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Raindrop Valkyrie

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Everything posted by Raindrop Valkyrie

  1. It would be hands down too powerful lol. And Artifact Weapons don't really exist within Graterras, so it just wouldn't work lol.
  2. Welp... this jump has me totally lost... I don't even remember what the heck was going on last with Emberly etc...
  3. Uh... yea... not really no lol. That would be something of an artifact level of Power. Artifacts are preeeeetty rare and the level of heros that the PCs are meant to be wouldn't have such things. ((For example... some of the Divine Knights have abilities that mimic some artifacts but they CANNOT even dream to match the power of an artifact. And they are bloody strong so, that should give an idea of jsut how powerful artifacts are lol.)) Artifacts are also usually... lore important. Something of that power couldn't exist and not effect the world around it in some way lol.
  4. Hmmm... I see. Interesting... I am not entirely sure how well it will play out since some of it is up to the other player's character. ((many could react in many different ways... like knowing what I know of the Divine Knights at the very least... I have a good idea of how each would react and all 4 would be pretty damn different lol. Speaking of those guys... and gal, I should really finish their bios right quick huh?)). I suppose now that I know it is a fine ability... certainly roguish... I wouldn't say it is broken... more that It miiiight not always work. I think now that I understand it I get what it's purpsoe etc is though and I personally... don't have an issue with it.
  5. So, a bait... and then an attack? Something to unnerve them into making a stupid move etc? ((this is for my understanding lol.))
  6. Ah, good good and nice to know lol. So, the Aegis is an actual Aegis then huh? Also good to know. EDIT: also... going to just change this to the Sign-Ups/OOC now. I already have been telling Hukuna Stories... that means it is time to make this thing official XD.
  7. @Dobbs, Na, There will be plenty of opportunities to use Avalanche. Enough that it is certainly at least worth having. I will also note... there will be a way to acquire new Signatures from RPing etc... but those rules won't be relevant for some time so I have time to balance them out which is nice. ((like... why the Avatars have a whooping 9 Sigs... they are LEGENDS and powerful legends so they have a lot of things at their disposal. Heck... some of their abilities break some rules cause they are that powerful [basically... they are the Raid Boss for each team and the other team's main goals is to eliminate the entirety of the other enemy teams... therefore... they must eliminate the Divine Knight as well. This will be explained in better detail later though.)) also that is the reason I asked if Avalanche broke Mountain's... Mountaining? Sorry forgot the bloody name XD. Because, if it did it would make Avalanche a bit weak of a sig for you lol. It breaking aegis is totally fair lol. ((and uh yea the point of Juggernaut is that Armour is one with their fighting style and they use their Heavy armour to gain the upper hand rather than their weapon. They can use any weapon alongside this, because their weapon isn't relevant. They use a defensive style made to bring the most out of their armour rather than the most out of their weapon. Basically... what weapon your character uses isn't vastly important... because his style focuses on his expertise with Armour and donning it for defense than what particular weapon he uses.)) @ Acquie... uh gimme a sec lol. I will look it over XD. Probably edit it here if there isn't a post in-between me looking it over and when I get to providing feedback. EDIT: I believe that everything but Silkworm's Scourge is good I believe. Silkworm's just lacks a bit of clear definition since i am not exactly sure what you want to do with it. Is it for Utility... is it a powerful attack? It is hard to tell in it's current form. Give me an idea of what it is aiming for an might be able to guide you in a direction if need be etc lol.
