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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Also Murdoc... Imma try to not use a Gallade... but I don't have many choices so If I do end up using one sorry for the overlap but it might be a necessary evil. ((I think I can get around it... but no promises lol.)) I don't really have much of a team planned out yet and I might plan it as I go lol. It just really depends on what I end up goin' with XD.
  2. You know you are original when your using a flippin' Farfetch'd. Just saying.
  3. Well it a combo of that... and not really knowing any meaningful way to progress my section for me. I... really have nothing to springboard off of.
  4. Nasty Plot allows for boosting Togekiss's respectable SpAtk Stat.. However it needs to be bred onto Togekiss so that might be a bit of a pain. Toge also gets access to Aura Sphere, though it's a tad redundant in use with a Fire Move ((as both cover Steel.)), however Aura Sphere has better coverage of Rock Types so it is worth considering. Otherwise... easy to get moves sorta end there. Roost and Thunder Wave are both really helpful but are TMs... and well you have to have those TMs. I'm not the most knowledgeable when ti comes to Reborn;s TMs to be honest so I dunno if those are available. I will note Air Slash is the only really needed move with Nasty Plot. Coverage tends to be a bit unnecessary on Toge as well... the sort of mon it is. So, Set would look like best case scenario. -Air Slash -Nasty Plot -Roost -T-Wave/Filler Coverage. Roost can also be substituted I suppose as in-game teams tend to not need recovery moves as much as you can use recovery items instead. It's up to you though. Hope that helps.
  5. It is only really an issue if you are running 3 Knock Offs. You don't want to many of them as well... Knock Off relies entirely on them having an item... and if you have so many Knock Off's it starts to get a little overboard. Knock Off is a good option but diversity seems better for you right now. Thing is... all of them are sorta poor options at the moment as they all have low base powers etc... Brick Break is entirely redundant as Fighting and Ground are the same coverage wise other than Dark types on Fighting and Ground not being able to hit Flying Types. It is best to go with The Rock Type move to complete the Edgequake Combo, or Fire Fang as it gives more coverage on stuff that isn't hit by EQ too well. Really... the last move matters really little to be honest. Personally... I'd go with the Rock Coverage if you want more coverage options. As Author pointed out though Facade is an option as it will be 140 BP. So it will hit for good damage on most things. ((just remember if EQ hits for neutral damage it will still out damage.)).
  6. I have 6 I play at one time... so it becomes a hassle for me just due to the type of player I am. I am a Jack of all trades Master of None. That and I like to experiment with things and see what could work etc... thing is I really hate having to delete my other decks to be able to do it. Because fiddling with stuff to make sure I have my decklists in order is a pain. I really wish they'd just let us have as many as we want. But according to Blizzard if people have more than 9 decksllots they won't "Understand the game" because it isn;t simple enough for them. Which is an official statement by a Blizzard employee... I don't understand how people won't understand a Scroll bar, because that is literally all they need to add to add more slots.
  7. And I don't have to explain that reason. Just know that I don't like to be called as such and don't do it. All that needs to be known.
  8. I wonder if we'll get another crazy Pre-set deck one though as the likes of Nef vs Rag. I think those ones would be real sweet. Though dashed in every now and then not all the time. Mostly cause they probably take a hell of a lot of work and I'd rather they not spend too much time on that. ((grumbles something about only 9 deck slots.))
  9. Well... some of them are good... the current one is really bad. All random decks... I might as well play Arena. If You could get any of the hero spells it might be interesting to see how the other class cards would interact with each other, but they didn't do it that way XD. The Only one I played a lot of was Nef versus Rag. ((which was heavily favoured towards Nef... but I usually won more as Rag myself so eh...)) THe summoner one was also kinda interesting as it added something small but super game changing. It was jsut interesting lol. ((also the Banana one was super horrible... as it was all Face Hunters and Tempo Mage. If I wanted to see normal ladder decks... I'd go ladder.))
  10. Well, Tavern Brawl gives an Extra Classic Pack a week now as well... so there is that. ((and it I am pretty sure it is usually GvG packs at the moment.)) At least you can still dust them and eventually get what you want XD.
  11. Don't call me Senpai.... Also, I've already said what my starter is multiple time and it is none of those mentioned. ((also Bisharp isn't allowed as I can't use Dark Types.))
