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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Quincy Quincy could hear the loud rackets of the others in the maze. However he didn't care right now. He kept moving. He had to get to the center before everyone else. Hunting wasn't important right now. He could do it all he wanted as soon as he reached it. He was running on all fours for increased speed. He bounded with inhumane haste as he could go making sure to watch his surroundings as he went. He didn't know what this maze had in store and he certainly wasn't going to be completely caught off guard by it. *Bang* A bullet from somewhere. The Rat barely dodged it in time. Had he not been paying attention that might have spelled his end rather quickly. He kept moving though, if he stopped to look around he'd be even easier to hit. It was a tactic he relied on a lot in the hunt. Many a time they would stop moving to ascertain where the placed shot had come from. That's when you took the second as it was much easier to hit. Quincy breathed in and activated his Induction shield, or at least primed it enough that it would be able to turn on right when he heard the next gunfire. However... he was confused as to who was firing at him... the Bullet... the muzzle sound... was from his gun. He still had them both, so that certainly wasn't possible.
  2. Okay, both the Snow Team and The Ignacio team are waiting at a point I can't continue from myself lol. Up to you guys to get postin' You're still around right lol?
  3. Tfw the only character you had any interest in dies in the first episode((or extremely early on)) so you are kinda like... Welp... I'm out. ((Happens to me waaaaaaaaaaaaay to much.))
  4. Oh Sylvanas is like my 100% favourite card but becuase I love the character not really her Voice Over ((since it was pretty much what I expected from her.)) I... still kinda put her in decks I shouldn't... Just becuase I liiiiiiiike her so much XD. 5/5 that can steal an enemy minion? I mean yea quite a few times you don't actually get anything off that Deathrattle but it forces them to play mad dumb and imoptimally to get rid of it and not have it steal something that's a big deal. I love it sooooo much in my Mid-Range and Control Decks. ((though she's a bit slow for Mid-Range and I should stop putting her in there.)) I mostly play exclusively Mid-Range nowadays with Hunter, Totem Shammy((man I wish you were better Shaman... still my fav class tied with Druid.)), Paladin ((though switched to a Secret based list with good old Mysterious "Everyone thought I'd be shit" Challenger. lol.)), Also... i don't know if it's really a mid-range deck but I paly Dragon Priest as well. The thing is... it feels suuuuper mid-rangey to me. I think it's jsut because of how the minions perfectly curve to push you into later game etc... It feels very mid-rangey. Grab Board Control and stay ahead forever, like other Mid-Rangey decks. But yea Mid-Range is my jam. ((also you sure little Knight of Evil's not an Imp? I assumed he was Imp since... you know demon and stuff.)) Also Question, would people like me to write up some guides for some decks etc? I kinda think it be pretty fun to do so but I dunno if people would be interested in it. I'd actually enjoy doing them ((though I feel like I should probably grind my bum to Legend Rank before I start them to have some more cred XD. I've gotten to rank 10 but eh... doesn;t feel good enough to me lol.)) I'd probably focus on what I play to be honest cuase it's what I know suuuuper well so it's mostly be Mid-Range... but I could probably go over some other decks with enough play research. ((combo decks wouldn't be happenin' though. I'm shit at those.))
  5. Hey look... Hukuna changed his Avvie... ~((to yet another Female character.))~

