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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. SO anyone else think Dank'nDerp sounds like the name of a bad buddy roommate sitcom show? No, just me? Welp... ((stupid dumb musings aside... Conga ratz you two silly kids lol. You deserve it and I'm sure you'll do wonders in your new positions. We are happy to have ya guys lol.))
  2. The Ochre Dreadfort "Hit him you idiot!!!" "I'm workin' on it, hush." Dust hammer hit the ground hard where the Ranger had been standing, of course he expected him to dodge... not quite in the way he did, but that he would nonetheless. His hammer... was also made of stone, using this to his advantage Dust extended the hammer head enough to give himself the momentum to turn at high speed turning to face Vayne quickly. "Raise your weapon you dolt." The World grumbled. "No time for that we're going with plan B." "Last time you used plan B you broke every single bone in your right hand..." "Yea... that was before I surpassed such a fragile body... also... I did kinda punch an entire mountain and shatter it to pieces." "Speaking of which... you still owe me for that one; And considering it's been... uh, thousands of years the interest on that is suuuuper high buddy old pal." "Oh hush, I prevented that mountain from destroying nearly half the life on you. I think we're even." "Fiiiiiiiiiine... whatever you say." Dust has quickly conversed with the World. He knew for a fact his Hammer was too slow to intercept. However, Dust also knew he had soemthing else to do so, his hands. Spikes grew on the knuckles of his Right Gauntlet. ((Reveal: Specialist Style Earthern Fist.)) He leveled it right towards Vayne's blade... a normal human that would have been insane. However it was probably readily apparent that Dust wasn't normal by now. For him this was probably sane... probably. The Crimson Keep *Ver-pish* *Crack* The sound of a whip cracking rung through the silent air. The Crimson Knight held in his hand now a burning whip in the guise of a dragon. "Why... Practice of course. Well not really practice... I will not hesitate to seriously injure you and put you near the verge of death." He tittered happily at the notion. He was standing on the chair he was sitting in looking down at them. "So, what'll it be friends... a friendly duel? Yet another way to learn of those before them."
  3. Hey I'm real sorry folks lol, I've just been dealing with a loooooooot of stuff right now and haven't been able to get an update out. Sorta letting you folks down a lot and I apologize for that lol. I'm just posting this cause I'm making sure people are actually still intersted in this etc lol, cause I've been slacking a bit and it has been awhile since I updated last. I'd jsut like a rough head count to see if continuing is worth it or not lol
  4. Alright the OOC exists this thread is being Locked. Good luck with the project, hope you do something great with it.
  5. Wow... Soliare looking gooooooooooooooooooood. Praise the Sun. ((might actually use that since it's actually pretty swell there VInny XD>)) ANd I'd post mine buuuuut.... right now it's littered with Pokemon Se7en Spoilers.... since I've got text docs everywhere.
  6. I hear so many horror stories abotu Catherine Godot.... to the point I don't think I ever want to play it XD>
  7. Not picking a fav team means I can be pretty much happy with any team that wins. Pretty sweet if you ask me.

  8. Isamu jumped back quickly removing itself from the fight for a moment. Many of the Pokemon were collapsing now and he knew he wouldn't have another chance. Having taken some damage from his charge from the heat and the recoil from his attack he knew he needed to dig in for a long fight. He took a deep breath and started to glow a soft blue. He focused and he felt a second wind come to him. ((Roost)). This might be his only chance at it so he took it... he waited for a second to reengage in the battle. He watched what was happening closely.
  9. < count this Sensei in. I'd have more to say but yea XD. Let's put 'er to bed the right way and give Under the Hill the proper ending it deserves lol.
  10. As the OOC is now up I will be locking this here thread. Please do continue over there good folks.
  11. It's fine it's fine. No worries Miss Alexus. However I'm out of reasons to post as both the servants I control are just chillin' at home base lol. ((well Ashnard is technically not chillin' but going stir crazy making a ruckus in the basement lol.))
  12. Yea, while remixes would be cool and what not... we really want it to have that this "OST was made for this game" feel, or at least that it is cohesive in some sense and feels like all the music was meant to be with the other music. It's... a pretty crazy decision as it means it'll either take a lot of work creating new stuff or trying to find something that fits a bit better than chucking together random pieces and being like "Yay! Soundtrack." I guess it's just our preference but eh...
  13. Nothing like a good ol' skull poundin' headache to make your afternoon horrible.

    1. zimvader42


      Skull pounding? that's the only type I know.

