoilery...but eh. It in one of the early episodes don't remember when so it's nothing you didn't see by now Flux. And for the few things that are... it minor and nothing major. Like it' nothing plot related jsut things they mention, but imo... still remain cool.)) TL:DR: Personally, I don't believe SAO and Log should be compared. It's not fair to either of them imo. As shows they both have very different aims and takes on what they are doing, to the point they feel so vastly different to me. I think Log Horizon is one extreme while SAO sits on the other end. I get people are going to compare them because superficially they seem the same, but I don't feel they are the same. They both are going for very different takes on the subject matter.
  15. Eh, up to you. I'd like it to get done in reasonable time though not going to wait forever lol. Eventually I'm jsut going to have her attack you guys anyway lol. THat was the last warning post before I'm going to move ahead the fight. Just lettin' you know lol.
  16. Hmm dunno. I haven't yet might be draw based dunno lol. Thing is... I haven't really seen a lot of Face Hunters of late... mostly Mid-Range ((and I've seen a few of the Lock and Load ones though... that deck tends to have pretty weak match-ups versus everything since it's so unrefined at the moment.)) I dunno... That's why it's hard to judge Decks sometimes since there is so many variables lol. It takes sooooo much to figure out the precentges etc... since there's so much luck involved in not only your draws, but the enemy draws etc. Also, the Coin has a profound effect on the game as well since it lets the Second Player outpace the enemy one time, that can be mad powerful. ((especially in Druid where you can further Cheat the mana and in Rogue where you can cheat out Combo Effects with it.)) Just... so...many... variables XD. By the way... I've seen some Flash Heals in Dragon Priest. I don't know if that's the best Idea, but I've definitely seen it. ((It's Like how Shamans are putting Healing Wave in for Hunter which can save them with the 14 extra health quite a bit.)) Thing is... I couldn't even find room for an Antique Healbot personally so I have no idea how they found the room for that. It feels like a pretty bleeeeeeh choice to me but eh... the hell do I know. So, I don't think it's really easy to tech in a card for healing. I dunno, I've been able to keep them pretty much at bay by putting a Velen's on my Wyrmrest and keeping it healthy while cleaning the board. ((making sure to get healing from Holy Nova's as well at times.)) Like so long as they don't get that stinking Owl it's usually fine at least in my experience... but that's the thing. It's my experience XD. Also... can I say Secret Paladin is stupid? Like I was kinda happy it was a thing since it was cool there was a strong Pally deck. And then I played it 50 times in a row on ladder and was about ready to just vomit I was so sick of it... Ugh playing against that deck is zero fun... If I hear one more damn "Well Met!"... Also Blizz... can you stop giving me the Spectate Quest? I want to paly the game not watch others win at the game... ((and I want to grind out TGT packs... I got pretty much everything I need from the Base set other than a few Legends lol.))
  17. This Rp might kill me with the amount of Prep Work... and the amount of things I may end up having to do for it. It's in the vein of Firefly, Cowboy Bebop etc... So Sci-Fi which is something I haven't tried before so players might have to bare with me for a bit. Here's hoping it's worth it. I don't think the OOC is going to be out anytime soon, but keep an eye out for it in an RP Forum near you.

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    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Anvilicious


      You're a little crazy, aren't you, Hukuna?

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Little is an understatement. You really don't know me.

    4. Felicity
  18. Ah, that's good. Hate asking aobut stuff and your friends give you the whole "If I tell you anything that'll spoil things."... and I'm like "Why on earth am I going to watch some thing I know absolutely nothing about?" TO which their answer is usually something super stupid that makes zero sense... Why can;t people jsut give a short blurb about something lol? Apparently it's too hard. So yea, nice to know lol. Thank you for that. I'll check it out hopefully find some stuff to watch etc...
  19. Not really, it plays like Mid-Range. You play a bunch of minions that are at least mana down from their stat cost. ((Twilight Drake is a 2 Drop for 1. Wyrmrest is a 3 for 2, and Blackwing Tech is a 4 statline for 3.)) You get COntrol of the board early and exercise this control to plop out the Big Dragons to finish the game. Most of the deck lsits have 1 big Dragon in Ysera with ... that 6/6 Taunt with the Deathrattle being still a Mid-Range Card IMO. It's not very top heavy like say... Control Warrior and definitely doesn't play like it imo. I dunno... it just not that Slow to be considered Control imo and I can definitely feel the Aggro Switch that's in other Mid-Range where you just go straight for the throat and end them. I mean think aobut it... Mid-Range Druid relies on a 9 mana combo to end games so it still ahs some mana heavy things in it lol. Personally I don't consider it Control even with the 2 Lightbomb List. I guess to be fair the deck is still in the early stages of being developed and I don't even have the cards in it I want yet. ((missing the second Twilight Guardian and at least one Lightbomb. And Chillmaw. but it's going to be forever until I pick him up since he's a Legendary.)) and really DD? I've never once lost to Aggro that wasn't Aggro Pally. The Early Taunts usually shit all over Face Hunter since you just heal off all the damage any of their minions do. Aggrodin has a bit more chance due to buffs and Divine Shields perserving their minions but Hunter jsut gets destroyed. Holy Nova also wipes them haaaaaaaaaard and you have the time to stall for it if you're getting overwhelmed because the Taunts keep any significant damage from happening. So, both Aggro decks it fends off pretty well in my experience. ((and no other really exists right now.)) Well... ig uess Mech Mage counts but eh...
  20. So... what is technically from this Season and what not lol? I'm not the biggest anime person but having the time lately been looking around for stuff. SO far caught up on Overlord ((thought that's probably not a surprise by my Avvie huh?)) So was just wondering what stuff is actually coming out right now. I mean guess I could go back and watch some old stuff and what not but sorta more interested in newer stuff I guess XD.
  21. Na it's fine lol. If I didn't say as such I'd be a bit of a hypocrite at this point lol. Jsut take your time glad yo knwo your're still about though.
  22. TFW you only really watch like 13 to 26 episode series tops so you don't really know the pain of filler arcs and don't understand any of the tfws in here about them cause yea.... XD. EDIT: also TFW you are watching a series based on something else and because a sibling of yours isn't patient he gone to find the Light Novel ((he actually prefers it I'm just being a salty butt.)), and keeps nearly spoiling the current entire arc for you. ((Rokka if one must know lol.))
  23. Why is my Profile Page so intersting to people all of a sudden lol? Been like weeks since people where there and now like so many XD.

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    2. Vinny


      No one can understand that avatar >.<

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      lol. Apparently. It's not that bad though. Jsut the small version of it is a bit. Then again I am the one that put it on here so of course I know what it is lolololol

    4. Hiss13


      I did it to join the bandwagon~

  24. To be fair... Meta shifts constantly lol. I'd have to Update quite a bit. I think I might do one on Dragon Priest though it's kinda my fav deck out of TGT at the moment lol. ((which I did find out is considered Mid-Range so yea it only further reinforces my Mid-Range binge of late.)). Hopefully I can get the dust etc to shore up my list. ((I'm missing Light Bomb... which is a rather important catch-up so yea lol, I need to get at least a copy of that card.))
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