    1. Show previous comments  20 more
    2. Rosesong


      I still wield the newspaper :D *chases Kuna waving it in the air*

    3. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit. *runs*

    4. Rosesong


      *chases while laughing and brandishing her newspaper*

  6. So... is it weird that my new Favourite card is Coliseum Manager? It's a trash card, but my lord it's Voiceover lines make me die laughing every single time I hear them lol. Like holy heck I love his lines even if he's not the best card around.
  7. Crimson Keep As the Whip tangled around the sword, the tow found themselves in a deadlock. "Damn, he's strong." Crimson thought to himself. The Knight was still enveloped in the steam. What the heros didn't know was Steam was considered Elemental Fire. It was mixed with Water of course so this made it very hard to control proper but he could still manage it. He kept a thin layer around him to obscure his form. It made him hard to make out other than a grey blob in the a bigger blob of white and grey. It gave him ever so slight the advantage as it was hard to tell where he was truly standing. However... Varick got the impression he stilled hadn't taken a single step from where he was already standing. Varick would also notice the small crimson dragon swoop back down to the whip. It glowed a quick flash in response. "Now! Snapdragon Lash... Transform!" ((Reveal! Toggle: Snagdragon's Lash, Snap Dragon Mode ON.)) Speaking that command phrase the whip broke and entirely became Flame. It took the form of the Dragon before but it was the size of the whole whip. It was still wrapped around the blade, causing it to flash heat it turning parts of the blade cherry red. It hissed at Varick sending a small gout of Crimson flames at him. Inside the cloud of smoke Crimson watched them. He was holding the handle of the Whip he was using in his hand. The entirety of the whip now gone however. It was jsut the handle that it had once been attached to. Of course, he could replace it by having the dragon return, but he could also summon a gout of flame within it and manipulate that as well. It wasn't as effective as when it was a full fledged weapon, but it could still put the punish on foes. Gradun started to hum louder once more. The Water around him thrummed with pure energy, it's resonance grew louder and louder. He was winding up for something however it was clearly taking him some time.
  8. Ochre Dreadfort. "So... he's faster than he looks. Definitely a ranger by these movements and what he shown thus far." "For certain... not sure why it matters though." the World said. "Because, I must know the skills of those that I am training. It's best for later." The blade slide along the underside of Dust's arm creating a horrid grating sound as metal slide against polished stone. It was a ungodly cacophony. It kept going until it struck his armpit the blade then lodged itself in his armour keeping his arm in place. The Earthern spikes on his gauntlet sat right into front of Vayne's face... a little too close for comfort. Even a second more of hesitation might have spelled his doom. It was clear that Dust wasn't playing. He was seriously trying to injure or maim. It's was very clear to Vayne in this moment. That blow would nearly have killed him. It probably would have snapped his sword like a twig as well. "Well... what a Pickle we are in Vayne." Dust said with a small chuckle. "Seems we are in a deadlock. I need two arms to swing my hammer and don't have the space and your only weapon is lodged in my armour. Whatever will we do?" Crimson Keep From the steam came a lash of crimson flame as the sound of a whip cracking rang out yet again. It was small and once more in the shape of a dragon. It flew around at high speeds but otherwise didn't do anything else. Whatever it was it was doing something, but what was unknown to the heros. The Steam started to dissipate. Right before the attack, the flash of two crimson eyes came from the steam. Suddenly out lashed the whip once more it traveled directly to Varick. A strange target. How would a whip effect him?
  9. The Crimson Keep. *ver-pish.* the sound of a whip crack. It spread Fire through the air but in a strange focused manor... a small fire being in the shape of a dragon was born from the crack of the whip and it quickly flew around and swallowed the ice crystals. "So, a master of more than one element. This will prove interesting." Crimson said. He stood right on the place he had been not having moved other than to crack his mighty whip. The flame that had swallowed the Ice melted it quickly but it was clear that it weakened the flames power on his whip as it's died down ever so slightly. Gradun focused and some of the water from around him shot forth after he sang something in Victonarian. It was a harsh and hiss filled language not really intelligible to other races than them. And yet it still had some beautiful quality to it. It rang unnaturally and yet ethereally in song. Jets of water lashed at the Crimson Knight directly at many place on his body. Each evaporated as it neared him. They splashed against his armour. Steam rose instantly makin it ahrd to see the area around where the Crimson Knight had been. "That Water and the Ice will be an issue if this holds up. Luckily I'm still super heated so they don't hit at full force but if I'm not careful this isn't going to go well for me. Luckily, I'm a master strategist. I've been in worse fight then this. After all... only I can boast that I defeated a God on the battlefield. Though... I lost more men than I should have... I was young then though." Crimson thought to himself.