  8. By the way... part of the balance would come form a few key points, while he has ultimate defense... his Offensive power ((outside of Avalanche which I will get too later.)) is pretty poor. Since he doesn't excel with any particular weapon etc... ((like for example... in a battle with the Crimson Knight with no outside Factors... CK would win... for the simple reason that he knows how to use the whip with such a level of expertise that someone who isn't a master of their weapon couldn't keep up with him very well. I did account the armour by the way.)) Anyway, I would imagine Avalanche is a veeeery hard to stop ability and it probably doesn't turn on a dime... ((and requires a lot of solid Earth to work. Which, by.. won't really work indoors or in areas made of stone work like forts castles etc... I would reckon anyway, just due to the vast differences in their density and consistencies etc... well... and collapsing the place on top of yourself... which will kill you. [i ain't having no shenanigans hero or no. A building falls on a character I don't care how well he controls Earth... he dead alright? XD.] But Stonework doesn't have as intact a Spirit.. so it is harder to sue as a focus for something like that jsut so you are aware ahead of time lol.)) It is an interesting thing... but it requires perfect conditions to work etc... and as a Host... I can guarantee sometimes you are certainly going to get stuck where it can't be used. My only big question... does Avalanche drop the focus required for the other two abilities? The amount of energy probably would ruin the reflective meditative based stances that the other two abilities imply they need to function. Asking now so I know for certain how that works etc...
  9. "And where is this...Noriko you speak of? Somewhere nearby I would hope." The blue haired woman said. She didn't really speak directly to either of the men in front of her as per usual. She avoided eye contact entirely like always. "This one really is hopeless... scared shitless by only me. Much too timid and certainly shouldn't be a part of this fight. But I suppose he is one of us now... so he is forced to do this even if he doesn't want to. Better to be in numbers than alone for survival... for the weaker ones anyway. People like me need to be alone most times... less lose ends. Less caring about people to get in the way. Less complications. It is better that way." Vixen thought to herself. This kid was just going to get in the way... but she didn't feel like saying it to his face. He probably would have agreed with her... probably ended up forced into this situation. So, she didn't say anything about it. She could only hope this Gaveriil and the third of their band of three... this Noriko, knew what they were doing.
  10. Nope, that's just sadness.... sadness and not being liked by anyone.
  11. You could probably reason any of them as each has something to do with nature. Lumabella represents the Sun along with Pyron something that is important in nature. Draven and Seeker represent the Moon, which is also important in nature. ((Seeker also owns the stars as a byproduct of... well... maybe I should explain the story huh? Basically... Lumabella and Pyron Created the Sun as a gift to the mortals and to light the eternal void. Of course Draven, being the egotistical maniac he is, wasn't happy about that. He wasn't happy that his "gift" of darkness to the mortal was erased so... he corrupted the Sun's shadow and made it so that the sun would one day engulf itself in darkness. Needless to say for a time no one knew this had happened other than Draven. Until Seeker happened to notice completely by accident. Being a curious entity that wished to know everything aobut everything, he was examining the sun in close detail to see how Lumabella and Pyron created it. He happened to notice the Dark magic within... and realized it was out of place. Wanting to observe the Sun under normal conditions he froze the Dark energy to remove, inadvertently creating the Moon. [and saving humanity... he did that by accident XD.] anyway... of course the first time the magic Seeker used didn't hold quite right and it began to unfreeze as he was trying to remove it... cause Ice in a big ball of fire he hadn't observed before.[therefore he couldn't freeze it well enough for it to not happen.] This caused him to drop the disc inside the sun and shatter a large portion of it. Being angry at himself he blow a great gout of water that sent the diamond dust flying out into the void before it melted. And thus he created the stars totally by accident... in typical Seeker fashion XD)) Mortimo runs one half of the Life and Death Cycle. So, while a 100% true Nature Deity might not exist, most of them draw from Nature itself and represent some cycle within. So... you could reasonably pick any of them if you justified it well XD. Basically, I mentioned the Elemental Gods cause they are easy to tie to nature directly. However... pretty much all the deities that make up the 9 Divine represent something in nature.
  12. Spends nearly 2 weeks writing and Interest Check for an RP... gets 1 rep. Ark spends 5 seconds making terrible drawings and using horrible grammar/spelling. ((which you know how 0 right to make of any of my typos.)) gets 9. If that isn't irrefutable proof no one likes me I don't know what is. #NoOneLikesKuna.