  12. Eh... I could care less about Mawile's existence. I actually didn't even know it was a Pokemon until it got a Mega in X and Y. Then again... the word cute isn't in my vocabulary. Because I don't ever find things... cute. Even typing it feels wrong.
  13. My team is based entirely on being Mono Blade/Royalty. Mostly things that use inspirations based on Knights ((or their cultural equivalents.)), things based on other warriors, things that use blades somehow in their fighting style and things based on Royalty or Nobility as well, or jsut other stuff from the Feudal time period.. Warriors and the chivalrous. I actually had to expand a bit to Royalty based things since the pool was pretty shallow and had too many similar typings otherwise.
  14. 3 actually allows you to break even. As you get the Pack and enough bits and bobs to make it equal the amount from a Pack anyway. If you average 7 wins that is known as going infinite and you basically can play Arena forever if you are good enough lol. ((especially if you average 8 or more.)) But yea, the model is quite fair. It could be so much worse but it definitely is too bad. I feel if anything is a bit bad is that the Wings of Naxx and BRM are a bit overpriced, but otherwise I think it is very good.
  15. Eh, it happens. I personally think Hearthstones curve is pretty fair. It is kinda slow, but I don't think it was that insane that it wasn't fair. However... do keep in mind I ahve played since Beta. It might be a bit different fro me. Also, you can win with Basic Decks and get to Legend rank. I've seen it. If you're good you can get super far even without all the cards.
  16. Tomas... it's a TCG/CCG they are inherently "Pay to Win" However, I have played Hearthstone entirely Free to Play and have nearly every card in the game.
  17. If there was 0 RNG trust me... it be a very boring game. A Lot of Hearthstone is adadpting to crazy stuff that happens on the board etc... It's not like M:TG in that way and honestly why I like it more in many cases. At least... IMO.
  18. Also, if anybody wants me to do some guides etc.... I'll do them. Though I would like the time to ladder to a point I feel I am actually competent lol. ((I haven't had the time to grind to Legend Yet, but Imma get there one day dammit....)). For beginner stuff really head on over to Trump's Channel. He has a lot of good series for learning, hell, he even has some for Arena in the iDraft series in which he talks about a lot of picks. It is a bit outdated but it will really help you understand the value of some cards in Arena lol. By the way, I may drop an Arena Tier-List here for funnsies lol. My preferred decks right now are Patron Warrior, Oil Rogue ((The basically new version of poor old Miracle Rogue lol. RIP)), and My own version of Mech Shaman... I prefer a more Mid-Rangy version without the Cogmasters... which are just a super weak feeling card to me. But it is personal pref... I'll probably change up mine since it is an old as hell version XD. It actually predates BRM. SOme of my old favs are Handlock and Giants Mage... but both are much weaker than they used to be so I don't use them much... especially as I don't have Malganis or Jarraxxas for Handlock.
  19. Yes, but annoying and broken are very different things. While it is a strong card it is a card that takes a lot of set-up to work. It way more reliable than some End-game magic combos ((Malygod Warlock anybody?)) but I still wouldn't say it is broken.
  20. Archmage Antonidas is hardly broken. It is a late game combo that relies on cheap spells that need to be acquired during the game or drawn at the right point. You can't even possibly play a single Fire Ball on the turn Antonidas is even palyed with out at least 2 mana reductions from Emperor Tharissan... and if they let out Tharissan that long... they lost that game anyway. Antonidas is 7 Mana. It is a late game combo only and it has to be started as an engine to draw into burn. It is honestly left out of some Mage decks as it is too slow for them. The Only card I think is broken right now is Doctor Boom, who is a 9/9 for 7 stat wise, and on top fo that the 1/1's he summons deal 1-4 damage. It is a strong strong card and seen even in Early game decks. ((like it is in some versions of Face Hunter I shit ye not.)) THat is the sign of a card being a bit broken, that it is in literally every single style of deck regardless. When an Aggro deck is using a card that should be in Control decks, you know it has a bit more power than it should.
