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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie
Actually... it was definitely while it was having issues. However it was jsut spooty all over the palce and some people had access while others did not. any way... stay on topic please lol. Not the place to really be disussing the Blackout XD. It's stable now it's all good.
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1. Dark Types ((using purple cause Black Text is like... just not easy to read.)) My defacto and easily favourite type. They just speak to me. Dark types are just so me it's not funny. I don't think there are many I dislike. One of my tow favourite mons of all time ((My number is tied between two.)), is a Dark Type so that makes it that much more obvious a choice for me. But I jsut like everything aobut them. They just represent cool ideas and things to me. They are tricksters and sly folk, but also big angry mob bosses and even inspired by some other strange sources. I love their moves as they usually inflict Flinch Secondarily even further driving home their trickiness. They are a mostly Physical Type with very few Special Attackers in their ilk though there is a few. Top contenders: Houndoom ((aforementioned fav mon lol.)), Honchkrow, Liepard ((yes, I like Liepard... get over it XD>)), Krookidile, Scrafty, Pangoro, Bisharp, Hydreigon, Yveltal and Mighteyna ((yes I like this one too... also get over it XD.)) Least Favs: Absol ((just think it's kinda overrated, I just don't find it interesting personally.)), Malamar, and Hoopa-Unbound. 2. Bug Types Poor... poor bug types. FOr the longest time... most of you guys were sorta trash. Gen 1 really didn't do them favors but they slowly got better as time went on. A lot of the regional bugs are still pretty bad as they level up super quickly and as a result have super poor stats that get quickly outclassed, heck... some of them don't even do well in early game which is the only point they are usable making them... kinda useless. 5th Gen was the holy grail though as all of a sudden the typical 3 stage early bugs were actually pushed back a bit as Pinwheel Forest was a bit later in the game rather than right away. As such they saw more proper evo paths ((though... Swadloon evo'd via Friendsship... and Friendship evo's suck buuuuutt....)). Not only that a lot of other Bugs got released as well that jsut really strengthed the Bug Types roster such as VOlcorona. Top Contenders: Escavalier, Accelgor, Scizor, Scyther, Scolipede, Volcorona, Crustle, Galvantula, Venomoth, Shedinja ((jsut because of how different it is.)), and Yanmega. Least Favourite: Durant ((walking garbage. Well... not literally.)), Male combee, Shuckle((seriously... I don't really get the hype behind this thing. Imo it's jsut bad... all the time.)), Parasect((msotly cause I wish it was a tad bit better.)), Ariados, and Ledian. 3. Flying Type This one is actually the hardest to choose because well... most of the others are veeeeeeery closely tied. Flying just barely eeks over the edge though with having quite a few mons I'm pretty fond of ((one being my other absolute favourite mon tied with Houndoom.)) I have a sort of mixed feeling on Flying Type moves as they have a serious lack of anything reliable for some reason and have probably the least amount of moves that aren't just like do x amount of damage with good acc. They are stuck with things like Acrobatics and Brave Bird that both have drawbacks on the physical side, and Air Slash ((reduced damage and small chance to miss for the small upside of a flinch)) and Hurricane for Special. They definitely have some interesting status moves though in Defog removing hazards in comp, to things like Mirror Move. ((which would have been cool if Talonflame got... think of what you could do with it and Gale WIngs... there's definitely some potential there for it to do something cool.)), Top Contendors: Farfetch'd ((Yep, my other favourite mon. Don't judge.)), Honchkrow ((returning from the dark list yes I know... but I like my some Mafia Boss... who can blame me?)), Skarmory, Lugia ((who's also... my fav Legend.)), Staraptor, Drifblim ((yes really. I have a weird soft spot for it... even if it is sorta... not that great.)), Chatot ((a.k.a tiny master of evil)), Sigilyph, Swanna, Braviary, Yveltal, Aerodactyl and Dragonite ((Puff the magic Dragon up in the hoooooouse.)) Honorable Mention: Unfezant, while I really like it's design... it's level up pool is god damn garbage. It's not a fun mon to use at all... I'd feel bad putting it on the Dislike List since I really really like it's design... but my lord it's movepool is probably one of the ABSOLUTE WORST in all of Pokemon. Least Favourite: Noctowl ((once again, cause I wish it was better.)), Charizard... seriously... that thing is maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad overrated, Dodrio (( because it's bloody flightless... but pretends it isn't....)), Gyrados ((not because I hate it itself... but because it being Flying type is just weird...)), Togekiss, Swoobat a.k.a Worse Sigilyph, Hawlucha ((it's... just eh... I really don't like this thing. Especially when people say it should have been a Farfetch'd evo... cause hell no...)) and a quck run down of my least fav types Fairy: I seriously don't think I like any faires that aren't Azumarill ((who I'm mildly okay with and just like using competitively and not much fondness of it really.)), Granbull, and Florges. one of my least fav mons belongs to this type being Gardevoir ((which people get mad at me for, but eh... I'm jsut not a fan... and people saying that I should be... makes me hate the damn thing more....)) Psychic: Not really a big fan of any of these guys either... I guess personally a lot of their designs just... aren't very interesting to me. I find a lot of them boring or just kinda plain. I dunno... Psychics types just don't hold my interest. Electric: Other than a select few... dang I don't care for Electric types... They suffer all too often from poor movepools and on top of that are nearly always built as Fast Special Sweepers... like seriously there is nearly no variety in the type. All of them just feel like alternate versions of the same mon with slight variations... it's really frustratingly stupid... The few that do stand on their own legs are really awesome... but too often than not Electric types feel very cookie cutter, or paint by the numbers. They just feel uninspired and frankly... lazy. But that's my opinion lol.
Ghost I don't feel in-game is to be honest... other than that they are so freaking rare and far and few between. ((I believe Ghost is still the least represented type with Ice being the only one close to it in numbers.)). There are quite a few Ghosts types that just sit in the awkward dead zone... ((heh... Dead Zone.)), as they have either sub-par stats like say... Banette, or a few other things. They certainly do have that nice 2 immunites and are weak to only their own type and Dark. They resist Poison and Ghost as well... which is something I suppose. Definitely not the most amazing resists... but eh resists are resists. I think a big issue at least on one side is that Physical Ghosts have to rely on two turn attacks to have any decent power... otherwise they're stuck with Shadow Punch, a 60 BP never-miss move. I suppose that's usable in in-game a bit, but they still lack a reliable move imo. Special ones have Shadow Ball... and the somewhat more gimmicky but usable Hex. While competitively it's probably not the best plan, in-game Hex is decently usable as it triggers off all major statuses. ((if it triggered off volatile status too that be nuts XD>))... SO Special Attacking Ghosts have an upper hand over their partner mons. I feel they are worth a mention... but honestly I think Ghosts are one of the more used types... or maybe it's jsut the people that I know or something that use a looooooooooooooooot of ghosts XD.
Hmmm, i think Dark has definitely seen a major improvement in a few palces as it got the suuuuuuper powerful addition in Knock Off, which is not only super powerful in-game if it gets it by level-up, but also very powerful in Competitive. Dark Type is my favorite type though so I always use one... hell I used a Mighteyna in my first playthrough of Emerald. That mon one not of the best... it definitely a bit better than folks give it credit imo lol. It at least had a great ability in Intimidate making it at least kinda bulky to Physical attacks and had somewhat decent moves. Personally I say these are the more under-appreciated types imo. I'll be lsiting favs of mine of those types probably rather than like the best of the best. In-game a lot more things are actually useful in the long run. - Rock, I definitely wholeheartedly agree on Rock Types. They tend to be in the rough patch of the fact that the thing they are weak too.... tends to be more special orientated and a lot of them are 4x weak to it as Rock/Ground is pretty common among them. A few Rock Types manage to bet that like Ttar's family as it gets a free SpDef buff thanks to it's ability and actually having a solid SpDef stat to begin with. However as that example is a Pseudo Legend, it pretty rare to get it at a decent time to use it in-game. They also tend to suffer from being suuuuuper slow and having big weaknesses and instnatly being defeated as such. However, I think they are quite a bit better than some think. -Golem if you can get it, has such a good level-up movepool getting a lot of powerful moves early. THis makes it pretty storng early to mid game, while certainly carrying it a bit into late. It Struggles heavily with