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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. Hmmmm, I am a lazy slacker aren't I? Well... busy but still. Been putting off Clash of Fates a bit too much need to get that thing up and running etc... Hopefully I get to it tomorrow lol.

  2. "I suppose; I am still not exactly fond of this idea." the fiery-haired girl said. She still had a look of concern on her face. She didn't believe that girl was in the right shape to be taking someone to the Nurse's Office herself. However, another was helping her put the blacked-out girl in the wheelchair. It put her mind at ease a little bit. Emberly was more concerned about why Miss Katherine wanted to speak with her. It was clearly important, or it seemed as such anyway. She walked over towards her Miss Katherine's desk, the place Miss Katherine herself was gesturing towards. She assumed she would follow after her.
  3. Rooftop She did mind, she worked alone. However... she didn't see a point in fighting it, the man would end up going with her no matter what and she knew it. Besides, his point was valid. If one was working with a team... even if she didn't want to, she had to accept this issue was bigger than herself. She still hated that fact. If it was any of those other reprobates she meet before, she would have flat out refused. No questions asked. However, this one was somewhat a different story. He knew what he was doing, or hopefully enough to not do something stupid as all hell. If she was to be stuck with somebody, it might as well be the one who had some inkling of what he was doing. It was still VERY clear she didn't really want it to happen. Even being as cold as she was, it was sometimes very tough to not show emotion especially those of disgust. She didn't protest however, she merely uttered "Fine." and went back to her silent stewing. Now was to wait for the rest of them to get their plans together so she could track this beast.
  4. I don't mind at all honestly so go for it.. ((and yes, Emberly would have rushed there it is her nature. Arya could probably convince her she is alright enough to go on her own though.))
  5. Emberly wasn't that startled by the quick flash of lightning, nor was she ever really startled by much. She just so happened to be a rather level-headed individual when it came to these things. However, she did have a nasty ringing in her ears from a certain partner of hers yelling in surprise. That startled her more than the lightning ever would have. The scene was nearly a mess after the lights came back on, as expected after that. Their Teacher barely keeping widespread panic from erupting. It wasn't her fault though, not many could keep such a large group of frightened young women calm and collected. Emotions were high... and emotions tended to make situations like these sloppy. However, Emberly noticed that this Arya, the one hit with the lightning was certainly not doing well. It might not have been easy to see, but her labored breathing and struggle to talk meant she certainly wasn't in good shape after being struck. Emberly wondered just how much she was pushing through or trying to hide. Emberly walked up to Arturia and spoke into her ear calm and collected. "I need you to stay here. That one is trying to strong-arm her way through her pain and that isn't good for her." She said pointing to Arya. "Imma see what I can do, Hopefully I can help somehow. For the mean time see if you can't get at least some of these girls to calm down. If they start panicking too much things might get out of hand and we'll have a lot more than two injured." "Miss Katherine." Emberly said as she approached their teacher. " I'm telling you right now that that girl is in no shape to walk herself. And I very much believe that I cannot let her walk herself and the other down to the nurse's office on her own. I'll take them, they need the help. Once they get the other in the chair I am going with them just in case. She was struck by lightning after all, she might be disorientated or worse. I can't in good conscience leave her alone."
  6. It is pretty much that way yes. Though the Middle Level are also Signatures, but they don't have drawbacks in anyway other than more strain than basic magic. While the Third tier has long cast times and really does a number on the person casting. So, there are Sigs that are low impact, and sigs that are high impact.
  7. Feel free to just put it in this thread or pm me it. Either way works lol. I got a few to catch up on honestly but keep getting busy lol.
  8. No Signature Level magic exists, the issue is that it is so vast and complicated you cannot learn all of it. ((Since some of it is learning how to converse with Elementals and different spirits etc...)) Basically... the Signature Spells you create are the Pieces of Signature Level Magic your character has learned. It can either be More power versions of Basic Magic ((which means using it is more draining etc...)) or do things that Basic Level Magic can't do. Easiest Example I can think of is relating it to D and D and hope this sticks and makes sense otherwise this is going to suck. Basic Magic would over Cantrips up to Level 2 Spells. Levels 3-9 would all fall under Signature Magic. However, Mages in Graterras have to pick and choose to hone certain spells because it takes a very long time to learn how to use said Magic without it killing you etc... Basically, Signature level spells have to be honed and practiced like a Martial Skill, because they are that complicated etc... and there just isn't enough time in one's life time to learn all of it.
  9. It is an Umbrella. However, a Signature level spell counts as a whole signature level slot. Basically, Rudimentary Magic is just a set of weak minor spells that make up the basic spell arsenal any Spellcaster of that type would have. Signature Level Spells don't really conform to the Magic they are of in full ((Like Wild Magic at a Signature level can summon FIre etc... that Rudimentary never could. Where as Arcane could Summon much more power Fire than rudimentary Arcane can. Arcane could also be used to replicate WIld Magic at a Signature Level, but there has to be a reason for it etc...)) But, a Signature Level SPell takes a whole slot. It is the Magical equilvant of Martial Skill. ((Like Dust's Mighty Terranix Crushes the Mountain is an attack. But, if I made it a spell where he threw a giant boulder of Earth at someone instead, it would take that slot still. Hopefully... that makes it clear enough? XD I am not the best at explainin' sometimes.))
