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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. The Ochre Dreadfort https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-E_hF5vxrZ0 Dust deftly grabbed the arrow in-between his index finger and his thumb witohut making any other outward movement then his hand. "Thanks for the toothpick, i was needing one of those." He said in a somewhat silly tone. He was clearly making light of the situation but he wasn't mocking Vayne. If anything it sounded a bit condescending. The earthen titan finally moved from the bath of flames. "Also, spent enough time in the sauna. My skin is probably nice and clear. My Sinuses too!" He took a big step forward sending a ripple through the ground towards Silef, he slowly followed behind it, his hammer over his shoulders. His stride was very nonchalant and it was clear he wasn't breaking a sweat ((if he even could.)) The Ivory Tower "Well... what do you think Corwil? Are you finished? Is this battle over to you?" She hissed. She stood confidently at the center of the room. The anger turning quickly into the more quiet kind. The sort of silent resolve that could kill a man all on it's own. It was an inner rage now, one that hummed rather than roared. If one was smart... they knew this was even more dangerous. That a hum was concentrated unlike a roar. It had a focus point and could be just as deafening... if not more so than a Roar. She was poised, ready on guard on the middle of the room. She stood there holding herself in a way that conveyed her graceful power. Much like a Jungle cat readied to strike. Her limberness was impressive for one who was plainly a suit of armour. It was hard to believe there wasn't a person in there at times since it seemed like it was. It moved as if there was a woman inside it. The Crimson Keep "Well gentleman, who will it be? Who wishes to match their mettle against mine in a game of wits, and strategy? Will it be the big Half-orc fella? Or the honourable wizard here? We do have time after all, perhaps we could get in a few games. But, who'd like to be first?" The Crimson Knight asked. He seemed overly enthused with the idea, announcing it as if he were at some sort of event. He seemed pleased with himself to some degree and very eager to start. The Library of the Waves Nadia still felt sick to her stomach. Such was the side effect of not releasing her acid breath. Though she knew she would probably be feeling worse if she had let it loose. She kept plodding on hoping to find something. As such, if Ayla followed her nose to the smell, she wouldn't find anything other than the horrible bezoar. It lay there glistening with some sort of fluid. It was sickly green colour it stank to high heavens, Especially to those with sensitive noses. It smelled like a combination of stomach acid and ever so slightly of ammonia. It was a ghastly combination that assaulted the nose and caused not only a burning sensation, but was enough to make ones eyes water. Clearly whatever reaction it was causing mostly stopped as the pale greenish substance sat there on the floor. What was for wouldn't be common knowledge. Dragons were rare enough, let alone the occurrence of Black Dragons holding back on their breathe weapon. Most people hadn't even seen the creature let alone this. Loud yelling came from somewhere followed by a loud slamming of something. "Arr... Where did I put ye, ya damned bastard? I know yer around here somewhere. I'm not crazy after all, I know I put ye somewhere around 'ere I did. I'd bet my whole right 'and and at least five bottles o' rum." It was probably safe to say who this noise was coming from as it was clearly a male voice. Where he was though would be tricky to discern as most noise echoed all around the hall. Other than the bookshelves the room was rather bare and it carried noise all too well.
  2. lol. That's completely fine XD. But we got it going again so that's good. ((which is good Vixen is too much fun for me lol. I like playing the Iciest of Ice Queens.))
  3. Her eyebrow jumped up immediately, a look of confusion and then near laughter came over her face. Then one that was rather grim. She quickly asked what was on her mind. "Are you serious? Those things... are beyond rare. You mean to tell me that one of those is here? I really hope it isn't the beast I am hunting or this is going to get much harder than I thought it was. In all my years of hunting beasts, Didn't imagine I'd ever be fighting one of those. So... the mythical creature is real. Though I thought there was only one and they slept thousands of years... probably some hocus pocus made up for something silly like a game." She looked serious though she was hard to read. Vixen didn't really give off the most emotion when speaking unless it was a big swing, otherwise it was a rather internal process. She had been that way most of here life, though she got much worse after the incident. She shifted her weight in her chair switching the positioning of her legs. She sighed. "So... the nightmares are waking up huh? Or is this the delusions of a senile old man? I really, really , really hope it is the second... But somehow I get the feeling it won't be."
  4. "I just want to make damn sure. I don't have the luxury to be lax about any old person who walks up on us. I suppose you didn't just attack us when you had the drop, but I've met fools who've wasted it before. If you knew who I was, You'd be like this too." She said as she lowered the firearm. She placed it back in its holster, with a quick motion, making it clear if he did anything stupid... she'd be able to draw it once more before he could even think to change his mind. She wasn't the fastest draw in the world, but she was damn fast that was for sure. It was important to do so just in case. A Sniper Rifle wasn't much use at a short to medium range... it was good to have a back up plan that was well practiced, especially for one of her vocation. She tapped Bark on his shoulder. "You can stand down Fido. No need to tear the man's head off." she said not ever taking her her eyes off the newcomer. She stared at him. "So... save them from what exactly?" she played dumb for now. She had no idea if he knew about the the beast they were tracking or if it was something else he was after. But, she was damn well going to find out. It was crucial information. Or it was useless... She banked on it being useful. Perhaps even if it wasn't... it was something she would deal with it in the future anyway.
  5. No, she isn't doing that, she is just making god damn sure he isn't going to try anything funny lol. Vixen... isn't very trusting of people.
  6. Also... Wrong Sniper there on your latest post... unless Nagi and Vixen switched places somehow
  7. Well, that was a start. Though, she had no idea why this... Mediator was here or what he wanted. Two more questions She needed answers to. Though she know spun around the chair to look at the man. The guns were enough to scare him clearly and he was a mediator. Though... Vixen was even know to kill a Mediator or two. The ones that manipulated people to do bad for them. They gave powers that those people never wanted or needed and were tricked into serving them. She rid them from this world as well as their horrid thralls. She faced the man crossing her left leg over top of her right as she sat in the chair. Still clearly giving off a sense of menace and malice. She didn't trust him and she had no reason to. She was already forced into working with one person she hardly wanted to see anymore. "Why are you here and what do you want? If you have no reason to be I'd suggest leaving. If you have business make it quick. I'm a busy woman." She didn't make much effort to lower the weapon though she wasn't directly pointing it at him anymore.
  8. The Cogs keep spinning. Time doesn't slow down nor does it wait. One must just trudge on. Though in moving forward... maybe one will find a light in the distance and have soemthing to strive for and cling to until they can be strong on their own.