Grass and Water types though. -A personal fav of mine... Gigalith from Gen 5. It looks pretty shitty at first glance not going to lie... a Pure Rock Type? Who'd want that? But... it's high attack stat and reasonable defenses make it prett good at doing some large chucks. It's lack of recovery moves isn't an issue on an in-game team either as you can use items. It mgith not have the best level-up pool, but I definitely enjoyed using it. -Crustle is another I really liked in 5th Gen. It's assess to Shell Smash was really fun if you still ahd sturdy as you could pop some fools pretty hard as you now were fast and suuuuper powerful. Outside of that it was a pretty solid mon as well. I'd probably use it more if it weren't for the other Bug Types in 5th gen that I really liked using. - Bug, Bug types get a suuuuuuuper bad rap. Though... it's probably due to all the ones like Beedrill and Butterfree that evolve suuuuper quick and then quickly become pretty useless as they get outclassed really fast. Their coverage is also a tad awkward in that they hit Psychic, Dark, and Grass Super effectively, but are not very effective against a Myriad of types a lot of which are more common. They also tend to ahve a lotta trouble getting past Rock Types and Steel Types as a lot of them don't get access to coverage moves that let them get around them hell... a lot of times not even getting thing to hit them Neutrally. But there are definitely some awesome bugs out there. - Venomoth. While maybe not everyone's first choice, I like the little guy. Not only is it a pretty good status spreader as it gets access to most powder moes, it also has the nice ability of TInted Lens. THis makes it's NFE hits bump up a stage in damage therefore making x2 ineffectives do neutral damage. It's got decent enough stats that a QUiver Dance is actually kinda scary on it. It doesn;t have the best coverage in the world... but it can definitely get things done. -Scyther and Scizor. Both are kinda similar, HUGE ABSUERS OF TECHINICAN! Like seriosuly... Scizor is probably the best abuser of the ability and Scyther is no slouch at it either. Scizor definitely makes very good use of it making Bullet Punch huuuurt a looooot. Scyther can use it to give it a very reliable Flying Type Stab in Aerial Ace that doesn't cause Recoil or require no item to e used ((acrobatics...)) that not a lot of mons can boost. -Galvantula, Super fast and decent enough coverage made this guy quite scary. COmpund Eyes made Thunder Usable bypassing it's somewhat bleh SpAtk and giving it veeeeery powerful attack to use to make up for it. Bug Electric is certainly a weird coverage... but it's definitely usable making it a bug that isn't wrecked by Flying types. -My personal faves, Escavlier and Accelgor. I really hate that they are both Trade evos... with each other... cuase it make them a pain in the bottom to get in main series games and even worse... impossible in 5th gen now... but dang it I love both of them. Both had pretty reasonable coverage with Escavalir taking bulk and a decent amount of it, while Accelgor took blazing fast speed. Having used both a lot... I can say I never once regretted having one on my 5th Gen team. Not sure if they are in Reborn... but I'd bloody use them in a heartbeat if they are XD. -Ice Poor, Poor Ice Types. You totally lost the Typing lottery in terms of Defense. Having 4 major weaknesses 3 of which to super common types in Fire, fight, and Rock. But, it not all bad, Ice certianly got a nice kick back in how offensively sound they are. They got Dragon, Flying and Ground, all super good types to be hitting Super Effectively. While Water, Fire Steel and Ice itself resist it, those types certainly are a bit eh... but not the end of the world. A lot fo Ice Types have the burden of being slower defensive mons, but the ones that actually have decent speed are very scary in the right hands. Beartic... and no that's not a typo. In the right hands... this thing can beeeeeeeeeee scaaaaaaary. It gets Fighting Moves to back up it nice Ice Stabs and gets some other interesting moves of different types. Hell, it even gets Bulk Up and Swords Dance giving it ways to booooost. If it has the ability Swift Swim... it goes pretty dang fast as well. The rian also removes it's FIre Weakness... Kinda making it deal close to Neutral damage sorta... I think lol. It gets Aqua Jet, which sees a nice little boost in the Rain as well. Sadly it relies on it's Hidden a bit too much which is pretty difficult to get a hold of most times espicailly since if not hitting it Super Effectively it's bulk is actually... pretty good. 95/80/80 is pretty middle of the road, but it can get the job done. All in all, while it takes a bit of work Beartic... he can be a scary dude. Weavile, I don't think I need to explain this one... moving on. MamoSwiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine!!! Personally, one of my favo mons... at least top 15 ((look... I got a lot of favs....)) and definitely my favorite Ice Type. Everyone say hello to the OG Dragon Hunter. But in seriousness, Mamoswine was and still is a powerhouse. It gets Thick Fat making up for it's FIre Weakness and putting it's Ice one back to being a Resist. rather than Neutral. But it also get STAB EQ, and the nice and pretty strong Ice Shard. It's bulk is surprisingly good for an Ice Type and it has an actula decent speed at base 80. THis Mammoth got SOME HUSTLE! ((okay I'll stop.)) -Normal While a lot use Normal types... it's often as HM slaves... that's not cool man... Normal types are suuuuuper veristile and that's what makes them pretty dang fun to use. I get some of them don't have great stats and a lot of them do suffere from "My movepool is lopsided the wrong way" syndrome, they are still very good and in many cases... under utilized. I think many assume them having 0 resists is pretty bad and it's not the best thing in the world granted, but they only have 1 weakness as a result. This makes them decent at taking everything that isn't fighting which I think is an okay trade off. Their Ghost Immunity is also a nice little bonus. Stoutland, THis doggy... he good. Many completely dismissed this guy I feel when playing Black and White. THey jsut went oh great..... another shitty route 1 Normal. ((in Black and White... that guy's name is Watchog... but I see how you could misconstrue.)) Either way this dog is a lot better than some folks think. ALl of it's abilites in-game are very powerful with Scrappy allowing it to hit Ghosts better((it gets Crunch which makes it a tad redundant... but eh...)), Intimidate lowering attack, and Sand Rush making it maaaad fast in Sandstorm. It also gets access to all the Elemental Fangs and powerful normal type moves suuuper early. It gets Superpower as well if you can get access to the move allowing to muscle through Steel and ROck types. His Stats are all decently solid not having one under 80 other than SpAtk. He's no slouch so don't write him off as useless. Pyroar, I think a pretty underestimated mon right here. Normal/Fire is definitely a weird... but really awesome type combo. it's pretty fast allowing it to outspeed a lot fo things and dent them with it's Fire and Normal type moves. I will admit it in a bit of an awkward spot until it gets Hyper VOice but it definitely pick ups a bit once it gets it. It also gets Dark Pulse backing up it's Normal Type to hit GHosts nice and hard. All in all, it's got something going on. Porygon 2 and Z. My Two fav normal types for sure. They get one of the most eclectic movepools via tm... and it's awesome. However unlike other normal types... It actually has the Special Attack stat to utilize a lot of it. While they don't really get fire moves they get access to Bolt Beam, and all kinds of nice toys to play around with. Prygon 2 is a defensive mosnter with Eviolite that actually still retains some offensive presence. They also get coveted Nasty Plot, the Special version fo swords dance... If you get these guys somehow ((cause really... once again Trade evos are the freaking pits... I tell ya.)) you won't be sorry. It's Artificial Duck time.
[OOC] Pokemon: Sins of Avalon
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Sutoratosu's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Yea... It's settled for now. I think we'll be fine for a little while so no worries. Now... lets get this show on the road lol.- 635 replies
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Of crouse we have, it was one of the first for a lot of us here. It's was one of the first for me as well to be honest. Forum-wise... I think only Acquie's RP came first for me. I want to put this to bed the right way, I think Under the Hill deserves as much lol.
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[OOC] Pokemon: Sins of Avalon
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Sutoratosu's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
Hmmmm, hopefully lol. it be nice huh?- 635 replies
- Made by Stratos
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lol, We all start somewhere K-H, we all do. I'm definitely in Milady. I want to see this thing to a good end. Under the Hill deserves it.
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I'll celebrate by releasing a new Chapter of Dream on Another SHore, my CW project. THis latest chapter, was a bit of a struggle to write and I finished it rigt before the forums went offline fro a bit. So, it's only fitting it be my first post now that they are back. I really hope some of you guys will drop by and read it, and for those of you who haven't read Dream, that ou start lol. THank you ahead of time, it would mean a lot.