  10. Yea, I just don't want things that have intrinsic magic etc... Things like Excalibur don't exist in Graterras for a very very specific reason... all Magical Weapons were destroyed. The People of Graterras realized... "Hey... maybe it is a terrible idea to let crazy death ray shooting Swords lying around etc... let's just destroy this shit before it becomes an issue."
  11. Uh no, you can't have Unique items that do anything. They do not exist in Graterras just as is ((in the case of Weapons.)) ANd they are very rare otherwise. ((Some of the Divine Knights have a few, but they got them from the Gods etc... or their Quests in life. No PC is that much of a Hero that they would have an item that has any kind of power.)) I should note though as long it doesn't have magical powers etc... it is fine. ((Like no Swords that shoot Fireballs.)), but if it has a mechanism... explain how it works. ((this would be considered a Signature though yes. As it is a Trick weapon that does a certain thing, and the Trick to suing it... is the Signature.))
  12. "If I had any idea, I highly doubt I'd be here. I am just a gun and a weapon. point me at your enemies and let rip. Thinking other than war... ain't my specialty." Viktor said stroking his beard. He really did believe that. He had no idea where to begin with this Pillar. What could it possibly be? If he had any inkling though he would most likely be in a very different situation then this one at current. Perhaps he would never have to answer that question at all if he was in the position to do so. It was strange to think about. How different things could have been. BUt it wasn't really worth pondering what ifs the time for them was past, no use in dwelling on them. "If I had to say something though..." he started again. "Even though it is a horrible cliche; What if it is just fate? What if the Pillar was meant to do exactly what it did no matter what? It is hard to believe it did all of this at random. It sounds rather stupid to say. But, I have no other answers right now. It is the only one I can choose. We just don't know enough."
  13. I only put that there for consideration. It is entirely up to you after all. You seem to have thought your character through so I don't mind him sticking as a Warrior if you believe it fits better. He is your character afterall.
  14. Not, entirely sure what that means lol. But no it doesn't use dice etc.... it is mostly and honor system with story building in mind. ((basically... it is pretty much an honor system of don't god mod etc.... and be reasonable with the events that occur.[taking attacks, not assuming attacks land, etc...)) Uh... can't really say. The Clash of Fate takes Place on another Plane of Existence so it doesn't really match the time line of the Real World. also hopefully I will be getting to the Bios I have missed until now today. ((no promises though I am busy XD. But I want to get this thing going so Trust me I will try to get it done in a reasonbile time for Hukuna.))
  15. Nope, False is the correct one. He never trained to have that ability. It is a manifestation of How brilliant his strategical mind is. ((Take Ignacio's Fear Discernment, he automatically does it due to his connections with Seeker. CK's Eye of the Mind similarly comes from his connection to Pyron and therefore isn't something he naturally trained so yes it is a supernatural sense.)) Also...psssst Ignacio should be under Lancer and still is under Caster, is there a reason for that or no? Just asking XD. EDIT: Oops... realized what the issue was. I accidentally wrote natural ability in the description of why he had Eye of the Mind (False). It should say supernatural. This is what happens when you are filling out sheets when you are tired. Sorry about the confusion there XD. Mix-up was totally my fault lol. Also, another Servant, an Archer this time Dust, The Lord of Heros. ((Archer))
  16. Will probably post Others of mine here as well I dunno. This is the first one to be finished however lol. Headmaster Ignacio, The Cerulean Madman. ((Lancer)) The Crimson Knight, Strategist Extraordinaire. ((Caster)) Snow Ashford, The Lady of Winter. ((Saber))
  17. Yea, but literally eeeeeeeeeevery Graterras Servant period... is going to be mad O.P. but they are all a bunch of drama queen divas.... so probably can balance it out pretty easy.
  18. Time to try and make the Divine Knights not Broken Ass O.P. and bring out some... more interesting characters.
  19. < THis brain is tired and dumb from reading character Profiles... do cut me some slack. Reworking Graterras Characters to work as servant though will be hard... since the easiest ones to do would be op as hell((Divine Knights etc..)), and normal characters are harder to focus at least for me..
  20. The RP, I know plenty of Fate lol. Like I don't really understand how anything is structured because nothing is even from the Interest check... and I really don't like it. Nevermind I figured out how it works, I am jsut an idiot. Was trying to figure out exactly how the whole being a Servant thing etc worked etc... I Brain died. ((Hukuna Sensei everybody. *Bows*)) So, if I submit a bunch of Servants.... do I jsut put them in here or what?
  21. Yep, sorry must have missed it. From a quick glance, I can suggest one change right away. Change Sword and Board to Specialist for your Signature Fighting Style. Reason being, Sword and Board is exclusively One Handed Weapons + A Shield. Specialist Style covers anything that doesn't fit under other categories and is the most flexible Sig style. ((Case in point, using a Single One Handed Sword doesn't have the same benefits as using one with a Shield, it is a much faster style that throws defense out the window Where as Sword and Board focuses more on Keeping yourself safe from projectiles while closing in. It then provides another weapon and something to deflect blows with. [cause remember folks... SHields hurt when you hit people with them.])) You may want to actually change to a Rogue, as it is about fighting with just a sword or single handed weaponry without the use of a shield etc... but that is up to you. I will look over the rest in due time. Also on a sidenote, the Divine Knights are mostly finished. Just need to figure out some minor details for their backstories etc... Is there anybody else who's character I might have missed?
  22. Okay... being the derp lord I am... who's Profile Haven't I gone over yet? Being a bit of a derplord. ((like typical.)) so I don't remember off the top of my head which I haven't done yet or said anything about.
  23. You guys do know Rep doesn't do anything right?

    1. Meruem


      *throws rep* i havent done anything

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