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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Ashnard and Siegfried The Lupine beast snarled at the words the human spouted at it. He had already made his intent clear. Siegfried was only an ally until the grail was within reach. Once it was acquired, He'd tear the man limb for from limb. He wasn't about to share victory with a human. Scum... they all were scum. Trash beneath his feet. Food for the Wolf, nothing more. His hatred for them burned like wildfire and it wouldn't ever stop, it would only keep burning. But second came the hunger. He starved to sink his teeth into flesh and rend it from bone. The hunger made it even harder for him to keep his cool. As such he converted to his spiritual form. He did it entirely out of instinct even though he had never done it before. He became Invisible something that most servants summoned by the grail could do, however his insanity let their be one flaw in it unlike others. His hatred and overwhelming hunger could still be felt in the world. The dark gloomy presence followed Siegfried, emanating immense amounts of pure hatred and hunger. It was like being followed by a Beast that was muzzled but was still trying to eat you. Only his Command spells and their contract was keeping Ashnard from just killing him. And he knew that as the beast followed even in it's Spiritual form. Ashnard didn't hide it a single iota. At the very least he couldn't be seen. He hoped that the man would find him an enemy to chew to shreds soon.
  2. Let me prefece this by saying one thing... I am not fond of really any starters. Most I'm entirely neutral towards and half the time in game I drop them from my team cause I don't really like any of them that much. ((Two Exceptions in Feralgatr and Torterra... but that's a story for a different day.)) By Gen ((Megas aren't being considered. I personally, consider Megas as different Pokemon from their normal forms cause they might as well be. Now... I know it's not really the case, but practically it is true.)) 1: Charizard; I'm not a big fan of face of the Red games ((both original red or Fire Red[funnily enough... Fire Red being the first Pokemon game I played..)) Not only did I prefer literally any other Fire type over the pretend dragon, I just found the thing... pretty boring. I dunno... I just didn't really care much for it in my playtroughs of the game as I noticed that I had more success with literally any Fire Type. I dunno... Charizard jsut never clicked with me in a way that other Fire Types did of the Gen... but mainly cause I almost always used Arcanine. I just liked the Dog better looks-wise and had more fun using it. Arcanaine's SpAtk was almost the same but it also had a huge attack stat and slightly better bulk. This allowed it to use Extreme Speed to negate the one worse point it has from Charizard... it's speed. Therefore... I've always just Arcanine. WHich of the other starters I used was a total toss-up thought it was usually Blastoise. 2: Meganuim... I don't really need to tlak on why this thing wasn't so great. THe poor thing has jsut gotten kinda screwed on it's stats and it's movepool. It gets mostly a Support Movepool, the sub-par Grass Type and a highly ambiguous Statline that leaves it mediocre at everything. Funnily enough, Venusaur nearly shares this Statline, but has a better Movepool, better SpAtk, and most importantly... Is Grass/Poison. The Poison dual typing really is key as it negates quite a few of Grass's weaknesses while adding on only Psychic. ((as Grass resists Ground.)). Meganuim being a pure type... It's just limited in it's job. It can only really be support, but doesn't carry the typing or the stats to be able to do it properly. Offensively... literally the only set I could come up with is Petal Blizzard/Earthquake/Synthsis/Swords Dance. The issue... it is horribly outclassed by nearly any other setter. If it had chlorophyll... it might actually make something of itself to a degree since unlike Venu it could boost, but instead it got Leaf Guard, a very lacklustre ability.((and as I should note... the dud ability of Gen 2. Feralgatr got Sheer Force while Typhlsion got Flash Fire. Both of those abilities actually caused each of them to move up tiers on release. Meganuim stayed right the hell where it was.)) 3: Literally all of them. I just don't like any of the Gen 3 starters. All three of them end up kinda being boring to me. Sceptile... yet another Pure Grass ((which uh... if half you guys noticed... There are 3 Pure Grass starters just like there are 3 Fire/Fighting. If that's not acceptable, neither is 3 Grass Starters being pure type. Now granted they weren't all in a row, but it's still not excusable in me book... Hell Water Staters are jsut as bad, Swampert just happened to be one of the Dual typed ones though.)). But really... I jsut don't care for any of these guys. SInce the last entire half of the game involved Water Pokemon ((made at least 5000 times worse by the fact they decided it be a good idea in Emerald to also make the champion USE ALL WATER TYPES AFTER THE ICE LEADER HAS NEARLY ALL WATER TYPES TOO....)), I felt like Swampert and Blaz were just a liability