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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. "Listen Kid, I don't need your help. I can handle myself quite fine." Steele snapped at the second kid to speak. A ship full of idiots... lovely. People just can't mind their own damn business anymore these days. The first idiot now and this this moron. Urge...to kill... rising. She took a deep breathe. And focused her thoughts... best not to bloody this ship right now. She made sure to at least have a gander if there was a mop lying about in case she did have to clean up some... unfortunate spills... tooooooooootally not of the blood variety. "The kid could spill his water after all... it'd be right after I knock his teeth in but still, it cooould happen." she thought to herself in regards to this. "I can speak for myself and I certainly don't need somebody to think they can speak for me. So zip it and mind your own business." she added quickly. She was hardly in the mood to deal with either of these jokers. After all she just had a long arduous day on her way here... then got waylayed by that asshole of a Captain and then got bothered by these two idiots. Needless to say... her nerves were more than a bit shot.
  2. I have try and not sing any of them... I don't think there was a JoJo theme that I did'nt legit love XD. The weirdest part though... is I planned on having getting a Lillipup ((or Growlithe.)) and naming Iggy as a reference to Jojo's. This is 3spoopy5me.
  3. Disclaimer: Hukuna is not responsible for any bodily harm that comes to Joey at the hands of Johanna. You knew what you were getting into, or at least I hope you do... and if not that is not Hukuna's problem as the other party should have taken necessary precautions. You've been warned thusly so Hukuna is no longer held accountable for anything that happens. There will be no subsequent notices on this matter.
  4. "Who is this idiot?" Steele thought to herself as a rather starry-eyed fool approached her. It wasn't often that people voluntarily came up to her. She didn't really know... or care why that was. She preferred it that way, she didn't need the company and she certainly didn't need companionship. She shifted in her chair pushing her tophat back to get a better look at the man-child in front of her. Her eyebrow raised she looked him over in a split second, after all... it was all a warrior needed to size up an opponent. She was still sort of shocked at the event, but she pushed that from her mind. ((going off your own Appearance thing from your app Chim. Let me know if anything seems... out of place.)) "5 foot, 6 inches about... average height. Green Eyes... Blonde hair. Bit scrawny looking... probably around 150 pounds give or take. I'm not entirely sure weight is nearly impossible to guess entirely accurately after all. Overly obnoxious smile on his face... probably an optimist. I hate Optimists....charm of some sort is hanging around his neck... can't really see what it is. Superstitious? Or is there more meaning behind it?" Steele's mind raced in the span of a few seconds. It was the quick first impression she got, and all she had to go on at the moment. She could tell she probably wouldn't like this person though. He seemed like he was trying to hard to be bright and cheery. It was frankly annoying. She knew him 5 seconds and was already felt the annoyance rising. But... she didn't feel like making some sort of scene. Otherwise she might have had Isamu hit him right in his smiling gob. Sadly, not only did she not want to make a ruckus, Isamu was definitely still sleeping. She sighed loudly, before finally answering the man-boy. Clearly she wasn't too fond of the idea as was evident in her tone. "If you must." she leaned back in her chair. "This is going to be a long day isn't it?" she thought to herself.