  13. Probably, though the solution is pretty easy. Just pick Druid as the Archetype and have the character follow some religion. ((Since Tectaniteus, Aelia, and Bartimis can double as Nature gods to some extent. I mean Bartimis is highly associated with Trees, Apples, and Hummingbirds, and as a God of Life... he did give life to all of Nature as well such as plants etc...)) Cause I will point out that Signature Level Magic can be on any character that knows some form of magic but it can BE ANY form of magic because Signature level magic doesn't follow the same rules as basic magic. So, you could take spells that reflect the character's patron deity, by taking say a Earth signature spell if going with Techy, or Weather/WInd related SPells if going with Aelia etc. [bartimis's magic funnily enough is very similar to what Wild Magic Offers already.] But as taking base as a Druid you can still get Wild Form and not have to go with a much weaker polymorph type magic sig. ((Polymorphing has a lot of downsides to make sure Wild Form has a pretty distinct advantage.)). Keep in mind folks, not everyone in a religious order is given powers by the gods, some are just simple people that preach the word lol.
  14. Aye, it falls under Abjuration Magic rather than Evocation only difference. ((Basically... there could reasonably be Light Related Spells of any type of Magic other than Necromancy and Conjuration.... because Necromancy uses Negative Energy exclusively while Conjuration can't summon a Light Elemental since there is no such thing a Light Spirit. [Elementals are just a type of Spirit basically.])) However, the exact school of magic only really matters if you are a Wizard so no need to worry about that.
  15. It is an unfortunate thing in how Graterras's Magic works. Terrestrial Elements being Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water are those that can be hereditary in nature. As Humans and all living life are created from those elements every person has an innate potential to wield them, but most never have the power to spark a request. ((Casting Magic, is used by invoking spirits or their analogs. Therefore, one most request of say...a Lightning Spirit to cast that Lightning Bolt FOR them.)). As Light is a Celestial Element, or one created by the Goddess Lumabella, it doesn't naturally exist in the world ((just like Darkness is created by Draven, Positive [or Life] energy is created by Bartimis, and Negative [or Undeath] energy is created by Mortimo.)) Normal Arcane magic cannot invoke it as these elements don't have Spirits and only have the Gods that created them to act as an intermediary to cast the spell((hence why Priests can use it jsut fine as basic magic, because their magic comes DIRECTLY from their god or goddess)). Therefore Sorcerers can only use those elements through Signature Magic because it takes a mighty feat to be able to invoke those elements as opposed to the Natrual Elements that have spirits. I will note that Fire is seen as Light's terrestrial equivalent Element. ((because the sun is a ginat ball of fire and both Pyron and Lumabella created the Sun.)), so perhaps that could be used fro basic magic with Focused light left for stronger, more powerful Signature level magic? As a note for the others, they are Wind and Positive, Water and Darkness, and Earth and Negative.
  16. Wow... this wa an RP... Huh... I forget what was happening now lol.
  17. Yep, it says under the explanation of the Armour skill that the thing denoted is the Heaviest you can wear. If you can wear Heavy Armour, you can wear all types of armour. ((as different types of armour have different advantages. Light armour is the easiest to move in and still offer protection, Medium is the middle ground, with Heavy offering the most defense but severely hampering movement.)) Also, Characters can be signed up now I don't mind ((it is why I included the template since the character creation on here is looooong so I wanted folks to have time to get it done etc.... ahead of time while I was accessing whether or not to just change this into the OOC etc... which I can say I will most likely be doing.)) Also, @Kuro... Backgrounds etc in this are supposed to be pretty long. Like I am probably not accepting things that are not at least 2 paragraphs in length cause I need a good idea of who and what the character is. ((because it will effect where they get placed later on to some degree lol.)) EDIT: and jsut so it is less confusing for people, You can wield any weapon your class allows to some degree. ((If you a Warrior you can wield literally anything well enough to use it effectively in combat.)). THe Styles just make you miles better at wielding it, like the weapon is an extesion of yourself rather than just some random old weapon. You are that good at fighting with it it becomes a part of you almost. I am going to amend the format a bit for SIgnature Styles as such in that Dragoon Style, Specialist Style, Sword and Board Style and Brute Style should havee a small note abotu what type of weapon you have that level of mastery with. ((it isn't needed with Juggernaut, because Juggernaut you have become one with your Heavy Armour making it not hinder you like others that use it.)) Example: Specialist Style ((Whip))- Paladin. That way it is easier to keep track of to some degree lol. And any other class can pretty much use any weapon they are allowed to use. ((Like a Ranger can use Annnnnnything. Anything at all. But Combat isn't the main focus of their class hence why they don't get Signature Styles as an archetype bonus.)) And usually it falls under the Lumabella's Holy Magic. She is the Goddess of Light and the only real Light magic comes from her.((so her Priesthood's magic mostly)). It could fall under Evocation.... but the issue there is that Basic Arcane Magic wouldn't be able to replicate it... so it would have to be Signature level magic in that case.