to my team ((and Blaz didn't get Speed boost at this point. It had to deal with it's shitty Base speed for an Offensive mon.)) Rant over... 4: Infernape: While the most competitively sound out of the bunch for certain... I just don't like this guy. I guess I just am sick of the whole... Let's put Sun Wukong in everything craze. ((to be fair this was a bit before that... but even still.)) I'm jsut tired of seeing the character or refeerences to him because so many media take him from the Journey form the West... make minor edits... and drop him in. It's just... boring to me. So this one's a bit personal I suppose. People will probably always say Torterra here otherwise... but I personally don't agree. Maybe it's just me. 5: Samurott: While actually my favourite of the gen... I can;t deny this guy just doesn't have shit going for him quite the way he wants. His Movepool is fantastic on both ends, Physical and Special, and he has the stats to abuse both! However... he lacks in Speed and... in Bulk. If he had one or the other, he might be usable, however he has mediocre of both rather than giving up one to make the other better. His base 70 spd is crippling on an Offenseive Mon and his ability in SHell Armour is super defensive... however he doesn't have the bulk or the ability to boost his defenses to make it scary. ((like Mega Slow Bro.)) Emboar at least has Reckless and the movepool to abuse the ability, While it's Speed is also crippling, it raw power is jsut HUUUUUGE making it somewhat more usable than Samurott. 6: Delphox... Simply because the others jsut outshine it. Gren does the fast sweeper thing better and Ches is a big thick wall of... some sort of rodent... I think. Delphox is by no means complete garbage. it actually makes a pretty scary name for itself in the RU tier where it is one of the biggest threats. This pick is more cause I ahve to... than because I think Delphox is bad. Top 5 Disliked. 1. Meganuim 2. Blaziken 3. Emboar 4. Infernape 5. Charizard I think you guys can tell I don't like Fire Starters much... lol
  3. Ashnard and Siegfried The beast snarled; An ugly guttural acknowledgement of what the man had said. The mention of the Grail War gave him a moment of clarity which he quickly and rather rudely pointed out "Even if you're my master... I don't like filth like you. Humans are garbage... Not worthy to stand in my vicinity. Once I get what I want... I'll kill you too." He snarled again... a disgusting noise as the sanity he had for nearly a second... vanished. It winked out of existence. The Beast was the only thing there again. His murderous intent was all that could be felt, even towards his own master. The restraint from him was palpable. Siegfried knew that if things were different... Ashnard would have tried to tear him to pieces already. Enough of the man side of him remained to not just slaughter him in cold blood or his immense hatred... the reminder of the contract he had made to be here. But, if it weren't for that... He might have tried to pluck Siegfried's head from his shoulders. What emanated from the beast... was pure hatred... It seemed to be the last emotion it understood. It stared at him with pale green orbs from the darkness. Flashes of blood red swirled in them... bloodlust. It was all the beast knew. It's hatred could either be a powerful weapon... or a tool that spelled the end for them both. Vixen and Onyx "This will be an exercise to try my patience... I already know it." The only thought as the Vixen of the Forest felt herself begin to materialize. Into a strange world... much like her own in some ways. A place of magus... hidden from the norm of society once more. Though... there was much different as well. Lucky her... she was no stranger to hunting the magical. This war seemed much to easy, much too simple for the likes of her. But, that was to underestimate the foe. That was never a good plan, one never knew what an enemy could do until they saw it and not only that, but how they used it as well. Once they knew the extent of that... one knew their foe and could judge them. But she cared not. She would end this fight quickly. Strangely, Onyx noticed first that a chair started to appear right before the figure entirely formed, a tall hard-backed swiveling chair to be precise. The overly fancy kind much like that seen in a CEO's office, or behind a Mob Boss's desk. Next, the figure. A Pale blue flash of light, nearly blinding to the eye. A woman, about mid-twenties getting close to the late of the number now sat there. She wore a battered red shirt over her top and black shorts that reached down to her knees. They were nearly a form-fitting material, but nothing to close to the form. Over top this get-up, a tan cloak that when standing up would easily drape over her entire form. Her most impressive feature however... her shockingly electric blue hair. Clearly sticking up behind her back a Long rifle, old and worn. But clearly a tool of precision and power. It bore the marks of many upgrades and improvements... homemade of course. It was a weapon with a story, not a random piece of junk. Even if it did look like one at first glance, it was wrong to overlook it as just junk. It was