  9. And just as quickly the stranger found a revolver pointing at him. Lucky Vixen she was sitting in a high top chair, one a Mob Boss would be found sitting in. The previous owner of this place had horrible tastes... but they were helping so the was good. Without turning around she she trained the revolver she had right where she heard the voice coming from. All that could be seen was the top of her head, her electric blue hair sticking up over the back ever so slightly, and the hand her revolver was in. The prefect way to intimidate someone, by not being fully seen. They had no idea your size, or shape, and no idea of what you could do. Sadly... she didn't also have a desk to put her feet up on... would've really added to the whole picture. She huffed loudly before talking. Clearly not enthused by their new guest. "And who might you be? Talk quickly. my nerves are a bit frayed at the moment." she said leveling it right at the man. At least... she assumed it was she hadn't even looked back at him. His voice however sounder deeper.
  10. Hmmm, Winter. A beautiful season. The cold was a welcome feeling, though it wasn't cold to the Blade. To her it was just right. It was the temperature she was most used to, and was most fond of. It had taken a long amount of time to get to this place, the City of Vermilion. It was a rather quite place for a city, not too big like a traditional city. But it wasn't too small either. The whole place smelled of the sea. Salt and sea water was the prevalent smell that hung about the place. It was as if the whole city was a fish market as it smelled as such. She had been in worse conditions and places, none of which bothered her. While she had a sense of class and an air of nobility to her, the woman cared little for that. She upheld that honor but she wasn't afraid to go to places many others such as her wouldn't. She wasn't just some haughty noble, she really didn't even have any money to her name. No, she was a warrior. It was evident by the fact she traveled this far on foot to get here. She mostly walked from the Unova Region around the world until she reached Kanto. It was a long trip, but one she needed to take. She would soon arrive at Arcadia... A place for real warriors. She wore a fine suit, somehow still immaculate after her journey. One had to take good care of the things they had in this world. They wouldn't be handed anything else they didn't get for themselves. She also had a plain black walking cane. She didn't really need it, but it helped to have a third leg when you traveled over the mountains like she had to get here. It matched her suit, matte black, with hints of grey. Her suit echoed this, being black with Grey pinstripes. She wore a small top hat over her long black hair tipped to one side. She definitely looked fancy to anyone who would have seen her. She definitely looked out of place on the docks. She didn't wear any sort of gear fro the cold weather, she was used to this. This cold? It was nothing. She was a warrior after all. She had been in this weather in much less clothing before. Not that she would tell anyone that. She did a lot of odd things to train her tolerance and ready her body for nearly anything. Her partner was much the same. For now he rest in his Pokeball. He was tuckered out for all the extra training he did along the road as Steele was walking. He deserved the rest. After all, walking was a lot of walk over that amount of distance, let alone practicing your swordsmanship while you did it. Isami was a bit of a card as such and was highly prideful. He didn't like down time where he could be doing something. As such he was constantly working on his form striking, and learning about his blade. He worked on his footwork, his stance, everything. It was that diligence that Steele respected. The Farfetch'd wouldn't be ignored and he certainly wouldn't ever go down without a fight. He had a high sense of Pride. He was a true warrior. Even though many thought he was weak he would make them regret those thoughts. For only the weak though that way. Only the weak underestimated others. Because they believe they are strong and that no other could possibly be stronger than them. That was what made them weak. Steele kept walking though, while reflecting on her journey here. It was long... and not quite over, but it was worth it. Or at least she hoped so. She noticed others gathering around the ship, perhaps they meant to go to Arcadia as well. A quick inspection of them merited nothing of interest. 2 women and 2 Men. None of which were any interesting to her. At least not at first glance she payed them no heed as she stopped to wait for them to clear out. They probably weren't actually headed to Arcadia... they would all be fresh meat for a place as legendary as that.