  18. What!?!?!? Hukuna jsut released an Interest Check for a new RP? WHAAAT!?!!?!?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Yash


      You finally did it!!

    3. Felicity


      Oh FFS man, hnnnnnnnnnnnnnng, do I or don't I?

    4. Kurotsune


      Shameless advertisement! Ayyy!

  19. Reserved for Character Apps and Example Bios. Needed due to the first posts super length so I need the extra room lol. Should hopefully get up the Knights Bios soon. Crimson Company: The Crimson Knight Varick Harudim Neville Frostburn Lord Gradun Ivory Ward: Snow Ashford Debronee Matthew Corwil Zagi Adius Cerulean Collective: Headmaster Ignacio Nadia Darke Helen Lemecier Ayla Ryssel Sienna Sentinels: Dust Silef Asterlux Ress'nok Redtail Vayne Team Leaders/The Divine Knights: Accepted PCs: Silef Asterlux: > Click for Profile < Varick Harudim: > Click for Profile < Matthew Corwil: > Click for Profile < Ayla Ryssyl: > Click for Profile < Helen Lemercier: > Click for Profile < Zagi Adius: > Click for Profile < Vayne: > Click for Profile < Neville Frostburn: > Click for Profile < Debronee: > Click for Profile <
  20. Graterras: Clash of Fates Interest Check/Signups I guess? It's been a little while... since Good old Hukuna Sensei has Hosted an RP. I am not so sure newer folks would even know of Graterras: A World in Peril, but it was my first forum RP I ever created. It was an interesting ride... and I learned a lot about RPing and why I loved doing it and what about it just drove me to strive to be better in writing, and to help others enjoy RPing as much as I do. It is probably the thing that lead to me ending up as the Mod around the RP Forums here... Anyway enough sappy Sensei reflecting on his past in the forums etc... WE GOT AN RP TO PITCH!!! ((Also... Warning... there is a lot of text below... because Hukuna gotta make complicated bull honky so... you are going to have to deal with a little bit of reading... it should hopefully be easy to grasp and learn though lol.)) Scenario: They say even heros die with regrets, Deeds they wish they could have done within their lifetime. Deeds and objects of their desire... that evaded them at any possible turn. Even the greatest of heros... The Knights of the Nine Divines themselves!!! They see new life however, being the vassels of the Divines. They have chances to change the outcome of their lifetime. Other heros are not so lucky. However... they do have one chance. One chance to change everything. The nameless ones... the Unsung. The ones who are not written about in story books, nor have their names ring the halls of the world. They do have one chance. A trail by combat, once more into the fray they must step. For every Thousand Years... the souls of those that regret find new life on the steps of a mighty hold. THE MIGHTY WALLS OF THE SORROW HALLS!!! A place... that brings miracles to those that yet hold regret... or hold desperate wishes to their bosom in death. Under the tutelage of the Divine Knights themselves... these souls for decades past will fight now last time. One last time to have their greatest regret washed away from the Sands of Time. Extra Backstory, The Nine Divines, and their Lands. ((Warning: This is buttload of info. Read at your own peril. It may help in character creation though.)) The RP; What is it About?: In this RP, Players will take on the role of a Unsung hero of the past... the souls who were powerful... but not powerful enough to be remembered. Each of them has a regret in their past, or some desperate wish they want to see fulfilled. As such they find themselves at The Sorrow's Halls, seemingly arriving right after their death. ((a.k.a Dying is the last thing they remember.)) They discover the Halls are a place... where the Forgotten fight once more. They each have a Claim in the Battle of Sorrow's Hall, a battle that takes place every Thousand years for one sole purpose. To grant the Winner's... their final hope. Each of the Great Divine Knights ((will serve as the examples of character creation later on.)) Leads their own team a faction of heros that seeks to defeat the others. The Remaining Members of the Last Faction Standing... gain that which they seek, the Power to wash away their regret... to change that which they know. Character Creation: Each Player will create their Hero by picking an Archetype and a number of