  5. I suppose. Maybe it's just due to the meta being so fast at the moment that they look heeeeella unappealing at the moment. Like They are invests towards the future that get value as they are used ((and most need to be used at least twice to gain value other than Saraad's if you have even decent luck [basically... if it isn't a 1 mana spell ala a shitty paladin secret lol.] and Thunder Bluff Valiant's Inspire. TBV's technically is if you have like 1 totem on board and activate it with the second. Any more than that is pure upside. I might do my own impressions on the cards in kinda like that video I posted, but eh those are mostly how I feel XD. Also... looking a Coliseum Manager again... he might be decent in arena. If you think about it, he can remove a 2/3 minion and be at 2/2 ((out of hero power range.)) and then be ported back to your hand. However... that might be a bit too slow. Arena tends to be a slow format however so it might be just fine there as it has the stats to be considered pretty good. a 2/5 for 3 is very solid as it's pretty hard to efficiently remove. His Inspire is basically entirely upside at that point. It an upside that might be a bit bleh looking at first but it has uses. EDIT 2 new legends were released now as well the first of which Fjola Lightbane: Looks... interesting. a 3/4 for 3 mana is definitely fair. And it's ability is pretty sweet as it gives it a divine shield which allows it to remove something for free. I assume it is intended to activate off a buff spell which aren't overly run right now to be honest. Though you could also activate it by targeting it with a low damage removal to "extend" it's damage though that be a bit bad and well... kinda risky. It might see some play in Paladin as they still run Blessing of Kings... but I dunno if 1 minion is an include for that... especially since it is reliant on another card to be more than unfair. ((though a 7/8 with Divine Shield is fucking insane on turn 4 with Blessing XD>)). It might be run in Priest as Velen's Target as well... but I dunno as much in that either. I don't think she'll see a crazy amount of use but maybe ya never know... I think she definitely has more prospects then her sister card. Eydis Darkbane: Not as exciting. The idea is the same as Fjola, but it's random. It's hard to make it 100% ((unless you are going for face.)) and it trigger is a little obtuse to get the damage effect. At least she's a decent Minion. It might see some use, but I don't imagine much. The coolest part here really is that we are getting some lower Legends. Most Legends are super costly or if they are low cost have like some nasty drawbacks or are utility things like Bloodmage and Cho. So It's nice to see some more low cost Legends joining the fray.
  6. It might be lucrative to just put links to the individual ones on the first post so that if one clicks them, it goes right to them rather than having to search for where they are later on etc... But yea Toxeon is finished already.
  7. ...so anyone else think that Coliseum Manager should have Charge or some Battlecry so it's Inspire bringing it back to the hand actually has a purpose? ((I only just saw the card and am sitting here like... "Blizz the potential that is lost right now.")) Like 3 mana 2/5... it's basically that one Druid Card but it can be returned to your hand to like Psuedo-Heal it I guess. but that is maaaaad slow. I think the better question is... will there ever be a good Inspire Effect? The only ones that can really be said to be are Saraad's or Thunder Bluff Valiant. ((and both can be argued to be not as good as they look lol.))
  8. The steely woman didn't really care much about what had just happened. It didn't matter too much to her if the captain received a nice kick to his "coin" purse. He kinda deserved it after all. Not that Steele would ever admit that out loud. It wasn't very ladylike after all. She yawned loudly, all the tension made her even more tired after a long day of traveling. That situation really didn't help. Conflict was tiresome, the main reason why she tried to avoid any that was unnecessary. Especially while Isamu was sleeping off his long day. She wouldn't be able to get too much done while the little bugger slept comfortably in his Pokeball. Hell, it was usually the only time he was ever in there. He slept more heavily than a Snorlax and ate like one too. But, he had to keep up his strength from all the practice and walking. Steele understood that. Her diligence seemed to have payed off a little here. Normally she would have walked off immediately, her pride demanding she find a place that would deal with her like a person. That Captain clearly didn't have time for that. However, Steele knew there wasn't much else in the ways of getting to Arcadia without doing something insane like trying to swim the distance there. She could probably do it... probably. But it was best to not have to do so. Besides not knowing what the waters were like on the way there, there was plenty of other dangers in doing that. Hopefully she wouldn't have to resort to that. Her cane clicked on the deck as she made her way towards the conference room that was below deck. She didn't have anything but silence for the others there. She didn't say a word, or make any acknowledgement towards the others or the man in the shades. Words were pointless right now. In the conference room she made the clear choice to sit as far away from any others as possible. It wasn't that she was afraid of, or hated people, she was just a drifter by nature. She didn't stay places long nor did she care much for the ways of people. She just figured she wouldn't get attached. It was better that way. You didn't hurt the feelings of anyone when you up and left if nobody knew who you were.
  9. The Ochre Dreadfort Dust wasn't exactly the best at the whole fancy footwork thing, his weapon of choice probably making that obvious. A giant stone maul. It's head was in the shape of a Terranix, a mighty bird of pure earth. He struck went for an over head slam, not aiming for the sword or her parrying dagger. He didn't need to. His weapon was heavy and not easy to block with some dainty blade. He knew this from experience as most blades cracked under the weight if they stood up to it even a little. The Heavy swing moved towards the woman's shoulder threatening to smash it to pieces. His weapon wasn't delicate... it was going to do horrible damage if it hit.
