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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/UndergroundMonkey It is on Tv Tropes so it is definitely done enough to be considered a trope. ((which by their nature are cliches)) Oh and uh... this http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/NoExperiencePointsForMedic like in every freaking TRPG in existence. Because seriously... it makes one not even want to use Healing Units sometimes. THey feel impossible to level up and it is a nightmare.
  2. Rooftop "I'll be sure to point that out to you." Vixen said in regards Bark's last statement. At least the brute knew his strengths, and where to butt his big nose out of. It'd make her job a lot easier that way, without having to try and wrangle somebody else acting on their own accord. It was the first part of what he said that didn't sit well with her. Acting as if he knew her past. He didn't. To think it could have been similar to his. when he had no idea what hers was; A fallacy if she ever saw one. She rather not make any bad blood though. She didn't know his past either. Only that both of their paths had converged fro right now. And probably not even permanently. Especially if she saw to it, to stay alone like always. For now that beast finding itself in a hole in the ground was more important than her want to be alone.
  3. Uh huh... Imma just continuing writing things. *leaves the room of crazy people*
  4. Here comes Hukuna with probably a controversial one... possibly but I think some people will agree with me. UNSKIPPABLE TUTORIALS. Seriously... it is annoying. I cannot stress enough the skippable part because my lord do I hate them so much. Now, I understnad the point of tutorials, as they are important to some degree, though I am from the school of beleif that the palyer should be allowed to opt out of it if they wish not do to it for a lot of reasons. These are not ranked in any order, this is just a list. Reason 1: Some prefer figuring things out on their own. After all a lot of older games did do this to us by dropping us into the game world with little to no information. It was part of the game to learn it's controls and master them. Something was satisfying about finding new commands or things that you could do even if you weren't told by the game about it. An example, there is no tutorial in a game such as Crash Bandicoot 2. THe early levels serve as a sorta of tutorial to hone your skills for later on by being a place with less obstacles etc to kill you and the like. However, many things were hidden in the level some even in plain sight and this made players wonder how to get to things. As A result seeing these things made you want to try and get them or figure out how to do that. THis encouraged you to try and explore the buttons etc. Many other games, especially platformers, used the approach of teaching through Showing or hinting rather than jamming text down one's throat. Reason Two: Hi game I want to replay and have been playing for years! I already have beaten you to completion many times, I don't need your silly forced tutorial anymore. As such being able to opt out would be a good solution, however you are rarely given this chance etc... Even RPGs tend to force you to as they put all the tutorial text before a choice to repeat that text... this is annoying to me as well. Why not have the characters ask you first if you need that and then go through it if they answer yes? That is a purely mechanical thing I have gripes with and I will leave this lying here for now. I do have somethings that are storyline related but I will leave those for another time.
  5. "I suppose I can do that for you. I am not the biggest people person, but I think I can manage that." Emberly remarked while scratching the back of her head. She wasn't really to fond of the idea, it was a whole other reason that people had to look at her and bring even more attention to herself. Though, Miss Kathrine probably picked her just fro that reason. Emberly was tall and did exactly that, stand out. It was easy to lead or at least have your presence known. This in turn helped one to keep control of the situation. Emberly knew exactly why she was chosen... or at least she did in her mind. If that was the real reason she didn't actually know. She rubbed the back of her leg with her bare foot. She was all itchy just thinking about it. She took a deep breath, no sense in getting all worked up. "I will do my best Miss Katherine. I am glad you know the limitations you have and are telling me now rather than later. Thanks for divulging that truth. I shall assist you as best I can." the fiery haired girl said with a sudden burst of confidence. Emberly just wanted to make sure Miss Katherine didn't see her own misgivings. Her teacher needed the help, she could see that. She didn't want to refuse even if it would make her stick out even more like a giraffe in a herd of sheep. Now, with being the assistant she wasn't jsut a giraffe, but a Neon Pink and purple one.
  6. Annnnnnnd we're done with the Lotad. Back to some female cahracter with which to cnofuse folks into thinking I am a girl over the internet with again.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ojama Yellow

      Ojama Yellow

      Yes, I am completely cnofused by the cahracter :]

    3. Shamitako


      *Stabs Hukuna-chan*

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie
  7. I am 100% certain I am not touching other OCs etc. I don't feel comfortable doing that. Any NPCs submitted should be kinda throw away, or throw away enough that me changing them etc doesn't matter to the person that provides them lol. I already got a few NPCs in mind out of some of my old OCs. ((some being DnD cahracters of mine even lol.))
  8. Best part is the second one I got was Elemental Ranger, which is more or less what Jupiter would have ended up as to some extent. So, both my results weirdly hinted at it lol.
  9. I can easily fit them in by breaking the story about them a bit. So long as people are okay with that. ((which I really hope they are if they write up NPCs for me. I tend to like to change characters as they are used and I get a feel for them so it is highly likely I will play around with their personality etc... a bit or something.))
  10. You know... even though I allergic to dust, get light-headed from most common household cleaners etc... SOmething is still oddly satisfying as just getting stuff cleaned around the home. Dunno why jsut is XD.