signature moves created by the Player. These shall be explained in more detail below. Archetypes are chosen guidelines for a character, they somewhat shape the nature of their Play. They give an idea of what the characters abilities are... and how to progress their growth. They are not 100% Strict, as characters may have some abilities etc, that overlap two archetypes, but the Main one they select is their focus, or the one most true of them. They are just heads above others at the skills their archetype possesses. The Archetypes are as follows: Warrior: By blade, hammer, axe, or longarm they take to the battlefield. Masters of Fighting and War. Ranger: Outcasts that roam the Wilds, and the borders of Civilization. Paladin: Divine Champions of the Gods. Priest: Those that serve the gods, and wield their power for their dutiful service. Druid: Master of the Wilds, Shapeshifters that are one with Nature. Rogue: Tricksters, beguilers, those savvy with the tools of thieves. They forge teir own path through the world. Wizard: Those that practice the Science of Magic. They weave the force to serve their bidding. Sorcerer: Those that have natural magic. It courses through their very bloodlines. Whether it be the blood of Dragons, or that of Elemental Spirits Archetypes in depth, Signature Moves/Spells, and Basic Skills: Signature Moves and Spells: Signature moves and spells are those that define your hero. They are the things that bring them to life and the techniques that they have honed and perfected over the years of their life. They are their lifeblood and they define how they fight. They are the most powerful techniques at a Hero's disposal, much more above their normal fighting capabilities. A Warrior knowing how to swing a sword is fine and dandy, but it is not his signature. ((well it can be will be explained later shhh...)) but his tendency to charge face first into battle? To the point where the charge becomes not just a charge... but something entirely different. That is the basis of a signature move. Each Archetype has their own types of signature moves, though they can use examples from other ones. They do not gain the basic abilities of the other archetype ((unless using a slot to gain it, explained below.)), but... they can essentially "multi-class" in this way. These abilities are made by the Players to suit their character, HOWEVER, as host... I have final say on what is allowed or not. For specific examples based on Archetypes, please check individual Archetype's section below in the Archetypes; What they do for your Character section. There are a few different types of Signature Ability. Activated Skill: A Skill that must be consciously used. Whether a Special Sword Technique, a powerful magic Spell, or something else. These abilities take a burst of energy to use and strain their user if they use it to much. Simple Examples: Casting a Fireball, a spinning sword attack, summoning an object etc. Passive Skill: A skill that is active at all times. While weaker than other types of signature Abilities, they don't need to be concisely focused on. While most typically magic, they can also be auras of emotion or special qualities one has. They can take on the effect of an active ability, but are muuuuuuch weaker. Passives take no energy to maintain, but as a result are the weakest of signature powers. Simple Examples: An aura that inspires others, a passive ward of evil, a Silver Tongue((not literally...well... I guess it could be literal, not sure why you would waste a signature on that though.)). Toggle Skill: The middle ground between Passives and Actives. Can be toggled on and off by a "switch" or when the character wishes to no longer focus on it. Some have drawbacks to the user while on which causes them to want to shut it off every now and then. Toggled abilities drain a Hero's energy over time as long as they are up in addition to any penalties they also inflict. Simple Examples: Beserker Rage, Aura's of Lighting or other elements. Archetype Skill: Will be explained further under each Archetype's Section. Certain Skills that are exclusive to certain Archetypes unless under very special Conditions. They very between the three types listed above. Examples: Druid's Wild Shape, Sorcerer's Ancestor's Breath. etc. Expanded Basic Skill: A slot can be used to add an extra Basic Skill ((explained in