  21. While this isn't stated here, most decks and classes are entirely viable, just certain ones have trouble against the current meta. With the meta being more fast paced certain control styles have issues though they do remain strong such as Control Warrior ((which has trouble since Grim Patron is hella more affordable and plays a control like style combined with a Combo deck.)). Also links or guides should be provided for Face Hunter and Zoolock/SImilar decks. Theses are the most affordable decks fro new players as they require at most 4 rares and don't rely on really any Legendary Cards etc.... as such they are definitely good starter decks. People will hate me fro saying... but it's just true lol. EDIT: Also, not to nipick Jelly, but can I get you to label the Firestorm as Tempo Mage please? It better conveys the decks playstyle and is what is is usually referred to at high levels of play. This is due to the fact that Firestorm here seems to be a particular flavor of the Tempo Mage rather than something that is a new type of deck. It's better to more generally label it etc.
  22. The Ivory Tower Snow was privy to even the slightest change in the winds, or the make up of the air around her. The solid blade appearing and taking the space of air caused it to immediately rush out from where it appeared, and as such it's path pushed the air out of it's way as well. She could use this to pinpoint it even without seeing it. She grabbed it with the her hand midair, stopping its descent. Anger emanated for the Woman, it was clear from her next action as she took the large blade and smashed it to pieces on the ground. It was a feat of unnatural strength. She seemed to not really even pay attention to the attack and very little to where it originated from after she had dealt with it. She stared directly at Matthew. It was unnerving as it would be impossible to tell where she was looking if it wasn't for the sockets in her helmet. The two empty sockets. "Don't pretend to know me Matthew Corwil. If you knew anything... then you would have known I choose this form. I choose this to forever be the servant of My Lady. The Goddess of the Winds. It was no sacrifice, it was no choice. I wanted this. Don't pretend that you can understand me, my form, or my motivations. You wouldn't want this... that is why you can't understand it. Don't pretend that my wants match yours. You mortals really know nothing if you think you can understand me." Anger welled up inside the Avatar. Anger at one not understanding the honor in the form she was standing in front of him in. "I was chosen by Milady to be her champion and her avatar for my life was that which she recognized to be fitting of her value. She called me to service by her side. There was no other choice then that to accept. To say you wouldn't want this.... you'd never even been given the chance and Aelia would never extend it to you. So... don't pretend you can understand me. Don't pretend you understand my life and the choices I made. Because you know nothing Corwil. If you hadn't earned my respect, your head would be mine right now for uttering those words." The Crimson Keep "That is true, an actual opponent means I don't have to fix the board. But, times get lonely when you are the avatar of a god. The Clockwork Gentleman is also busy this time of day. He also lacks imagination and is easily defeated at this game of stratagem... and creativity." The Crimson Knight mused scratching his helmet chin. He shifted all over the place looking a bit like a kid that couldn't sit still. It was strange to have such a childlike behavior out of what appeared to be a grown man, hell a Knight even. But something told Varick and Neville that even if this was the case.... This Knight wasn't to be taken lightly. Being Pyron's Divine Knight... there had to be a reason he was picked. God's were hardly ones to pick those that weren't suited for the tasks given to them. So, there was something to this Man they couldn't quite understand at just surface value. "Perhaps while we wait for your last companion... Let's play a round. How does that sound? I do love me a good game of chess." The Crimson Knight proposed. He balled together his two hands in front of him, in anticipation of the prospect.
  23. At this point you are guessing the reveal of a seems to be a major villain. Why do that now? Why even talk about it at all? That's the thing I don't get. I dunno... just doesn't sit well with me and I rather the guessing happen while it's going on etc... since it is more fun to scramble and try to guess what an element is etc... while the action is happening rather than do it now before the RP has started. Maybe it's just me... but a lot of somewhat juicy info or things that could have just been left implied but not spoken... have been spoken. It might just cheapen the experience. But... that is me. I believe that to get the hints the world should be explored etc... rather than be talked about OOC. Just a difference of Opinion I suppose.
  24. I'd just like to say.... while I didn't draw the design ((Zim is 5000 times the reason it is that good. He a fantastic artist.)) This little guy is kinda my baby and one of the mons I designed for the project. The pronunciation is 100% "Slam" by the way, I will just confirm that. Side note, Pslamb is my Third Fav mon in this project thus far. The other two haven't been seen yet.
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