  14. ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ Danny Slow Down ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ

  15. Trust me... It's not Reborn that made me the way I am. But yea Grats to Danny Boy. And whoever this mystery person is if they do get it.
  16. You convos only slightly scare me... only slightly. I think I'd go flippin' insane if I was a part of that so glad I'm not XD. ((Oh wait... I already am insane... oops nevermind.))
  17. Yea Inspire is a very good mechanic... just a lot of that cards are a bit lacklustre feeling. Mage definitely has the very cool combo of Maiden of the Lake and the cards that allow multiple use of the Hero Power. ((so Colderra Drake... though that one is a bit hard to really truly utilize.)) Saraad also works pretty beautifully in that deck as well as a mage doesn't mind more spells. ((and Saraad is actually just a good statline. 4/5 for 5 isn't too bad and it has the ability pay two mana draw a card basically.I mean... it's always a random spell yes, but it's pretty much the same idea. It's also nicely at the Sweet Spot of not getting hit by either Shadow-Word too which is nice... I hate Priest and those dang Shadow Word Spells...)) I really hope some more Inspire cards come out that really just show how bloody good it is and what it can truly do. ((I liek it so much cause it gives Late Game and Mid-rangey decks so many more options and a reason to survive to get value out of their inspire effects.
  18. Vixen ((Archer)) A heavy sigh broke the silence around the blue haired woman. She had lost sight of... whatever that thing was. And she only had a hunch as to what Servant it was if it was even a servant. It was not a particularly eventful night, perhaps the other Servants were lying low for now, also observing, waiting... watching. However, it would probably be morning soon. She went back to the hotel room to catch a few z's before her master awoke in the morning. Ashnard ((Berserker)) The beast's hunger was sated for now as it's interest in the hunt died due to frustration at the loss of the ultimate target. What's worse... the weakling of the Master he had. The fool thought his emotions hidden... but Ashnard sensed them. The man was terrified of him. Rightfully so. But, right now the Beast was restless. Nights were always bad for the wolf when it had nothing to do. It's went addled and tried to do anything to occupy it's mind for the downtime. It banged around in the basement picking up things and moving stuff around. It made quite the racket probably heard through quite a bit of the rundown tenements. It growled a low growl as it messed with things moving them about or scratching at the wall sharping it's claws. It even tried to clean the blood from it's fur. It was dried now and no longer made his fur feel good.
  19. I jsut hit 10 again riding on Dragon Priest... which... kinda works now... It's weird...and yet awesome and weird. Wyrmrest Agent is so much better a card than people thought. It shuts down aggro pretty hard and you can keep it healthy... ah Dragon Priest might jsut get refined into a suuuper powerful deck. It's really interesting thus far.
  20. So... apparently if you get Fallen Hero off a Shredder in Hunter... it makes your Hero power deal more damage. Because it did 3 XD
  21. Yes, but not having someone and being happy is better than having someone and being miserable with them imo... Because we can't rely on another to fix ourselves of the things we perceive to be broken about ourselves. Because if we let that happen... if they ever leave it will tear us apart. We can't rely on them to be there to that degree because as a person we need to be whole to understand ourselves and we cannot have that burden be shouldered by our significant other. The love for the sake of having it or for the sake of feeling like you aren't broken... isn't going to last because it's not healthy in that way. It's nice to have someone... but it has to be for the right reasons and one must love themselves... before they can even begin to love another. Because if you can;t love yourself and everything about yourself... how can you truly love everything aobut another? Humans are infinitely flawed beings... we are never perfect and will never achieve perfection. But, that okay. Because our flaws are beautiful too. Because if they didn't exist there wouldn't be such a thing as strengths or the like. In their own way our flaws are also beautiful as the things that are our strengths and the things that make each of us unique. Because they also do this, flaws make us unique and who we are. They are our strengths if we look at them from a different angle and don't let them be flaws. I think understanding that is aprt to understanding what love is. It's loving everything... even what society would call a character flaw or something wrong with someone. And if one cannot accept or even love their own flaws... we won't be able to do that for another person's. Not saying that's what you are saying mind you... it's just something I notice people fall into a lot of the time. They are more in love with the idea of love, or the idea of this person fixing all of their flaws that they lose sight of what it really is. I hate when that happens... because people do get hurt when it happens. Of course... these are my beliefs so take them with a pinch of salt... but from my experience in this world... they are the conclusions I have drawn. Take them as you will lol.
  22. It might be me... sorry lol. I've just had trouble getting the update out recently. I'm owrking on it today though so It should be soon. Totally my bad and for that I definitely apologize.
  23. Didn;t even notice I passed 5000 posts... huh... well that's a thing I suppose.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I rarely pay attention to my post count lol It's not that huge a deal XD.

    3. Commander


      Once you pass a certain point, you just don't care about the post count.

    4. Vinny


      That's just because Huk is a scrub that never pays attention, obvs~

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