  10. "Hmmm, so you do exist. Can't say I ever thought that you did... and I still don't really believe it. And yet what you did... was nothing that a normal person could do. I felt something unlock... a piece of me open that was never opened before. It's energy flowed through me and touched the rest of my being. You can't be ordinary if you could do that by any means. I don't know if I can really be of any help if you are that which you say you are, I am just ordinary, an everyday person. I'm not really that special. Some not sure what you see in me and why you believe I can help. But, you must have some reason, so... I will help you." Emberly said. Her confidence didn't waver she had said what she meant to say, in the way she meant to say it. She fumbled with the Journal in her hand, a little bit of nerves, though mostly she just didn't know what else to do. "Today's entry is going to be weird..." she mumbled to herself under her breath.
  11. The Crimson Keep "Battle Ignites the soul, this music is different from my normal music. It has power, soul, drive, and purpose. It aims to ignite the souls of others and not only that... but drive them to greatness." He sang these words as he explained the difference in fact everything he said or did had a singing quality to it. It followed with the beat of his song. The Flames went towards the Crimson knight, however he didn't make any motions to dodge or get out of the way. He just stood there. As they approached he lashed his whip towards them a tongue of flame flying off of it. As the Fire touched the wave it started to react in a strange way as it leapt from the floor onto the whip. It bathed the whip in a dark crimson flame that swirled around it angrily. "Thanks for the boost. Now I don't got to waste energy adding my own flames to my whip. Very Kind of you Neville but this is a battle you shouldn't be helping me." The Crimson Knight said coyly... clearly messing with the wizard. Gradun looked on with anger as he saw the fire suck up into the whip. So... Fire wouldn't work. That have been nice to know a second ago... then again... Neville should have remembered who they were facing. The avatar of the God of Fire and Spirit. Clearly FIre wouldn't work on one who represented the very pinnacle of it's power in the world. Gradun stepped forward one step and then back two. He started to do a hazy dance. Those looking at him would nearly feel the trance of lazy energy washing over them as Gradun did his lazy dance ((Waltz of the Water Lily. ON)) he sang out what could only be an activation phrase. "Sapphire Waters, heed my call. Wash over me and take my cares away Sharpen my wits to an arrow point So that my spells can keep foes at bay. The Bastion of the Mind cares not If the body decays." Gradun's whole body went into a relaxed nearly limp state as he clearly did something to himself with those words. But clearly in his face was intent. Powerful intent. Water started to form around him from the air, as if he pulled the very water vapour form the air and made it into moisture. He only hummed now not singing words. It carried the same effect though the power could be felt by the others still. However they could fell a tinge of lethargy in the notes. The tired hum of Gradun as his body released most of it's energy to increase the power of his mind. The Water around him softly vibrated as it gathered following the frequency of his voice. It held the notes he hummed exactly as he did and it also played an ethereal tune. He no longer was playing the Lute, but instead the water around him. "Guard my life with your might Varick, And Neville.... don't you panic, The fires of your youth will not harm this foe, So I must use these sapphire waters to strike a blow. You must be decisive and quick no time to be a dim witted brick. Toss aside the flame For it's your enemy in this game" He gave them the orders in the form of song. It followed his melody near perfectly. He was in some sort of trance that was certain to the other two at this point.
  12. Okay, things are getting rollin' again. Sorry folks lol. I really do apologize for that long gap of not posting etc... things got prett hectic for me there so I didn't really have the time. Hopefully we can get this moving again.
  13. Aw... I love there stuff so much lol. Glad I went back and listened to it more than I have been lol. SOme real great songs and covers from these guys.
  14. The Ivory Tower ((yes... this is a double post, but as the thing's be left a page behind I want to amke damn sure those that need to see it see lol.)) A pin prick of blood fell from the spot Matthew's had dragged through the Bear's arm. As the man wheeled up. Clearly, his plan thus far had been confirmed. Flesh. It was certain that it was bound to a body, at the very least the man could be killed. However the blow was so light it was impossible to ascertain if he could feel pain or if anything else was possible. Only that he could be damaged... only that was revealed for certain. His second question... also unknown. Whether or not the man could phase in or out of physical form was entirely unknown. Adalbern turned as he recovered though, using the speed to whirl around and strike at the opposite shoulder. Even if the man was angered... it was clear it didn't dull his senses and that he was most certainly a true warrior. It was a quick and vicious attack, perhaps one that a normal person would never be able to fully avoid due to the surprise maneuver. Some might not even know it landed until it was much to late. It was that fast a movement. However... Those chosen for the Clash, weren't ordinary soldiers, fighters or people. One wondered if Adalbern had any regrets if he could have been as easily selected for this process. Meanwhile Snow and the other Solider stood staring at Debronee and Zagi. Snow asked with more than a little bit of ire in her voice "Well... you two just going to stand there like idiots and allow me to kill you? Or, are you going to fight? Really it's your choice. I'll know which you pick."