clearly... storied, tried and true. On her hip, another firearm much the same. An old style Revolver, just as battered and worn. A veteran as much as the Rifle on her back. One could say the two were like old war pals, two that had been through everything together and as such didn't know how to leave one another's side any longer. The woman's eyes were closed as she held in her right hand a small zippo lighter. It was nothing special... jsut a plain sliver case. She flicked the lighting mechanism over and over leaving the spark breathe for a second before flipping the lid and killing the flame. All without looking once. *tink* *pssssth* *clink* repeat. She kept doing this without opening her eyes and fiddled with it for awhile. She hadn't seen the person before her... but she knew they were staring directly at her. She knew how this worked. The master or whatever. She wasn't very fond of that name. No one was her master and no one could surely force her to do that which she didn't want to... unless they wanted serious recourse. However this Grail War dictated that she pretend. Not very happy about it... but she needed that wish, it was important. She could play this charade for a shot at that. "So... I'll assume you are my master or whatever... let me get one thing straight." she said holding up a single finger. "I do things my way. You got an issue with that... my gun will sort you out. You understand... Master?" she had yet to open her eyes, though she now shifted in the chair as she leaned back into it. She crossed her right leg over her left and crossed her arms. She continued to flick the zippo over and over again. "Or do we got a problem?" Her voice... as it was this entire time... a cold winter's breeze. It stung with how cold it was.
  4. No problem no problem lol. i don't think I'll get to it tonight though. I'll use my best judgement on it.
  5. Yea, Totally thought that was on purpose because you didn't want any of the newbies having to deal with my bullshit XD> Also just want me to put Vixen's at my first post, or just post it separate when I get around to it? ((It's taking me a bit longer than expected since not entirely sure how she'd react... getting close to figure it out though lol.))
  6. Probably not hella amazing but it got some cool things it could do in OU being Pangoro. ((Example: Scrappy would let it punch Mega Sable upside his mouth for SE damage.)) That and I feel like using it... I think it's kinda outclassed a tad by other wallbreakers but it certainly isn't the worst one you could have lol. I'm just a fella who likes using UUish mons in OU for the fun and novelty of it I suppose. That might make me weird... But I'm weird already so... yea XD.
  7. Ashnard "Overwhelming Madness. Must kill... must feed, drink blood. Kill... KILL!!!" Rapid thoughts of murder, death and feasting all flooded the mind of Ashnard. The only thoughts that were in his head. He noticed not where he was as he held his skull from the immense pain and the mad ravings of his brain. He howled in agony being forced into his Wolf form. Not that he minded, but the transformation burned and was agonizingly painful when forced. The Beast took over the sane parts of his mind, all that was left was the murderous intent, primal instincts and urge to kill. It was all that was left inside the man and what could be argued... that only thing within him to begin with. It wasn't until he changed into the horrible beast he really was that he even began to look around at where he was. The giant brown wolf man's eyes darted around his surroundings quickly hungrily, as he frantically tried to place where he was. He breathed heavily and disgustingly as he sucked for air violently. He was dreadfully tired from the transformation and his breathing certainly made it clear. That's when he noticed the figure standing before him. His senses only know catching up to him as he saw a pathetic human in front of him. He hated them. They were weak and disgusting. The thought permeated the domain that was his mind. It was one more basic instinct that remained within his mind. But, the wolf remembered something else... something he had answered. A Call... it was what pulled him to this world. He could have sworn once he had a recollection of why. Why he'd... work with a human. But it was lost in the maelstrom of dark thoughts and murderous intent. As he tried to recall it only got fuzzier, less clear. He felt his mental facilities disappear as if dust blown away in a brisk wind. Reason fled and all that was left was the drive to murder, to eat, to kill, to destroy, to give into the basest of desires. It was all he knew now. But he looked at the man in front of him... just out of reach of his muzzle... he could easily snap off his head and chew on his grey matter. But, something compelled him not to. Even though most of his body wanted him to devour this human... one part of him wouldn't let him do it. The wolf howled in protest though... angry he couldn't eat. He stared for a second longer than before asking a single word question. It was all he could manage in his current state. "Who?" he addressed the man before him. ((will do my other when I get the time... sorry Lexi XD.))