Of course lol. Oh and for those of you who do read it, please do leave your feedback etc... I'd love to hear it. After all I'd like to knwo what people think etc, so don't be afriad to stop by the feedback thread even if jsut to leave a "Man, I really liked this." or something that simple. It mean a lot to me too.
Sorry, for the looooooooooooooong wait for any of those that were doing such, but I finally finished Chapter 8 of this story... It started to near the bend, and it is certainly something i want to see to finish. I hope you enjoy this latest Chapter.
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So... after two days finally back. I'mma have catching up to do aren't I?
[OOC] Pokemon: Sins of Avalon
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Sutoratosu's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
I always know... for I know all... I am everything and yet nothing.- 635 replies
- Made by Stratos
- Sins of Avalon
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[OOC] Pokemon: Sins of Avalon
Raindrop Valkyrie replied to Sutoratosu's topic in Unofficial Official RP Club's General
inb4 me being one of those two...- 635 replies
- Made by Stratos
- Sins of Avalon
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Hiyas and welcome back. Doubt you even remember who I am XD. After all I'm jsut some idiot who hangs around this place, nothin' special.
Keep in mind... non-linear things are completely fine. A scene happening before something in the main story isn't unheard of in other media hell, TV shows do it a lot where they flash back to a moment to show something between two other characters. This could be such a moment. Something that happened the previous night before the update lol. It happens and is known to happen XD. It's really ht way we can have a little interaction without it impacting too much lol. You just move ahead with it and bring it to the point when necessary. I'm actually going to start trying to sue it a little more in RPs I do or allow people to go back and take a slice of something to better define the relationships between their character and another as long as they specify it was in the past. That way... players can show they reactions towards another character wiothu bogging down the story. Maybe like in the eventual Graterras reboot show a thing at camp the previous day while the main story is happening at the same time. It's totally something to consider, though if you'd like us to axe it, I don't have qualms with that.
Emberly was scrawling something on a blank page, though it was probably out of sight for Arturia. However, she was writing something about the day. Emberly... being a forgetful person liked to write about the day she had experienced... not really in a diary sort of fashion; More of a fancy account of the day she had. Sometimes she wrote other things as well... being inspired to do so. She wasn't particularly so this morning. Nothing was all that fantastic or different... other than when that Lightning bolt struck that girl. What on earth was that about? It was not normal... that was all Emberly knew. She wondered what it could be... if it was a sign or ill omen. She wasn't used to thinking such things... it wasn't like her. She didn't believe in fate... or that type of thing. She barely even believed the existence of the so called Goddesses. It was a strange time to be thinking of stuff like this. Normally, she'd have slept like a brick. It wasn't like her to be up all night or not sleep well. Mostly because she just knocked out when her body told her too. However, it bothered her at least a little. Enough she remained awake most of the night. It was clear in her emotions and her facial expression that something was on her mind. She had honestly forgotten that Arturia was there. Emberly... was as said before... forgetful at times. Usually she was pretty aware of her surroundings, she usually had to be being so tall in a world not made for someone as tall as she was. Always having to crouch through doorways that were too short and the like. But every now and then it lapsed. Especially when something was on her mind.