  15. The Crimson Keep "Oh, a fight you say? Then I will get to play my instruments." Gradun said with a loud guffaw. He bowed forward all the bells and metal in his frill clanging as he did such. His get-up was reminiscent of the Lord In Violet, loud and over the top. His outfit was nearly as obnoxious and lively as he was. The bells in his frill didn't help as they jingled as he moved. They were weirdly... not that noticeable until now. Must have been all the loud singing and playing that masked them. "Well gents, We're going to have a challenge ahead of us. One doesn't challenge three to a fight by them self and not have a plan set aside. It's like trying to play a piece made for four different instruments on one. Unless you're that skilled it won't work." "Then, let us waste no more time." The Crimson knight said. He pressed his hands together and from them came great orange fire. He put them both on the table, which normally would have been consumed or burned. However this wasn't a normal table. It absorbed the flames and suddenly sunk into the ground. The Great pit that stood over the side of the balcony all of a sudden lit with a layer of red light, as it created a suspended barrier of hardlight. The stairs that lead to nowhere... suddenly made sense as it dawned on them that they lead to this battlefield. A battlefield suspended in the sky. If one looked down they could see the inky black abyss underneath through the see-through platform. "This barrier is made of hard light, or... solid lightning. It will hold even the greatest of weights. It shall be our battlefield." the metal of his boots clanked on the surface... and made a sound almost like glass. It resonated around the room and ethereal tone. He stood at the other side waiting for the heros to make their move. Gradun of course didn't wait he walked up onto the balcony without blinking an eye before the other two could even move. He removed his Lute from his back as he began to strum it. It released pure notes of beauty this time unlike before. The other tow could feel the energy within... this was Magical Music... Bard's Music. It had no form yet but the two could feel the potential, it was infinite... it felt like it could do anything. But most importantly it made them feel like they could do anything. Their bodies felt the notes and livened. He started to sing something as well. " He sang in the tongue of Victonari, therefore it was not able to be understood of those present. A beautiful tone as compared to earlier. ALmost the voice of an angel. He was ready for battle.
  16. On announcements... I'm trying to work on something to show the aspects of the writing part of this whole project. ((the stuff I do XD>)), but it's hard to think of anything that doesn't spoil stuff. So might be a while til I get anything out for that. Let's call this a little teaser, cause I'm going to do it if I can think of something good that isn't mad spoiler heavy.
  17. Emberly didn't really understand what was happening. She felt what ever Miss Katherine did a certain... lock switched off in her body and she felt something flow through her. But it wasn't something she understood at the moment let alone could quite grasp. Just a whirl of things were happening that she couldn't keep up with. In fact so much was happening she was still holding her journal in her hand not having finished the entry for yesterday. It was that fast of an occurrence of events. She was surprised she didn't crash her head into anything at this rate. "What is even happening here?" she vocalized. She was thinking it and happened to say it aloud rather than in her head. "After all... I am owed an explanation I believe." she continued realizing that she voiced that last thought.
  18. Quincy looked at the plaque. He smirked wildly. "I already trust nothing but myself. So that's no issue at all." The rat barely noticed the cold his fur kept him pretty warm especially with his overcoat and the rest of his clothes over top. He knew it was though due to his breath freezing in the air, that small cloud of frosted moisture that rose with each exhale. He laughed yet again. The cold and a maze... it made hunting easier for sure. If he bumped into any of the unfortunates... he'd have an easy time. They knew not to trust him already sadly though. He hoped the magic of the maze did something crazy like make him look like one of their friends or something. However Quincy had no idea what the maze could do. He crept in slowly... willfully. He Was going to claim this treasure. The maze would then remain his hunting grounds. The place he would hunt these fools for the rest of eternity. He tittered softly containing his manic laugh. He didn't want to be easily found, he wanted to just go directly for the center of the maze. The others be damned for now. He palmed the God's Hand ready to fire it if necessary.
  19. Yep, I always name mine Aerosmith. I actually don't use non-male Gardevoirs lol XD.
  20. The Hukuna Curse: Every character you ever like is destined to the the one who dies super early in the series... Every... freaking time XD. ((that or be such a side character they aren't really around at all.))

  21. lol, the thing is... you know that I would probably join literally every RP I had even passing interest in if I had the time to do so. Like like literally anything I stick my big ugly nose in means I'd pick it up if I really really could lol. But I got to redouble on Graterras and am thinking of starting another RP of my own as well. ((that's still a big maybe though lol.))
  22. I'd revel in it Milady, For it is the one who instills pure terror in the heart of others that has already won. Nothing is better than the pure horror that one can instill in others and not only because it's fun but because once you got 'em... you got 'em lol. They are yours to toy with at that point. Ah... it's a wonderful feeling for a host. On the actual RP... seems cool and what not... but I'm really not in the mood to learn another magic system...a whole 'nother verse etc... cause eh... It's just work. So I'll probably not be throwing my hat in the ring for this one lol. ((inb4 you all try to sucker me into this now...))
  23. Well... this is a song going straight into me love songs playlist lol.
    1. Ikaru


      that looks like such a fun music video

    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Yea part of the reson I love PTX, not only are the songs great the music videos are pretty fun and silly too. You can tell they are havin' just doing what they love and it's great lol.

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