  11. ^ Aye. This is a very big consideration as we are looking to get as many people as possible the chance to play and experience. We will try our damnedest to get it as convenient for our players as we can. Probably just answering this so that it doesn't only look like Jeri answering stuff XD.
  12. Yea, first I went with if it was a game I was playing and what I would pick. Second time, I went with the more me type of things as if it was myself. I got VASTLY different results which is kinda awesome. Aye, there is only so much I can teach you young Grasshopper. Even I the mighty Hukuna Sensei cannot teach you that which is most important. I can show you the ropes, how to be, but I cannot hand to you the drive and resolve to be the best you can be. Nor, can I give you my years of experience. There is a part of the journey where each most take their own Path.
  13. SO the first result I got was what I would ahve gotten if playing an RPG. I tend to go for more...Warrior type classes as I enjoy to play them. The Second time around ((so this result.)) I decided to answer the more me types of answers. Turned out I got Elemental Ranger like You did Dark XD. ((It is weird cause I don't usually ever consider Ranger/Bow Classes that often in games... so It is interesting that I ended up choosing so many of those options XD. However, ever since I wrote Jupiter in Graterras... I weirdly have been moving towards them XD. Tis interesting lol.
  14. Snow is a Woman. I was pretty sure that was clear in the Description XD. Mostly cause that... and well... I did use she quite a few times in there lol.
  15. Hype, it's bad for your Wallet's health. Not as dangeroud as Steam Sales... but still.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      I'm broke, I can't.

    3. Felicity


      Let my wallet die

    4. Raindrop Valkyrie

      Raindrop Valkyrie

      Tell that to Steam, not me lol. They are the ones that keep jamming their hands all up in there and taking money out of it.... Well maybe XD.

  16. Rooftop "Vixen" the blue-haired woman said. She didn't hesitate this time. This Bark... would hopefully not be an issue, she didn't think he would be. However, one never knew for certain. She kept her gaze firmly out over the city, not looking at the giant man even once. "It be best to not let the protectors know that. Or any established faction for that matter. They aren't exactly fond of the work I do. Well... I am sure the Protectors like the removal of beasts. But probably not the other part."
  17. It was Sigurd that did. She really, REALLY disliked him. She has also been in Dream on Another Shore. Which I should really finish CHapter 8 of but I just haven't had the time lol.
  18. "Names aren't something I am at a luxury to give to most people. Besides, you haven't given me yours that I can remember." the woman harshly remarked. She was not very inclined to reveal that so easily. Her name carried weight... terrible weight. It meant something to most of the factions. While she was still considered a rumour by most, those that had seen her in action knew the legends were true and what she did. Many of the Factions weren't happy aobut a Deviant who hunted their ilk, even if she hunted those that were considered corrupted. After all, they were consdiered corrupted by her and not their own factions. Vixen cared little fro their politics only wanted the innocents to not get caught up in these petty turf wars and squabbles of the Magical world. It had hurt too many already. She would be sure that it stopped happening. "And, you have no faction you call your own do you? If so... maybe I would be more inclined to tell you my name. Otherwise, I cannot."
  19. They always were lol. In fact... they were only jsut put up now. ((as none of us choose our element. I don't even think they are story relevant yet... well quite yet XD.))
  20. Unspoilering it isn't a huge deal. It be easier for me to scroll over it and find it though lol. I need to know where the psot is for later so that I can link the main post directly to it. EDIT: Update, Ignacio and Snow Ashford now have their backstories. You might notice that Snow's is really f'ing long. There is a reason for this. Her's is the most recent. People remember more of her story because it most recently happened.
  21. Well... with how Soul works and just from talking to Lexi what I imagine it would work like is that raw sources of your Element yes. ((SO, Lightning storm could be possessed or maybe the power in a downed electrical wire.)). However, as even Soul Elemental [which is what Emberly is.] can't possess living things or stuff that have to do with them, preeeeeeeeeeetty damn sure you can't possess somebodies's brain impulses XD.
  22. Update. The following characters have been accepted and added to the 2nd Post. Their Profiles should be linked. Vayne, Marcus Arthai, Neville Frostburn, Rafael Koronis. There is still an incomplete character in yours K-H as he doesn't have a backstory yet and I am not looking a tthe sheet until it has one. @Nero Chaos. I will get to your Character when I get a chance. I am pretty sleepy at type of typing so I don't got time to go through it now. XD. This will also be last call for character creation. Those of you who want in best get crackin' and get a character up. This train will be leaving the station soon. On a sidenote, all created NPCs will not have a Character Sheet right away, at least not ones filling out their signature moves. ((Unless someone here wants to write up an NPC for my use to fill slots.)), Mostly because there will be quite a few of them and rather than delay the RP a lot I would rather just get it out there. It will be a lot like the hidden Signatures of the Divine Knights and they will be revealed as they are used. EDIT: and Oops... Noir I think I missed your profile there lol. DO you remember what page it is on?
  23. I still don't get why people give a damn aobut E3. THis is every announcement ever. "Oh hey look at this awesome trailer that has zero gameplay in it or is a vertical slice that you can't trust anyway!!! Hype! Hype! Hype! COmes out in 2035...." Like yea...

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