  10. I mean I'm not trying to start anything. I can have an opinion ya know? But of course... Hukuna says anything at all he's the bad guy. I just won't say anything at all next time.
  11. It's hard to reel people in by giving them nothing but frustrating roadblocks. Being Cryptic has it's places, but being too Cryptic is an issue. If we don't know what we are supposed to do, or feel like there is literally zero options for us to do anything... we just aren't going to do anything. I don't feel like anything I do right now will have any impact on anything that is going to happen. And if my character can't have any influence... does it really matter they even exist? I really shouldn't be feeling like my participation is futile already. I don't want to drop, believe me I don't. You're a good host so I do trust ya... but this opening thus far... just hasn't been a good experience.
  12. I'm just saying... it doesn't feel that way. It feels like literally nothing is happening and we have nothing to go on at all. It feels like no matter I do... nothing will come of it at all. Because anytime anyone has do anything thus far... They've just run into a wall. It doesn't feel mysterious at all.... it feels like talking to customer service hot lines. An exercise in futility.
  13. I really don't fundamentally understand the point of any of this... What on Earth on we supposed to be doing? I really feel like dropping at this point casue this is the most confusing opening I've ever been a part of.... Like Honestly... I'm not trying to be rude etc.... but this is the most literally pointless hang up. What's the actual point of any of this? Like... we could actually be starting this by now, but we're still stuck at whatever the beginning of this is. I don't think I've ever felt this stonewalled before. Like... the hell are we actually supposed to do? The only thing we have to go on isn't an option as has been made abundantly clear... so we have no options. I'm not really sure what you want from us, and not really sure there is really any point of me doing anything at all. Like... I did something got absolutely kaput out of. So... I have 0 clue what I'm supposed to be doing.
  14. TFW you have the most god awful Arena Run ever in Hearthstone... then you're pack drops a pretty good Legend. ((1 WIn Arena run since my draft was full of junk. Get a Mal'Ganis at the end. Fitting since it was a Warlock RUn.))

  15. Oh...yea that was kinda a side effect of that XD. I wasn't actually sharing my Username... but it's there fi you folks want it it I suppose.
  16. The Ochre Dreadfort "Ho? So it's melee you want, eh? Well then I'd be happy to oblige." Dust laughed heartily. This was about to get interesting. Very interesting. Ress'nok only snorted in reply to Silef. He was much to tried to talk and didn't want to expend the energy. He was going to need it in the coming battle. He looked back at the Archer, Vayne was his name he thought. He wasn't entirely sure but he didn't need to know. One didn't need the name of someone to fight at their side. He picked up his harpoon spinning it ready for battle. He looked it for a second. It'd never let him down. It had once belonged to his father, the village's fisherman. It was a simple weapon, one that was said to not be fit by a warrior. But, Ress'nok didn't care. He was a simple man, why use something that wasn't fitting of a simple man? He wasn't for for fancy swords. He needed something reliable, something he knew he could rely on. This harpoon... that was it. It never failed his father and therefore it would never fail him. It always came through in the most dire of times. Well, other than the last time. He laughed. These thoughts now. It was strange. He never felt hesitation before. He scoffed at that thought. It wasn't fitting of a Knight. They were supposed to fear nothing, be brave and courageous. But... if you weren't afraid, you couldn't be brave. You couldn't be Courageous. He followed up behind Silef. He wasn't going to let her face this battle alone. He spit a bit of blood from his mouth onto the floor. It was decided. He walked forth. He would back her up as he could. He knew she had to have something up her sleeve. The Crimson Keep "Hmmm, a more defensive approach. Protection, safety. But even that has it's flaws. Let us see how the pieces fall." Crimson noted as he played. THis Half-Orc, he wasn't dumb even if he though he was. His strategy was pretty advanced actually. It might have been his warrior's instincts. After all, Chess was that of war. It was meant to be somewhat of a simulation of the act. While it definitely wasn't perfect, it definitely had it's parallels. As such, some part of just knowing your way around the battlefield, did help improve your chances. However, this time The Crimson Knight applied an entirely different strategy. To Varick... he seemed to adapt perfectly to the strategy. In fact... any notes of the strategy he employed last game were gone. It was as if he was playing a different opponent then Neville had been. While Varick tried to keep himself covered from all angles, Crimson pushed into places he didn't see. His pieces like wolves ran into holes in his line and snatched