  8. Sorry ahead of time for anyone who gets stuck with a Graterras Character... and therefore... me!
  9. I believe that you will be finding out your servants then yes... As for the first war I think Servants have already been assigned ahead of time jsut to make it simpler etc... Subsequent Wars might have different methods in place etc... but I will assume you'll find out in the IC. As to how exactly... I think only Alexus and Murdoc can answer that for now. I tried my best.
  10. Oh lord.... I already have an idea of what I will end up as... *shudders* ((I don't think any possible ones for me have been revealed yet though so my lips are sealed XD.)) Also I'm just saying... without revealing anything about them ((cause you have to play the game for that...)), that there wasn't much room for people to make Legends, because 4 of them ended up being mine. To put that in perspective... I created an entire Trio and it's master. In fact... Fun Fact: The trio wasn't even really planned to be created for Se7en. It was something I made in my off time as a sorta... experiment into Legends and something they could do. ((what that was... I will not say cause it influences their design's quite a bit so it be light spoilerinos)), however they ended up just fitting with the themes and story things we were going for that we ended up deciding to use them in the game. Just a little fun revelation that doesn't truly reveal things. Those are fun... right?
  11. The Ochre Dreadfort The blade bounced off taking small shards of Rock with it. However, it did not damage Dust only his armour. He didn't seem to try and dodge it and only stepped back after the attack collided with his armour. Physical attacks didn't do much but take small amounts of earth with them as it broke away. Unlike normal steel armour which bent an bowed and collapsed under the attack, much like a tin can under great pressure. This lead to further damage at least with a normal human, as the armour failed it remained attached and caused more damage. However, stone wasn't like that when Dust could control it. It Broke off and with his control of the substance he could stretch it back over even... repair it with the earth around him. Dust was definitely a formidable foe and not an easy one to break. His learning of the moves his opponents used didn't help either as it made him progressively harder and harder to hit or pin down. Ress'nok fell back towards Silef, he had noticed a key pattern. "Milady... you're the key. It is you who will at least give us the forward momentum to do something. Look at how he "dodges" these attacks. Me and the kid... he just takes it, allowing his armour to sink the blow... but, from your attack Milady, he actually dodged. He leaned backwards to avoid being hit. That means that your blade covered in the magic... must be dangerous or something he's not allowing to hit his own armour. Every other time he has allowed the strike to land but not that time. In fact even before, he blocked your shot by rasing a Piller of earth rather than taking it head on. I am telling you... your Light is the key." He said in a hushed tone to make sure Dust couldn't hear him, but Silef could. He wasn't sure if it worked in the end... as well one could never be. Dust slung his hammer over his shoulder and wound up for a mighty overhead swing. He went right for Vayne: He aimed right at his collar bone. It had less chance of killing him than aiming for his head... At least Dust was pretty sure it had less of a chance. The Crimson Keep The Crimson Knight clapped his hands together loudly. Making quite sure he was heard, he also cleared his throat loudly. "Come now Gentlemen, there is no need to be fighting amongst yourselves. You are now colleagues after all are you not?" Gradun, apparently was oblivious to what had just occurred as he now was holding his trumpet. Thankfully he wasn't playing it as he began fiddling with one of the slides. "Hmmm, think this is coming loose or something. Eh no matter should still play." "Perhaps you should save it for the battle Gradun, I hear as a bard you make use of your musical gift during battle. We'll be having one fo thsoe soon." Crimson said folding his hands into his lap. He leaned back in his chair observing the others within the room once more. Two of them he had played in chess. He looked them over yet again though. Varick, a brute of a Half-Orc. Neville, a thin wirey fellow to compared to him. Both seemed in decent shape Varick celarly in better, perhaps a warrior of some description? Most likely with the way he played in the game. He took a disciplined approach filled with caution and planning. He didn't strike Crimson as a Scholarly type, nor as one entirely strong of mind in the intellectual stand. More a mind that had been honed to rely on instinct and recognition. These were more the traits of a solider. Of course... he was guessing, but it wasn't an uninformed one. Neville... he wasn't sure about that one. He didn't hide his magic though, in fact he blew the cover on it pretty quickly over the Victonari's trumpet. Clearly he was a rash individual.This was only further cemented by his playstyle. "So gentleman shall we really begin?" The Library of Maddening Waves. Nadia felt something strange hit the middle of her back as she was walking towards the scene. It hit with a considerable impact not enough to knock the wind out of her, but enough to definitely hurt. She turned quickly to see what it was to find a rather large Raven lying on the ground. Yet another bird in this mad scene. Just how many birds did this bloody captain have? She didn't really care, but this scene was getting slowly and slowly more maddening. She was beginning to wonder if this was some sort of cruel joke. It probably was. *** Cojiro looked at Helen for a bit before nodding in reply and excitedly squawking "Pretty Lady, Pretty Lady. Raaaaaaaaaawk." He bowed his head letting the bottle on the string slide forward a bit. "Found rum, Raaaaaaaawk!!! Found Rum!!!!!!" he said. Ignacio looked at the blue bird seemingly dumbfounded, like he couldn't believe what he was seeing... he didn't even move for a good five seconds. HIs first movement was to snatch the bottle from it's neck which he did with quick precision. "Make sure I grab me bottle 'ere before you change yer mind. Cause clearly this is some sort of ruse. Yer up to sumthin, you rat with wings..." He muttered clearly still not entirely believing what just occurred.