  11. But if you draw Frost Giant Early it is a dead draw, Mountain Giant floats around in the deck to be played turn 4. and ever then you might was well ask if you are not better served just using Dr.Boom in the place of a Frost Giant. I jsut think Frost Giant looks good on paper... but is actually really bad and just not going to cut it. And trust me, I know how Handlock Works lol. Half of them run Jaraxxas to reset to 15, or Malganis to make them immune for awhile... sometimes even adding more demons inot the mix like Void Callers ((though they tend to skew more towards Demonlock then.)) Eh... I jsut don't see Frost Giant Being good in that deck. I understand it in COntrol Warrior... since Control Warrior constantly has turns where they jsut hero power then pass. But, I don't know... seeing a card now and saying it is good is a bad idea... so many times people thought stuff was so good and when ti actually released it was garbage. ((Feign Death was projected by everyone to be the most OP GvG card... it was never used really. It might have something to do with Deathrattle Hunter being ruined before the release but even still.)) I haven't seen anything from this expansion yet that even remotly looks broken... msot of it is ow end mediocre. You're going to have to work these cards into a deck to make that deck good. Not a SINGLE card released thus far is an auto-include in any deck. Also... I love that you're still trying to make Pirates a thing... but they jsut will never be a thing Blizz.
  12. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/19819218/the-grand-tournament%E2%84%A2-opens-this-august-7-22-2015 Just keep in mind... Deckspace is an issue... not to mention cards people thought were good where complete trash when released. ((I remember when people thought Clockwork Giant was good lol.)) Also... Frost Giant I don't think fits too well into Handlock. While you do use your hero power a lot, keep in mind that to use it 10 times... you just did 20 damage to yourself... so Molten Giant is playable anyway... and that is if your opponent did 0 damage to you. Not to mention Mountain Giant is easier to play unfairly as well as Twilight Drake earlier... you just don't have the room for Frost Giant. EDIT: For Reference... you need to use Hero Power at least 3 times for it to be any worth. This would put it at 7 mana. How is this better than Dr. Boom? Yes you could use your HP more to discount it further, but other Giants are easier to discount without messing up your curve or deliberately playing inefficiently. There's just better options The new Inspire Mechanic is freaking awesome though and I can't wait to see what they do with it. I don't think Coldarra Drake will see use... as it's a Mage Card and I will assume you have to spend 2 mana every time to cast it... that is a pretty bad damage ratio... inb4 Maiden of the Lake /Coldarra Mage lol. On Justicar Trueheart... she is slow as hell and a terrible minion in and of herself. 6 mana 6/3 easy to deal with. Though I understand that is the point of it being a battlecry... HOWEVER. You can't use the Hero Power and play her in the same turn unless you wait until turn 8. That's a pretty weak combo. You can set it up for investment on turn 6... but are those Hero Powers strong enough to matter? Perhaps with other cards to spice up the pool but then you get into crazy too much need of combos territory and bad card draw. I think she looks super powerful Flux... but I don't think she is actually that good a card to rely on. I don't think many decks will pick her up until we get heavy experimentation done to see just how much this Hero Powers do etc... and if the other Hero Power based cards help this along. I don't think she is broken at all, because you have to dedicate a lot of your deck to actually making a absolutely shitty turn 6 actually do something. Keep in mind with how aggro the Meta is right now... Jusitcar Trueheart is waaaaaaay to slow imo. EDIT: The Hero Power based theme is actually just cool in and of itself lol.
  13. What is wrong with you people?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Shadow Tack