out key targets. He played a game of hit and run, Keeping his own key members out of danger until he didn't need them anymore. He then used them to capture his opponent's key figures sacrificing them to their fate. Once cleared of threats, he pressed in for the kill and he easily secured it with his opponents key forces removed. He didn't even destroy that much of the army only taking one of each upper class pieces. The display was sickening good, but it was evident that the Crimson Knight was just much more well-versed. One could say he was nearly 5 moves ahead at any given time. Varick came closer than Neville, but even still feel short. He was clearly a formidable opponent, but even still no match the Crimson Knight. Crimson folded his hand into his lap as he leaned back in his chair. "Well, that was enlightening. Thank you for the games Gentleman. I have learned quite a lot from the two of you. Mostly about you, I know nearly everything about the game we were playing after all." he said. He was impressed by the two of them. Against an opponent at their level, they might actually do well if not win handily. Not to mention, how interesting to see two different strategies. These two were definitely of the calibre of the Clash. "Say... where is our third? He should really be here by now no?" it suddenly dawned on him that the third of his team had yet to arrive. He figure that a single game might have tided out the wait... but two? It was slightly concerning, though he was sure that whoever they were was fine. After all, those summoned here weren't exactly pushovers.
  17. Hit rank 10 in Hearthstone for the first time, and it's the furthest I've gotten on ladder. Not too bad if I say myself lol.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm kinda trying to hit Legend at the moment so yea... lol I get it. I started like climbing yesterday... so probably won't this season but going to try to do so in the next XD>

    3. Shamitako


      I'm with Cepheus XD

      Except I got the ninja back and can't really find one I want more so...

    4. Kurotsune


      I really want to get back to hearthstone... Maybe when I get a better computer.

  18. Stampeding Kodo is only really good in Paladin as Dark has said... though it does see use in some really weird Control Hunters... but Control Hunter doesn't really work yet. ((might with the new expansion cards... I guess we'll see.)) Paladin has the 3 cost Card Aldor Peacekeeper that combos with the Kodo by making something 1 attack and then destroying it, but it 1. Hard to rely on if they have a board of small guys... like if playing an opposing Paladin. 2. Kinda slow. To play all that in 1 turn it is 8 mana. You get a 3/3 and a 3/5 ((6/8 in stats if added up, which is what Kel-thuzad has.)), but that is sorta slow and might not help you much. As such some Pally decks used to run the Humility Kodo Combo, which was only 6 mana, however Humility on it's on is sorta a weak card that doesn't do much. It's a light removal spell... as it doesn't really remove the target, it just makes it a lot less threatening. However, as it's still a target it can be buffed back up etc etc... so it a very incomplete solution without the Kodo. As this combo requires two slots for a somewhat weaker statline ((though Kodo is acceptable and honestly a more solid minion than half the 5 costers.)). Other Mid-Game Combos just take precedence these days such as the Quartmaster + Muster, or Muster + Juggler. Kodo just doesn't have enough an impact anymore so it usually isn't included. Especially since not a lot of minions in the format have 2 attack right now, most tend to have 3 or more and others that are lower are dangerous to risk popping such as the Haunted Creepers in Zoo etc... It jsut not a card that can see use because it doesn't bring enough for what it is worth. Also, while it true DD, that a 5 Mana minion should be a 5/6 body to pass vanilla test, there's never been a 5/6 with no text printed as of yet. Most 5 drops tend to be utility drops or tool minions that do stuff. ((like Harrison Jones etc...)) hell... I can't really name a decently solid 5 drop minion that isn't some form of utility and isn't just played for its statline. Azure Drake funnily enough is the closest, but it's played for it's card draw. Otherwise it's stuff like Antique Heal Bots, Quartermasters, etc... that are all utility minions more so than big bodies. Their not horrid bodies mind you, but they definitely are played fro their effects not their stats. Why I refer to the 5 mana slot as the Utility mana slot. Like there really isn't a card that is pure stats or played for it's stat there really. The only ones I can think of are either bad stat-wise since they are hyper offensive ((Salty Dog, and Stalagg.)) or tngs like Feugen who isn't played since well... he just doesn't do anything for you and there are much better bodies out there that have good effects. ((Like Sylvanas. She is a 5/5 so still is a lot of board pressure, but also forces you're opponent to play sub-optimal to get rid of her. She's also only one mana more and her Deathrattle might just net you extra stats that are make her better than Feugan anyway.)) EDIT: On Inspire Effects. I highly doubt there will ever be a deck that only runs inspire effect only. Remember using your Hero Power Greatly slows you down since it is 2 mana for what is projected to be be a 1 mana effect... 