The Ochre Dreadfort "Silef, you're no ordinary Sorcerer. Blades... are they your strength? Or is the Light it? What is your specialty? Or is that yours? That you have none? I'd find that greatly surprising... and interesting. You magic is very versatile, just like that of Stone. The Earth might not be as flashy or quite as fancy... but we can do a lot. My mind and body are one. They ponder together to reach enlightenment. But, yours are disharmonious. Your body... your baser desires, your impatience doesn't let that happen. You risk life and limb without thinking because your form isn't important to you. Am I correct? Does your very body act without thinking? Because my body is my mind. Acting for me... is thinking. And while my mind and body ponder, they ponder with the world. I am one with it." Dust mused at the woman. he was impressed by how fast she was, how dedicated, and how bold she was. It reminded him of times long past. "Why are you fighting? Is there a reason... or does it just feel right? All I know is that your body... it's built for this. You move too fast, too quickly to not have trained it most of your life. You wanted this. There must have been a reason." *twang* the sound of a harpoon hitting a solid object. The hit so hard that the harpoon itself vibrated with the impact. Ress'nok quickly struck taking his opportunity while Dust was talking to Silef. He leapt forwards striking just under Dust's cuirass, making an attempt to stab at soothing fleshy. However only the Divine Knight's namesake fell out instead. No trickle of crimson followed, just a cloud of light sienna dust. "Nice hit, Ress'nok." Dust said looking at the Red Victonari. "It's your last I'm afraid... now I know just how thick my armour needs to be to prevent your harpoon from piercing even the connections. And I'll still be able to move as well. What a joyous occasion." he said leveling a fist at the not so traditional knight. Ress'nok pulled back, barely managing to avoid the rocky fist, in fact... flakes from the punch hit him. He felt small patches of sharp pain all over his neck and chin realizing that the dust that flew off Dust's fists actually bored ever so slightly into his skin. It was a barely more than a superficial wound, but it was something that definitely was painful. Ress'nok only thought one thing... Hopefully that was enough to leave an opening for the others to take advantage of. The Crimson Keep Gradun stared directly at Neville for a uncomfortably long amount of time before responding. He apparently couldn't believe something he had just heard. He began to speak a few times, but shook his head while mumbling before he finally spoke to the wizard. "Are you daft? I was sitting next to you during that whoooooole rigmarole of ceremony where they played hoooooooooooooorrible soulless music. Bah, a travesty I say! Where were we? Oh, yes! Are you daft? I was sitting next to you that whoooooooooooole rigmarole of a ceremony that had Hooooorrid music." he repeated himself having forgotten waht he had said... this Gradun... didn't seem the most together individuals at times. Gradun of course had no idea that he had just done that. In his mind he said it once. He was nearly oblivious to what was going on except for the fact that a man didn't realize how awesome it was that he sat next to him, and then not only that DARED to forget how awesome it was. People were so uncivilized at times. "How could you forget my Amaaaaaaaaaaaaaazing trumpet skills? How could you forget my stuuuuuunnning complexion and flawless smile?" he said smiling widely. He did have stunningly white teeth, he wasn't just tootin' his own horn. He laughed loudly. "I KNOW!!! You'll remember if I play my trumpet!" He quickly put his lute on his back and started to reach for the horn on his side. The Crimson Knight just watched and didn't say anything. He'd let Gradun's team deal with the eccentric man for now. The Library of the Waves "Rawrrrrrrrrrk!!! Stupid Ignacio, Stupid Ignacio, Rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk!!!" Cojiro squawked loudly as if to answer Helen's question. Ignacio somehow still gave off a sense of distaste in the bird and anger even when all that could be seen was the front of his helmet. The somewhat disgusted sigh of frustration afterwards only made it sink in ever the more. "Aye, Lassie, that is me..." he shot another spitful glance the way of Cojiro after saying that. "And yer dealin' wit something much more than just a cute and purrty bird there. I should feed that Bilge-guzzler to the fishes already... damned feather-brain. Ya should leave these decent folk alone. Me little friend here is a right pain in the arse... and he knows it. Now shut that yap of yers, Cojiro..." "Aye aye Cap'n, Raaaaaaaaaaaaawk!!!" The bird squawked at him mockingly. It even saluted with it's wing to add insult to injury. At this point Ignacio reached for the bottle hanging around it's neck. However noticing this the bird leapt out the the way not removing it's tail from around Helen's neck, and jumping onto her head. Cojiro was careful to not dig his claws into her scalp. After all Cojiro didn't want to hurt the pretty lady. However... he also didn't want to give the cpatain back his rum. Cojior way too often enjoyed stealing the Headmaster's supply right from under his nose and flying off with it. Of course... Ignacio wasn't too fond of this. "Arrr, give it 'ere you scurvy dog!!!" Ignacio shouted at the bird. Cojiro seemed to laugh before squawking "Rum's gone, Rum's gone! Raaaaaaaawk!" over and over to taunt the captain. It was about this time Nadia had arrived. The dark woman walking into the crazed scene of a man trying take back a bottle from the neck of a small blue parrot sitting on a woman's head and moving between it and her shoulders in effort to avoid the man. She wasn't expecting to see this when she was told they'd have an instructor in the Clash. She wasn't sure how to react either. Should she be furious... laugh... cry? She didn't really know what to do. She just looked at Helen from behind the Captain who was fighting with his bird.
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