the section below.)) to your archetype. Examples: A Wizard knowing how to use Light armour, a Warrior knowing rudimentary Arcane magic. Basic Skills, Bread and Butter of the Hero: These are the basic skills your character possess. They include their more mundane training and weaker magical abilities. ((the differences between Rudimentary Magics and Signature Level Magic shall be discussed in the Wizard, Sorcerer, Priest, Paladin, Druid and Pact Mage sections.)) These are skills that your archetype give you and your character always has access to. While they might not be as flashy or powerful as Signature Abilities... they are just as important. They make up the bulk of what a hero will be using in Combat, and dictate how they fight etc. They are much easier to use than Most types of Signature Abilities as they don't take any more energy than doing a similar action in real life. As such, Hero's will end up using their basic skills when they don't have the inhuman amounts of energy they need to use their Signature ones. A Masterlist of Basic Skills: Armour Training((Perimeter)): What armour the Archetype is trained to use. The rank shown is Highest class armour one may wear. Ranks are Light, Medium and Heavy. Light Armours offer some protection without hampering movement. Medium offers a bit more protection while sacrificing a bit of speed. Heavy Provides the Ultimate Defense, but comes a the cost of being clunky and hard to move in. If an archetype does not have this skill, it cannot equip armour unless a Signature Move slot is used. Moving up one level of armour costs a signature slot. Example: for a Wizard to equip Light Armour, it takes one Signature Moveslot. However, for a Wizard to use Heavy Armour They would need to use 3 Signature Skill slots. Basic Shield Training: The Archetype can wield a shield, but isn't highly effective with it. Holy Weapon Training: A Priest Specific Basic Skill. The understanding to use the Holy Weapon of the Order, or Priesthood one belongs to. Will be further explained in the Priest Section of the Archetypes; What they do for your Character section. Initiate of an Order((Perimeter)): While this skill doesn't really do anything on it's own, it represents the characters bond to their religious order and the pwoers they wield due to it. It affects their magic Martial Combat((Perimeter)): The use of all types of of basic and mundane weaponry. This indicates a Military understanding to use most tools of war effectively. If anything thing is specified under the Perimeter they only have the knowledge to use that weapon etc... Roguish Combat: The understanding of underhanded tactics to battle. Mostly includes the use of small concealable weapons, or those that fire from a range to take enemies by surprise. Things like Shortbows, Longbows, Crossbows, Shortswords ((or equivalent.)), daggers, knives, and other small arms. It also includes the use of traps and tools like caltrops etc... in combat. Rudimentary Arcane Magic: The Ability to cast simple spells of arcane nature. Rudimentary Divine Magic: The basic ability to cast magic gifted to one from the Gods. Rudimentary Wild Magic: Control over the basic Magic that has control over Plants, animals or other forces of Nature. Simple Weaponry: Use of simple weaponry that doesn't take much skill to use. Includes things such as Quarterstaves, clubs, Hatchets, knives, daggers, slings, farm equipment turned weapon ((Sickles, stuff like that.)) etc. Spellcaster Weaponry: The use of even smaller pool of arms employed by Spellcasters. It includes Knives, Staves, and Slings. Archetypes; What they do for your character: Warrior: Ranger: Paladin: Priest: Druid: Rogue: Wizard: Sorcerer: Race: Races have no effect on gameplay, but do from a roleplaying perspective. It is how your characters sees the world etc... and how the world reacts to them. Human: Dwarf: Gnome: Elf: Halfing: Half-Elf: Half-Orc: Victonari: Sign-Ups Template: Name: Put the Character's name Archetype: character's archetype should go here. Race: < goes here... Age: Should be around 25 or older. These characters were minor heros in their times, so their age should at least some what reflect that. Appearance: A Short blurb on what your character looks like. Personality: A Short blurb about your character's Personality. Should be at least a Paragraph. Signature Moves/Spells/Skills: Put them in a nice list format... bulleted or numbered would be preferred. moves created by the player's should be named, and have a description. Archetype Signature moves are put in this format below. Name of Archetype Sig-Archetype it comes from. Examples: Signature Fighting Style: Dragoon Style- Paladin, Signature Fighting Style: Brute Style- Warrior. Bloodline Trait: Black Dragon - Sorcerer, Wild Shape- Druid ((with a small blurb about what your WIld Form looks like etc.)) Background: Explain the past of your character. This section should of decent length as it needs to explain not only your character's background, but their reason to be fighting in the Clash of Fates... and at lest some mention as to why they have the Skills and powers they do. Conclusion: Thank you all for reading... that nightmare wall of text and I hope folks are interested. This for now will remain an interest check but if I get enough people wanting t participate I will will jsut convert this to the Sign-Ups/OOC Thread. Anyway... if you have any questions on character creation etc... please either comment below or pm me directly so that I can work with you and help you out. Also, if anything is ahrd to read or understand the way it is worded etc... PLEASE tell me XD. I want to make sure everything is Crystal clear for folks and don't want them to have to muddle around. It would be greatly appreciated. Cause I am an idiot every now and again I need the extra help sometimes lol. Anyway, for now Hukuna Sensei out~ So until next time, *points at the camera* PLAY MORE ROLES!!!
  21. Dan's cool I guess... But really though, you do a metric ton of stuff for this place. I am pretty sure everyone apprecates the work you do, even if they don't see it all the time. You do so much for this community lol, Basically... you're an insane person. ((in a good way.)), with the amount of time etc, you put into this place. So, keep up the good work man... you do so much and just put in so much work. ((and there are losers like me who don't really do anything and nobody actually likes etc...))
  22. annnnnnnd we are going back to the Lal Mirch avvie... I spent to much time finding this to not use it so Imma freaking use it alright? Alright.

  23. Vixen stood with her back against the wall at the corner side of the door. She leaned up against it in that casual, way, not trying to look overly-threatening or anything. After all she would have to work with this people for awhile most likely. She played with her zippo lighter sparking it over and over again for no particular reason than to give her hands something to do. She straightened out her electric blue hair as the others approached. She only slightly cringed at the words "Lovely Lady." If this... Gavriil knew her... he wouldn't say those words. A flower could be pretty on the outside... but damaged elsewhere. "You wouldn't be saying that if you knew who I was." she said rather coldly. Like always her first course of action was to figure out what these people were like. Though... she always did it her way. She didn't like being close to people in any snese and she was going to amke sure every one knew that one way or another. Hopefully... she wouldn't have to pin cushion this one with needles of ice. "Anyway... we share a common target; That beast. And it isn't ordinary. It is very powerful... and something is... different about it. In all my years of hunting beasts..." Vixen nearly slipped and said and their hunters, referring to Protectors, but caught herself before doing so. She didn't figure they would be too fond of knowing she hunted their kind... even if it was just the corrupt ones. "...I have yet to see one quite like this." she continued without missing a beat. It would take skilled ears to have noticed her fumble. "I have been tracking it for awhile... but not certain if it has a discernible pattern to its route or where it goes other than it goes to areas with people."
  24. "Get up here then. And just for your information there was never any explosives up here in the first place, so it is perfectly safe. Besides... this charade is getting tiresome." Vixen said. THis one seemed much more frightened then the other voice from down below... he was probably a new recruit. She didn't have much to fear if they decided to turn on her.
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