1.5 at best. So... You're doing something in-optimal to get a boost to make it Optimal... However... the Inspire Minions need to stick etc. We Just don't know enough of the cards and just how much they can do yet. This mechanic is pretty hard to judge until it actually releases and we can mess with it ourselves. Thunder Bluff Valiant is one of the better looking Inspires right now because of 2 reasons. It has a decent body, and it has an effect that targets more than just itself. It has a condition yes, but it is a pretty big buff and and can really get something rolling. To be fair... the thing I am most concerned about is if the Totems are good enough to stick around long enough since the hero power ones have trouble doing so sometimes. ((it should also be noted that because the Inspire Triggers after the Hero Power, that the Totem that comes out gets the buff. It goes fro being a pretty useless 0/2 to a 2/2.)) I guess one could argue that it's a bit board reliant... but so is Bloodlust and that still sees some play. We'll see I suppose. Saraad is another Inspire that might see some play as it has decent body as it's a 4/5 for 5... basically it's ability is costed at one mana up to essentially "Pay 2 mana, draw a Spell" is effectively what's it's text reads. Think of it this way. Inspires are Future Investments. A deck full of them would never get working. I think Inspires will be used like Saraad and Thunder Bluff that can stand on their own as a minion and their Inspire is truly an upside that you can use multiple times. A lot of others of Inspire don't make enough use of this imo, as it buffs their own stats ((Lowly Squire.)), or are heavily costed fro their effect ((Kodo Rider.)) therefore making them way too slow. There needs to be some sorta balance between how easily you can use the Inspire Effect and if one use balances out their cost, or 2. Most don't do that so far. Other than Saraad's ((which I will admit can horribly back fire by pulling like... Eye for an Eye or some shit like Totemic Might when you're a Mage.)) or Thunder Bluff Valiant which can buff Shaman totems ((such as the Totem Golem a 3/4 for 2 Overload 1.)) and extend their use. I'm going to say now people are like always going to remove our poor little Shammy Totems now XD FOr fear of Thunder Bluff Buffing the hell out of them. We'll see who this pans out. Cause if you guys forget... Everyone thought that Mad Scientist was a trash card, as well as Undertaker. Then Deathrattle Hunter and DeathRattle Zoo happened. ((and Mad Scientist is still used to this day in a lot of Hunter and Mage Decks..)) Also Rank 10 Boys!!! I'm moving up in the world XD. I'M COMING FOR YOU LEGEND RANK!!!!!!!!!
  19. Baz, you'd probably want to go with around RU for this one. It has the weird issue that well... Offensively it is really outclassed by Tornadus-Incarnate ((and by extension Tornadus-T)), and Moltres both of which are UU and have similarish stats offensively. While Zephreon is faster, it hits muuuuuuch less hard. ((it does have a more reliable Flying Move in Aerilate Hyper Voice, BUT, it still lacks a bit of oomph compared to Hurricane. Defensively.... theres a butt ton of Defoggers. It take me awhile to figure out what's it's got over all fo them. It does have hgue speed allowing it to outspeed and pretty much get it off first. It big HP stat allows it to decently pass wishes. But as soon as they find out your a Wish Set... you're probably never getting off another one. Zephreon's SpAtk uninvested is going to tickle.... and it might not even get close to doing good damage to something it is SE on. It's not like Vaporeon who threatens Burns with it's Scald ((and has a better SpAtk Stat to boot.)) It got a high amount of competition from lower tiered mons... therefore at a glance I'd say it's RU material. It seems right to me. Also... Cloud Nine actually has some anti-Synergy for Zephreon. It doesn't allow it to use Hurricane under the Rain. It is a weird awkward spot where it could be a Rain Setter for it's team, but would have to go with Aerliate, which means Hyper Voice is a better option. It's a small thing, but it is there so I think I should mention it. Otherwise... Cloud Nine isn't a very appealing option imo... it doesn't really threaten a lot of mons that enjoy the benefits of weather other than Steel Types that might try to hide under rain with it's access to Heat Wave. It's... jsut kinda an awkward ability on it that doesn't help nearly as much as one would think lol. It could be a Sun Buster as a lot of Chlorophyll mons are well... they are all actually grass type pretty sure lol.... but Sun teams were rare even when 5th Gen was a thing. I dunno... it be worth exploring, but Zephreon is going to have trouble with most weather mons as it's SpAtk is barely passable so Neutral hits aren't going to exactly knock things over. It's... strange. EDIT: Torn-I and Moltres are BL2 by the way. This is why I saying that Zephreon should probably be under them.