      Shadow Tack

      jet fuel can't melt steel beams

    3. Another Felix

      Another Felix

      You want the full list or just the stuff that could put you ind danger?

    4. MoneyMadam


      Everyone on this website scares me, including myself. ( ͡o ͜ʖ ͡o)

  14. Eh Hershey's is actual crap they pretend is chocolate... as is most American chocolate. It's horrid over here. Anyway, yea you definitely have parents... how involved they will be... can't say but I don't expect them to be much. I dunno... as I am still writing a lot of stuff it could go bloody anywhere at this point. However... you won't be getting any story stuff outta me. If I spill the beans on that... you have no reason to play the game!
  15. All I will say... is there is nothing in our dex with either Truant, Slow Start, or Defeatist.
  16. You using just a standard format or you using the actual pro-circuit style((a.k.a what some call dominion style and other names.))? The latter is every player has 3 decks they choose to use.((sometimes each player can ban a class for that series.)). They then begin the series of games each choosing their first deck and who ever loses has their deck eliminated. The winner has to keep using the first selected deck until it is eliminated and so on. This goes on until one player is out of decks to use. It is the format most commonly used in tornies. And hell it actually creates a slightly different meta than on ladder. ((Mech SHaman and Patron Warrior are the biggest examples as Patron Warrior on ladder is rare due to it's complexity, and Mech Shaman is rare due to it's somewhat bad match-up versus other aggro. It is actually made to prey on Patron Warrior and other top tier decks so it's tournament play is actually huge lol.)) Just curious lol.
  17. Sometimes it feels like no matter how you yell and scream... people just don't notice you're there.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Shamitako


      DW Kellam, you're still an important member of the army

    3. Shamitako


      Oh, and before I forget, *Stabs Huk-chan*

  18. Keep in mind... in an RP, Farfetch'd is no weaker than any other mon, nor is Electrode. So, considering it as such is well... an error. Just keep that in mind when facing mons that one would normally consider weak or terrible. They aren't so much in an RP environment.
  19. Hey sometimes being so not odd, makes you way more odd than anyone else. It's funny how it works lol
  20. I love how Hiss is asking this question when my character exists. I am pretty sure she is way more of an oddball XD, but maybe that is me I dunno. Can;t say why Strat picked who why cause I don't know lol. It kinda makes me a bit curious as to why Johanna made the cut... other than just being straight up out there. She is pretty different from the other characters in that she has a strong code of honor ((more than not using Dark Types, or Dark Types moves... this is just an outward expression to make it clear from me my intent, but it is really just a leg off how much she dislikes underhandedness. It makes it apparent basically.))
  21. Oh it might be, but I am used to it meaning both XD. EDIT: you;d be right but got them backwards XD. Heel-Face is good to evil, Face Heel- is Evil to Good.
  22. Eh... Fern is a character with literally zero development who has 0 reason to hate the player other than that he does... so He's just kinda poorly written imo. Keep in mind it is hardly a bad character archetype, it is just one that is hard as hell to utilize well. It's got a razor thin edge you have to balance on and it is easy to go off the deep end in either direction. It's easy to screw up and handle poorly. ((not to mention... it is all to easy to follow that trope to the grave and down to the letter. I've seen it too many times where they don't innovate at all or even try to add their own spin.)) It is how one writes it that dictates this things. And well, imo i is one of the harder things to pull off and have it be MEANINGFUL. That is the biggest thing... it is usually some throw away trait etc... that is why they don't tend to be interesting. ((also a Heel Face Turn would be used to refer to both instances Dobbs. Since it is the time where a character finally decides to take a path or direction. It can b for the good, or for the worse. Heck it can be for the good jsut for them to have the door slammed in their face anyway.))
  23. It's probably best Johanna to be, well... not connected to any characters whatsoever at the beginning. She would sorta thrive on being a weird character for most of the others at first. ((since she fancies herself a Knight lol.)). She'd be a bit interesting to deal with for most I'd imagine since she'd be a bit different from many especially the first time XD. Also... I actually didn't see it at first, but funnily enough Strat, Johanna does draw some inspiration from Brienne of Tarth lol. Not a huuuuge amount, but definitely some. On Unova... it's kinda my fav region as it has a lot of mons I like... and pretty much none that I don't. I even do like Garbodor, and I respect what they were going for with Vaniliuxe even if nobody else does. ((Pokemon based on Local specialties. And while it might be Based on a British treat... it still fits the bill and really fits well with promoting how American the Region of Unova is. America is all about local specialties. And while it isn't my favourite mon... I not going to rag on it. Enough people already do XD.)) I actually really enjoy most of the Bug Types as Scolipede and Escavalier are two very up there mons for me, and even though it has it's flaws I still really like Leavanny. Volcorona is also super cool. Basically... I love the mons of 5th Gen and I really enjoy the region. It gets a lo of undue flak over very few designs which is pretty unfair imo. But enough about Unova XD. This is the OOC for an RP, not Hukuna defends Unova time.
  24. ((that's because Kanto sucks...)) Actually though... Unova is just my favourite region... even though like everyone hates on it.
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