  12. Fire was undoubtedly quick, but so was Isamu, he didn't wait for the order he knew Steele would give him anyway. He ran forward towards the flames before leaping into the air and tucking in his wings. A light blue aura formed around him as he moved just fast enough to cut the air around him.(Brave Bird) Fire needed the air to breathe and burn, so cutting the air out from around himself Isamu would be able to slice right through the middle of the flames while sustaining minimal to no damage and could ride up the fire nearly undetected by the raging beast and slam into it full force as soon as it realized what was happening and it was too late. Dodging... and attacking in one fell swoop. Isamu knew he was going to have to try and duck out of range as soon as he hit as well, but he'd get to that when it came to it.
  13. How many more ways can you misspell Johanna.... I think I mgiht start keeping count. 2 so far.
  14. Isamu was still sitting on Johanna's shoulder at the time of the attack, so rather than him dodging, Johanna dodged. She quickly jumped to the side with Isamu still clinging to her shoulder. "You seem pretty relaxed up there Isamu... mind doing something Sport? Or you like watching me get attacked. The Farfetch'd let break a little smirk at that comment. Clearly he was a little amused. Just like his master his he didn't leave huge hints to his emotions only small ones. "What is that thing?" Johanna thought to herself. It certainly was no creature she had seen before. Whatever attack it just used however... was steam based. That was interesting, she had never seen a Pokemon utilize steam to attack before. She's didn't know of the type, but it definitely lead to it being water or fire type, one of those surely being the case as both were needed to make steam. If it was pure Water Leaf Blade would be Isamu's best attacking option, however there was no way to know what it was... Brave Bird was the superior option for now as it was Neutral no matter what. Johanna opted to gather more info however dropping back a little bit to allow the Gyarados to take it on for now. "Isamu, You know what to do." The Bird Nodded as it leapt down to touch the ground. It glowered at the mysterious beast with one eye full of murderous intent. A small errant twitch in the otherwise tranquil face of the duck solider. One of the fools that had awoken him from his slumber. He was about to take a nap of a different form. The Duck focused and took a deep breath. As it did so four blue swords danced around his head, before they eventually formed a blue energy that washed over his form. (Swords Dance used).
  15. Eh it happens Strat don't get to bent up ((you're only writing a buttload of stuff so a few minor things are going to get overlooked.))
  16. Yea... don't get hit... duh... you think Ferfetch'd doesn't have to get close lol?
  17. Of course lol. Three days of the forums being down were not fun for me and lots of stuffs to catch up on honestly, so yea I really dobut I'll get a post up today.
  18. Seriously though guys don't go too fast here... I literally can't post today so I really don't want weird "suspension" time to happen where all these battles happen while Johanna sits in temporal space time doing nothing.
  19. Can;t touch is a bit overboard... you have Return and Crucnh... both can hit for Neutral ((which is what Waterfall would hit for anyway just with STAB.))
  20. I definitely don't have time to get into it today, but probs will in a bit lol.
  21. I should also note that it's misspelled in the second post in this OOC as well.
  22. Okay Markimoo. Get back to making da things and the writings and the stuffs....
  23. Aye removing it would probably get rid of some of the problem to begin with XD.
  24. Yea Dobbs... it's mostly due to Pokemon being a tag, that's why it dragging that stuff into the related threads at the bottom. Not sure it's entirely bad as it's Pokemon related so it showing up in those shows isn't the end of the world me thinks.
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