  20. The clack of a cane on the deck came padding in from the silence after the man spoke. The woman who had stood back waiting before had approached now, rather than sit back and wait for things to resolve them self. She didn't typically do confrontation, she was the type to live and let live. Go about her way separately and wait. This time she felt spurred to do something. Why? She didn't really know. Sometimes even you didn't know yourself entirely. Sometimes you even surprised yourself. Johanna returned the man's icy gaze. She slung the cane she was carrying over her right shoulder and held it there. "Does it matter the business they have in Arcadia? I don't know when Sailors started turning away travelers that were perfectly willing to pay them and be on their way. Not to mention... you don't have to stay there you know? You don't have to go to Arcadia. It doesn't matter though. That's not what I care about. I don't really care where this ship is going so long as it takes me further towards my destination. Where that destination is... isn't your business. I also have no money to offer you. So. I'll work as one of the crew while I'm aboard. Unless you sailors still have that stupid superstition that women are a curse out at sea. I hope not... it's really five centuries out of date way of thinking." Steele said. She not once let her steely gaze stray from the Captain. Steele could care less about the others really. She needed to get where she was headed to, even if she only got a little bit further. While she had walked a long way on this journey... it was hard to walk over the ocean. She could swim it... but that'd be a long distance. She needed to get aboard some vessel. She figured this was her best shot. She wasn't worried for a second though. She knew she would get there it was just a question of when and how. It'd be nice if it was now, but one never knows. As such there was no evidence of desperation, no air of frantic need from her. She just stood there clearly intent to get what she wanted and fight for it, but she wasn't going to fight a losing battle and one she had no chance at. She waited for a response, silently, jsut as she had waited before.
  21. Guesses: Personal picks: What I would do. HP: Steel and Normal. Both types that enjoy being generally bulky. Having a High Health Base really helps their defensive capabilities and allows them to take a more utility role which both the types are pretty well suited for. Steel Types tend to get access to a lot of hazards so the bulk would be greatly appreciated as it allows them to set them up multiple times in a match and more easily take on both spectrum of attack. Normal Types tend to really enjoy being support mons as while they might not have resists, they have no exploitable weakness other than Fighting. ((it's a crap one to have, but oh well.)) so HP is probably also the preferred Def stat. Atk: Fighting, Fighting is the most physical type and it really likes to flaunt it's power. Fighting Types are also know to generally have an average of over 100 attack and are one of few types that has an average stat over 100. Fighting Type exploit that well too, being able to really bash a foe's head in. Def: Rock and Bug, Really, Rock is just due to it normal tendency to be high defense, but it goes in tandem with Rock being able to increase their SpDef naturally through Sandstorm. Bug's also... weirdly tend to have a higher than average Def stat as it is their highest average stat at 70.08 included all Bug type mons ((as a lot of the cacoons have the high defs.)). It barely manages to eek out past attack by 3 points, but every other stat is a near 20 difference. Removing babies Attack is higher now by two points, but Defense is still a high up there stat for buggles. Bugs aren't the best candidate for stomaching Phys moves, but they aren't too horrid either. They resist both Fight and Ground two suuuuper commonly Phys attacking types. The third type they resist is grass, which is usually Special in Nature but is alos a pretty uncommon attacking option outside of STAB. Basically I think the Bug Eon could be pretty good at soaking phys hits as a bug type, it jsut faces" Stealth Rocks are the pits" syndrome. They rain all over the poor bug's day. SpDef: Ground, While it might seem an odd choice at first... think about it. Ground has a weaknesses to a majority of Special attacking types The high SpDef helps mitigate it somewhat but gives Groundeon a bit of stability. Ice, Grass and Water have some Phys variants too, but are usually heavily based in Special. Anyway, when you think SpDef Ground Type... think Hippowdon. Spe: Flying and Ghost, The two are both very offensive types in Ghost and Flying. Both would love the speed to outspeed threats to their types as there are a shitload of common one for these birds. Knock Off for Ghost and Rock Type moves for Flying. As such they need to be fast as possible to make sure they can do something with their somewhat omnipresent weaknesses in the meta. I Imagine both will also be glass canno-esque mons, but I dunno.
  22. Going to be honest... I voted Flying cause actually kinda like the one I whipped up XD.
  23. A few more for ya. Sedieon Type: Rock BST 110 HP/ 95 Atk/ 130 Def/ 65 SpAtk/ 60 SpDef/ 65 Spd Abilities: Sturdy Hidden: Sand Stream Moves Tutor Notes: Really not sure on the Hidden on this little guy... It feels kinda weird giving him a Weather Ability, I guess I could opt for Solid Rock... but that SpDef doesn't really look like Solid Rock can help it. Sandstream at least helps to mitigate it's poor def Stat... but even then I dunno lol. It also suffers like a lot of Rock Types from "All my good moves are TMs or can be gotten elsewhere" syndrome a bit. Machineon ((pronounced Mack-a-neon... though I realize every is probably jsut going to say mah-sheen-eon... It supposed to be pun but it's sorta lost I guess XD.)) Type: Steel BST 130 HP/ 65 Atk/ 110 Def/ 60 SpAtk/ 95 SpDef/ 65 Spd Abilities: Light Metal Hidden: Heatproof Moves Tutor Notes: Metal Burst is probably the strangest move as the Final Slot, but it's pretty fitting with the low Attack Stat of this little Steel Guy. He pretty damn bulky on both sides, though it is clear which is his weaker one. Eeveelutions tend to air towards SpDef though so I thought it best to aim him more in a Defensive direction. I honestly went with Heatproof since it is a somewhat lesser used ability as it is only on Bronzong. Filter would be better I guess... but then it would feel to much like Mega Aggron imo... and that would just make it shine even less. It's main ability I really didn't know what to do with. It just doesn't have a lot of things I can work with can feel good about giving it ability-wise. I might just switch the base Ability to Sturdy much like the Rock one. (that's why it isn't Sturdy currently.)) Brawleon ((I actually really like the name there Zim lol.)) Type: Fighting BST 95 HP/ 130 Atk/ 65 Def/ 60 SpAtk/ 65 SpDef/ 110 Spd Abilities: Steadfast Hidden: Scrappy Moves Tutor Notes: As well... Eeveelutions are four legged creatures this one was pretty tough. Couldn't use anything but kicks really. Wasn't sure whether to go with HJK or Close Combat either. The Hidden Ability was a pretty easy choice though for a fighting type... but that's imo I guess XD.
  24. After the eevees we keep trying to poison to evolve them into it live for more than three days. I mean what?
  25. Personally with the Steel one ((which I would call Ferreon Ferrous... name for iron + eon or Machineon, which is machination + eon It could justify getting Shift Gear and Gear Grind that way too with that name if it'd be more machine based etc... lol.)) with 130 HP/ 65 Atk/110 Def/ 60 SpAtk/ 95 SpDef/60 Speed But that's just me lol. For the Flying one I actually am pretty sure I got a movepool worked up for it so that's interesting XD. Something I whipped up quick. Ailereon Type: Flying BST: HP 65/ Atk 60/ Def 65/ SpAtk 110/ SpDef 95/ 130 Spd Abilities: Early Bird Hidden: Gale Wings or Aerilate? I think Aerilate is more Appropriate due to Sylveon getting Pixilate. It get Hyper Voice so that;s good I suppose lol. I really like the idea of Prio Feather Dance Shinangians though XD. Level Up: TM/HM Tutor Moves:
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